Monday, September 27, 2010


No, I totally don't mean the kind where you get your bathrooms cleaned. But that would be awesome!

Anyway, there's a few things I have to tie up, and I'm using today to do it.

1. WriteOnCon Live Panel!

It's tonight, on the WriteOnCon site, at 9 PM EST. Be there or be square. We've got two literary agents--Jessica Sinsheimer and Roseanne Wells--and two editors--Jocelyn Davies (Penguin) and Kari Sutherland (HarperCollins).

You so don't want to miss this. (And the winners to all the WOC giveaways will be up on Tuesday!)

2. The Great Blogging Experiment. I can't even think of the words to describe this awesomeness. If you missed it, you can click here to see my post and then all the other people who signed up. If you forgot, post yours and send me a link.

I think I got to all the posts, but there were several of you who snuck in after I'd read. And some of you who didn't have your posts up when I went to your blogs. If I missed yours, send me an email with the link.

It was fabulous. I think I might get to keep my kidney.

3. Winners. I had a contest on my blog for signed copies of LOSING FAITH by Denise Jaden and BREAK by Hannah Moskowitz. I used to determine the winners.

LOSING FAITH: Joseph D Miller

Please email me (elanajohnson (at) gmail (dot) com) with your mailing address, so I can get these books out to you.

Whew. I think that's it. What else did I miss? What loose ends do you need to tie up?


Jemi Fraser said...

That's the kind of housekeeping I enjoy :) Looking forward to the WriteOnCon chat! Congrats to the winners!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Looking forward to the chat tonight. See you then.

Renae said...

I would so rather do this type of housekeeping! Congrats to the winners. I'm looking forward to the chat tonight!

Bish Denham said...

That blog experiment has left me gasping! Thanks Elana. And I will make a note to myself to check out tonight's life panel at WOC!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for WriteOnCon tonight! Hmm, loose ends I should tie up? Revise my WIP and clean my house. One guess which one I'll get to today.

Christine Fonseca said...

Tonight's gonna be epic! Looking forward to it...assuming I get caught up on my RL stuff and can play ;D

Natasha said...

You definitely get to keep your kidney. And not only did you have all those bloggers on the appointed day, you have people sneaking up with follow up posts today.

Well done.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The Experiement was fun!

Stina said...

Thanks for the WriteOnCon reminder. I was thinking about it last night.

Loose ends? Analyszing my outline and adding a few extra scenes so that I can finally start my first draft this week.

Golden Eagle said...

I much prefer this type of housekeeping. :)

The Great Blogging Experiment was EPIC. I didn't get to everyone, but the posts I did read were all helpful and I got some new ideas!

Kerri Cuev said...

Elana thanks for the experiment. It seriously rocked and I got to visit some really cool blogs and make new blogger buddies. Oh and I learned a thing or two ;)

Lola Sharp said...

Congrats to the book winners! :)

Yes, the Experiment was Epic. It took major stamina, but I *think* I made it around to everyone. I tried. We entertained all weekend, so I could only grab little snippets of time to get online and visit.

I will miss tonight. *pouts* But I'll read the transcripts.

You make me happy.

That is all.

Misha Gerrick said...

Just my final exams a few weeks from now...

And handing over the reins to the Fencing Club...


Talei said...

Congrats to the winners! And that was an amazing blogging experiment, thanks to you and Alex, and Jen for hosting. Happy monday! ;)

Tabitha Bird said...

Awesome. Congrats to the winners.

Erinn said...

Don't you love house keeping posts? They make me feel very productive.

Thanks for the reminder about writeoncon.

Thanks for being made out of awesome and a little bit of water.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Excited for the writeon con chat! I'm pawning the kids off on hubby so I can attend. :)

Hannah said...

The Great Blogging Experiment was so so awesome! I'm still working my way through the posts. I think i made it halfway though. That's something, right?

Unknown said...

Great job on the housekeeping! Yay for WriteOnCon! The Great Blogging Experiment rocked!!!

Congrats to all the winners :)

Happy Monday!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

The "experiement" was great! I picked up a lot of great tips, plus some wonderful downloads and some new friends (smile). Thanks for being such a wonderful hostess, Elana!

Congratulations to the winners!

Matthew MacNish said...

1) I'm supposed to have a softball game tonight. Here's to hoping it rains.

