Monday, August 29, 2011

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday: JANITORS by Ty Whitesides + Giveaway!

Okay, so this if my first Marvelous Middle Grade Monday, but I have a few other middle grade books sitting on my shelf, so I think I'll be doing some more soon. You can go to Shannon's blog for more MMGM awesomeness.

Up today: JANITORS by Ty Whitesides.

About the book: Have you ever fallen asleep during math class? Are you easily distracted while listening to your English teacher? Do you find yourself completely uninterested in geography? Well, it may not be your fault. The janitors at Welcher Elementary know a secret, and it s draining all the smarts out of the kids. Twelve-year-old Spencer Zumbro, with the help of his classmate Daisy Gullible Gates, must fight with and against a secret, janitorial society that wields wizard-like powers. Who can Spencer and Daisy trust and how will they protect their school and possibly the world?

Okay, so I met Ty, oh, I don't know, last fall sometime, just after his book had sold. Mine had sold right about the same time, and we had a great time discussing the publishing industry.

I got an ARC of JANITORS a few months ago, and immediately devoured it. I mean, come on. The reason kids are distracted and sleepy in school is because of the janitors?? Brilliant. The writing is smart, and you really will never look at a mop the same again.

I teach twelve-year-olds, and Ty has really captured the essence of the pre-teen in JANITORS. Spencer is heroic, while Daisy fills the holes he can't. It's a story of great teamwork, a little ice cream, a bit of vacuum dust, and pure middle grade magic.

You won't be disappointed. And to prove it, I'm giving away a signed, hardcover copy! All you have to do is comment on this post by Wednesday, August 31. I'll announce the winner on my Bookanista Thursday post.

Did you fall asleep in school? Get distracted easily? Don't you want to know WHY??? Buy/Read JANITORS to find out...


Matthew MacNish said...

I'm back! I missed you.

PK HREZO said...

Pure genius! Bravo to Ty. I'll have to check this out very soon!! I never fell asleep in school, but I was always curious about the janitors. :)

Kristen said...

I was pretty good until high school and then yes I started to fall asleep during classes. :) Can't wait to read this one!

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Jemi Fraser said...

This one sounds like complete awesomeness! My students would love it :)

Jess said...

This sounds hilarious and cool! Thanks for the review and giveaway :)

Laura Pauling said...

This cover is absolutely fantastic and looks like something kids would love! And adults. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I never fell asleep in school. I might been distracted though. Please enter me in contest.

Liza said...

I love this premise! It's unique and fresh! Sign me up! :)

Mandy said...

Me Me Me, please!

storyqueen said...

This book looks so good. And the trailer is completely brill.

Hoping I win!!


Creepy Query Girl said...

Oh this sounds fabulous! Thanks for introducing us to Ty and his book!

Slamdunk said...

Now that is a creative story.

I did not start dozing in class until college, and it was because, well you know, it was college.

Janet Johnson said...

I've heard of this book and would love to read it! I may be a little jealous of your ARC. :)

Kulsuma said...

I would love to read this! Count me in if it's international.

Carolyn V said...

Woohoo! I have that book and it's on my shelf for reading. Can't wait!

Kelly Polark said...

Yay! I'm glad you are participating in MMGM! That book does sound great. Janitors are always a bit mysterious to the kids!

Alden said...

I high school I always fell asleep in class.

Abby Fowers said...

OOH, OOOH, OOOOOH! Pick me! PICK ME! :) I have been dying to check out this book! So glad you shared. I definitely had my moments of sleepiness in school. I usually kept awake by writing notes to my friends. :)

Jean Vallesteros said...

Awesome review and I would definitely read it. Never actually actually fell asleep at school but Would to know more about the Janitors. lol So pick me <3 <3 <3

Tom M Franklin said...


Pick me! Pick me! : )

-- Tom

Sue Cowing said...

This is such a fresh and funny premise. Count me in!

Emily said...

I'm in. Definitely.

Unknown said...

My Dad, who owns a bookstore told me about this one and I loved the premise. I had it on myTBR list. I'd love to win one.

Llehn said...

I'd love to play please.


Jonathon Arntson said...

The cover gives me the creeps, which makes me want to read it! Also, I love books with strong teamwork.

Alice said...

Huh. That explains why I struggled in math and geography. Finally I understand! Ha ha. sounds like a funny book. and I'd love to win a copy of your book!

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

This book looks so hilarious! PLEASE count me in! This looks like a keeper.

Shari said...

This book sounds so great. I've been wanting to read it. So, if you could let me win, then I wouldn't have to use my grocery money to buy it. ;)

Myrna Foster said...

I'd love to win a copy of this. Thanks, Elana!

Literary Chanteuse said...

My kids would love this book! Thanks!


Shannon O'Donnell said...

Awesome! Great MMGM choice, Elana, and great review. I've been anxious to read this one. :-)

Chelly Writes said...

Sounds like a good one. My daughter would love this. I wouldn't mind reading it myself. :)

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss elana! yippee! im just happy your joining up with the mmgmers! i been going at all those blogs since miss shannon got it started and i got lots of cool books for just my age read cause of it. for sure janitors sounds way cool and i love that neat cover. cleaning up stuffs not my most favorite thing to do. ha ha. i got my fingers all crossed that i could be the winner of that cool book.
...hugs from lenny

Nicole Zoltack said...

That is an awesome cover! Sounds like a great read.

Jill Campbell said...

In elementary school the janitor was Mr. Beck but he preferred to be called a custodian and he was big and scarey and mean and there were rumors that he had taken some kids to the school basement (very deliciously creepy) but that was one place you definitely did not want to go, at least with Mr. Beck bwa hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it will be a great book to read. I never fell asleep in school, but my son had told me a few stories about falling asleep in class. He'd have liked to have used this book to explain it away, LOL. Thanks for sharing about it. Another one to add to my never ending TBR book list.

Natalie Aguirre said...

This sounds so good. And I'm glad you're starting to spotlight middle grade. I do when I can.

Andrea Mack said...

This sounds like such a fun book!

Vivien said...

I always fell asleep in class....

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Kerri Cuev said...

Late night homework=snoozing in math, lol. The book sounds fun!

Marny said...

I think my boys would love this book!

Emily V. said...

Looks awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

Donna K. Weaver said...

I've wanted to read this book since I heard about it!

Christine Fonseca said...

This sounds great. Love it!

ikmar said...

And I always thought Janitors were nice ;)

Michael G-G said...

Welcome to MMGM, Elana!

"It's a story of great teamwork, a little ice cream, a bit of vacuum dust, and pure middle grade magic."

Ya sold me right there!! Onto the TBR pile it goes. (The TBR pile is getting ready to topple, I'm afraid.)

Ishta Mercurio said...

Oh, so cool! This sounds fun. Thanks for the giveaway, Elana!

Charlotte said...

This does sound like fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

Liesl Shurtliff said...

Ooh! I've been wanting to read this! This sounds like so much fun!

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