Friday, January 28, 2011

In Which I Humiliate Myself Because I ♥ Beth Revis

First, have you noticed how long my blog titles are lately. What's with that?

Second, there's this:

Which led to... Third, THIS:

I only have one question: How come *I* have to be on the still-shot of that??


PK HREZO said...

LOL! I love it! Dancing Queen.... Get down, mama!

And hooray for Beth!

Liz P said...

That was great - you guys are too funny. :)

I'm actually smack in the middle of Beth's book now and I. Am. Loving. It.

Amie Kaufman said...

I'm tucked up in bed with chicken soup and a thousand kleenex, grinning my head off. This is exactly how we should celebrate for each other! Love, love, love this--it's the total embodiment of writers cheering for each other instead of competing :)

Lindsay said...

Hee hee. Love the funky moves. I vote dancing video celebrations for everything ;D

And yay Beth!

Theresa Milstein said...

Awww, that's great. She's gonna love it. I bet Beth did some sweet dancing herself.

Leigh Caron said...

Shake, shake, shake. Shake, shake, shake. Shake your...well, you guys sure know how to shake up some excitement for Beth. Her book sounds great. I also watched the clip of her explaining the spaceship. She's awesome.

Natalie Aguirre said...

It's great how you are supporting Beth. I'm so happy for her.

Unknown said...

I don't think you humiliated yourself at all!! This was fabulous... I just hope Beth returns the favor when Possession is released :)

Stormi said...

LOL, thats funny stuff.

Unknown said...

SO great! I just watched this awesome tribute you crazy Bookanistas (and one Bookanisto!) put together for Beth over on Carolina's blog. LOVE it! You're too cute, Elana!

Matthew MacNish said...

I always go to LiLa's first thing when I get to work, because their post is always up, right at 6, but maybe I should come here first. Not that it matters.

Anyway, point is I already saw this over there, so I'm going to leave the same comment here:

Was that supposed to make me cry a little? Because it didn't. Not one bit.

What's with all the batman and darth vader costumes? I mean besides them being awesome, of course.


What an incredible group of people you all are. I'm quite proud to know each one of you.


Lydia Sharp said...

I think, for once, YouTube got the still shot spot-on. It's perfectly posed, Elana.

And you all are amazing in this. :)

Renae said...

Congrats to Beth! What a way for you guys to celebrate, I love it!

Michelle McLean said...

that. was. AWESOME! LOL You guys are an amazing bunch of writers :) Congrats Beth!!!

Katie Anderson said...

This is THE perfect post on the front. LOVE. IT.

I can't wait to do it again.

Stina said...

Love the cool moves, Elana. You are a way better dancer than my husband. I have to be drunk to dance with him. ;)

Jonathon Arntson said...

I love that that is the still shot! It's too perfect! Well done, E!

Christine Fonseca said...

HA! Love your mad dancing off is so ON!

Bish Denham said...

FAR OUT! Groovy man! Cool!

Tracey Neithercott said...

Oh my goodness, that was 100 percent pure awesome. And that's why it's important to have writer friends.

Melanie said...

that was AWESOME!!!! I can watch anything set to that song :-) But yay for beth and all those involved in her project whether directly or indirectly. i have that book downloaded on my iPad. CAN.NOT.WAIT.TO.READ.

B.E. Sanderson said...

Why are you on the still shot? Because you're made of awesome. In fact, you guys are all incredible for doing this for Beth.

And congratulations to her for hitting the bestseller list. Way to go! =oD

Margo Berendsen said...

Love that video! Made me want to get up and dance too! I have to toot my own horn and boast that I won a signed copy of ATU from Shannon Messenger. Shannon, stop dancing and send it to me! :)

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

I saw you comment about that on the email thread, and I was like, what's she talking about? She wasn't still. She was shaking her tushie and looking too adorable for words. And then I went to the video! Haha! LOVE that you were the one on the still shot. It's total perfection.

Had so much fun with this! Beth is a perfect reason to happy dance.

Irish said...

love it!!

Anonymous said...

This looks like it was fun to put together. And out of all those people you were the lucky one to be the still shot!

Paul Greci said...

Awesome!!! Nothing more to say :-)

Annette Lyon said...

Further proof of the awesomeness of authors and how they support one another!

Eric said...

Are you kidding? No offense to all the others, but c'mon Elana. Who else could grace the still of that vid besides you. They are all great though, and such an amazing homage to the cool writer that is Beth Revis. Congrats to Beth and thanks to all the Bookanistas for sharing it with us.

Kelly Polark said...

