Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Holy Randomness

I know, I know. I said I wouldn't be around. But whatever.

Here's some random for you:

1. I am a volley whore. In tennis. I love to play the net, so I always get in the line that will get the volley feed.

2. Conversation at tennis: Friend: "Elana and I live in the ghetto."
Elana: "We do not live in the ghetto."
Friend: "We had the SWAT team and Hazmat van at our house."
Elana: "Okay, so we have a few drug dealers."
Other Friend: "Every neighborhood has a few drug dealers."

3. The email convo's about WriteOnCon are fabu. Exactly what every email addict needs. *salivates for more*

4. I'm being interviewed on the GotYA blog today. Go read about my FAIL. Good times.

5. I get to hear Mary Pearson speak this week. She wrote The Adoration of Jenna Fox. So I'll be able to die happy tomorrow night.

Got any random for me today? I'd love to hear it!


Unknown said...

Drug dealers? Yeah they're in every neighborhood, I've had a helicopter over my apartment complex because our neighbors were wanted for major drug posession... just another day in the suburbs!

Happy Wednesday Elana!

Paul Greci said...

I'm in Alaska but living on East Coast time.

I just killed a carpenter ant in the kitchen.

Back to WIP...

Anonymous said...

My random: I'm stoked about my WIP--like for real stoked, not like, Gee I like it, but does it make the cut? Ya know? Super cool. Will revise once again once beta gives feedback... *fingers crossed*

Mary Aalgaard said...

The sun is finally out after 10 days of rain. Oh, ya, you'll find me on my deck reading this afternoon. I live next door to a jail warden. I'm banking on that the drug dealers know that and stay away.

Jonathon Arntson said...

My miniplotmapthing is on the back of a paper that came from the fax machine at work to let us know that the price of fuel was going to $2.91. That was a week ago, today, it's $2.61, yay!

E, I am all about the random.

Also, it's been a week since I started the miniplotmapthing and it hasn't even taken up one sheet of paper...

Kelly Polark said...

My random thing:
I am going to fold laundry now. The socks. My least favorite kind of laundry to fold/match. I ALWAYS have singles that don't match. ALWAYS!

j.m. neeb said...

Random... I play rec soccer and always shake hands with the other team after a match. Last night, the other team was such a bunch of d-bags that I refused to shake hands for the first time in over six years.

I'm considering posting about it today over at Ducks, just so if anyone googles their team name, they will know my beef...

And I'm usually a really nice, super laidback guy who is never vindictive!

Erica Mitchell said...

Hmm, random. That is usually a phrase used in everyday living around here. My new neighbor was doing a raindance yesterday in his front lawn, and then it rained everywhere but here...ironic and random, does that count?

Kelly Bryson said...

Eww, Tennis.

I remember my mom rushing us inside when a swat team descended on our backyard neighbor's house, but that was S Florida and there reall ywere drug dealers everywhere.

JE said...

Badmitton! Or volleyball. Tennis is too hard for me ;-)

My random: For the last two nights our electricity has went out do to storms. Yesterday morning, I had to get up, feed to animal pack (and give a insulin shot), and get dressed in the dark. I had candlelight, but really, what good does that do? I went to work looking...well...yuck.


Crystal Cook said...

Dude, you don't know ghetto until you live in the heart of Ogden (which I have *shudders*), am I right? I am right :)

I am making chocolate chip cookies and want to eat all of them. RIGHT. NOW.

Randomness rocks:)

Melissa Hurst said...

My random: I'm still in my PJs and it's 11:00. My kids are still in their PJs. And I don't care;)

Lisa_Gibson said...

It warmed my heart to see my son lovingly putting on his new Osiris, $70 tennis shoes that I didn't have to buy. :) His grandma got 'em for him. Go nana!

Hannah said...

My sister just sent me an email of ghetto wedding pictures and I was in tears. TEARS!! LMAO!

Summer Frey said...

Random...well, I figured out what was eating my darling cherry tomato plant. Caterpillars! But they were the cute, squishy green kind, so I didn't let my husband kill them. Instead, I rehomed them into the kudzu patch eating the bottom of our yard.

Candyland said...

Random: I miss you.

Unknown said...

When living in Florida years ago with my hubby, we walked out of our apartment complex to find a SWAT team hiding in the bushes with rifles. Luckily they weren't after us--just our neighbors!

Great interview! :)

Stephanie said...

Yeah...every town has ghetto-esque moments...even the suburbs :)

My randomess for the day: I just ate some boxed mac 'n' cheese for lunch. It was tasty! And the best part...I didn't even make it! Thank you hubby!

Kerri Cuev said...

I love randomness. Bring it on Elana!

I have a hole in my cheek...yea don't ask, lol!

Krispy said...

SWAT and Hazmat?! Dang.

My random: I found out I'm going to a concert for free this weekend! My sister's internship is awesome. :)

Have fun at the Pearson event!

