Thursday, October 28, 2010

All About Me

Okay, so I realize this week has turned into the Elana-show here on the blog. I'm so sorry! I typically try not to do this, but...yeah, I don't know what happened. I promise to bring you more helpful posts of helpful helpfulness next week. Cross my heart and hope to die...

But I have to mention the query chat I'm doing tonight. It's being run by the awesome peeps at Operation Awesome and will last from 9 - 10 PM EDT. I'm giving away free ebooks and query critiques, so come on over! Or don't...then maybe my stomach will stay down where it's supposed to instead of throbbing in my throat. Yes, I'm nervous.

You can get a little sneak peek at what might be said during the chat on Marieke's blog. I did a little "How To" post for her today. Go follow her, read, comment--I'll do a query critique for one lucky commenter on her post.

Since querying is in the air, and you're going to be polishing your NaNo novel and then querying it, I'm offering my ebook for 25% through the end of the year. Just use the promotion code 25percentoff and get the ebook for only $7.46 (or something like that).

And holy brown cows people! Guess what I got in the mail yesterday?? Guess... guess... That's right! My ARC's! My book baby is like a real baby now! I feel like Geppetto (it's a real book!). The back cover copy is now available on my POSSESSION page, and here're some pictures!

(My shiny, shiny baby. #MyPOSSESSION)

So yeah. Sorry. No more Elana-show. Well, at least after tomorrow, because that post is already planned. #notmyfault

So have you got anything to share?


Elena Solodow said...

Truly beautiful cover!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations, Elana! Isn't it awesome to hold that first book?

L.L. Muir said...

congtratu-freaking-lations baby! Can't wait to get my hands on the real thing.

Carol Kilgore said...

I can feel your excitement all the way down here in San Antonio.

Summer Frey said...

Congrats!! I can't even imagine what an amazing feeling it must be to hold your own book!

Unknown said...

So darned exciting!! And your ARCs are so lovely!

storyqueen said...


I am so excited for you!!

Your baby is so pretty.......

Marieke said...

Oh WOW, that is one gorgeous ARC! How good does it feel to hold it?! :D

Also, I think I just squeed out loud at work! Thank you for the mention and the critique! You're amazing ^.^

Annie McMahon said...

Woo hoo! You must be SO happy. I heard you shout all the way to NJ when you got them. I was wondering what it was. ;)

Good luck with your chat! I won't be able to attend, but I'll spread the word.

Wendy Paine Miller said...

What a cool picture of you and your book!
~ Wendy

Kelly Bryson said...

What a beautiful baby! It looks just like you, and is so iconic;) Yay!

And I'll do my best to join you tonight. I usually forget these things and then hope there are transcripts. *Setting alarm on phone*

Thanks- Kelly

Ishta Mercurio said...

AAAAAAAHH! The ARCs are GORGEOUS! I am so happy for you! How totally awesome!

Okay, calming down now.


You're going to do fine this evening; you know your stuff, and it will be great, and people will learn tons of great stuff. Take deep breaths. And then go look at your ARCs again.


Dolly said...

YAY! Congratulations! Book looks gorgeous.

Cherie Reich said...

That's so awesome that you got your ARCs! Congrats!

Trisha Wolfe said...

Super cool cover! So excited for you =) And I absolutely can't wait to read it, have been dying to since I read the query for it lol. Looking forward to tonight's chat also! Congrats!

Kelly Polark said...

Yay! You must be so excited to hold your beautiful book in your hands! I'll mark my calendar for 2nite!

Eric said...

Woohoo, so exciting. I can't imagine just how cool that has got to be, holding your own book. Congrats, Elana. You deserve it.

Bish Denham said...

YeeHa! Cogratulations Elana! I am SO going to try to be at your chat tonight, I only hope life does not get in the way.

Claire Dawn said...

Wow! Congrats on ARCs. I cn't imagine a better feeling as a writer. Well until the book comes out. Or making a bestseller list. Or getting an award. Oh well, you get the point. lol.

Len Lambert said...

Yay!!!! Congratulations, Elana!!! :)

Len Lambert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charity Bradford said...

Hey! I like the Elana show. :) Does your face hurt from smiling so much? I know I'm going to cry and smile so much the day I hold my book in my hands that I won't be allowed in public.

I can see myself running around the cul de sac, knocking on neighbors doors and waving the book in their faces. In a nice way because several of them are rooting for me. :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Elana!

Jessica Bell said...

