Monday, June 7, 2010

Snack It Up

It's one-liner week here at ye olde blog. Frankly, it's all the energy I can muster at this moment in time. I hope you stick around until next week when (dare I say it?) you'll get to see me LIVE. (Oh, contain the tremors already. Freak!)

Today's one liner: When writing, it's best to have an entire bag of pretzel M&M's nearby.

What do you have nearby whilst writing?


Melanie Hooyenga said...

PRETZEL M&Ms? Oh... I'm in trouble...

Anonymous said...

When writing, it's best to have a mountain of chocolate chips close by.

Unknown said...

I have my car keys nearby so I can duck out to Starbucks for a Which Chocolate Mocha...

Any big block of chocolate also soothes the spot when writing.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Um, chocolate, definitely, and a tall glass of soda (admittedly, sometimes spiked with a bit of malibu rum. :D)
Other than that? My faithful stuffed animal wolf buddy Samuel. He always helps!

Jessica Bell said...

LOL. What are pretzel M&Ms? Never heard of such things. Salt and chocolate together? Seriously? Um, what I would LOVE to have by me while writing is licorice, but I can't get it here in Greece. BOO-HOO! So I nibble of fruit ... I suppose that's so much better for me, but still ...

Aubrie said...

Jelly beans and chocolate! Sometimes a great cup of coffee.

Matthew MacNish said...

Never heard of pretzel M&Ms but they sure sound good. Too bad my teeth are too sensitive for sweets.

JE said...

A tall glass of ice tea (caffine) and jolly ranchers (or gum) I have strong urge to chomp whilst writing.


Jennifer Shirk said...

Coffee in the morning. Tootsie Pops or hard candy to suck on helps me too.

Christine Fonseca said...

I can't wait to see you live!!!

Christine Fonseca said...

I can't wait to see you live!!!

Heather Kelly said...

A child. When writing, I always have a child nearby. (I'm sure that is not best for my writing...) And when I'm with my children, I always have a manuscript nearby.

Heather Kelly said...

Okay, it was too early for me to realize that the theme was snacking. That makes my above comment weird. Oh, well! Happy Monday!

Unknown said...

I've never heard of pretzel M&Ms! Adding them to my grocery list now.


Unknown said...

Haha... delish! When writing I find that sometimes a glass of wine helps the words fall over the pages... :)

Anne Gallagher said...

One can of Coke and whatever snacks I can find. Doesn't matter what.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Hotheads and coffee, not necessarily together.

Liza said...

...a cup of least first thing. Other than that, it's a dictionary...because I try not to eat when I'm writing. The is too much waistline as it is...

Renae said...

Starbucks...whenever I can get my hands on it! And those pretzel M & M's are fabulous!

Amie McCracken said...

Ew, pretzel m&ms? I'll have to get some for my hubby.

Tea, always have tea sitting nearby.

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Like Amie above, I have tea. Tea with one too many tbsps. of sugar.
~ Wendy

Holly Hill said...

Coffee for me. Or maybe Oreos if I'm feeling dangerous. :)

Candyland said...

Coffee, cham tea, graham crackers gum...

L. E. Neighbour said...

I wish I could always have chocolate nearby, but it's a lil distracting :twitch: o_O
but I always have to have music or earplugs nearby... and a pen and paper (even if I'm writing on the puter :P )

Stina said...

Diet Coke. That's all I need. :)

Okay, chocolate would be nice, but I save that for when I need an excuse to get up and move.

Caroline Starr Rose said...

A big fat mug of decaf.

Didn't even know pretzel M&Ms existed!!

Brenda St John Brown said...

I didn't even KNOW there was such a thing as pretze M&M's. Perhaps that's best. I do tend to eat pretzels while I'm writing at night, sometimes with chocolate on the side. How wonderful if they were together.

Kerri Cuev said...

Coffee and ANYTHING chocolate!!! Woa, gotta look for those m&m's.

Tiffany Neal said...

Coffee, chocolate...well, food of any sort actually.

Sara B. Larson said...

I don't usually have too many snacks with me. Weird, I know! The m&m's I like the best are the green premium mint ones. Yum, yum!!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

A miniature fan, a can of ice cold Pepsi, and peanut M&M's. Oh, yeah. :-)

Unknown said...

I can't mix sweet and salty, so it'd have to be straight-up chocolate - and a Coke Zero. :)

Jaydee Morgan said...

One thing needed and one thing only - coffee!!

Lindsay Smith said...

