Friday, August 13, 2010

Holy Mother of Pearl

WriteOnCon 2010 is over, which means I can now die. Or at least sleep for a really long time. So that's what I'm going to do. Hope you had a great week, found something to inspire you, or a technique to try in your writing.

Oh, and it's Friday the Thirteenth. All the more reason to crawl into bed and sleep the day away.

But before I do that, I want to scream a HUGE THANKS to Lisa and Laura Roecker, Casey McCormick, Jamie Harrington, Jen Stayrook, and Shannon Messenger for their amazing hard work in putting together WriteOnCon. They are all simply fabulous, and I've enjoyed the thousands of emails we've shared over the past three months. Hopefully, my inbox won't be too quiet now.

And this vlog sums up the past three days. Enjoy!


Wen Baragrey said...

Elana, you guys are complete heroes for all the effort you've put in. I, for one, am so grateful for all you've done. Thank you!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thank you SO much for an awesome conference. You all worked so hard to make it happen and it was great. Please go get lots of sleep. And I'd love to help you all with what you're doing next year.

Matthew MacNish said...

You people are hilarious, strange, but hilarious.

Also, was that an empty bottle of Patron strewn amongst the Pepsis on Shannon's desk? Awesome.

This whole thing was so incredible I don't know what else to say, but THANK YOU.

Today's guest blogger is Ted Cross!

Erinn said...

You guys did such a GREAT job. This was the highlight of a pretty awesome summer.
Thank you.

Did you know Mary Kole could do that with a rubix cube?

Take some much needed time off.

Golden Eagle said...

That conference was amazing!

MAGolla said...

This was the best conference EVER!!! Y'all did a super amazing job of pulling it off. The only thing missiing was hanging out in the bar afterwards.
"Sleep, my pretties, sleep."

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Nothing like doing a little camping on Fri. 13th. Happy resting.
~ Wendy

Christina Lee said...

I can't see the video *sniff* but gosh you guys, it was soooooooooooooooo excellent! You guys rocked the house!

Stina said...

You girls did an awesome job! Next year? I can't wait!!!!!

Katie Anderson said...

Thanks Elana! It was epic for sure!!!!!

Christine Danek said...

I want to thank you guys so much. I learned a lot--yes it was very helpful. I'm ready for next year. ;) I think you guys need to sleep first.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Looks like you had a blast.

I hope you're able to sleep all weekend long, you deserve it!!!!

You all are such a blessing to the writing community!

Martina Boone said...

You ladies most definitely rock! WriteOnCon was clearly a monster to organize and you gals pulled it off perfectly. You all deserve a HUGE vacation. Thanks so much again for the generous, one-of-a-kind opportunity! Happy Friday :)

Bethany Elizabeth said...

The conference was SO amazing, thank you for all the hard work you put in!

Theresa Milstein said...

Considering it was the 1st time and all on-line, I can't believe how well it went. After the first day I couldn't get on for a little while, I never had any problems getting on again. And my Mac is old, but I still was able to watch the videos (except the last one last night).

I hope you're all up to doing this again next summer. I'd be happy to help.

Thank you, Elana!

Jamie Grey said...

You guys did a fantastic job! It was a massive undertaking and I know we are all so grateful for your hard work!

Can't wait till next year! :)

Steena Holmes said...

You guys were amazing this week! Thank you all to your hard work. In my opinion - you deserve some chocolate :)

Christine Fonseca said...

What all of you did was nothing short of amazing. REST, RELAX and get ready to go back to work soon!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

I'm so glad it was a success!

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work! The conference was wonderful and so helpful. I can't tell you how many of the sessions I e-mailed to myself to pore over later.

Now go enjoy your weekend. :)

Kara said...

YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! WriteOnCon was amazing. I can't wait for next year!

storyqueen said...


Thank you so much for all you did. WriteOnCon was such a fun place to be this week.

Well done!


Carol Kilgore said...

Maybe I can take advantage next year. This year, can we say bad timing for me? To give you a clue, I have two calendars and didn't even realize it was Friday the Thirteenth until I read it here. Happy Weekend!

Jared Larson said...

I can't believe you are a fellow Utahn! Awesome! Thanks Elana, for everything. You ladies have done a great thing by helping so many people.

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

I'm running out of ways to say thank you, but I do mean it. What you accomplished is epic and touched so many people. Sleep. Sweet dreams.

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

I'm running out of ways to say thank you, but I do mean it. What you accomplished is epic and touched so many people. Sleep. Sweet dreams.

Laura S. said...

Thanks to ALL of you for the amount of time, energy, lack of sleep, and huge snack/grocery bills you put into making WriteOnCon AWESOME!!!

Kerri Cuev said...

Thanks for all the awesomeness! Get some well deserved sleep!

Meredith said...

