Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tell the Truth Tuesday

First, dude, you guys! Did you see Beth Revis's amazing news?! No? Okay, skip my lame blog today and get over to hers! She sold her book -- or should I say bookSSSS!!

Truth: This is the most amazing news, like, ever!

Truth: Beth is amazing.

Truth: This was not going to be my post today. But my other post was uber-lame.

Truth: This post is about my, uh, unconventional email habits. Try not to fall asleep.

Truth: I email myself stuff. Links for my newsletter. Blog posts I need to come back to when the firewall at work isn't blocking them. Whatever.

Truth: I usually can't find those emails later.

Truth: So I created a folder for them.

Truth: I almost never come back to the blog posts with videos once I get home. Or anything else I've emailed, really.

Truth: I'm still emailing them to myself.

Truth: I'm a bit disappointed that sometimes the only email I have is from myself. It's not like, "Ooh! Email!" or anything. It's just lame. Because it's from my-freaking-self.

What's your truth today? I'd like some email that isn't from myself, please. *grins*


Jessica Bell said...

Hahahaha! Love it! Ok. I'm addicted to this blogging thing. I've just started one myself. And every morning I wake up all excited about whether anyone has left me a comment. I open my email, ok, I got ONE. But stupid me, thinks, ok, maybe the internet has stuffed up and there's more in there than I know about :) Yeah, right! GREAT NEWS RE BETH! AWESOME!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Okay, glad I get emails from other people. LOL!
My big truth is Book V of my series is out TODAY!
Time to freak.

kah said...

I've already posted this to like 5 other blogs since the announcement but I have to tell you too.

In NYC at the SCBWI Ben Schrank discussed Beth's Story to a bunch of us conference attendees. He didn't say her name or the title of the book but he described the opening scene and my writing partner grabbed me and whisper-shouted "That's Beth's story! That's Beth's story" with so much excitement you woulda thunk it was her own story.

Ben talked PASSIONATELY about his love for Beth's story and his belief in her etc. It gave me chills.

The major deal announcement is awesome but being able to meet Ben and hear his passion firsthand was one of my fav moments of the conference. :)

Happy Tuesday!

Unknown said...

My truth today is that I've been a huge, mushy ball of depression lately (waaaa), but reading funny blog posts like yours and hearing about amazing success stories like Beth Shrank's lifts my spirits.


Anonymous said...

My truth: I'm putting off revisions cuz I'm not sure what to do...yet.

My truth: Beth's news is super exciting and I'm glad I get to share in the celebration!

My truth: I e-mail things to myself all the time. And I don't get back to them later either. ;)

Kimberly Franklin said...

Lol... you're so funny.

Truth - I do all of those things you just listed. ; )

Unknown said...

Truth: I do the exact same thing and then never get to them! We can be lame together...

Janna Leadbetter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janna Leadbetter said...

You totally saved this post with its fun format. *wink*

Super congrats to Beth Revis!

Christine Fonseca said...

Let's see...tell the truth huh...It is HARD getting up when it is dark outside, I love getting email too...and yeah, even fb email is good email! Congrats to Beth and yeah, she IS amazing!

j.m. neeb said...

I also belong to the "e-mail myself, put it in a folder, never check the folder" camp!!

One of these days, though, I'm going to open it up and go through all those e-mails. One of these days...

Jemi Fraser said...

I don't often email to myself, but I do call home all the time to leave myself messages about stuff I know I'm going to forget. :)

Kerri Cuev said...

Ha ha that is hilarious Elana! Ok I have to go see what Beth's book is all about.

Good luck organizing the inbox lol.

Stina said...

I email myself stuff all the time so I feel loved. As a kid, I'd order lame free stuff just to get mail. Yes, I love emails. Most of the time.

j.m. neeb said...

As a thought...

I just went over to Beth's blog and was reminded of something that is so amazing about the writing community. I was the 88th person to leave a comment congratulating her on the great news. That got me thinking about how wonderful it is that all of us fellow writers become so excited to see another one of us succeed. In a lot of different social circles, there can be a fair amount of jealousy or "hater-ish" attitude. But ours isn't like that.

I think this might be because it takes a special kind of person to be a writer. I mean, we all have a greater sense of others (and the world around us) and are more likely to be feeling-based people (almost have to be to capture the right emotions on paper...).

Regardless, my love of writing also definitely includes the writing community, which offers so much positivity and support and genuine happiness for the success of others!

storyqueen said...

Truth-I think I'd rather get e-mails from myself than emails from strange addresses wanting to sell me medications from Canada....I mean, What the heck? Why do I get those things like thirty times a day???

Truth-I will be glad when today is over....sigh...


Krista said...

This is hilarious! Thanks for the morning laugh, I needed it. Congrats to Beth, too! That is awesome!!!
Truth... truth... okay... I am terrified my second book will be rejected. I know, I know, lame one. Everyone fears their book being rejected.
But the publisher loved the first one. Can I live up to that??? I came at it a totally different way! So, just a little off-kilter. I'll be finding out soon.
Also, if there are papers out anywhere, I have to make sure they are squared up to the edge of the table. Deck of cards, school papers, mail, phone messages. This does NOT apply to my own desk. It's a mess.
I'm going to read your post again and laugh some more. Thanks!

