Saturday, February 2, 2008


In a world where Thinkers control the population and The Rules are not meant to be broken, fifteen-year-old Vivian Schoenfeld does a spectacular job of shattering them to pieces.

Refusing to listen to The Tapes and walking in the park after dark with a boy land Vi in prison. The Good are usually separated from the Bad, but Vi finds herself sharing a cell with beautiful Bad boy, Jag Barque.

Because Jag and Vi are Free-Thinkers, they're banished to the Badlands, a place Vi has always feared, but secretly wants to go. Until she gets there. Secrets about her missing father and dead sister, combined with who—or what—she really is, lead her down a difficult road. Falling for Jag further complicates Vi's life as she faces her new role, one she's always despised—being In Control.

A dystopian science fiction novel for young adults, MIND POWER is complete at 89,000 words.


Anonymous said...


You have a really wonderful weblog. To come to be a productive individual the fundamental thing would be to have positive thinking.

Jonathon Arntson said...

Haha, I just clicked back to see the beginning. I have a feeling this one will go far.

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