Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why I Strongly Dislike Halloween

Yeah, yeah, I know some of you are shocked at the title of this post. Aghast. Shaking your head, disbelieving.

But it's true. I loathe Halloween with most fibers of my being. The reasons for this are many and varied.

1. My parents never bought me nice costumes as a kid. They scarred me! Scarred, I say! (I usually ended up being some lame smurf or something I could do with my own (pathetic) wardrobe. Totally ghetto.)

2. If I want candy, I'll just go to Wal-mart and buy some. Okay, probably not Wal-mart because that's definitely not my favorite place on the planet, but I have the means to get my own chocolate fix.

3. I've spent my life trying to blend into the crowd. I absolutely do not understand a holiday where the sole point is to dress like an idiot and have people stare at you. Not my brand of fun.

4. I teach elementary school. I don't think this needs any explainage, because seriously. 800 children all hopped up on Halloween excitement and cowboy hats and batman masks? Yet again, not something I'd categorize as "fun."

5. It's too stinkin' cold to leave the house after 5 PM on October 31st in Utah. Brrrr.

So there. I totally respect your right to like/love/worship Halloween. But I so don't.

What about you? Halloween fan? What other holidays do you enjoy/not enjoy?


Laura Pauling said...

I enjoy spooky stories and all the fun words associated with Halloween, but I don't enjoy trick or treating with my kids in sometimes 30 degree weather and in the dark. And we go to a costume party every year; and, of course, I struggle with spending a lot of money on a costume so I end up looking lame. And I'm not super crafty so that doesn't help! I understand your dislike. As a writer, it's fun, but not in real life.

fairyhedgehog said...

As a kid, trick-or-treating hadn't reached the UK, so we just used to dress up as witches and run up and down the street in the wind and dark. I loved it.

Now I put a "Happy Halloween" sign up and give sweets to kids who come knocking. I love admiring their costumes and seeing their fun. I imagine what it's like going out after dark and knocking on people's doors - I'd have loved that when I was a kid.

And if there was a Halloween party and I was well enough I'd go. I adore dressing up.

Sorry. That's not helpful, is it?

If it's any consolation, I really don't like Christmas.

Unknown said...

We're not big on Halloween in South Africa. What we ARE big on is super-duper home security: high walls, locked gates, barbed wire, motion sensors and alarm systems. Try being a kid trying to get past all THAT just to get a bit of candy!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Wow, it's interesting to read the other posts from people from different countries. I actually like Halloween. I like seeing the kids in their costumes.

Andrea Mack said...

As a kid, I loved the dressing up in a costume thing, since it gave me a chance to hide under a different cloak and not be the shy, quiet kid. Now I love Halloween because my daughter was born on the 30th. But as a teacher, a class full of little ones all excited for a whole week before? Not my favourite part.

Golden Eagle said...

I don't go trick or treating, nor do I dress up, but I don't dislike Halloween, either. It's just not for me, although I'll participate in anything that looks fun enough.

Trisha Wolfe said...

LOL you are so funny =) If I was a teacher I would probably loath it too. I love Halloween, for the most part. A few (few? Hmm) years ago I would sit up late at night watching scary movies, but as I'm getting older, I find them rather disturbing. I think I might find and join the lame club :/

Theresa Milstein said...

I enjoyed Halloween as a kid even though my costumes were lame too. For years I didn't care much. But now that I have kids, I enjoy it through them. I even dress up sometimes. Last year, I wore a Gryffindor costume from my kids' stuff. The year before, I wore a Rosie the Riveter costume to school.

I hear you about elementary school students hopped up on sugar.

The Damsel In Dis Dress said...

I like the excuse to dress up because I'm nerdy, but I don't love the yucky, bloody/dead type costumes. My poor children are forced to be pirates or Jedis or that sort of thing. And I don't love the whole idea behind trick-or-treating...going door to door begging? Give me stuff or I'll mess up your yard?

I know, I know, I'm a Halloween grinch.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I love thrillers and horror stories but people at my door (no matter what size)with their faces covered creeps me out. I don't wear masks because I can't stand anything that close to my face.

Unknown said...