Karen Lange said...

Congrats to Beth!

Umm, I email myself stuff too. Most of the time I can locate it; occasionally I wonder why did I save this?? I also have a hotmail email storage account that I send a lot of stuff to. It's my if-the-flash-drive-fails-backup method. I should probably buy one of those external hard drives.
Happy week!

Kristie Cook said...

Truth: News like Beth's brings tears to my eyes (good tears!), shivers to my spine and butterflies to my stomach. I don't even know her but to see a debut author get a book deal makes me all excited. Yay for Beth!!

Katie Ganshert said...

I email myself too! What's even more pathetic, I leave messages on my cell phone for myself too! Like if I have a sudden story idea with nothing to write it down on, I call myself and leave a message. Sometimes I ask hubby to check my messages and he always gets a kick of me.

Jessica Bell said...

Katie, what a great idea! I might have to start doing that :) I'm always forgetting little ideas that go through my mind when I'm not at home.

Suzette Saxton said...

Yay Beth!

Truth: I have 250 emails in my inbox still to process, and none of them are from me. But I like the idea of emailing stuff to myself!

About Me said...

Truth: I email myself articles all the time to talk about on my blog, but never actually getting around to opening those e-mails. I end up deleting them after awhile.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

My truth is easy: Love the writing community! You guys are all amazing. And Elana, thanks for giving us another place yet to vent, gather, and share. ";-)

Corey Schwartz said...

Elana, you are hilarious! I posted my truth yesterday! I am a big ole scaredy-cat!

Unknown said...

I do the same thing. And even when the Inbox # blips up AND I KNOW IT'S FROM ME, I still get a little excited and look to see if I might--just might--have gotten an e-mail from someone else in that exact same moment.

And woo to the hoo for Beth. I almost choked on the cookie I was eating when I read her post. I can't wait to read it!!!

Christina Lee said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do the same damn thing. It's so I don't forget stuff!

Kelly Polark said...

I email myself too! Sometimes I cut and paste things from blogs that I learn and email them, because otherwise I'd forget the blog post the tip was on.
Next time you email yourself, make sure you write, "Elana, you are AWESOME!" :)
My truth is I'm so tired I napped on the couch this morning for a half hour after 2/3 kids went to school while my youngest watched cartoons :)

Slamdunk said...

Ok, I email myself as well.

To be original though, sometimes I wear the same clothes two days in a row. Being a guy, working from home, I still shower every day, the little kids have me up at all hours of the night... ok, maybe I am just trying to convince myself that it is ok.

Stephanie Thornton said...

Yay for Beth! That's soooooo exciting!

I email myself too. And then I get all excited to see that I have (1) in my inbox. And then I click on it and remember it's from me.


Shannon O'Donnell said...

Oh, Elana, what did I do before I had you to brighten my mornings?! Your sense of humor is the best! I'm like you, except I bookmark like a maniac, and then hardly ever go back to whatever it was I thought was so spectacular that I couldn't bear to lose it. :-)

Abby Annis said...

When I was working, I always emailed stuff to myself and like you, didn't end up looking at most of it ever again. Glad I'm not the only crazy one. ;)

Unknown said...

The truth: I'm ridicuously jealous of this Beth. (come on, I can't be the only one!) However, I'm also extremely happy for her, even though I don't know her. I imagine she's had to hang onto this secret for awhile now and hasn't been able to tell anyone until it was official. That must have been so hard! lol.

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

My truth? I'm an obsessive email checker. I always hope for something new, but there rarely is.

Oh, and I love eating cheerios with banana slices in it. ;)

Crystal Cook said...

I feel the same way :) sometimes I'll email something I've been working on to myself, so I have an extra copy and whenever I open my email and see just my own name looking back at me, *sigh* bummer. So here's some email that's not from you :) Enjoy!

Casey Something said...

I email myself stuff too!!

I'm SOOO excited for Beth. What an amazing deal. She's going to be huge!

Lisa Nowak said...

My truth is that I save my old emails and cut and paste them into monthly Word documents because I'm too lazy to keep a journal. I figure if I'm going to email one of my friends with all the exciting stuff that's going on in my life, there's no sense in typing it up twice. It makes total sense, yet when I describe it it sounds really lame. Like, "oh, my emails are so important they need to be archived." :)

VR Barkowski said...

Sometimes I email stuff to myself, but usually I just drag websites to my bookmark bar (I use a MAC). When the bookmark bar gets full, I must either look at the site or delete it. Usually it's delete, but at least I'm forced to consider. Can't just ignore it like I do with emails.

Dolly said...

LOL, I have the same deal with my emails. I email myself stuff, then forget to consolidate it all or save it somewhere better, and end up looking for same info again or never.

Kathryn Hupp-Harris said...

Sending yourself e-mails is not lame.

Sending a query letter to yourself, and answering it with a request for more material...that would be lame.


(BTW: I've never done that.)

Arlee Bird said...

