Raise your glass to Al Gore, inventer of the Internet, stopper of Global warming, for without him, this never would've happened.

Okay, so that's 16 of the awesomest writers within a 50-mile radius. If you're not following these guys, you so should be.
Standing, L-R: L.T. Elliot, Mary Campbell, Nichole Giles, Alaina Evans, Elana Johnson (that's me), Angie Lofthouse, Carolyn Vawdrey, Michelle Argyle, Suzette Saxton, Windy Aphayrath
Kneeling: Jenn Wilks, Tess Hilmo, Ali Cross, Natalie Whipple
This amazing moment came after the awards ceremony. I'm telling you, this party brought the biggest smile to my face. So thank you, Al Gore, for inventing the Interwebs so we could "meet" online and then meet in RL. (And for those who are mathematicians, there's only 14 of us in the picture. But Jaime Theler was there and so was Kim Webb Reid. They had to leave early though. And Jenn Johannson was supposed to come, as was Danyelle Leafty. Maybe next time!)
Which writerly friends have you met in real life? Who do you want to meet?
More pics, just for fun:
(Yes, that's me with two different flavors of Ben & Jerry's. De-lish.)
(Me and girl kidlet handing out some schweet awards during the ceremony.)
(Jaime and L.T. Two of my favorite people, evah!)
(The loverly Suzette and Windy.)
Look like you a good time! :)
Lokks like FUN...even without the party hats.
How incredilby blessed you are to have such an awesome group of writers that you can get together with! Jealous! :-)
I just saw this same picture on Tess's blog! You guys are a blast and I wish I was there to be a part of it!
I. Am. So. Jealous.
Okay, between you and Tess, poor Al Gore is not having a good day. I mean, he can't help it that his mamma sang him the union label song when he was an itty-bitty baby and thus created the catalyst that would allow him to create the internet one day! Ha!
I am jealous that there are so many writers near you . . . and that you get together and have cool parties.
I've met eight writing friends this year and I'm so grateful I was able to see them, especially since I live so far away from everyone!
It was so much fun!!! Elana, you are a hoot, what a great time. =) Let's do it again!
I saw this over on Tess' blog and came checking you out. I'm so jealous y'all could get together like that. NC is too far or else I'd have been there too. I'm going to have to get to know you. We have a lot in common.
It looks like so much fun!!
(and I just can't help it. Al Gore did not invent the internet!)
That looks like it was a lot of fun. I didn't know there were so many writers just up the road a ways from me. I haven't been at it for very long yet, so I don't have any "friends." Just people I like to blog stalk. I'll work on that.
I was on a Martinelli's high for two days :D
*turns green* Oh, I am so jealous. Looks like a good time. Maybe I should move...again.
Wait for it...ah...good. My sanity just returned to me.
To Al Gore! *toasting*
It was so great. I can't wait for the next one!
Wow! That looks like so much fun. I am jealous!
I made some fab new friends at this get together and look forward to the next!
I so wish I could be there! How lucky for you. I hope you get together as often as possible that is a real blessing.
You are so lucky to have so many writerly friends living so close to you! I'm jealous! : (
Happy Wednesday!
Big-time jealous! I would love to get together with Roxane, Robyn, Princess Courtney, Stephanie (of Hatshepsut), Frankie and Shannon M. and Marybeth, Jennie E., Lisa and Laura (DUH), Sara... :-)
Too funny! Gee, no wonder he won the Nobel Peace Prize...
Wow, I have met hundreds of authors - I couldn't begin to name them all! Maybe I should've kept a list. Biggest name I could drop is Catherine Coulter.
I can name the one who's had the most impact on me though - p.m. terrell. She has helped me so much and is a dear friend and mentor.
Heavens to Betsy! That looks like quite the party.
Sometimes I curse myself for living in Alaska. Not very often, but it sure would be nice to get to meet up with other writers in real life!
Oh, come on, everybody knows that there is no such thing as Al Gore. Al Gore does not exist, in fact 90% of scientists believe that Al Gore is the product of bored liberals with too much time on their hands
So fun. I want to meet all my writerly friends in real life. :) But the people I have met on the web first and then in real life are: Natalie Whipple, Jenn Johansson, Michelle Argyle, and Jenni James. It's been a blast. Since I'm coming to LTUE I'll be adding to that list.
What could possibly be more fun than getting together with all you fabulous people? Chucking two cats into a burlap sack and turning on the hose, that's what!
Seriously, BEST PARTY EVER. I had so much fun. Thank you, thank you for putting it all together. =]
How fun!
Thanks for throwing such an awesome party. Thanks for the award (the donuts and ice cream were delish!), and thanks for the link! Hope I get to see you again soon.
Looks like fun. I wish I lived closer to blogging people.
SO jealous. I want to live within 50 miles of awesome people like this.
Oh, very cool!! I'm so jealous. I hope to meet up wih some writer friends this summer.
Yeah, I'm jealous too! All of my bloggy friends live out of state:(
That looks like so much fun! I'm going to the SCBWI Winter Conference in NYC next week. A bunch of people from my region are going, but I'm also hoping to meet some of my bloggy friends for the first time!
It looks like a great party! Hope you all had an extra round of drinks for us!
Looks like a great writing group. I did discover my in-person writing group via an online posting, but that's the closest I've come to have online friends that became real life friends.
I'm so jealous!! I haven't met any of my writer buddies in "real" life yet! One of these days...
Fun! Makes me almost wish I still lived in Utah. Almost.
When did all the writers move to Utah?
Doesn't anyone live in Kentucky?
SO much fun! Thanks for the shout out E-Jamma!
I've met a ton of writers in person. I think Utah is like the holy land of writers. Something in the water maybe?
Elana! How fun! Wish I was there. *Pouting*
Thank you for all the wonderful pics!!
(I have met Ali and Laura! And of course Karen and Christine and Shanna and Rachel...the list goes on and on!)
Awww. Y'all are so so cute!
Awwww, so adorable! I'm glad you all were able to get together. I've met a few fellow bloggers and it was really wonderful. :-)
So, so jealous! That looks awesome. I wish I lived closer to writing friends!
Man...I owe Al like a buck or something. This Bud's for you, Al Gore.
I already told Tess I was jealous...Now I'm wondering if there is a market for PhD's in agriculture...Maybe I can convince my hubby to move west. :)
I want to hear about those awards. Who got what for what?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Dude, we have to have a prom. Everyone has to come and Laura can wear her tiara. Let's. Get. On. This.
Writers rock! :)
FUN!!!! And I am so jealous I live so far away and don't get to play with you guys...
I want to meet YOU, Suz, Bethany, Julie, Kerry, Dani, and way too many more to mention...I've gotten to met Windy and Michelle Mclean....and they are AWESOME
I want to have a writerly party too! Anyone within 50 miles of Dunwoody, GA give me a holler!!!!
Totally, rockinish fun. Hanging with you ladies was awesome. Let's definitely do it again soon.
Hey, I saw this picture on Tess Hilmo's blog. Cool.
Congrats on actually meeting some blogger buds.
Go, Al!
Looks like a party! Very cool to meet with your cyber friends!
I've met up with a few, but would love to attend the LA SCBWI conference one day and meet more!
Three cheers to Elana! That was an awesome awards ceremony.
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