Lydia Kang said...

my random:

If most car accidents happen within 10 miles of the home, why can't you move 20 miles away?

Heather said...

I did a blog post on WriteOnCon today and gave you and the other fabulous ladies a shout out!

XiXi said...

1) We would be perfect for a doubles team because I hate playing the net. I always play back because I secretly harbor a fear of being smacked in the face when I play at the net, even though I've played tennis since I was like twelve.

2) I just recently read The Adoration of Jenna Fox! How exciting. I really enjoyed it. (It's still sitting on my bedside table.)

Karen Lange said...

Random? Nothing jumping out at me, although I have picked two banana peppers so far from my garden. See, this is life on the edge at my house.
Will probably be posting about WriteOnCon soon.
Happy day,

Liza said...

Random? Both the cat and I heard a mouse in the closet last night. She stalked it for a while, then wandered away bored. I'm just wondering when, and where, that thing is going to turn up.

Rebecca T. said...

Random Rocks!

Ummmm I can't think of anything really random right now.

I just had pizza for lunch.

There's a mouse racetrack in my ceiling. I think I'm going to start placing bets.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

It's raining and I am in an unbelievably lazy mood. I don't want to do anything but sit on my couch and blog! (my hubby is not pleased) :-)

Kristine Asselin said...

Nothing funnier or more random that my USTA 4.0 ranked dh getting pissed at the seven-year-old for beating him in Wii Tennis. It's all about the wrist. ;)

M.R.J. Le Blanc said...

My puppy is sleeping flat on her back. I'm not sure how it's comfortable (or how she manages the balance!) but considering she's in front of the AC I guess it's all about keeping cool. It's going to look really funny when her long fur grows in, she'll look like a giant dust mop!

Stina said...

I loved your interview on GOT YA. Seriously, your book isn't coming out soon enough for me. I'm growing impatient. Hmmm. Better to be impatient for that than impatient waiting to hear back from agents. :)

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Random? Hot pita, cold hummus!! *noms*

JEM said...

Random is the new related.

Random thing: I ate a Hostess cake after lunch for the first time since at least 5th grade. And it was PERNICIOUSLY DERICIOUS.

Jeff King said...

no randomness here... just the same old merry-go-round.

Munk said...

Wait, do I want to be the bee's knees? I mean, how can that be good?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Well, I participated in a driving songs blogfest today, but rather than select songs that refer to driving, I picked ones that best drown out the misery of driving without turbo blasters on my hood.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's cool! Where were all these YA sites when I was promoting my series? (Although I'm still promoting the last one.)

Really random saying that has great meaning at our house - and our house only - "The Weasel wants her Ipod!"

Corey Schwartz said...

Okay, here is something random, ye relevant. I am doing a series on my blog on Reasons to Go to Conferences. (Perhaps WriteonCon might like to link to it to motivate people to participate?)

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

I randomly hung out with Margot Kidder on set. Check my blog. (=

Cathy C. Hall said...

Randomly checked your blog. Then read that GotYA interview and randomly wrote book titles on my hand.

And now, randomly, I'm craving bacon. Or maybe that's what you had planned all along.

Theresa Milstein said...

My neighborhood isn't great either, but I think it's improving because it's been years since they covered a house on the block with a tarp because there was a meth lab inside.

I'll check out the YA interview.

Kay said...

nah, you're much more fascinating

Slamdunk said...

Good interview Elana over at GotYA Blog. I left my comment over there.

WritingNut said...

It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world...

Sigh... that is the WORST song to have stuck in your head... apologies in advance :D

Anonymous said...

Great interview...I wrote a lot of crap, too.

I'm reading The Adoration of Jenna Fox right now. Loving it.

I'm crossing my fingers that I can make it to WriteOnCon.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Random? My query doesn't seem to be working. I have written a lot of really bad stuff. Especially poems dripping of pathos. I'm surprised you have time to do any blogging now that you're soon to be published!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Great interview. I can't believe how many books you've written. You are so productive. I've got to move faster on mine.

Krista said...

The freakish wind just blew the sliding screen door shut. I didn't know it was open and I'm the only one up so, yeah, it freaked me out.

And the dishes in my sink smell bad. :D

Creepy Query Girl said...

'drugdealers in every neighborhood'- uh, I think your friend's just trying to make you feel better. lol. I can't wait for writeoncon!! loved the vid!

Anonymous said...

I have no random. My brain is too waterlogged from all the rain to think. I hope your weather has improved.

Jennie Englund said...

Nothing could beat what you have going on right now.

I'm just "watching" "Two for the Money" with my man while the chicken and rice bakes, while I wait for him to hit the fire department with the kids to watch the last game of the NBA finals, so I can finally fill out the Oregon Literary grant.

RaShelle Workman said...

Holy Hilarious! Thanks for the random. =D

Matthew MacNish said...

They have ghettos in Utah? That IS random.

prashant said...

I just killed a carpenter ant in the kitchen.
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