I'm gonna join the crowd. I find it helpful to email certain things to myself so I don't forget them. My problem is getting back to those emails and doing something with them. With over 800 emails spanning a few years now it's starting to get overwhelming. Time for a spring cleaning of my mailbox.

Unknown said...

I saw Beth's news last night and it's SO exciting! Elana, I know you'll be writing a post like that someday soon!

My email issue is that I've created so many folders to keep track of things that I sometimes forget which folder I put them in. I email myself all the time -- I've also been known to leave messages for myself on our voicemail. My husband thinks that is way lame. :)

Anonymous said...

My truth today is that I talk about writing more than I write.

bookaholic said...

Ha Ha! Fun post!

Natalie Aguirre said...

My truth: Often when I'm stuck in my writing I use checking blogs, etc as an excuse not to squeeze more time into writing.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I rescheduled my oldest daughter's dentist appointment, saying it was because the baby is sick (she is...umm...a little anyway). Really though, I just didn't feel like getting out of my pajamas today...

I email myself too.

Krispy said...

I used to bookmark sites to come back to later, but I usually don't check again and now my bookmarks are a mess. I've started emailing myself, but to avoid clogging up my inbox, I've saved Drafts full of links and randomness. I've check back on a few...

Truth: Yesterday, when I unexpectedly found a big chunk of time for writing, I watched Law & Order instead. :P

Scott said...

OMG - I email myself and have folders as well! Oh, no, another thing in common with Elana. Oh, wait, that's not a bad thing!! Ha!

Okay, I don't always get back to the things I email myself, but I do at times.

I'm also big about email scenes I've worked on during lunch, and I do immediately incorporate them into the bigger project each evening. Ha!


Cindy Beck, author said...

Funny blog. Thanks for the smile. I mail stuff to myself, too, but overlook putting a note as to why I mailed it, so can't remember what it's all about. :)

Ryan S. Kinsgrove said...

I email myself too, but its normally just for back-ups or to print stuff off if I'm too lazy to get my flash drive.

My truth for the day, is that I procrastinate when it comes to writing blog posts. Not my actual writing. Just blog posts. I seriously haven't written one in almost three weeks. I should do that :(

Patti said...

I email myself little reminders from work all the time. Glad to see I"m not alone.

Unknown said...

I also email myself stuff (links and all). My other truth is that I left an assignment to the last minute and now am panicking over getting it done (and still, I'm reading blogs).

Melissa Hurst said...

My truth: Last night when I heard about Beth's fabulous news, I went over to my critique group's yahoo account and posted the news. Not only was I was super excited for her, I was also excited for us because my current WIP and three of my CP's have stories that are YA sci/fi. Then I had an "oh no" moment because I realized that agents and editors may possibly be flooded with YA sci/fi manuscripts now.

Liza said...

Truth? I email myself reminders all the time.

Shelley Sly said...

Truth: I wrote you a comment, and then my internet connection decided to fail, so I don't think my last comment posted. And it was way cooler than this comment. Not that I even remember what it was by now.

Carolyn V. said...

SWEET! I'm so excited for her!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

LOL Elana, I do the exact. same. thing. hahaha I'm cracking up right now--and SO happy I'm not alone in the weird email habits world =)

Mary Aalgaard said...

I bookmark and put things into favorites, and promptly forget all about them. It's like my paperwork, it gets lost in the piles.

Your Favorite Neighbour said...

Ha ha I email myself too :P Then I get all excited cuz someone cared enough to email me... or not ^_^

Jennie Englund said...

My hard (but shallow) truth:

I need a serious hair appointment.

Unknown said...

My truths:

Sometimes teaching sucks.

I'm having a bad day.

I am SEETHING at Chris Christie.

I wish it were summer.

I wish my 2 yr old would pull up her own darn blanket when it falls an inch below acceptable pull-up-height while she is sleeping, causing her to wail incessantly.

I also email myself. :)

Busy Lizzy said...

I totally email myself. Amazing stuff about Beth Revis. My truth? I am super jealous.

Amanda Borenstadt said...

I email myself stuff. I also keep a punch of websites in an email Draft because my website Favorites is so huge that I can't find anything in it.

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

Truth: I have a flashdrive that I picked up to bring things to the library. I don't use it. I just email things to myself instead. You're not alone.

Nichole Giles said...

I email myself documents that are backed up on two computers and flash drives as well. Call me paranoid.

But if you're feeling lonely, I'll email you!


GunDiva said...

TRUTH: I'm way behind on my blog reading and just getting around to this.

TRUTH: I've started keeping notes of things that might be interesting to blog about in my phone.

TRUTH: I really don't want to go to work today because I'm having too much fun getting caught up on your blog!

GunDiva said...

TRUTH: I'm way behind on my blog reading and just getting around to this.

TRUTH: I've started keeping notes of things that might be interesting to blog about in my phone.

TRUTH: I really don't want to go to work today because I'm having too much fun getting caught up on your blog!

Jamie Smith Hopkins said...

Oh gosh, I do the exact same thing -- emailing myself things to read later, to-do reminders, etc. Nine out of 10 emails to me are from me. :-)

See Elana's recent blog posts

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