Monday, July 5, 2010

The Healing Spell Giveaway

Dude, you guys, you need to get and read The Healing Spell by Kimberley Griffiths Little. I was lucky enough to get an ARC and I'll be posting my review on Thursday this week.

But today it's all about you. Not only is Kimberley the nicest person ever, and I'm going to see her again at her signing in Salt Lake on Thursday night, but she sent me some swag for The Healing Spell!

And my son totally wanted this gator, and he's pretty mad that I'm going to be giving it to one of you.

First, what The Healing Spell is about. Watch this amazing trailer.

You know you want this book. It's just that good, trust me. A 5-starrer, for sure.

So the giveaway. You'll get a signed copy of The Healing Spell (not pictured), the below-pictured stuffed gator, and a book plate and bookmark.

To enter:
1. Follow my blog.
2. Leave me a comment.
3. Extra points for tweeting, posting on your blog, etc. Just let me know what you did in your comment.

Have a great day!


Ted Cross said...

Hey, I'm in!

Leigh Caron said...

I'm in too. thanks, Fantastic trailer.

Natalie Aguirre said...

It sounds great. I'd love to win it. And I can't wait for your review.

Natalie Aguirre said...

It sounds great. I'd love to win it. And I can't wait for your review.

Heather Kelly said...

I'm in. If I happen to post and mention this, I'll re-comment! thanks for giving away the good stuff!!

Liza said...

I'm in, but if I win, you can give the alligator to your son. :)

Theresa Milstein said...

I'm in too. And like Liza, if I win, I'd be happy to give the gator to your son.

I'm a follower, commenter, and I'm linking the contest to my blog.

Hope you had a great 4th!

Candyland said...

Sounds like a good one1 *I miss you*

Anonymous said...

Even though I never win, I love to try--plus, the gator's cute!

Tweeted this contest, too.

Hannah said...

I never win either. Sigh. But I shall enter and post in my sidebar! The more the merrier!! Huzzah!!! I love books!

Jaydee Morgan said...

Looking forward to your full review! It looks good :)

erica_henry said...

I'd love to be entered.

I follow
I'm leaving you a comment now
And I retweeted @ericakhenry

Andrea Mack said...

I'm already a follower. This sounds like a great book!

Kerri Cuev said...

Cool! Good summer reads are for me :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

That was great! I tweeted you and posted the giveaway to my sidebar. Thanks!!

Larissa said...

Sounds great!

lchardesty at yahoo dot com

Rachele Alpine said...

Great contest...the book sounds awesome! I'm a follower!

Amber Lynae said...

Still following your wonderful blog.

I would love to win.

Claire Dawn said...

This is another one of the books that keeps crossing my radar.

Paula said...

This is me, entering. The book sounds great!

B.J. Anderson said...

That was a really awesome book trailer! And I would love to be entered. I'm tweeting this post too. Thanks for the giveaway!

Danyelle L. said...

I've been meaning to get my hands on this one. O:) I've tweeted and facebooked--I already stalk you. :p

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

I'm in. I follow your blog (and you follow mine..., it's in my side pannel under contests).

You make this book sound so good, can't wait to read it!

Abby Stevens said...

Looks great! I would love to read/win this. :)

angie said...

I would love to be entered!
I am a follower
I tweeted

Kristen said...

Sounds fantastic! I would love to win and read this.

I've been a follower for while. :)

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Jonathon Arntson said...

Wow. THE HEALING SPELL looks nothing like anything I have ever read, but I would love to give it a try.

Have a good 4th, E?

Mary E Campbell said...

I met Kim at Storymakers and her book sound great love to get a copy. I tweeted this post.

NaTahsha Ford said...

Sounds like a great story. I'm in!

Rebecca T. said...

Comment. Check.
Tweet. Check.
Blog sidebar. Check.

Whee! Thanks for posting!


Zoe C. Courtman said...

That book trailer is gorgeous. Definitely intrigued - and definitely please enter me! Thanks!!

Connie Keller said...

The trailer is lovely! Count me in for the contest.

lotusgirl said...

Sounds like an interesting book. I'll have to check into it when it comes out.

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

Whoa! That trailer is awesome!

See, I tweeted!

alexreadsbooks at gmail dot com

Christine Fonseca said...

