Friday, July 30, 2010

Why Blog?

Why do you blog? I've been reading some anti-blogging posts as of late (not sure why, maybe they're just on my radar?), and it's made me think about why I blog. I know some of you don't blog, some of you are thinking about blogging soon, some of you blog and wish you could do better, and some of you are old pros.

But I think a good self-talk is a good idea for everyone, every now and then. So today ask yourself: Why do I blog?

I blog because:

1. I love the blogging community. I've found crit partners, amazing friends, and outstanding connections through my blogging endeavors. (And hey! Remember my first fanboy?? Well, I've got a fangirl interview up with Magan Vernon. Go read it -- and then follow her!)

2. Every author needs to use social media to promote their book, but I find authors who only blog about their books, their release dates, their whatever whatever, to be annoying. I don't want to be that blogger. Of course I'm going to talk about my book here. And I'll post my cover, and my release date, and all that jazz. But it will never be the ONLY thing I do. Bloggers who do that come across as disingenuous to me.

So I've started early, so that you all know that I'm here for you as much as I'm here for my book.

Why do you blog? Why don't you?


Jessica Bell said...

I orginally started blogging so that I could get my 'voice' out there in the writing community. But now that I've gotten the hang of it, I mainly blog because I want to entertain the AWESOME friends I've made. I love the interaction. Without it, there seems there would be no point.

Emily White said...

I blog to meet people. I have made such amazing friends since I started my blog a little over a year ago.

I also just really like writing wherever I can and whenever I can. Having my own blog where I can talk about whatever I want is wonderful!

Ted Cross said...

I blog for a number of reasons, but the main one is a silly dream that by blogging, the people out there who would love the type of stories I write might discover me. It doesn't really work that way, sadly, as it seems only other struggling writers are making the rounds, rather than readers, but I can still dream. I guess I also hope that a good agent might latch onto me somehow through my web presence.

JE said...

I started to blog because I wanted to share my journey in the quest for publishing. I enjoy telling people about what I've done right, what I've done wrong, in hopes that someone will learn from all my mistakes.

I wanted to meet fellow writers and connect with people who have that common interest.

I wanted to have some sort of web presence in case I ever do get published.

And I wanted to socialize!!! ;-)

And I don't ever want to be the book pimp who only talks about promoting their book. That's boring! And alittle annoying!

So, I've got a little of this...a little of that. Hopefully my blog is both useful and entertaining ;-)


Jonathon Arntson said...

I blog because I am a newbie to the writing world and I had no idea what I was getting myself into earlier this year. Without my blog, I'd still be a stray writer, but so many people have taken me in and fed me and given me the tools to start making in on my own.

Matthew MacNish said...

You pretty much said it Elana! I blog because of all of you. I mean I started for me, just to try to get some catharsis for all my frustration about querying and trying to get published, but then I met hundreds of wonderful people like you and now I ... Can't. Stop. Blogging!

Today's guest blogger is Rose Cooper!

Theresa Milstein said...

My last post tackles blog do's and don'ts.

I began my blog to vent about substitute teaching. Let's face it, the job is a story-generator. But I'm also a writer so I wanted to find other writers. I wasn't prepared for the resources and support I'd find. I've made great friends through blogging.

I just have to keep a balance so it doesn't take over my writing time.

Have a great weekend.

Erinn said...

I blog because I get SUPER cranky if I don't write. I like the community and know other people out there are going through the same thing I am, writing wise.

Jessica Nelson said...

Anti-bloggging? I didn't know there could be such a thing. *wink*

I blog for web presence but the community and friends I've made through blogging is something I never expected and such a huge part of things now. :-)

Wendy Paine Miller said...

I don't blog every day b/c of time. I do blog to connect, to keep in practice especially if I'm editing and not writing as much as I'd like, to build a platform...etc.

I have a post all about this on my sidebar called Dissecting the Blog. Hope it's still there. I know you'll go and read every reason carefully. ;)

~ Wendy

Unknown said...

