Friday, November 16, 2012

Oh, How I Miss You

Dude, you know it! Today I'm participating in the Oh How I Miss You Blogfest, hosted by Alex, Matt, and Andrew.

This blogfest is all about the appreciation for the bloggers we love.

Do you have a couple blogger buddies who aren’t posting as often? Those who’ve pulled back and seem absent from the blogging world? Do you have blogger buddies you are grateful they are still around and would miss if they vanished? Now is your chance to show your appreciation and spotlight them!

For me, I haven't been reading as many blogs as I used to. Well, scratch that. I have been reading, but on my Kindle where I have a hard time commenting.

Today, we're supposed to honor those we've missed, and those we would miss should they stop blogging.

I Miss...
Lisa and Laura Roecker -- they are some of the funnest ladies in the world, and I love their books and their fashion commentary.

I Would Miss...
Peggy Eddleman -- she writes amazingly positive and upbeat blog posts, and her Facebook statuses are awesome. If she stopped blogging, I might die.

Erin Summerill -- not only is she a fabulous photographer, but she's just so dang funny! When I want to be funny, I study the works of Erin. No lie.

Miriam Forster -- and not only because I read her book, CITY OF A THOUSAND DOLLS, and now I stalk her... Well, okay, that's why. 

Beth Revis -- she is amazing and awesome and even listens to me rant sometimes. Plus, she's really smart. So I like reading her blog and feeling smart by osmosis.

Who would you miss if they stopped blogging? Who has taken a step back, and you miss them? Now's your chance to let them know!


  1. Now that explains why LiLa's posts haven't been showing up in my dashboard. I just figured theirs got swamped out with all the others I follow.

  2. I would miss YOU! Great examples of bloggers, btw.

  3. I know Erin! She takes awesome photos.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest.

  4. I agree. The Roecker sisters are awesome and so entertaining. For me, I'd miss your honest posts about life and writing. So real.

  5. There are so many bloggers that people would miss that I don't really know about. I wish I had all the time in the world so I could read all the blogs.

  6. Erin and Peggy are both awesome, fun, and really, really nice people. I'm sure the others are nice too, but I don't know them. Cool blogfest!

  7. We would miss you, of course. And agreed about Erin, I want to be funny like she is.

  8. Fabulous choices! I read Erin, Peggy, and Beth rather religiously but I'm going to have to jump over to Miriam's and check it out.

  9. Peggy is great. I'll have to check out some of the others you have listed.

  10. Terrific choices dude.

    I know I had to chose more than three! WAY too many awesome bloggers/writers.

  11. Good choices, good times. Sometimes I forget about PubCrawl. I need to put that on my sidebar or something.

  12. I love Peggy's blog too. I would miss her. And you gave me a few new ones to check out. Yay!

  13. *glomps you in a hug* DUDE I <3 YOU HARDCORE

  14. I would miss Peggy so much if she stopped blogging. And I do the same thing with Erin. She's too funny.

  15. I adore Peggy's blog! She comes with cookies!!

  16. Awww! Thanks for the shout-out, Elana! I love your guts.

  17. Those are some great people for sure!

  18. I'll have to read Peggy's blog. It sounds pretty good.

  19. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You can read blogs on a Kindle? You must mean a Fire.

    Dang, I don't know why I got so excited.

    I miss LiLa too! Almost as much as I miss LiLo, yo. But for serious, I'm thankful Twitter, email, and Facebook allows me to still mess with them from time to time.

  20. Peggy Eddleman is one of my top favorite bloggers!

  21. I adore Peggy's blog too! And like Nancy said, she comes with cookies - yum!!! :)

  22. Hi Elana .. sounds as though you've touched a few memories here for everyone .. and have some great suggestions for bloggers I don't know ..

    Cheers Hilary

  23. I saw your name on a lot of blogs today, Elana. That is very kewl.

  24. *stalks you back*



  25. Nice to meet you! These look like fab choices! I'm adding them to my list :D
    Thank you, nicely done~

  26. Unfortunately a lot of people I know have taken a step back, and I miss them all! I love this blogfest, what a great idea. I would miss you terribly if you ever stopped!

  27. Lots of good names mentioned in this post!

  28. I'm a follower of Peggy's. She has a great blog.

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  30. I bet if you kept accomplishing this able all the time, Abounding readers will be commemoration from your posts. Thanks!