Would love to join you over at Operation Awesome but I'm not sure the time differences between USA and GReece really work in my favour! :o( Great news about receiving your arcs! So happy for you!

VR Barkowski said...

So thrilled for you!!! Oh, and I totally heart that pic of you and your stunning ARCs. :-D

Meredith said...

The ARCs are sooo pretty!!! If I were you, I would just be dancing around all day. Happy celebrating!

Stina said...

Wow, it must feel soooo coool to hold your book. Okay, tell us the truth, did you sleep with one last night? (I would) ;)

Melody said...

OMGOSH it's here!!!!!!
And it's beautiful. :)

Michelle Merrill said...

Seriously got that heart racing excitement when I saw you holding your ARC! That's SO awesome! I'm super happy for you :)

Sage Ravenwood said...

Absolutely loved the picture with you and your baby! (Hugs)Indigo

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss elana! hooray for you!! that cover is sooooo cool! i could see in that picture youre just real happy and im real happy for you. you got me laughing with the elana show. haha. you should be real glad so much people love you and think what you gotta say is just real important. how cool is that! you dont gotta be nervouse for tonight cause you know your stuff and it mostly your blog friends thats gonna be there.
...hugs from lenny

Lindsay said...

Those ARCs are so pretty. Is it okay for me to be sad I can't read it yet. *sniff* LOL.

Oh, and I know you will be awesome tonight. hear me? AWESOME! ;-)

Elana Johnson said...

Thanks, everyone! And Stina, I didn't sleep with them. I know, I know, what kind of author am I?? But they rested comfortably on my kitchen table--with all the other books. They were in good company.

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

ooooooo your ARCs are so pretty! :) :) :)

Have a great chat tonight! I wish I could make it, but I'm at a writing con so I don't think I'll be at my computer :(

Jennie Englund said...

Wow -- crazy pretty cover!!!


Waiting for a contest, a chance to win one of those.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Elana! What an amazing milestone--and they're beautiful!

Unknown said...

They look great! Congrats!

Patti said...

I've said it before, but I love your cover and thanks for the info on queries, I'm currently trying to conquer that.

Lisa_Gibson said...

Yay ARCs!! They are so gorgeous.
I sadly (tears up) can't be at the chat tonight. I have to be at my sister-in-laws. :(
I'm way bummed.
I will go make a comment and keep everything crossed that I might win. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Squeeeee! Elana, look! You're holding your book...with a real cover (gorgeous, btw) and a spine and there's more than one!!! That is beyond awesomesauce, my friend!

Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! :-)

Anonymous said...

I like to hear what's going on for you, so continue the Elana-show any time! It's fun to watch you go through this journey.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures with you and your ARCS. That's fantastic. Enjoy it, okay? This is what it's all about!!!

Unknown said...

Eeeee!!! They're gorgeous!

Kristal Shaff said...

Woot! Woot! So excited to have you at our OA chat tonight!

--Kristal Shaff

Stephanie Faris said...

Congrats! That's awesome!!! There's no better feeling in the world than that. Okay, maybe the birth of a baby, but nothing else!

Donea Lee said...

How are you keeping your feet on the ground?! :) You must be flying high with those beautiful ARCs in hand! Too cool - can't wait to read it! Gonna try to make the chat tonight. Till then...

Little Ms J said...

So awesome! I have to admit, I like your All About Me blogs.

Colene Murphy said...

Okay, well, I was kinda enjoying the Elana show! It is your blog after all...

Congrats on getting your ARC's!! That is so darn cool!!

Tere Kirkland said...

Beautiful. I wouldn't have been able to sleep, I'd have been up all night reading one, LOL.

Hey, at least the Elana show is entertaining! ;)

Nicole Zoltack said...

I enjoy the Elana show! After all, we're all your followers.

And your cover is breathtaking. I would probably walk around with my first book, holding it like a baby, not letting it out of my sight...

Can't wait for your query chat tonight. I would so love a query critique (although I would be hard pressed to know which query to have critiqued) And don't worry, we all love you so there's no reason to be nervous.

Heather said...

Your ARC's are beautiful! I will do my best to drop by Operation Awesome tonight but I'm already splitting myself between two chats at the time! I've never tried three at once. Sounds like fun! Wait, that came out so wrong... Leaving now...

Krispy said...

Aaah! I LOVE the way your book/ARCs look! YAY!!!

Shannon Messenger said...

Pretty Pretty Pretty!!!!! I can't wait to see the cover IRL. And then of course buy the hardcover.

