Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thank You!!

Okay, first, I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who tweeted, Facebooked, emailed, or came to my launch party. And to everyone who actually bought ABANDON -- or any of my books!


I don't know how else to say it.

I was not excited for yesterday. In fact, I've been dreading it for a long time, and not for the reasons you might be thinking. But I'm going to save all that for another day, or maybe not at all. Sometimes truths are too hard, you know?

But thank you. Because of your enthusiasm, I was able to find the joy in publishing and releasing a book yesterday. I want to squish you all into a great big group hug.


You can visit these blogs to find the City of the Day during the Possession series scavenger hunt!
Stacy Clafin, Author
The Bookish Babe
Jen Bigheart
Book Junkie
A Dream Within A Dream

When you know the City of the Day, you can ENTER IT IN THIS FORM. You can enter daily, or keep track of all ten cities and enter them at the end.

And be sure to enter the daily swag prize package in the Rafflecopter below! I'm hoping to update it with a picture later today.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For full details of the scavenger hunt -- and to catch up on yesterday's hunt if you didn't get to it -- GO HERE.

There are a TON of contests going on right now to win my books! Tomorrow I'll be pointing you in all the places you should be celebrating!!


  1. I so wish I could have come last night, but I'll be at your signing in Orem. I just wish my granddaughter could come to this one, too. She loved the chance to meet you last year.

    Congrats, Elana!

  2. Glad your book launch went well. I so wish I lived near you so I could go.

  3. Sounds like you had a great launch :) Congrats on the whole day!!

  4. The book is amazing! I couldn't put the book down! And cried at the ending D,,,: You're an amazing writer! Can't believe it's over. But patiently waiting for the next series you might write.

  5. I've enjoyed this series and can't wait until I get a chance to read Abandon. To reach the end will be both exciting and a bit sad.

    Congrats again on a job well done, Elana :-)

  6. Can't wait to read Abandon and I hope you had a blast last night! I will hopefully be in Utah in early August - so I can get SIGNED versions of books to add to my collection ;)

  7. Congrats again, Elana! I'm so excited for you. I'm actually planning my entire Saturday around a trip to Barnes and Noble (that's my version of a spa day) and I can't wait to pick up a copy of ABANDON. Hugs to you!

  8. You did such a wonderful job! I'm so glad I could come and support you. Alas, I could not buy books because I'm totally broke, but I will when I can! So, so, so happy you found joy in yesterday. I think a lot of people connected with what you had to say. :)

  9. I'm just going to keep doing the Snoopy dance for you!!! >_<

    And I can't wait to read this one, too!

  10. congrats, Elana!!! Wow! 3 books already, lady!

  11. Elana, if anyone deserves to feel happy and proud on pub day, it's you. Whatever is painful will pass, I have every faith. Because I genuinely can't think of anyone who is a better ambassador for ya lit. Rejoice, be proud, and know we love you!

  12. You have such an open, honest heart, Elana. I always admire that about you. All the best in your literary career...

  13. SO, SO happy for you! I hope your day was well BEYOND fantastic!!! :)