I was never allowed to trick or treat, or even celebrate Halloween for that matter. I went for the first time at age 20 with my newborn baby girl. We forge our own path. :)

Katie O'Sullivan said...

I love Halloween, and have since even before it became "cool." In fact, now that every store seems to offer too many choices of decorative spooky Halloween crap made in China, it's not quite as much fun ;-)

Halloween is a chance to let creativity shine. And a chance to try on new identities - I understand your "blend in with the crowd" sentiment but Halloween is about being someone else entirely. They're not staring at "you" but at your new persona.

And yes, I still like to dress up with my Girl Scout troop when we go trick-or-treating at the local nursing homes. I'm going as Betty Crocker this year with a quilted pink 1950s housedress and frilly pink apron - so not the real me, lol!

So bah humbug, Elana, on your dis to this just-for-fun holiday, no presents or gift-buying required. I understand not liking the sugar rush in the classroom, but take a deep breath and remember it's a once-a-year holiday.

Renae said...

As a parent I love taking my kids trick-or-treating. We aren't die-hards, just a few houses with the little one.

But as a teacher? Let's just say I am dreading Monday morning!

Kristine Asselin said...

LOL--I love the title of your post. I actually like Halloween more now that I have a child. She LOVES it. But I've always thought a holiday where we encourage children to knock on the doors of strangers and ask for candy was a little creepy. :)

I'm a Girl Scout Leader, and on Monday afternoon we're expecting our girls to be very sugary and wild.

Stina said...

I love Halloween (probably not as much as my kids though). We didn't have trick or treating in England when I grew up, so I only got to do it a few times when we moved to North America.

We don't get many kids visiting our street, though they're definitely around the neigbhorhood. And I hear you about the cold weather. One year we had a blizzard. The kids, who were all under 5 yo old, still wanted to go. (Okay, maybe the baby didn't). ;)

Liza said...

Lot's of layers to this one.

Loved it as a kid, even though I had to wear the same lame-o costume about four years in a row. As a mom, I struggled. I worked, wasn't allowed to leave early and rushed home feeling guilty, in time to shove dinner in my daughter's mouth and get her out trick or treating...the last part was fun. I hated that I was in Japan on a business trip and missed her last trick or treat. Now I buy candy and if four trick-or-treaters show up on our busy street, it's a lot. Two cute little boys from across the street though, always make me smile.

Unknown said...

I love Halloween. My son, husband, and I all dress up for the occasion. (One to take the son around the neighborhood, the other to give out candy).

When I was teaching I always looked forward to seeing the kids dress up at school-- I even dressed up, usually in a Ren Faire type costume (not big on the guts and gore).

IanBontems said...

Love it. Halloween is great.
It's tradition in my house to watch A Nightmare Before Christmas every Halloween - the kids like it almost as much as me!
I don't even mind door duty so much since I enjoy seeing all the little trick or treaters costumes.
It's also the perfect excuse to sit back and watch scary movies.

Anonymous said...

Halloween I don't mind. Thanksgiving I hate! I really dislike the food, and a holiday that has become all about the food just isn't for me. I don't like parades either so that doesn't even interest me. I'd skip the holiday if I could.

Unknown said...

I adore Halloween!!! It's better in Houston because it's warm on October 31st.

However I can see why you're not a fan of going out after 5pm in Utah... living in Iowa there were several times our awesome costumes were covered by snow suits... such a waste.

Oh and I love Halloween because my family all gets together to celebrate my husbands birthday! What's not to love?

Bast said...

I'm shocked!

Kidding. Anyway, I love Halloween cause I can dress up and be someone/ something other than me.

And here in Korea, no Halloween ... so I don't have to worry about hyped up kids.

Anne Gallagher said...

I hate Halloween too. Thanks for posting. I thought I was the only one. And I agree with the chocolate.

Kerri Cuev said...

Halloween is doable it's Christmas I'm getting sick of. To bad they made it into a shopoholics dream. Call me bah humbug, just sayin.

Michelle McLean said...