WOOT! Love contests

Shannon O'Donnell said...

This one is already on my wish list! I'm dying to read it. :-)

Rebecca Wells said...

Totally in! (Just for the gator, of course... don't tell anyone!)

- Rebecca

Amy Jo said...

Looks interesting! Thanks for sharing.

Lisa_Gibson said...

Sounds wonderful! Count me in.

Beth Morey said...

I'm a new subscriber! count me in!

Lydia Kang said...

Sounds like a good one! Count me in!

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

I HEART your giveaways! YAY!

Sherrie Petersen said...

Sounds like a great book. Enter me please!

Annette Lyon said...

That's one awesome trailer.

I wanna win!

(I follow you, and I tweeted!)

Talli Roland said...

Looks like an amazing book!

Dani said...

i don´t know if the giveaway is international, but i would love to win :D the book trailer is great, awesome. my e-mail is dani(dot)prmr(at)hotmail(dot)com, and i made a blogpost: And of course, i follow you.

:D Jaz.parks

Jemi Fraser said...

Love the gator - no wonder your son doesn't want to give it up. I've read a bit about this book and it sounds wonderful!

Krispy said...

That was a good trailer! Please enter me! I missed out on this book when LiLa had their contest, so yay for second chances! :)

Hope you had a happy 4th!

Unknown said...


Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)


Kirthi said...

Hi Elana! Thanks so much for the great giveaway! I'm sorry your son is jealous, hehe :D The trailer sounds sooo promising, and I really want to read it!
I follow you (of course)
And I tweeted!

ali cross said...

Huzzah! I'm a follower (duh), here I am commenting (sheesh) and I tweeted and FB'd. WIN!

Cielo Azul said...

The Trailer is amaazing! Love it!

Wow! Great Contes!

International? Because, I´m Mexico.

Either way, my extra points are:

I´m follower (The Itzel Library)
Post Contest:

Take care


Southpaw said...

Wow, book trailers are getting better. The book sounds intriguing.

Melissa said...

I'm in! Amazing book trailer and that gator is so fricking cute!!

Christine said...

Great Contest! I'm definitely a follower, I tweeted, FBked, and I blogged about it. (will post on Wednesday on

You ROCK!! (do I get an extra point for that?) ;-)

RaShelle Workman said...

Yay, for Kimberley. Can't wait to see her on Thursday!!! Twittered and will be blogging about it 7-6-10. Great contest Elana.

Onge said...

Count me in!! I love reading new books. The trailer looked awesome. Thanks!

Taffy said...

Great! Another interesting book to find and read!

Jenn Adams said...

I wanna win! I'm commenting, I'm following . . . :o)

Janet Johnson said...

I'd love to win! My boys would like the gator, too. ;)

mariska said...

I would like to win this..HERE :)

1. A follower via GFC
2. Left comment.
3. I tweeted :

Stephanie McGee said...

That gator's so cute!

Sharli said...

Awesome! Please enter me! I'm a follower :)
And I tweeted here:


Marsha Sigman said...

The cover is awesome!

Martha Lawson said...

Please, please, please - I want this!!! Amazing contest.

I follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Gail said...

Wow, what a trailer! Can't wait to get the book....or win one!!!

Llehn said...

I'd love to play please!

1. A follower via GFC
2. Left comment.


Ambar said...

Enter me please

Google Friend Connect Follower: simply_haku



Blog Sidebar:

Nichole Giles said...

Very fun! I'm a follower and I want to win! But I'm too tired to blog about it tonight, so I'll just comment and hope I'm very lucky.

Have fun on Thursday!

Matthew MacNish said...

1+1 for me I guess as a follower and commenter.

Lindsay Smith said...

The gator is totally adorable, I agree! And I've heard amazing things about THE HEALING SPELL. Would love to experience it for myself!

brandileigh2003 said...


contest page:

Jennie Englund said...

Adorable gator. I think we're old college pals, he and I. Went to San Francisco State together.

Still not sure why we were gators there. Only one I ever saw was in the zoo...

John Sankovich said...

Sign me up for that Gator, my son would love it.

Margo Berendsen said...

A good book recommendation can never be ignored! Thanks for the contest.

Kay said...