I blog to get out and meet people and get out there in the writing community. There are definitely a lot of interesting people you meet through reading and writing of blogs.

Unknown said...

Blogging brings me back to life, it allows me to talk to people who are just like me, people who understand my crazy antics and love me for them!!!

Critique partners, beta readers, query help and more. Without blogging I wouldn't have known what any of these things meant, the blogging world opens my eyes up to what part is next. Writing seemed easy at first, you write a book and your down but this support team carefully explained I was loony to think that was it!!!

Happy Friday Elana!!! You great blogging skills are no match for me :)

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you, Elana. Love the community. I have so much fun blogging and interacting with people like that. I, too, have found great friends this way.

Part of it is because of my writing as well. Mostly about sharing the journey with others, hoping to encourage them if they are also on the journey to publication.

Great post. Happy Friday!!!

Candyland said...

I started for an outlet. Like practice writing. But now I do it to talk to my friends.

Kathryn Hupp-Harris said...

I like the community. It also helps develop voice, and it can be a great outlet for feelings as long as you're not pressuring yourself to write something ALL.THE.TIME.

Kelly Bryson said...

I blog because I like to hear myself talk;)

I love knowing other writers, that I'm not the only one who is juggling the family and husband and writing until my eyes bleed. I blog because blogging is how we get to know each other.

Regina said...

Oh. Pick me pick me...I know this one. lol I blog because I enjoy being able to connect to people in other cities, states, continents that I would otherwise not know existed if it weren't for this brilliant little machine. (pats laptop)

I agree. I have found excellent friends, crit partners and new authors, aspiring authors (such as myself) and just really great people in general that have great things to say.

This is a platform that we use to reach out to others and make new friends and stay connected to old ones. It is great.

PJ Hoover said...

By far, the community has been the best thing about blogging. It's like I have a bunch of people out there with similar interests and experiences.

Southpaw said...

What in the world is an anti-blogging blog post? It seems just so weird. Originally, I started blogging to create a web presence, to get my name, voice, etc. out there while I wrote away on my own. But not like your #1 I’ve found it a great way to connect with like minded people. It’s fun. I tried writing forums but the connection isn’t there and people tend to be standoffish on forums (and mean).

Scott said...

I think I blog, mostly, as a way to talk about what I do - write - with people who understand. Non-writers don't have a clue and, no matter how hard I try, I can't make them understand.

By blogging I'm able to release my frustrations and know, absolutely know, that there are people out there who understand completely.

Liza said...

I blog to practice my writing. Knowing there are people out there who will read my posts helps me take the time to think as creatively as I can and to edit myself carefully before pressing "publish." I hope in this regard to entertain my readers, while enhancing my own skill.

Judith Mercado said...

It started as a way of creating platform. It's turned into an opportunity to be part of an amazing community of writers,agents,and publishers which continues to teach me so much. What keeps me blogging, though, is that I have discovered a medium in which I can express myself without the filter of commercial viability. The publishing decision, and all its ramifications, is entirely mine. Wow, what a privilege.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Surely the connection with other writers. I began blogging as a forceful way to 'get myself out there', so to speak. I needed to branch out, meet other writers, and hopefully learn from them. And I have. It's been amazing. I'm slowly--reiterating slowly--gaining confidence. The friendships are amazing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

For both of those reasons. My publisher told me to get my butt online, which I did, but it's the connections with others who've made it fun. Somehow I managed to attract the most eclectic group of bloggers as well, but I've learned from all of them.

Tom M Franklin said...

i've written a personal blog for close to a decade. when i started reading various books/articles about Building a Platform as a writer, i thought about using that blog as a Platform. it seemed natural enough -- i have about 60 people who have been following me for a long time... but that just didn't feel right for me.

some authors balance a personal blog with a writing blog (see: but i decided i wanted a separate blog where i'd write only about writing.

that having been said, i know myself enough to know that (a) i'd be cross-posting some entries [i already have] and (b) my writing style was going to mean i'd be incorporating my personal life into any entries on writing.

when i get rejections, i'll likely post them in both places. i'll do the same if/when i get signed by an agent and get a book deal. however, i'll keep the more writerly aspects of my blogging life in a separate place. that just works for me.