I agree with most of what you say :D I do, however, have fun dressing up and hanging going to Halloween parties with friends. Had a blast last year with Bethany Wiggins and Bonny Anderson - gonna miss that this year! :)

Nomes said...

haha - i love this post! I love all your reasons and think i'd agree (especially as i am a teacher too!)


we don;t even have Halloween here in Australia! So, you know, never seen it. Except in American TV/movies, occasionally. I wonder if other places around the world don't do Halloween?

Mara Nash said...

Yay! A fellow Halloween Hater!! I dislike Halloween for most of the same reasons you do, although I don't teach elementary school.

I don't like carving seems pointless to me and leaves a ridiculous slimy mess.

Like you, I do not understand the dressing up thing. I gave up dress up and pretend when I was, like, 10. Now I do all my pretending on the page in the form of storytelling.

And my ass is wide enough, I sure don't need a bucket full of candy to increase its acreage.

Plus, I hate having to get up and down all night long as the doorbell rings while bratty kids in lame-o costumes or even no costumes at all come to my door begging for candy. In North Dakota the weather is always so bad that everyone's bundled up in winter gear so you can't even see their costumes anyway.

Okay, nuff said. I'm done with my annual Halloween rant. But it's nice to find a kindred spirit. *wink*

Hannah said...

I love all things suspenseful and scary anyway but Halloween at least puts them in the forefront. And that's okay by me! :D

Regina said...

It is a dark time and lets me connect to my dark side and feel comfortable about it. Even if it is just for a little while. What is your favorite holiday?

Claire Dawn said...

It snowed here yesterday. Clearly north Japan was not meant for trick or treating.

Growing up, we didn't have Halloween in Barbados, so I'm kind of immune to it. But I don't mind dressing up. I like clowning around anyhow. Next year, I think I'll actually buy a costume though. Instead of making myself miserable making one.

Scott said...

Halloween and Christmas!

I love Halloween. Okay, I love Halloween at a gay bar . . . because my peeps know how to come up with some great costumes. The jellyfish was probably the best. Seriously.

Christmas - love, love, love it. The tree, the ornaments, the music! Ah, the joys of Christmas that will begin on Nov. 16 when Glee releases its Christmas CD. Woo-hoo!


CL said...

I love Halloween, even though my parents also never bought me a costume. I liked going through my mother's jewelry box/scarf collection to be a gypsy (which it seems like I was every year)
My West Asheville neighborhood rocks on Halloween-- tons of super cool decorations, one house even does a giant shadow-puppet show you can see from the street. It's a fun family night out.
I don't like New Year's Eve. I almost never have fun, I don't know what all the cool people are doing, but my husband's a musician, he always has a gig, and I go to sleep by 10 as usual :(
ps. Please don't shop at Walmart! They're awful!

Alicia Gregoire said...

Not a Halloween fan. My parents never let me do the trick or treat thing as a kid, which is why this is the case. Now all I do is leave candy on the porch for the neighbors.

When I had to go in costume for any Halloween parties, I ended up being an invisible pedestrian. When the majority of your wardrobe is black, this is the most cost-effective solution.

Megan said...

I'm with you on Halloween. It's my least favorite holiday. Kids run around screaming, hopped up on sugar, teenagers cause mischief and the costume selection process really stresses me out.

Fi-chan said...

You should live in my country, or at least grow up here. We don't celebrate Halloween, and if we do, it's only a dressing up party. So your parents can't scar you for life by not getting you costumes LOL

storyqueen said...

I used to hate Halloween because I am such a big chicken and I hate being scared.

But, I dunno......I kind of love the old lug of a holiday now.....I am a teacher and maybe it signifies that a certain part of the year is already behind us....

But really,for me, the day after Halloween means I can start focusing on Christmas!!

Lame, I know.

lotusgirl said...

Halloween is okay. My kids are totally into the costumes and so I try to go with it. There is way too much media pressure for halloween these days though. My favorite holiday is Christmas. The decorations, the lights, the kindness flowing, celebrating the Savior's birth. It's probably cliché but there you have it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, now. Sometimes it's more comfortable to go to parties in those well-loved scrubs and claim "it's a doctor costume!" hehe...