Sounds like another good book to add to my TBR pile. I'm looking forward to your review. I also gave you a mention in my best blogs of the week at Come on over and check it out.

Noemí said...

Hello, thank you for this giveaway.

I am follower (Mandarina)
Twitted :


EVA SB said...

Great trailer!

Please count me in

I'm a follower

I tweeted

I posted to my sidebar[@]gmail[.]com

Diana said...

Hey! Please count me in

I'm a follower
Nick: Diana

I tweeted about it here:

Thanks for the giveaway!

Tom M Franklin said...

entered! following! exclamation mark!


Miranda Hardy said...

Great contest!! I am a follower, here is my comment and I tweeted!

Sarah N Fisk said...

Yay! And I blogged:

VR Barkowski said...

Can't believe I missed this. The stuffed alligator is too cute for words, but I live and breathe Southern Louisiana. I can't wait to read this book. Posted contest in my sidebar.

Tere Kirkland said...

Just read your review, so I thought I'd enter.

Love books set in the sultry South!

Good luck to everyone who enters!

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

Your review makes me want to read this! I'm so excited about your new Bookanistas and looking forward to future reviews. Following you.

Katie said...

Definitely count me in!!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I just read your review...Please throw my name in the hat! Great review!

k_sunshine1977 said...

sounds fantastic! please count me in.....

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

S a n d r a said...

I don't know when is the deadline for this contest, but if I'm on time, please enter me!


Alessandra said...

Wow, this sounds like a great book! Please count me in.

Tweeted about it here:


Aik said...

I'm a follower.

+1 Tweeted:

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Natasha said...

Great Contest! I want this, so count me in! hehe

I follow your blog!
I Tweeted:


Lola Sharp said...

I'm So in!! What a wonderful contest, and lovely trailer.

And my 14 y.o. daughter collects stuffed gators! I gotta try and win this one, yes?

I'll 'pimp' your contest in today's post and put it on my sidebar.

I hope I'm not too late? I couldn't see WHEN the contest ends?


Lola Sharp said...

Oh, and Happy Monday. :)

Lanisha Daniels said...

Spells available tonight
1.Bring new love
2.Being a soulmate
3.Binding spells
4.Marriage spell
5.Commitment spell
6.Dating spell
7.Reture a ex spell
8.Sepration spell
9.Banishing spell
10.Attract money spell
11. 7 silver coin spell
12.Hoodoo money jar
13.Hoodoo green rice money spell
14.Sugar daddy spell
15.Uncrossing spell .
16.Healing spell
17.Come to me spell
18.Remove negative energy's
19.Clear the air between a couple . Spell
20.Repaired a relationship spell
21.Repair a friendship spell
22.Remove blockages.
23.Van van oil spell (protection ,luck ,removes evil)
24.Black cat oil spell (
Come to me spells Black cat oil spell 25.(gambling,luck,second sight stealth)
25.Road opener spell ( job applications line applications new beginnings, clear the road for opportunities love ,etc)
26.Do as i say oil spell . (Bend someone will to yours )
27.Follow me boy spell ( obsession ,control )
28.4 thieves oil spell (protection )
39.Courage spell ( give you the courage to stand up and not be scared)
30.Attraction oil spell (make someone attract and drawn to you )
31.Banishing oil spell ( removing unwanted items or people out you life )
32.Dark moon oil (explore or accept the darker aspects of your personality, to help find solutions, to banish negativity or just to honour the moon when she is dark.)
explore or accept the darker aspects of your personality, to help find solutions, to banish negativity or just to honour the moon when she is dark.
33.Go away spell (evictus oil make someone or something go away)
34.Gamblers luck spell (give them luck when gambling)
35.Hoodoo go away spell (hotfoot powder )
36.Goddess of love potion (rub on hands prior to 37.meeting someone your intended in)
38.Gypsy blood potion (make troublesome neighbor's up root and move away with a sprinkling on the doorway)
39.Lust & seduction oil spell
40.Power oil spell (increase spiritual power during potent rituals,)
41.Protection oil potion (rub on door ways windows and other parts of your house to keep guarded
42.Subduction oil potion (ring behind your ears ,back of neck between thighs seduce anyone you choose)
43.Damiation spell (hex's and curses
hex someone)
WhatsApp +2349064881054.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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