A cup of steaming tea on my left, and a sheltie attempting to crawl into my lap on my right. I didn't REALLY need my right hand to type with anyway.

larainydays said...

Sometimes I like to have my brain nearby, but it's optional.

Erica Mitchell said...

*giggles @ Laraine*
I always need something to drink nearby I'm constantly thirsty for whatever reason. My phone is always next to me and the remote to flip through my playlist of music. Generally I'm not a snacker but pretzels and M&Ms sounds pretty fantastic :)

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

A soy latte:-)

Janet Johnson said...

Wow, pretzel m&m's. Interesting.

I try not to eat while I write because I get more done. Am I a freak or what?

Anonymous said...

Never had Pretzel M&Ms. But boy do I LOVE LOVE LOVE having a bag of malted milk balls nearby when I'm writing. Yep. Sprouts has THE BEST ones.

Oh, and I can't forget the massive cup of Dt. Pepsi.

Yeah, I know Dt. Pepsi while eating all the calories in the malted milk balls....Oh well. I just love how Dt. Pepsi tastes. :-)

Great post!

Tahereh said...

definitely a cup of tea or coffee.

i don't know why -- it just makes me feel better.




Corey Schwartz said...

Starbucks coffee fraps. Buy them by the case!

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Ooh, I love the one-liner blog post. Might have to crib the idea for my own!! And I have to have a cup of hot, steaming SOMETHING next to me - it's a security blanket when the doubt-hounds come a-nipping. :D

Laura S. said...

PRETZEL M&MS!!! I did not know about these. *hurries to the store to buy several*

Shannon Messenger said...

Hehe next week is going to be EPIC. :)

And actually, I can't snack when I write. In fact, I usually forget to eat because I'll get so lost in what I'm doing. But I always have a Pepsi nearby. I can't have coffee (if you've ever had an ulcer you'd know why) so it's my main source of caffeine.

Happy Monday!

Heather said...

Actually I've just discovered the wonder that is pretzel M&M's. Alas they are not next to me as I write, usually I only have a cup of tea or coffee. That way I HAVE to get up every hour or so!

JEM said...

Why did I not know that Pretzel M&M's existed? Must...make a the grocery store...NOW.

Patti said...

Pretzel M&Ms?

When writing, it's good to not have children close by.

Tana said...

Pretzel M&M's? My two loves unite. This is almost as good as Marc Cohen singing with James Taylor. *sigh*

Sherrie Petersen said...

Water. My mouth is always dry. I actually forget to eat when I'm writing. If I'm looking for food, that means the writing isn't going so well :)

Unknown said...

I've never seen those before, but they look strangely similar to the discontinued Crunchy M&Ms that they used to make. Will have to find some, because I *loved* those crunchy M&Ms.

I always have tea, no matter what, but I also have to have background noise or I can't concentrate so there's usually a movie or some music playing constantly. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

A bottle of water, which will hopefully quench any desire for said M&Ms.

Unknown said...

how, HOW, did I not know about PRETZEL M&Ms until now?!?!?!


I need to have coffee. Mmm coffee. And now, pretzel M&Ms.

Krispy said...

I try not to have anything nearby or I'll end up snacking more than writing! Definitely not as bad as when I'm studying though; I get major munchies then and I'm not even hungry! I just like munching on something.

Pretzel M&Ms sound intriguing, but my favorites are still the Crispy ones, but I don't think they make them anymore! Especially if the orange Crispy M&M is now parading around as the orange Pretzel M&M! :(

Karen Lange said...

Seriously, there's pretzel M & M's? I was not aware of this. Might have been better if I didn't know. Oh well. I keep water handy and when snack time rolls around, I like Cheese-its and iced tea. May have to rethink that with this new revelation.

Melissa said...

I have nothing by me when I write. I get way too lost in the story to eat or drink anything. I forget about sleep....and pretty much everything else. If my mom didn't forcibly pry me away from the screen to eat, I would probably starve....without noticing it.

Unknown said...

A glass of water. Anything else and I start using the distraction of food to distract me from actually writing --not that I don't love the actual writing but there are those blank moments when I just don't know what to put down and any distraction will do.

MBW aka Olleymae said...

I have to admit that I've never heard of pretzel m&ms. Where have I been????

Also, a hot cup of tea is always by my side (usually it gets lukewarm) as I write :)

Angie said...

Mmmmm. That sounds good. I usually have sunflower seeds and/or hot cocoa. But it's summer now, so probably no more cocoa for a while. :)

Danyelle L. said...