I like the chocolate, but I know it's bad for me. I like the temperatures (usually). And, honestly, it got a whole lot better when I dressed my babies up in those little chili pepper and farm animal costumes. You know, when *I* could still pick their costumes and take pictures for blackmail when they're teenagers. *grin*

Anonymous said...

It's not my fave, but It's still fun. What I like most is the cool weather that I know is going to trickle in. After a long summer of triple digits, it's very welcome.

We sometimes give out candy, but mostly, just chill out, watch a few scary movies (with my eyes mostly closed or the tv on mute because I'm such a wimp.)

This year it's on a Sunday and so we'll hook up with some friends and watch football...but that's about the extent of things in our household.

Unknown said...

I'm not a huge fan. It's such a dark holiday.

But I can empathize with your costume angst growing up. My parents were all "creative" (bleh.) and made us come up with costumes from stuff around us. One year, I was a pretty adorable Kleenex box. But, usually, it was something from my closet.

I begged to be a fairy ballerina princess. Every. Single. Year. Didn't get to be one until I was 23 years old. That was when I started re-using bridesmaid dresses for costumes. A good system in your 20's if I do say so myself.

B.E. Sanderson said...

I like Halloween. I just wish some people didn't see the night before as a time to destroy things. Feh. For the most part, I enjoy holidays. Each of the major ones has its own reason for making excuses to eat chocolate.

I used to hate Valentine's Day. Long story. But now I'm happily married and it's a lovely day to celebrate... and eat chocolate. ;o)

Kelly Polark said...

I do have to agree that when I was a third grade teacher, the Halloween party day was definitely the most exhausting! (But yet I continue to be the parent volunteer in my kids' classrooms on Halloween each year!)
But I love Halloween. I like to dress up and the kids' excitement over the holiday transfers to me. We usually go all out and decorate our house inside and out, but not this year. I don't even know if we'll have time to carve pumpkins this year! But we will eat lots of candy!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

I really, really don't like the holiday either. You are not alone. :)

Tess said...

It's okay, Elana. I still love you.

But, I do like Halloween. My kids are so excited and I can get them cool costumes and make up (at least in my head) for the lame ones my mom made me wear... the huge heart. Guess where the point went? Yep. And guess what happened to that point when I sat down? poked up.

and some boy walked by and said, "Hey, look, she's got a heart on!"

ah, the shame.

Meredith said...

I LOVE Halloween, but I especially love the day after Halloween when all the candy goes on sale :)

mermaid gallery said...

I don't like it either. i don't like that people mask their identities...I don't like the candy frenzy...And I don't like the pressure of dress up. Luckily I live in a remote spot so I just stay home and ignore it.....

Tom M Franklin said...

"I absolutely do not understand a holiday where the sole point is to dress like an idiot and have people stare at you. Not my brand of fun."

My thoughts exactly!

-- Tom

Summer Frey said...

Halloween's alright. I don't go to parties, don't get trick-or-treaters, and don't decorate. I used to really like holidays, but once I got married, the stress levels went off the chart. Who gets us this year for which holiday? Should we go the afternoon before Christmas, or the morning after? What about the brother who only comes home twice a year for each holiday? We need to spend as much time with him as we can!

And on and on...

Kay said...

Valid reasons, but I totally was not expacting that from you! :)

Love me some halloween!

Sara B. Larson said...

Eh, it's fun and I have a good time (usually, though I hear ya on that too cold in UT thing), but not my favorite holiday. It's one of my best friend's favorites though, and she has a huge adult party every year. Now that, i look forward to. ;)

Melody said...

Not a big Halloween fan myself, BUT...

...I do appreciate the fact that BAGS and BAGS of CANDY are EVERYWHERE this time of year. It kinda makes me happy. :)

Stasia said...

With ya, sister! I loathe Halloween. I'm too much of a chocolate snob to even look at the piles of grocery story candy my kids bring home, so there's no joy there. Plus, nothing ruins a cozy fall night of reading worse than a passel of trick-or-treaters forcing you to get up off your a** and answer the door!

Jennifer Hoffine said...

I totally feel for elementary teacher who doesn't like Halloween...all that costume and party stuff would be plain old miserable instead of crazy but still fun.

