So since I’m an Elevensie, I thought I’d take a day once a month to alert you to some new voices in YA and MG: fellow Elevensies.
I’m going to ask each of them a Elana-style random question so you can get to know them better. You can feast on the eye candy of covers, and you can order the books by clicking the release date.
So without further adieu, I give you some amazing releases coming in January!! For a full list, check out the Elevensies blog, and look at all those gorgeous books coming in Two Thousand Eleven!

Fess up...what's the first thing you go for before writing? Soda? Chocolate? Music? Something else? This might be weird but before I start writing I have to be really cozy and warm. I live in Maine though- so it's not the easiest thing to accomplish these days. Layers are involved, including warm socks, a comforter, and sometimes even those gloves- the ones with the fingers cut off? Why yes, I do look like Bob Cratchit when I write. Then, when I'm all warm and Cratchitty... I'm almost ready to write.
The only thing I need is a hot drink! I like coffee but I usually find myself drinking tea. My latest addiction is this fabulous tea from Trader Joe's called Jasmine Pearls. It smells like heaven and I do believe it makes my brain work better. At least, I'm hoping it does!

When planning the "perfect party" what's your go-to menu item? When planning the "perfect party" I simply must make "cheddar cheese olive balls."
TerryLynn Johnson’s DOGSLED DREAMS, available NOW!:
When faced with the vast array of apples at the store, which variety do you buy? Each time I purchase apples I buy a different kind. I like variety.
Danette Vigilante’s THE TROUBLE WITH HALF A MOON, out January 6: and the moon. What's your favorite moon phase? My favorite moon phase would be ... drum roll ... the crescent moon aka (in my world at least): Toenail moon!
Jeff Sampson’s VESPER, out January 25:
Besides "author," what's your dream profession? The ideal job for me is anything creative, really! Though I love being an author, my second love would be graphic design. I do a lot of image editing and design work just for fun!
You can also check out a lot of amazingness coming in 2011 on the Goodreads 2011 Debut Author Challenge list. Yeah, okay, Possession is on there, and no one would mind if you, you know, voted for it or anything. *wink*
What book are you excited about in this, the year of Two Thousand Eleven??
Great idea to spotlight debut authors. I've already got your book on my list and I won a pre-order of it on Badass Bookie. That's like the best thing I've ever won.
I'm super excited to read Across the Universe and Dogsled Dreams and a ton of other debut authors. Sounds like a great year for reading.
So many books to look check out! I'm familiar with some (Dogsled Dreams and XVI) but not with others.
What am I looking forward to in 2011? Summer break. And finishing and polishing my WIP.
Ooo I found new books to add to the TBR list! 2011 is already filled with fun but this is awesome!!!
Let's see. I'm ready for sequels to Matched, Firelight, Forgive my Fins, and Demonglass!!!
For new books I'm looking forward to The Lipstick Laws, Gossip from the Girls Room, Posession (hehe), The Liar Society and SO MANY MORE!
Thanks for this Elena!
Loved the snippets and gorgeous covers! 2011 is going to be an awesome year!
Well yours of course! And I'm also waiting (im)patiently for The Liar Society (where's the ebook version?) and Archangel's Consort by Nalini Singh and the next LOTU installment from Gena Showalter. Yep, I got a Kindle for Xmas and I'm a total book-ho now with over 500 books downloaded already and growing fast.
Oh, so much great stuff coming out in 11. I know it will be worth the wait. :) Happy 2011!
Thanks, Elana! I didn't know about some of these 2011 releases! Love the random questions, too!
Great idea!! I was lucky enough to read Dogsled Dreams already and it is a fantabulous book! 2011 is going to be an expensive year for me - so many great looking books coming out! :)
Dude...honestly, I am most excited about YOURS!!!
Happy 2011, Elana. I believe it will be a great year.
Happy 2011 Elana.
Thanks for the tip on Dogsled dreams. I looked up the author's website and browsed through the first chapter--looks interesting.
