I'm going to be unplugged next week. I even took Tuesday off from work. Here's why.
Today I'm recovering from a 2 AM showing of New Moon. (srsly) And yes, it's a "recovery."
I've scheduled some major hours in the Revision Batcave of Awesomeness.
I need to make five pies for my husband's sixth grade class. That's how we roll. I toldja you wanted to be in his class.
Then I'm going to stuff myself with chocolate cream pie at my critique group on Tuesday night (make that six pies that need to be made). And then turkey on Thursday.
But since it's Black Friday next week, I'm going to offer a sale on my ebook, From the Query to the Call. This ebook offers everything from how to write a query letter, how to research and submit to agents, query letter samples and then a guide for how to field "the call." It's an essential read for every aspiring author.
And you can get it this whole week for 25% off! It's regularly $9.95. This week? $7.46.
Click this button and enter the code: 25percentoff (all one word, no spaces, caps, etc.)
And I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving. I know I have a lot to be grateful for.
Later gators!
Have a good unplugged week! I'll be joining you in that endeavor.
Happy Thanksgiving! The six pies sound delish! I love pie. =)
Have a great unplugged week! Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a great holiday!I just ordered your book as I'm getting close to starting the query process - can't wait to read it. :)
Yum, pies!!!
Have a great time off. :-)
Oh, man! Now I'm hungry for pie :P!
Have a very happy holiday, and thanks for the Black Friday sale :D!
Mmmmm pie....*makes drooling noise*
Enjoy your time off - and the pies :)
Thanks for the ebook sale and enjoy your unplugged week. (I think lots of us are doing the same).
Have a super Thanksgiving!
Your ebook rocks. Happy Thanks Giving!
Chocolate cream pie? Can I join your group?!?
I love the phrase "that's how I roll." So many good memories.
Happy Thanksgiving and Unplugged week! (I'd buy a copy of your book except that I already have...and LOVE it!)
You crack me up Elana. One more time: *mmm pie*
Be jealous, all you lookers-on ... I get to have Elana's chocolate pie.
*mmm pie*
That oven will be on all day!
You are making me hungry.
Hope you have a great Thanskgiving! Enjoy those pies!
mmm...pies. have fun with those.
happy thanksgiving!
Win a copy of Erica Vetsch's debut novel, The Bartered Bride at Where Romance Meets Therapy
Have some great time off! And I love your book, btw. Buy it, people.
Pies? What type of pies? I'm making apple and pear pie and a pumpkin pie. MMMM. Have a great unplugged time.
Have a great Thanksgiving, too!
And...I've got to say, I *do* wish I was in your husband's class!
I have an award for you!!!
Hey, did I hear right? Did you get an agent? Cool beans and congrats if you did!
Happy thanksgiving!
Can I go back to 6th grade again? Even if it's just for some of that pie?
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and thanks for the Black Friday sale!
Hello! Thanks for the discount - I just bought your e-book!
Do you want to send some of those pies to the Uk?!
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