Personally, I love everything about fall, the scary Halloween atmosphere, making my daughter's costume, the whole bit. We're even the house that gives out goody bags with the full-sized candy bars in them.

And overall, I love that there's still a holiday where the whole community opens their doors and gives to strangers...every other holiday is about giving to our loved ones. I like that this one includes giving to teeth- chattering kids in tacky goblin suits and even teenagers who just threw on a stupid hat or something so they could still get free candy.

Kelly Lyman said...

Whew! I've finally found someone who agrees with me! I hate Halloween!! I never wanted to dress up as a kid or go trick-or-treating. I hated it. My parents actually had to force me. I taught Elem. Ed. too before staying home full-time and totally agree with you on that point as well. I'm the lady who used to turn the light off, or my husband and I would go to a movie. I have such a huge problem with 16 year olds knocking on my door or kids whose parents drive them door to door, or kids coming to my door who don't live in my neighborhood! Also, I loath Walmart. Going to that store is torture for me! Unfortunately, my middle son was born on Halloween, so it looks like for the next 16 years or so I'll have to "celebrate it" with costume parties! Ugh.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm just burned out on holidays this year. I don't know why because normally I'll decorate for the kids and try and make it as memorable as possible but this year? I've dreaded it. Let's commiserate over lunch. =D

Elana Johnson said...

Tess, I cannot stop laughing! Seriously, my sides hurt.

And I'm glad some people like Halloween. It'd be terrible if we all did it, and no one liked it.

I'm also relieved (you have no idea) that I'm not alone in my Halloween aversions. Let's unite!

Would you all be shocked if I said I wasn't much of a partier either? Maybe that's reason #6...

Sage Ravenwood said...

I seemed to remember ecking out some enjoyment for the holiday when my daughter was younger.

These days I'm more likely applauding the month long influx of horror fest on the tv. screen.

Besides my neighborhood is rather boring, no trick or treaters at all. I think we may have had one kid in the almost 8 years I've lived here. In essence I could live without the holiday. Now Christmas? I'm a kid at heart. (Hugs)Indigo

Laura S. said...

I love Halloween! (I love all holidays!!!) I went to Catholic school so we always had off on Nov. 1 since it's All Saints Day (a Day of Obligation). We could stay up and eat candy as late as we wanted on Halloween because there was no school the next day! That was the best part. :)

My parents never ever bought costumes- it was a time for being creative! My siblings and I came up with some awesome costumes! It was fun going door to door and getting free candy. When I was in 6th grade I went trick-or-treating with a friend in her grandparents' neighborhood, which was a little ritzy, and most people gave out the big candy bars!!! That was an awesome Halloween!

Heather Kelly said...

SMOG! (Sweet Mother Of God!) I love Halloween! We always made our own awesome costumes as a kid (with the help of my super creative dad). Halloween night, my hubby dresses up, I dress up, and we leave out a bowl of candy so we can ALL walk around the neighborhood like fools. LOVE IT. But I cannot imagine being a teacher around that time of year. Go on, hate it! You are totally allowed! I'm going to be Tonks this year. Both my boys are Harry Potter. SO MUCH FUN!!

Ted Cross said...

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the pagan aspects and all of the scary scaries. It was better when I was a kid, but it's still fun now to see my own kids enjoying it.

Lisa Gail Green said...

Oh man! I remember my mom making me wear a winter coat over my costume and one woman saying "How cute! What are you supposed to be? An eskimo?" Scars...

Nichole Giles said...

I like Halloween for much the same reason I love writing. It is an opportunity to live in someone else's shoes, to be something or someone other than yourself for a day. To pretend.

My mom never bought me nice costumes either, but I think that forced me to be creative (and I got her back by making much use of her drawers full of makeup). But I admit, there were years I loathed it. This year, I don't love it. I think I'd rather stay in and write. But if I had a reason--a grownup party or something else--I'd go and be happy. Guess that means I've become indifferent?

Southpaw said...

Love Halloween here. I grew up in a fairly tight community so trick-or treating was fun. The neighbors set up fog machines and fake bats would dangle in the trees. I was shy. Dressing up brought me out for a night of fun ‘cause I got to pretend to be an alien or princess or whatever.