Shake it, Elana, Shake it!
Of course I loved the Bookanista dancing vlog!!!!!!! Pure awesome.
Fun congrats to Beth! So happy for her!

Susan R. Mills said...

Love it! I feel like dancing now.

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Awesome book and video!!! Congrats to Beth deserved.

Michelle Merrill said...

Saweet!~ That was great! And Elana, don't you know it only ever freezes on the best moment in the video!

Jessica Love said...

You guys are all pretty awesome. That video made my morning.


Sara B. Larson said...

Lucky you, getting to be the still shot! ;) What a fun video. Congrats Beth!

A. B. Keuser said...

This is amazing. It's so wonderful that you guys did this for her :D

Shari said...

That was AWESOME! And though you were all fabulous, you, of course, were my favorite. Love the Saturday Night Fever moves.

John Sankovich said...

Friggin Awesomesauce. Love the video and you all seem so brave, I don't know if I could have posted that online for all to see. Congrats Beth.

Patti said...

I saw this on Beth's blog, totally awesome.

Nicole Zoltack said...

So awesome!

Colene Murphy said...

You guys are so awesome!! Beth is a lucky gal to have you guys!

Unknown said...



*tackles you in a hug*

lotusgirl said...

Bookanistas are totally made of awesome. What a great support group. Congrats, Beth!

Angela said...

You make a great cheerleader!

Jill Kemerer said...

Okay, you made my weekend! This was so sweet and generous--love everything about it!

Liza said...

Loved that video...and here's the thing. I am so impressed with the giving and caring it demonstrates in each of you. Really, this made my day.

VR Barkowski said...

You are all fabulous! And congrats again to Beth!

Krispy said...

LOL, you all are so cute, and congrats to Beth! You're the still shot because you're awesome. :)

Elana Johnson said...

Thanks, everyone! I try not to dance unless the occasion really calls for it. I mean, REALLY calls for it. Your smiles and laughter made me smile and laugh.

Have a great weekend!

Karen Lange said...

Just hopped over from Beth's cause I wanted to see if you mentioned this. :) And you did. You're awesome! Don't get the big head, okay?
Happy weekend,

Golden Eagle said...

I love that video. :D Beth is so lucky to have you all as friends!

Nichole Giles said...

I love that. And all I can say is that is real love. Friend love, not like, weird love or anything. Putting something like that together--yeah. Work and stuff.

And it's awesome.

Congrats to Beth!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Absolutely awesome. What a wonderful tribute! Congratulations, Beth!

Ghenet Myrthil said...

This was awesome!! You guys are such great friends to her. :)

Congrats to Beth!! I can't wait to read ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.

ali cross said...

Oh my gosh, that was all kinds of awesome. And E., it was your disco moves, clearly. Even the computer knows you can bust a move.

Unknown said...

You guys rock! Beth has great friends!!!!!!!!!!

Gail said...

You're on the still shot because you're so fabulous!!!!! Loved the video- wish each of you were on there longer! One day, bookanistas will be making one for you too!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous to see your support for each other. I feel your appreciation for your friend and how proud of her you all are!

Jemi Fraser said...

Woohoo!!! Awesome! I'm happy dancing with you. Thankfully there is no proof :)

E. Arroyo said...

That was Awesome! You ladies, and man, Rock!!

bel said...

What a fabulous tribute. I don't care if I ever get published if I can just do something that someone thinks is worthy of such Big Congratulations!

Corey Schwartz said...

Cutest, sweetest vlog ever!

Red Boot Pearl said...

hahaha that made my day :)

Yamile said...

You guys are the "bestest" friends! Congrats to Beth for both debuting n the NYT's bestseller list and for having such great cheerleaders.

June G said...

LOL...*grinning like a maniac* I enjoyed this! It's one of my favorites songs too. I was rockin' with you. You're a good friend...all of you are super supportive...awesome. Go Beth go!

Jay said...

That is BRILLIANT! Made my day. But now sleepy Maggie has made me want to have a nap.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this on Beth's website. You're great writer friends.

Jeff King said...

That's awesome... thx for sharing it.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Because you've got natural line.

Aylee said...

Such a fun video! Love it!

Julie Musil said...

Loved this vlog! Hey, maybe you're the still shot because of your wicked Saturday Night Fever moves. Awesome stuff.

Anonymous said...

More awesome than words.


Sophia said...

You're just lucky, I guess!
- Sophia.

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Love the moves, sugah. (;

Ishta Mercurio said...

This was awesome - thanks for posting it! You Bookanistas rock. Literally.

Jennie Bailey said...

I'm not sure how I missed this last week, but it is full of the awesome! You ladies (and man) ROCK! And congrats to Beth as well.

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