And lol, I like the Elana show. ;)

Michelle McLean said...

woohooo!!!! seriously beautiful book babies :D I'd be carrying one around with me at all times LOL Congrats congrats congrats!!!

And looking forward to chatting with you tonight at OA - don't be nervous!!! We are all so excited :)

Susanne Winnacker said...

The back cover text makes me want to read your book right now. I wish it wouldn't take until next June until it comes out. :)

Jess said...

I'm so happy for you~ that picture of you with the ARCs is just perfect. Do you sleep with one of them?

Golden Eagle said...

They look amazing, Elana! :D It must be awesome to be actually holding copies of your book.

Hannah said...

You know what would make that ARC more attractive?? Putting it in the mail and sending it to me!! :D

I am so excited for you!! Can't wait until the release date!!!

Tina Lynn said...

I'll just share your excitement, if you don't mind. Cuz one of those will soon be in my mailbox! *squee*

ali cross said...

Holy Sweetness! It's a book! A REAL. LIVE. book!!! Congratulations! (It looks just like you!)

Sara B. Larson said...

EEEEK!!!! I can't imagine how amazing that must feel to hold and pet and see your own, real live book! (And it's so pretty!!) I want, I want! :D COngrats!

Bast said...

Congrats on getting the ARCs! That is so awesome. Really excited for you.

PS - They look amazing!

Melissa Gill said...

I am crazy about that cover and can't wait to read this book. You're a star Elana. I'm so happy for you.

Marsha Sigman said...

It's so pretty. I would carry it around in one of those baby carriers...and rock it to sleep.

Ok, I just weirded myself out.

Paul Greci said...

Great photos of your and your book, Elana!!

Have fun at your workshop tonight!

Shari said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And, don't worry, we like the Elana show. Especially when you've got such awesomeness to share! :)

Theresa Milstein said...

I can stay up tonight. I know I can do it.

Nice ARCS! You look so happy.

This is my big news: I'm hosting a Halloween Haunting at my blog "Substitute Teacher's Saga" from 10/28-11/1 if you want to join in. There are prizes!

Shelley Sly said...

Your ARCs look gorgeous! Congrats! :D

Jonathon Arntson said...

Haha. It's your blog dork. Haven't you ever noticed that 102% of my blog posts are about myself? Hell, 102% of the comments I leave at other ppl's blogs are about myself (<------see?).

Also, I've been outlining an urban fantasy Pinocchio rewrite, and you've inspired me. :P

Emy Shin said...

The ARCs look so, so gorgeous!

Luna said...

Love the Elena-show! I think you deserve to be in the spotlight considering you are so awesome. Congrats on the ARC's! They are so lovely...:)

Unknown said...

I was just about to call you selfish (being all about yourself and all) until I saw those shiny goregous ARC's in your hand!!!!!!

*Que the Angel Choir* Beautiful *Que lights from the clouds* Wow... breathtaking!

Jemi Fraser said...

Gorgeous ARCs!!! Looking forward to the chat tonight!

Lydia Kang said...

They look gawgeous!

Jan Markley said...

Great cover! Congrats. I just posted the cover of my next book on my blog! I should have some copies in a couple of weeks!

Anonymous said...

WOOTEN WOOT! (My fav saying, long story about drunk texting I will never divulge) Your beaming smile says it all Elana. Congrats!

DL Curran said...

Congrats on the ARCs - must be a fantastic feeling!

And thanks again for all your awesome advice over at the OA chat!

Anonymous said...

Love the cover!!! Can't wait to read it. ... of to read the chat :)

Robin Mellom said...

Yay for ARC's!! And I LOVE the Elana Show! I could use more dance numbers though.

Anonymous said...

And of course, I read this at 11 PM. =P

CONGRATULATIONS, ELANA! That's one BEAUTIFUL baby! ;) I'm so excited and happy for you!

Sherrie Petersen said...

Awesome! That has to be so exciting!

Alyssa Kirk said...

What an absolute thrill! Congrats!

Teens Read and Write

Nichole Giles said...

You make me laugh. Your baby is gorgeous! I want to see it in person, and can't wait to buy my own copy so it can live on my shelves!

Sorry I missed the chat!

June G said...

I love the beautiful simplicity of your cover. Very nice! Congrats. I'm excited for you.

Annette Lyon said...

Like I said before, I want to stroke it. (And read it!)

See Elana's recent blog posts

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