Huntress said...

You need chocolate BAAAADDDD, don't you.
Here you go. **toss**

Write Chick said...

Okay. I seriously think that we were twins split up at birth. I'm not a huge fan of Halloween either...AND it is for the EXACT same reasons as yours.
-The sucky costumes as a kid
-The fact that I can buy my own dang candy whenever I want to
-The school kids being completely out of control!
I completely understand where you are coming from.

-I'm going to tack on one more reason. Because my parents always gave me crappy costumes, I try to do better by my kids, but think it is entirely stupid to spend $60 on something they are only going to wear one time! It's so ridiculous.

Krispy said...

Actually, you have very legit reasons for not liking Halloween, especially the part about dealing with sugar-high kids.

BUT the FUN of Halloween is that you CAN dress all crazy and IT DOESN'T MATTER because everyone else is dressed crazy too. I like it because it's a chance to try fun/crazy looks and clothes without having to worry about people thinking I'm a freak. And free candy, the point of which is that it's FREE. ;) Also, I hear in Bel Air, they give out change/cash instead of candy. JUST SAYIN.

It IS cold sometimes though (not as cold as Utah, I'm sure), which is why my parents used to take us Trick or Treating at the mall.

Nicole Zoltack said...

I'm not a huge Halloween fan either. Probably stems back to not going out trick-or-treating. Now that I have kids, it'll be interesting to see if my take on the holiday changes (although they're way too young yet to go out at 2 and 3 months, lol)

Tina Lynn said...

I cherish Halloween because I dropped $300 on a genuine Gryffindor costume. The robe alone is to die for. AND it doesn't get cold here...much.

Amie Kaufman said...

Get thee to Australia, you'll fit right in. Around this time of year I'm usually completely mystified by the way the holiday's treated so differently here in the US. Here, it doesn't really register much. If you're really little, you might throw on a pretty slap-dash costume and case your street for candy, but that's about the extent of it. No parties, no big deal. This is extremely depressing, mind you, to my halloween-addicted American flatmate.

Leigh Caron said...

It was a dark and stormy Halloween night. But because all the grown-ups had gotten together to ban Halloween moaning that they were tired of the hype and fuss, kids around the country were left to their own devices. They huddled in closets using flashlights to make their faces look like corpses and told the scariest story of all ... the day Halloween died! Oh, think of the kids, Elana!

Matthew MacNish said...

I can understand that. I'm not too into it either. But please don't tell me you didn't love the Glee Rocky Horror episode. I thought it was the best one this season outside of perhaps the first episode. Just sayin!

Julie Hedlund said...

Nope. Don't love Halloween either. It takes over our lives all through October because of all the "Halloween" themed activities for kids. The costumes are now ridiculously expense (and no - I do NOT sew). It's commercialization is now second only to Christmas.

So I am another Halloween Scrooge.

kathrynjankowski said...

I used to enjoy Halloween, before our neighborhood was overrun with vans of kids from other areas. Seriously, when you've given out candy by the hundreds, it's no longer fun. Now we keep the porch dark.

As for school, our district finally forbid costumes in the classroom. Too distracting.

Unknown said...

This might be the first time I've disagreed with you. Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday! I volunteer at my kids' school Halloween parties so I understand the crazy sugar high behaviors, but it's just so darn fun. Plus, it's the only time of year I eat Milky Ways because it seems more acceptable--I just wish my jeans were as understanding.

Colene Murphy said...


oh well. To each their own I suppose.

Cinette said...

I've come to dislike Christmas, myself. Yes, I love to decorate for it (the ONLY holiday I decorate for) but it's become so commercial that I can't get the warm fuzzies about it anymore.

Anonymous said...

I like the spooky fun of Halloween, but yeah, it's too cold. And I eat candy like every day, LOL! ;)

Nicole L Rivera said...

Other than an excuse to eat a ton of Reese Cups, I'm over it. I'm going to a NaNoWriMo kick-off party -- they promised goody bags ;)

Valerie Ipson said...

