Thursday, June 6, 2013

Scavenger Hunts, Bookanistas, and Giveaways, Oh My!

The ebook has been in the Top 100
for days!
Thank you, thank you!
Okay, so today is Bookanista Thursday, and selfishly, I'm spotlighting my own book. The outpouring of enthusiasm and support for ABANDON has been mind-blowing for me. I'm hoping it's the ending readers will appreciate -- even if they don't necessarily like it. Ha!

There are a WHOLE SLEW of places the win either ABANDON, or the entire trilogy. They are:

Today's Scavenger Hunt links:
Book Loving Mom
The Book Monsters
Coffee, Books, and Me
Page Turners Blog
Swoony Boys Podcast

When you know the City of the Day, you can ENTER IT IN THIS FORM. You can enter daily, or keep track of all ten cities and enter them at the end.

And be sure to enter the daily swag prize package in the Rafflecopter below! I'm hoping to update it with a picture later today.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check out what the other Bookanistas are doing today!

Happy Summer Reading!


  1. Launchs are very exciting, especially for the final book of a trilogy--congratulations!

  2. I've followed your blog since Posession came out, very excited for book 3!

  3. This is just awesome sauce!!! I too remember that announcement into agent land. Then the announcement for publication. I remember gazing at Possession on the shelf in Barnes and Noble with teary eyes and my BFF asking what was wrong with me. I just remember saying something about inspirations and how dreams are so possible. You rock! Thanks for that inspiration, AND congrats on the latest book. Can't wait to read it!!!
