Friday, June 22, 2012


Okay, so I realize this week might be bordering on wow, what's wrong with Elana? Ha! I swear I don't mean it to be. I chose some emotions/states of being and have been writing to them.

Today's is love. If you've been hanging around the blog for any length of time, you know I like books with romance in them. Sometimes it's all about re-kindling or uncovering the love we have for people or things.

And the simple truth is I love writing. Oh yes, I've contemplated quitting. But I was having a conversation last weekend with someone, and not even someone I know very well. She asked how I liked writing, and I spewed out some answer.

But you know what? I was right, because I was being honest. I said, "There are some things I like about it, and some things I don't. I'm trying to focus on the things I like, and ignore the rest."

Even as I said it, I knew that's what I needed to do. Ignore the stuff I don't like, or the things I can't control, and focus on what I love.

And that's the writing. So I'm going to be focusing on that, and leaving the rest behind.

Do you need to remind yourself of things like this? 

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Natalie Aguirre said...

That's great advice Elana to just focus on the part of being a writer we love and that we can control. I'm doing the same and am feeling more excited about my writing than I have in the past.

S.P. Bowers said...

I think with pretty much anything in life there are things we like and things we don't like. Focusing on what we like keeps us happy and more productive.

Jemi Fraser said...

That's great advice. I sometimes get so overwhelmed with the thought of what might happen I have a hard time taking the next step... I'm working on it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Some days I do!
See you Monday.

Kelly Hashway said...

I love writing. Waiting while I'm on submission isn't so much fun. ;)

Amy Saia said...

Yeah, I do. The only thing that keeps me from loving writing 100% is the sitting still part. I hate sitting so much! I think if it weren't for that I'd have a couple more books under my belt.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I agree with Amy - I don't sit still well. Just ask my husband.

LM Preston said...

You've summed it up - sorta, lol! What about it means something different to different people?

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I too struggle with my ADHD when it comes to writing. Sitting still is a problem. Also, my random thoughts often bullies my writing.

It's a struggle.


Leigh Caron said...

I'm a spurter. I write in fifteen minute intervals. Each time I sit back down, I'm excited all over again. Doesn't take much to make me or my arse happy.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

First drafts drive me crazy, but one of the things I love about writing the most is that intense feeling of satisfaction when I've completed the next chapter in my first draft -- and I've re-read it 5-7 times and edited it to my satisfaction -- and I think, "Damn! I pulled off another one!"

Then I send it to my CPs and they point out my logical goof-ups and that feeling deflates like a balloon ...pfft.

I don't love that part. ;D

L.C. said...

The "can control" part is so, so true. My writing teacher used to say that the opposite of love is control--I think she was talking about people love, lol, but I think it's true with this as well. If writing was all about controlling my craft and etc etc, not the creation and free-flowing of ideas, I think I probably would quit.

Matthew MacNish said...

Oh man. I so needed to hear this. I started doing this for a reason, right? Right. I do it because I enjoy it, at least the good parts. Thanks, Elana.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Focus on what you love and being yourself is such sound advice. It can be hard to tune all the noise out, but it's worth it. ;D

Carrie Butler said...

Absolutely! Thanks for the reminder. :) Have a great weekend!

Angela Brown said...

Excellent thing to remember. Writing is not perfect. Actually, what is perfect? Anywho, I know I don't write so I can stay up after my Chipmunk is tucked in bed and so I can stay up late debating word choice with myself. I do it for the story I read after all the fussing, self-crit and realize that I put something together. And hey, it might actually be okay :-) Can't help but love that.

Julie Dao said...

Yeah... I can think of some things I don't like about writing. But I love it all the same! (Sounds like the way I feel about a lot of my family members... hmmmm)I really needed to hear this, so thank you, Elana.

Deana said...

Perfect advice! Love the writing, ignore the rest. Words to live by:)

LD Masterson said...

Well, good advice but I still run into the same problem... more things in my life I love than there are hours in the day to give them. However, as problems go, it's not a bad one to have.

Peggy Eddleman said...

Yes! Focus on the love! That is, after all, what makes the world go 'round. ;) The regular world, or the writing world. Or... you know... the world of whatever book you're immersed in.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

It's so easy to get bogged down in the stuff we don't like about writing, I definitely relate to that. The simply truth of it is that it's the only thing keeping me sane, and I love writing even though it can be so frustrating!

J.R. Johansson said...

Great post, Elana! And so honest. :) There are things to love and hate about this business, but loving to write is the most important part.

Patti said...

Great reminder. I often try to remind myself of this whenever I get stressed. Try not to worry about the things I can't control.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Sometimes I do. There's no perfect job out there. Even when we love what we do, there are portions of it that we don't like doing. I don't know why I didn't realize writing would have the same challenge. lol

DL Hammons said...

Even the word LOVE isn't strong enough to describe the way I feel about writing. Its a part of me! I crave it when I don't get enough of it.

Ignoring the unattractive parts...sound advice! :)

ilima said...

I need to be reminded of this ALL the time. I started writing because I love to write. It amazes me how often I forget that and focus on all that other fluff that isn't important.

Misha Gerrick said...

So true, Elana. I also came reeeeeeeally close to quitting on writing, but I couldn't do it. Because as much as I hated it at that stage, I loved it too much.

Fortunately, I had a conversation that sparked my passion for writing again.

It was great luck on my part, but now I try to focus on the good parts of it, rather than get stuck in the negatives. :-D

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