Hmmm...maybe I was scarred by lame Halloween costumes, too. But I DO NOT blame my mother. It sucks figuring out costumes for a slew of kids and making them happy, but not breaking the bank for a one-evening event. HATE THAT PART!

The only thing I like (besides an excuse to eat copious amounts of fun-size candy bars) is that my husband always takes the trick-or-treaters out and I have a quiet house to myself, well minus the constant ringing of the doorbell and the demand for candy. I don't even mind that part, though. There's something very relaxing about it. It's one of the few times of the year that people just stop what they're doing and either walk around the neighborhood with their kids or open the door to your children to share something sweet. What's not to love there?

I could go on...Thanksgiving, Christmas, Flag Day...I've got opinions about them all...

Lydia Kang said...

I'm with ya, sister. I'm comfortably tepid about Halloween in general. Fake blood, blech.

Emily White said...

I definitely don't love Halloween as much as I used to. For some reason, people frown upon a 27 year old woman dressing up and begging for candy at their house. *shakes head* I do, however, like dressing my kids up and sending them around.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Christmas is my all-time fave, followed by Thanksgiving and then Halloween. Easter is "meh", and valentine's Day is... Well, let's just say I'm not a fan. High school was VERY DIFFICULT in this regard.

I also tend not to enjoy my birthday much, which... Kind of sucks, actually. Now you've got me all depressed; maybe a decaf coffee will fix it. ;-)

Tiffany said...

I do like Halloween. This year I'm going to be Jackie O! I love Christmas, and any holidays during the summer. I love summer!

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

I don't like it either. Pretty much everyone I know thinks I'm crazy. I never celebrated it as a kid, and I don't go out of my way to do anything about it with mine. It always feels like one of those holidays totally pushed onto everyone by consumers, like Valentine's Day - though I do love that one - and Santa Claus. (I don't get the Santa thing, either, but that's an issue for a whole other post.)

Talei said...

Hi Elana, I love Halloween! Actually I just love dressing up in costumes which would never normally see the light of day! ;)

I have an award for you at my blog too. Please stop by when you get a chance. ;)

Shannon Messenger said...

Totally with you--for these and so many other reasons. :)

Donea Lee said...

I actually LOVE Halloween. I'm kind of a lover of holidays in general. You know, except for the lame ones like President's day or Columbus Day. Ok - so I'll rephrase and say that I'm a lover of the Big 5 - New Year's, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas.

For Halloween - I just love people's creativity - in their costumes, in their decorations, in their scary stories, in the fabulous Halloween-themed tv episodes that come out!! It's pretty amazing what some people will come up with! :)

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

I'm a little bummed about Halloween right now. A lot of my friends back home get really into it, but I'm not near any of them at the moment, so I don't have many people to celebrate with, and I'm not sure I want to get dressed up to do nothing. Ah, well. I'll think of something.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I liked it as a kid, but it loses something when you get older. Besides, I know where the store's located.

Lindsay said...

I was never into Halloween much as a kid (plus it wasn't big in the UK till now really). But I do enjoy dressing up my 22-month-old goddaughter and taking her trick or treating. I then get to eat the candy she can't have. ha ha. :)

Mike Winchell said...

I am totally a Halloween fan, primarily because of the imagination and creativity of the day. Many kids take the dress-up experience that goes along with Halloween and they extend that into other creative avenues, whether it be drama, or even creative writing. I also love how we encourage kids to be something other than themselves, and I love the spirit they have about the whole process. Finally, me love all things creepy and spooky, and my book is slathered with dark and freaky humor. So, yeah, I'm a big Halloween fan.

Lisa_Gibson said...

Nah, I'm with you. Well I don't loathe it but not love either. My boss totally immerses herself in Halloween. Her favorite holiday. I don't really get that. I refuse to be strong armed into dressing u at work. Not going to happen. Even my son is beyond the age of trick or treating, so yeah no Halloween magic for me really. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Darling, it's getting hard to comment. I have to scroll for ages and ages to get to the comment form :P

But, that's awesome.

I have a tough time with Halloween because people seem to think it's cool to be gross and scary, and I so do not. And neither do my kids. My poor little bean cannot be taken anywhere near the Halloween section of any store. she gets so spooked and upset. So, go you for standing up!