2) Yep I was late. I suck. I put mine up this morning. I would link here but I'm in a hurry, so just click on my name please.

3) Congrats! To all winners.

Janet Johnson said...

The experiment was definitely a success. Nice to know we all have our own-ness (okay, not a word, but I hope you know what I mean) to contribute.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Saw a lot of action from two blogfests last week.
Finally rememberd to select the winners of my 300 followers giveaway this morning. Need to post those tomorrow.

Claire Dawn said...

As per usual, it'll be 10 am here (Japan) and I'll be at work. If I'm not teaching a class, I will be there. If not, have fun!

I forgot the Characters on Friday. I'll try to do it tomorrow and send you a linky.

Cinette said...

My housekeeping includes finishing the Great blogging experiment. I still haven't made my way all the way through the list.

Tamika: said...

The Great Blogging Experiment was HUGE! I enjoyed it~ thanks Elana.

Kelly Polark said...

Loved the Blogging Experiment!!!
Wow! Another WriteOnCon event! Yes!
And speaking of housekeeping, that is what I'll be doing this week and have been doing. My house goes up for sale this weekend so deep cleaning and decluttering!Ahhhhhhh!

Patti said...

Loved the blogfest on Friday. I don't usually blog on Fridays, but think I might change my schedule.

Theresa Milstein said...

Can't wait until tonight. But really, I can't wait to see if I win any swag. I'm finding a way to get a copy of your books early!

Colene Murphy said...

You guys have the best fests and experiments! Loved it!

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

That blogfest was epic. Thanks. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Elana, the Great Blogging Experiment was phenomenal - wow, wow, wow!! You really know how to party, girl! :-)

R. B. LeMoyne said...

Grats to the winners! And the next time you do a Great Blogging Experiment, I'll have to get in on that. :) Until then, see you at tonight's chat!

Carolyn V. said...

The blogging experiment was AWESOMENESS! So much fun.

I'm way excited for the live panel tonight. I will try to be there. =)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for The Great Blogging Experiment! It was a fantastic idea, and I had an awesome time reading everyone's entries. I would deem it a Great Success.

Anonymous said...

The Great Blogging Experiment was so much fun! I've connected with so many different writers and readers. I snuck in late after work for my post (I work in the courts and criminals don't take blogging breaks). Any one up for another? Elana? Anyone...hello? Bueller?

Eric said...

I don't know if you got the chance to stop by mine or not, Elana. But thank you so much for the opportunity. It was more fun than words can describe. You're the best :)

Anonymous said...

The blogging experiment was tons of fun. Loose ends here: I'd like to finish up a first draft this week. And I'm adding some pages to my blog. Some slideshows. Pushing myself in a techno-way.

Melissa said...

You get to keep your kidney. Seriously, all the posts were great and while similar topics were covered, the approaches varied.

The experiment was AMAZING! Though it took me so long to read all of them.

WRite on con tonight! Awesome.

Krispy said...

The blogging experiment was so fun! I'm still reading entries. Haha. I was one of those who didn't have a post up until quite a bit later. Sorry! Pacific time! Also, I'm always late for things! :P

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Too much awesome going on.

Will try to catch the live chat tonight!

Congrats to the winners! Glad you kept your kidney ;)

Susan R. Mills said...

Yes, the experiment was awesome. I gained a little something from every post I read.

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Doh. Where have I been? I missed your blog experiment...guh.

The Blogger Formerly Known As said...

Thanks, Alana, the Great Blogging Experiment was a great idea, and indeed loads of fun!
The enigmatic, masked blogger strikes again

Karen Lange said...

Congrats to the winners! I agree, the experiment was fabulous! :)


Congrats to the lucky winners! What a great idea!

ali cross said...

Your new pic is awesome Elana! And congrats to the winners!

Ishta Mercurio said...

The Great Blogging Experiment was AMAZING. I am STILL working through all those posts, and they are fabulous.

And the WOC panel was great. Thanks for all you do!

Heather said...

Ugh, I'm at work so I'm probably going to miss the WriteOnCon live chat tonight! But I'll catch the transcript. I loved the blogging experiment. Everyone had excellent posts on characters!

Anonymous said...

Exciting stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting and yes, it is definitely a topic close to my heart and one that we all tend to battle with.custom homes floor plans

See Elana's recent blog posts

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