My characters. :p I'm not coordinated enough to eat and write at the same time. >.<

Taffy said...

Bottle of water, pretzels, chocolate, licorice (in case of whatever mood strikes).

Suzie F. said...

coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, candy anytime (preferably chocolate, sour patch kids or swedish fish)

Lindsay said...

Hmm. They sound yummy.
My snack depend on the mood I'm in. Sometimes it's chocolate, fruit or nothing. But always a drink of tea or soda. :)

Talli Roland said...

I must have my Aloe Vera Lip Balm. I cannot write without it!

Melissa Hurst said...

Wow, I haven't seen those in the stores yet! *Must remember to look for them on the next trip to Wally-world*

I must have chocolate nearby. I'm not picky - ice cream, cookies, candy bars, cupcakes or whatever. And Dr Pepper. Can't forget that!

Lisa_Gibson said...

I love these simply awesome little Chipotle Cheddar Crackers. Yum! Oh and the occasional Diet Dr. Pepper.

Kelly Polark said...

Oh, man, I am not letting my kids near Heather Kelly. ;)
A glass of water and I reward myself with chocolate after I write!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Pretzel M&Ms. When did they come out? Great, something more to tempt me. I usually have a glass of water or a cup of coffee. If I really need to snack, licorice, Jr. mints, or snack mix.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Pretzel M&Ms. When did they come out? Great, something more to tempt me. I usually have a glass of water or a cup of coffee. If I really need to snack, licorice, Jr. mints, or snack mix.

PJ Hoover said...

I never knew they existed!!!!!
Coffee. Food actually distracts me. I can only really concentrate once it is done.

Nichole Giles said...

Dude! I've never even seen those before now. I'm so going on a hunt for them.

This week, my snack of choice has been a variety of black licorice candies. Or chocolate Twizzlers, depending on the moment.

Southpaw said...

Ugh! You did this to me one before when you talked about peanut butter cups. Now I need to get some pretzel M&M's.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Pretzel M&Ms????? Where have I been??

Anonymous said...

Pink post-its. But M&M's would look way better.

Alleged Author said...

Potato chips and mayonnaise! Don't ask...

Angela McCallister said...

OMG, if I didn't have my iPod fully charged, on and playing, I'd probably collapse into some crazy fit of withdrawal. I could go a day without eating, maybe even without sleeping, but no music??? I just can't do it.

Jonathon Arntson said...

A glass of wine or beer.

Unknown said...

Pretzel M&Ms. I want to try them. I like a scone and tea from my neighborhood coffee shop.

Annette Lyon said...

I didn't know pretzel M&Ms existed. That is dangerous knowledge.

Currently, I have the silver bag of jumbo Guittard milk chocolate chips within reach.

Madeleine said...

When writng, it's best to have Pepsi nearby. When I grow up and can afford them (hey, I'm fourteen!), I'm going to reward word counts with Redvines. ( :

Krista said...

My son and I just discovered these on our road trip last week! The clerk at the Maverick was chuckling at out freaking-outishness. Holy salty-sweetness, Batman.

Carolyn V. said...

A bag of Chocolate chips. Sad, but true. I love the chocolate.

I've never had pretzel m&ms. Yum! =)

Unknown said...

GUMMI BEARS! Can't go without. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh mee gosh...I guess I'll have to be comment #93. :)

Wanted to first say HI and that I added you on my google reader.

What an amazing blog you have here! Majorly impressed and taking notes. :D

And as for what I have (often) nearby: chocolates, spicy peanuts, or a montessori toddler size cup of caffeinated coffee (just enough to keep me going).


Sharon K. Mayhew said...

coffee and the dog...I drink the coffee and need to take the dog out for writing breaks...well, the dog just needs to you know...I need the breaks. (wink)

Little Ms J said...

Pretzel M&M's? Where the hell have I been? Going to grocery... stat.

Susan Fields said...

Coffee and kleenex - it's allergy season. :(

Susan Fields said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shelli (srjohannes) said...


Stephanie said...

Wow..I need to get my hands on some of these!!!!!

Have you had the pb&j ones?? Soo tasty!! I think they've been discontinued though.

Valerie Ipson said...

I've had the Pretzel M&M's--they were good, but it seemed like you got way less in a package for the same price. That was disappointing. Aren't pretzels cheap?

Unknown said...

This is so awesome, E! And did you know Lindsay Eland is one of my main peeps??? She's in my crit group The Cudas! We've been crit partners for five years!!! Elana--you never cease to amaze me. You are a superstar.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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