Gabriela Pereira said...

Great post, Elana.

I blog for mainly the same reasons that you said, especially the community part. Also, I like coming up with new blogging projects so I guess you could say that I blog because it's fun.

Meredith said...

I started blogging not quite sure what to expect, but I've grown to love it! It's so much fun interacting with other writers and readers, and I've tried to make my blog as happy and optimistic a place as possible, so it keeps me thinking positive.

Happy Friday!

Vicki Rocho said...

I blog because my fellow bloggers are a warm, funny, smart-as-hell bunch to hang around.

I also blog because it gives me a creative outlet that's more casual and less demanding than book-writing.

Jan Cline said...

I tend to not read blogs that is all about the author and their book. I like sharing knowledge and encouragement in our sphere of influence. My blog has actually been a source of frustration only because of technical difficulties. Ive had to ask everyone who started following me more than 5 months ago to un-follow and then re-follow me! Otherwise I like blogging and meeting people like you and other great writers.

Paul Greci said...

I blog for a few reasons.
1. To meet other writers.
2. To explore and discuss writing and publishing.
3. To help me feel more connected to a community of creative people. The act of writing is mostly solitary but being a writer is not.
Thanks, Elana!

Shallee said...

I blog because I love it! I love sharing my thoughts on writing and life, and I love meeting awesome people through their blogs. Yes, I'm doing it for the whole "get your name out there" aspect too, but if that was the only reason I did it, I'd have quit ages ago.

Thanks for sharing, as always, Elana!

Kelly Polark said...

I started the blog because I noticed many writers doing so and thought I'd jump in. I have found such a strong, supportive writing community through the blogs and that is the reason I continue. IT's great to feel connected with others that do what you do. I hope one day to be able to shout a book deal from the rooftops of my blog, but like you said, that's not all my blog is/will be about!

Carol Kilgore said...

I blog because I enjoy having blogging friends ... like you :)

Rachael said...

I started because of the infamous excuse "everyone was doing it." Now I'm still blogging because I love it. I love sharing writing advice, connecting with other writers, and being a part of this amazing community. I've thought recently about stopping but I can't figure out a reason why I should and I don't think I could if I tried.

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

I started blogging because I wanted to review for Booksneeze, but then once I realized it gave me a place to park all my extra words (that my husband just zones out over) I was like a 16 year old with the car keys - can't stop me now!

I can't believe how it turned into a whole "community" now, I love bloggers!

Lisa_Gibson said...

I actually started my blog to give myself something to do until NaNo started. From there it has morphed into it's own little thing. I love reviewing the books I read on my blog and connecting with others (like you) in the lovely blogosphere. I've met some really fantabulous people here.

Jemi Fraser said...

I blog because it's such a great way to get to know other writers - to learn, to share, to celebrate. It's FUN!

storyqueen said...

Honestly, I don't know why I like it so much.

I just do.

I think it somehow addresses the fact that for most of us, writing is a very solitary act. It can be quite lonely sometimes. But, after a day in the trenches of my own personal writing battelfield, I can go to my blog and know there are others there, fighting the same fight. Others who understand.


ali cross said...

I blog first because it's a form of self expression that I can't find elsewhere. I like knowing that I can share my thoughts or feelings on a subject and a few people will let me know that I'm not alone.

I also blog because I've come to truly care about the people I regularly visit with in the blogosphere. If I stay away, I miss that lovely give and take, like a conversation, that I have with these amazing people.

And I blog because one day I hope readers of my books will want to get to know me. They'll come to my blog and read what I've written and they'll know I'm just like them--a person with feelings and fears, hope and happiness. And we'll be friends. ♥

Tere Kirkland said...

WHO is anti-blogging? Lemme at 'em...!

If not for my blog, I don't think I'd be the writer I am today. It's helped me make connections, and meet betas. The simple process of putting together a blog post at least once a week helps me to hone my voice, which is an important part of author branding, and, according to some, the real reason you should have a blog anyway, to establish an internet presence.