Tracy Loewer said...

I loved halloween because we got to put on make up and dress crazy. We were pretty broke, but I thought it was fun to improvise princess, pirate, gypsy, or robot costumes. Maybe other people thought they were lame outfits, but we loved it!

I bet you'd get into it if they handed out bacon. :)

Stephanie McGee said...

Amen to #5.

But I enjoy getting out on Halloween. Or on that weekend. I have a pretty sweet pirate costume that I like to wear.

My other favorite would be 4th of July and Christmas.

But I hate, hate, hate Valentine's Day. I wish we could do away with it.

Yamile said...

Awww. You have some great reasons. I love Halloween. While we were decorating the house, my whole family sang, "It's the most wonderful time of the year." Maybe because I didn't have it as a child, I need to make-up for the lack now.

Jemi Fraser said...

Halloween is my least favourite holiday too. I hated making the kids' costumes. I was sooooo glad when they didn't want to trick or treat any more. :)

Anita Saxena said...

My parents didn't really buy my costumes either. But I don't blame them since they had immigrated from india and weren't familiar with the holiday. But I still can't help getting a little jealous to this day when I see kids in nice costumes.

Little Ms J said...

I personally love Halloween, but this is the first one where I'm not forcing my girls into dresses to find some party. Too busy, too tired, to grown up this year. I hope I totally get over it by 2011.

Unknown said...

I'm eh about Halloween. I love seeing my girls get all excited to dress up, and we really just spend an hour or so going around the block and to the next street over. No biggie, but my kids are 8 and 3, they still get really into it.

I also teach elem school, first grade. Our school doesn't allow kids to dress up, though. Instead, we have a big Fall Fest with fun activities and they make goodie bags for local shelters and listen to a spooky storyteller and stuff like that. Best part is, the PTA runs it and we just bring our classes to each station at the time on our schedules, lol. It's pretty much out of my hands other than herding the kids around. Can't say I'll be thrilled Monday morning with my tired little guys at school, but at least they'll have something to write in their weekend news journals besides "I played video games..." :P ;)

Let's move on to Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Jackee said...

I'm with ya. I fork out a hundred bucks every year for costumes so my kids don't end up scarred like your dear self and then take them around car trunks to trade my good chocolate candy for someone's Dumdums and BitO'Honeys.

Halloween Scrooge? You bet!

Anita said...

I am the designated candy passer outer. I enjoy my role, but am glad when it's over.

Rebecca Gomez said...

I'm not big on all the death and gore and stuff, but I do enjoy seeing the kids in their costumes and I have to admit that I enjoy dressing up when I get the chance.

If you had seen my two year old run up to a person standing in their front door and heard him yell "THANK YOU!" before he even made it up the porch steps, how could you help but find something to smile about on Halloween?

Slamdunk said...

Thanks for being courageous and going against the crowd on this one Elana.

I am not a Halloween fan either, but the family enjoys some aspects of it.

After spending about nine years in law enforcement, New Years Eve was my least favorite holiday time. Too much stupidity going on.

thegreatpbjbattle said...

I don't mind passing out candy, but I too am in Utah. (snow this morning) I don't feel like freeezing my butt of so my kids can collect a bucketful of candy I won't let them I end up eating.

N. R. Williams said...

Good night...there are a lot of comments girl. You rock!

I love Halloween, Christmas and Easter for the joy on my grandchildren's faces. Candy must be monitored...ok kids, give it over, I'll eat it for you. The only after effect I'll suffer is too much sleep. For an insomniac, that's a blessing.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I must like scary things since I watch Criminal Minds. Halloween? Not my favorite but I see a lot of fun happening.

Marsha Sigman said...

I LOVE Halloween. How can you not love a holiday where you get free candy??? I do completely understand your scars from childhood over the costumes. I bear my own. How many freakin times can you use a sheet and go as a ghost? Apparently quite a few. But I still like it.

Unknown said...

Nice to meet a fellow Halloween hater! We turn off our porch and inside lights and pull the drapes. Halloween! Bah!

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