Great post! It's fun to think of all the fun coming our way in the new year. Personally, the book I'm most excited for is Forever by Maggie Stiefvater. Can't wait! :)
What fun questions and answers! I'm looking forward to 2011 and all the great books coming out!
To be an elevensie it has to be a debut novel, right?
I'm mainly looking forward to some good friends getting their books sold. But of course they wouldn't come out this year then, so ...
I love the random questions. I'm looking forward to so many of those 2011 books. Including this one called Possession. Ever heard of it?
I'm excited about your book coming out. I think Vicki Pettersson's next one in her Signs of the Zodiac is coming out. And don't forget Rebecca Zanetti's Fated. I'm stoked for that.
It's gonna be a great 2011
Thanks for the recommendation!! Happy New Year, Elana!!!!
I'm excited for your book! This is going to be a great year!
I love the elevensies. You guys are awesome stuff. I'm really looking forward to Beth Revis' Across the Universe and of course, Possession. =D
Oooh, more yummy books to read! I can't wait!!
I now need to go get a rag to wipe the drool from my screen. 2011 will be an awesome book year!
Love these Q & A's! 2011 is going to be a great year for books, I know it :)
Awesome questions. So glad to hear something different from authors. I love the elevensies and I'm looking forward to reading all of these. But of course Possession is number one on my must read list. I'm counting the days.
Danette, you'll be happy to know I've also called the crescent moon a toenail moon my whole life through. :)
Aside from Possession, I'm excited about Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris. Happy 2011, Elana! :)
There's so many.
2011 is going to be such a rocking year. Especially for YA lit. :) Yay! I can't wait to read Possession. woohoo!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover
Oh, this was fun, Elana. I checked out the Elevensies blog yesterday - what a line-up of gorgeous covers!! :-)
It's going to be a fantastic year for books, yours included! I'm so excited to read it. What a fun way to do interviews, I love this! I'm adding these to my to read list. Later in the month I'll be doing a feature on the Elevensies too!
SO many goodies coming!! This was an awesome idea. I loved the questions and answers!!
It looks like there are going to be some awesome books out this year!
This was a great idea and they all sound so good!
YAY Elevensies! 2011 is going to rock. HARD.
I know Terry!
Great questions, good books...Happy 2011!
There's a lot of good books coming out this year, don't know how I'm going to read all of them. One of the ones I'm really looking forward to is Possession.
Jasmine Pearl tea sounds amazing, as do all these new books coming out this month!
I'll definitely have to add some of these to my TBR list. I'm looking forward to Awakened by PC Cast and Unearthly by Cynthia Hand--both out today! And of course I'm looking forward to Possession in June.
Oh cool! I just saw the cover of Dogsled Dreams on another blog. Looks amazing!
Jasmine Pearls at Trader Joe's--I'm going to try it. Yum!
Ack, my tbr pile is growing waaay to big!
I think I'm going to have to become more friendly with my library. I have so many more books I want to read this year, because so many of my cyber-friends have books coming out! Ack!
Off the top of my head, looking forward to:
Across the Universe
The Liar Society
Bad Taste in Boys
Corsets and Clockwork Anthology
Between the Sea and Sky
And probably more that I would kick myself for forgetting right now...
Oh, I'm in so much trouble...
My inner-reader-beast is lying in wait for it.
omg omg omg - I'm on Elana's blog!!!!!
Well, of course I'm excited about YOUR book! I'm also excited to read ACROSS THE UNIVERSE by Beth Revis and VESPER above there looks really good. Heck, they all do!
This is fantastic E, thank you!
I really, really want to check out XVI, Warped and Vesper :D
What fun little mini interviews! Wow, I totally loooove the Warped cover, droooool. XVI is quite imaginative too, cool; Vesper has a neat blue-green and crimson feel to it...I love silhouettes.
Toenail moon, haha. I've heard a crescent moon described as a fingernail clipping before, but never a toenail. LOL And wow, are there that many diff kinds of apples? ;o) Fun, to have the variety.
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