(Guilty-pleasure alert: I also read fashion blogs, but don't host my own. Sometimes I need a little break from all the writing posts lined up in my Google-reader and the fashion posts help get my brain moving creatively in another direction.)

The most important part of blogging to me is that I've got a lot of regular readers who keep me motivated. If I have good news, I share it on my blog. If I need advice, I shamelessly solicit it. And I usually get it.

Great post!

Krispy said...

Blogs are just fun! Plus, it's helping me keep to a schedule and practice writing for an audience (even if it's still me being silly). And of course, like everyone's already said, the community is super sweet and fun to hang around in.

Robert Guthrie said...

Community... Like we're all friends at a conference or in a writing program.

Marsha Sigman said...

There are so many reasons!
It's like a mini writing session and great practice for finding your true writing voice.

I like to entertain anyone reading, and I love sharing my sometimes skewered point of view.

I really enjoy conversing with other writers because who else knows what we are going on though?

Angie said...

Like you, I like the community. And I must confess, I like the attention. But I do have moments where I think it's a big waste of time and I should just quit. I won't though. :)

Dawn Ius said...

I resisted blogging for SO long because I couldn't figure out what I might have to say that would be of interest to anyone but me - and my Dad. But, like you, I've been welcomed by an amazing community of talented writers and avid readers. And on those days when I'm not meeting my word count, it gives me relief to know I've written SOMETHING.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I blog for the amazing social ties and friendships that come with it. I started as a way of testing the waters, getting my writing voice out there, but that's not why I do it anymore. Whether my book ever finds an agent or not, I can be one helluva cheerleader for everyone else! I love you guys. :-)

Beth Morey said...

I blog because:
1. It's fun.
2. Like you, I love the community aspect of it.
3. It's my own little soapbox.
4. It's therapeutic. My blogging proved integral in my recovery from anorexia.

Unknown said...

My life depends on blogging. Melodramatic? Not really. Two months ago I quit my day job, cutting our income down by 1/2 and my last child of 6 graduated. Now, with 30 days until I turn fifty I have made the "now or never" commitment to my writing life.

My blog, is the documentation of my transformation into the writing life. It is a celebration that marks my awakening to a new way of thinking a new way of being.

What I am most excited about, however are the new connections I am making. I had no idea there was such an embracing community of soul mates out there.

Blogging is quickly becoming the jam to my peanut butter, the chocolate that powers my pen! Mmm I must be hungry...

Alice said...

Blogging is fun. It's my opinion. hee hee. I think it's funny you read anti-blogging posts. And where would they have written against blogging? IN A BLOG.
Too funny.

Carolyn V. said...

I hear ya! I blog because I love connecting with other writers. It's a lot of work, but I find when I am really down, I'm not alone. What great community!

Little Ms J said...

At first I blogged because I have too many words... and my sister made me. I was posting stories on Myspace and she told me I had to move to Blogger. I'm so glad I did because I have met some of the most amazing people and I consider them close friends although I've not met most in person!

I love our community!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I started my blog last January because it was supposed to be a way to promote my book release in May. But I didn't want to be *that blogger* either. I've seen those blogs, where the author yammers on about his/her book and *nothing else.* I don't read them. Who does?

Once I started blogging in earnest -- about life, about writing, about teaching -- I discovered the whole blogosphere. And wow, I never knew it was out there.

I've made friends, discovered common interests with writers, laughed, cried, etc. Sometimes I feel as if these people *get me* more than any of my physically present friends ever did.

Blogging is no longer about promoting a book to me. Blogging is about Being Part of the Conversation.

Unknown said...

I blog as an excuse to talk about writing. And because I have things to say (sometimes) and don't feel it is necisary for me to wait until I am published to say them.

erica m. chapman said...

Great post, as always ;o) Blogging has been a great way to meet people and connect. The writing community houses some of the nicest people ;o)

It's nice to know there are people that care about what I have to say!

