Friday, June 17, 2011

Exhaustion Is A Good Thing

Phew. Okay, so the POSSESSION party was amazing! You guys never cease to amaze me. From the winners on twitter, to the many questions in the forum, to the fun live chat, I had a total blast.

And I am now exhausted. But it's a good thing. It means I've done some work. I always feel like this after writing or editing too. So yeah. Exhaustion. It's a good thing.

Today, I'm just going to announce the winner of the prize package from yesterday. If you won, please email me at elanajohnson (at) gmail, so I can get your mailing address.

POSSESSION prize package: Amber! Congrats.

Also, if you left a question in the forum or on the chat, and we didn't get to it, I'll be answering those on my blog in the near future. And if you entered to win a prize package on the forum, those winners have been announced over there.

So. What exhausts you this fine Friday?


Natalie Aguirre said...

The live chat was awesome! My daughter (a huge fan)came in when I was watching it and watched the last 25 minutes even though she should have gone to bed. I loved seeing you talk. I feel like I know you so much better.

My life exhausts me. Working, blogging, writing and taking care of my family mean I'm going from 6:00 am until at least 9:00 pm everyday. I long for some relaxing days. Thank God for coffee.

Stina said...

Oops! I got busy and missed the party.

I'm with Natalie. Life exhausts me. I blog, write, take care of family (um, but apparently not clean the house because I'm too busy with # 1 and 2) from 5 am till 11 pm. Though between 10 - 11 pm #amreading. :D

Leigh Caron said...

Rest m' deserve it.

Lizz said...

Congrats to the winner. Now go rest!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I seem to be exhausted all the time lately. Four growing kids, their activities, trying to take care of the house, freelancing, and working my books might be the culprits but who knows?? Glad it's all going so well for you.

Laura S. said...

Nothing yet, but I'm spending the afternoon with my 1-year-old niece and my 6-year-old nephew whose last day of school is today. So I'm sure they'll exhaust me by the end of the day, LoL!

Theresa Milstein said...

Congratulations to Amber!

You've done an excellent job creating excitement about your book. And you've done it by staying true to yourself. Impressive!

Jenilyn Collings said...

WIFYR has exhausted me--in a good way, of course. It was great to see you there yesterday!

Emily R. King said...

What exhausts me? Think about the weekend! I'll be busier in the next few days than I have been all week.

Creepy Query Girl said...

so sorry I missed the party! Thursdays real life holds me hostage from the net. So happy everything went off without a hitch! Congrats!

Nicole Zoltack said...

I haven't been sleeping well so that exhausts me. Youngest took his first step just to tease me and doesn't seem to want to lean how to actually walk. And his first teeth are just about to break though his gums. That exhausts me. Trying to get son #1 to sit on the potty exhausts me more than it should considering that I only succeed about twice a week, if I'm lucky.

Tracey Neithercott said...

I hope you can rest up a bit now that the party's over.

Work is exhausting me. Also, it seems to be getting in the way of my editing. Doesn't it know I'm trying to finish a book?!

Matthew MacNish said...

Working out. I just joined a gym last week, and after the first day of lifting weights, I literally couldn't lift my hands up to my face all weekend.

Stephanie McGee said...

I went to the midnight showing of Green Lantern last night. Needless to say, I haven't been awake very long and it will take all day to recover from going to bed at 3 a.m. and getting up in the same day.

Talli Roland said...

I missed your party yesterday! Belated congrats.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad it was such a success! And I did something special for my author buddies today.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

:) I get exhausted by moving - just got into the new apartment. Sheesh!

Christine Fonseca said...

haha! I'm exhausted frome YOUR party;)!!! Great job.

Unknown said...

Eeeee I'm so excited 'cause I woke up this morning to an email from Nichole to say I won a copy of POSSESSION from the blog hop last week! Yay! Totally made my Friday!

And what's exhausting me this fine Friday is that I have loads of Math papers to mark...

Marsha Sigman said...

My job. My family.

I want to sleep late so badly this weekend and I can't because of appointments the kids have tomorrow and Father's Day Breakfast on Sunday.

I daydream about naps. Lovely, lovely naps on my oversized couch. I love you, couch. Miss you.

Krispy said...

Real Life has been exhausting me! Reading, work, blogging, but it's a good tired. I just need to catch up on sleep this weekend. :)

Sad I missed the live chat, but I did have fun at the Possession twitter parties! Happy weekend!

Michael Di Gesu said...

It was a truly fun and awesome day.

I really enjoyed the live cast of you last night Elana....

Congrats to Amber.... and all the other winners.

Karen Lange said...

Congrats to Amber! And congrats to you again, Elana! Have seen you popping up all over the blogosphere. No wonder you are tired. Hope you can have a relaxing weekend. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats on an amazing party!

What exhausts me? How about another week and 4 days of work before summer gets to start!!! :)

LynNerdKelley said...

I hope you get to kick back and chill this weekend. The chat party was great. That was my first live chat. I'm so glad I didn't miss it. You made me LOL all through it, and I loved hearing how you work. Pretty impressive the way you whip out your stories. I love how you're so down to earth and are just yourself, and that's pretty cool that you had your critique friends there to support you. Very inspiring.

Rebecca Gomez said...

I didn't win, so I guess I'll have to just buy your book!

Fresh Garden said...

Wow! Cool!
Amber... Yeah! Yeah!
True, exhaustion sometimes means satisfaction. Not too exhausted, of course. :)

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

Yay for a fun launch party!

I'm in charge of my family's first ever family reunion this weekend. It's been so consuming, I haven't even been able to look at blogs until it's almost Saturday. exhausting.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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