Friday, February 13, 2015

The Most Amazing Book

Okay, so I have been reading more, and not just to prove I can! I am enjoying the things that I've been reading, and I have so many books on my Kindle, it's a little overwhelming.

But I was asked to read a book for a friend of mine. I agreed, because I love Jo, and I knew her book would be fantastic. I wasn't disappointed!

About AGAINST HER WILL: My name is Cassidy Connor and my parents hate me. Well, they can go to hell. After yet another fight with my manipulative lawyer father and bible thumping mother, I disappear onto Hollywood Blvd among the other street kids. Or so I thought. The cops pick me up for a BS crime I didn't commit, and Dad announces the only way I can avoid charges is to voluntarily admit myself into Oak Dale, a psych ward for crazy teens. I don't belong there -- my parents are the real nutjobs --but it's not like I have a choice.

At Oak Dale, everyone is going on about the kid who just killed himself trying to escape. How could they dump me in a place like this? I'm thrown in with my anorexic roommate, Erin; foster care system victim, Gina; and pyromaniac Tony. Guess he likes to light 'em up. All of us are unwanted baggage, here against our will.

I quickly learn only the strong survive Oak Dale -- and some of us won't make it out alive.


I absolutely loved this book in a sort of love-hate way. I couldn't stop reading it, and I wanted to yell at the characters. Things like, "No! Don't do that!" Or "Please eat something." Or "This is a bad idea..." Or "Tell someone! Tell someone!"

AGAINST HER WILL is an emotionally powerful book -- I called it a train wreck I couldn't look away from. It stuck with me long after I finished it, and I find myself still thinking about it from time to time.

I think the reason it impacted me so much is because it is the polar opposite of my experiences as a teenager. Cassidy's story opened my eyes to things I knew about, but didn't really KNOW about, if that makes sense. It is a fantastic read for anyone -- if you relate to Cassidy's story, if you don't, and anywhere in between.

AGAINST HER WILL doesn't come out until March 30, but you should pre-order it now so you can devour it then.

Have you ever read a book that you just can't shake? Which one?


Natalie Aguirre said...

It's always great to read a book you can't put down. Mark of the Thief by Jennifer Nielsen was one of those for me.

Chrys Fey said...

Against Her Will does sound amazing! Thanks for sharing the blurb and your thoughts on it.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I love the cover image and especially how the title is reversed next to itself.

DMS said...

This sounds like a powerful book and the cover really caught my attention. Glad you read this one and sharing it with us. Thanks for sharing. :)

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Thank you! I'm so glad it affected you this way and that you likes it. It was a crazy experience writing this book from the perspective of characters with such heavy issues.

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