Your blog is fantastic. I check it every day, so thanks for always keeping it interesting ;o)

Jan Markley said...

It's a great way to connect with writers and readers and have a forum to express yourself and hear from others.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I, like Ted, started blogging because I hoped an agent or a published author with an agent might notice and like my writing.

I also play the Lottery.

I've continued to blog because of the friends I've made here.

Recently, I've noticed those same anti-blogging posts -- some by agents. Ouch.

I will continue to blog to say HI to my friends and ... because I still play the lottery.

Have a great weekend, Elana.


Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm surprised at all the friends I'm making by just commenting. I know I'm missing out in making more connections by not blogging yet. But life is so busy working, taking care of my daughter and sick husband, volunteering at school that I'm not sure I want another job just yet. I worry it'll take even more time away from writing. That's why I pulled back from starting my blog this summer.

DL Hammons said...

Why I started blogging and why I do it now are two different reasons. I started blogging because I needed to write every day and I needed an outlet to write when I didn't feel like working on my manuscript or one of my short stories. I still do that, but blogging has become so much more. As you pointed out, the community here is amazing and I now strive to give back as much as I receive. I'll purposely construct posts that are informative one day....or designed to elicit a laugh the next....just for my fellow bloggers.

I don't just blog for myself anymore.

Anonymous said...

I blog as a kind of journal of my life and my writing life and how they walk the road together.

I love the sense of community and I adore my writer friends. To me, blogging and reading blogs is a connection with like minded souls.

Carolyn Abiad said...

I've been lurking for months, reading and learning and making new friends. I just started to blog myself recently. Finished with my last re-write, I still had plenty to say about my subject/setting, Djinn and Turkey (the country)and how it all relates to my writing. I think I've stumbled on my platform. I'm building a series bible, posting interesting stuff and practicing my writing at the same time. I love doing it and - big plus - found a crit partner!

Sara B. Larson said...

I blog because I want to connect to other people who feel the way I do, or experience similar things with me, or to share my journey in hopes of helping others. I'm excited for all the people I have met and continue to meet and get to know through blogs!

Sara B. Larson said...

I blog because I want to connect to other people who feel the way I do, or experience similar things with me, or to share my journey in hopes of helping others. I'm excited for all the people I have met and continue to meet and get to know through blogs!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am still stunned by the relationships I have made blogging, but now that I have, it has turned into one of the reasons to keep at it.

I also blog because I love having a place to be creative. It is a great place for expression and creativity.

G. B. Miller said...

I originally started blogging because a friend who was impressed with my scribblings in the chat rooms thought it would be better for me to scribble in the blog world.

Initially, I started blogging about anything and everything, but eventually I narrowed my focus down to: writing, my life, blogging and the Internet. And I've also expanded my focus by running a short story blog for a year and a half and starting up a picture blog.

In the process, I made a lot of new friends and learned a heck of a lot more about the world around me, which in turn has made me a better person.

I will always blog (going on two and a half years now) and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Heather said...

You hit on exactly why I blog. I love the blogging community. It is filled with the most wonderful, supportive people, like you! I too will talk about my book when the time comes but, like you, it isn't why I blog either. I blog to connect with people. :-)

Travis Erwin said...

I have a post schedule for 8:10 PM Central time that sums up best why I blog.

Maurice Mitchell said...

I blog because I want to be stinkin' rich! Turns out it doesn't work that way. Now, I just blog because I like sharing news with like-minded people. ;)

Carol Lawrence And Stacy Toten said...

First of all we love your blog. You have a lot of great information. We found your blog at writeoncon. When we first began writing our first children's picture book we realized we needed a writers platform so we started blogging. Our blog has enabled us to write relative content that fits our blog theme and also continue growing our writing skills. We've met lot's of wonderful people, some trying to become successful authors, some who already have succeeded but mostly parents who resonate with our writing. Congrats on your new book coming out next Summer! EXCITING.
Best Wishes, Carol & Stacy
http://www.intentionalconsciousparenting &

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