Haha, I love this video! Thanks so much for all of your hard work--it was amazing.

VR Barkowski said...

WriteOnCon was epic, wonderful and amazing! Thank you a million times over.

Sleep well and dream happy. :)

Kimberly Franklin said...

Cheers to a job well done!! Thanks for the great conference, and now... go take a nap. A long one!!

Jaydee Morgan said...

You all deserve a long sleep after all the hard work you put into this. Thanks so much for all the wonderful information and fun! You're all awesome :)

Patricia A. Timms-McGehee said...

Great conference!

Thank you especially for posting conference material when the 403 struck.

Can't wait until next year's WriteOnCon!

Tere Kirkland said...

Elana that was a frawesome conference. Thanks to all y'all for the work you put into making it so frawsome.

Can we call next year's Fraw-Wri-Con? ;)

Sara B. Larson said...

It was amazing! You guys did an incredible job. Take a well deserved rest. :-) If you want any extra help next year, I'd be happy to help.

Taffy said...

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

Michelle McLean said...

ha! love the vlog :D And seriously, all of you fabulous ladies, INCREDIBLE week. Absolutely beyond all expectations. Thank you seems hardly adequate, but THANK YOU!!!!!

Anne R. Allen said...

Happy resting. You sure deserve it.

This was really a pioneering event. You've reinvented the Writers Conference for the digital age. So of course there had to be a few technical glitches. But you got through the 403 thing with ingenuity and hard work. (I still don't know why it happened, or if it happened to everybody, but I guess the info is in the archives somewhere.)

Thanks for everything!

Angie said...

I like your vlogs. I'm glad it was so successful. Sweet dreams, Elana!

Anonymous said...

You guys did an awesome job. Thanks for all your hard work.

Tahereh said...


you guys are incredible.

thank you for all the hard work -- WriteOnCon blew us away!!

Krispy said...

You all did a wonderful, amazing job! Thank you so much!!! Have a restful weekend! :)

PJ Hoover said...

Elana, I can't thank you enough for all the hard work you put into this. It was really amazing and worked for writers on so many different levels!

Unknown said...

Hi Elana,
Thanks again for your dedication and hard work. I have been reading your "dirty little secrets" about blogging. Very helpful. I thought it was worth pointing out your followers numbers have swelled by 400 more readers. Cool. I have a question, I am trying get my blog networked through the face book syndication application. It says it is waiting for confirmation. Do you know how long that takes. Can I go ahead an take off the widget or do I have to leave it there until I am verified?

Lindsey Richardson said...

Thanks for making writeoncon the best it could be. I really appreciate all of the time you put into it and it was really helpful to a writer such as myself and many other writers I know who are also trying to get published.
Thanks again.
Happy writing,

ali cross said...

ROFL! That vid was awesome! I especially loved the sticky notes. TOO. FUNNY.

Loved the conference. You guys rocked my world--the whole thing was freakin' awesome.

Congrats to all and THANK YOU!!!

kathrynjankowski said...

You gals deserve a gazillion thanks. Truly a remarkable accomplishment. Now go get some rest!!!

Sherrie Petersen said...

It was EPIC! I'm so impressed with what you guys were able to pull off. Thanks for all your hard work.

~Jamie said...

I will be FOREVER GRATEFUL to Elana for including me in the craziness that was this :)

It was just SO MUCH FUN.

Whoa, for someone so sleep deprived, I sure am using a lot of CAPS!!!!

Shannon Messenger said...

Aw, {{HUGS}}

Enjoy your sleep. I'll give you the weekend to rest before I start spamming your inbox about all our future plans. ;)

Carolyn V. said...

Elana, it was great! You guys did such a wonderful job! Now you can sleep. Yay! =D

Hannah said...

Thank you so much for doing this!! It was so worth it and ab fab!!

Til next year!

E. Arroyo said...

LOL. It was great! Thanks gals for doing this.

Rachael Harrie said...

Well done girls!!! Had such a fantastic time, and am already feeling the post-conference blues...

Can't wait for next year ;)

Stasia said...

A wonderful experience. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! - Stasia

Anonymous said...

Great video! I watched it on lila's blog.

WriteOnCon was amazing. So much sharing, expert advice, humor.

It was and still is a Gold Mine of information and positive energy!

Jan Markley said...

Great vlog! It looks like it was an amazing and exhausting time!

Leigh Caron said...

You women rock!

Anonymous said...

thank you thank you thank you!!!!
amazing conference

Liza said...

Congratulations. Fine job!

Deb Salisbury, Magic Seeker and Mantua-Maker said...

Thank you for a brilliant conference!

Hmmm, a suggestion for next year: Start the tracks later and schedule two (or more) at once, the way SF conventions do. That way you'll get a little sleep. Since the conference is online, we can catch up with both tracks later.

justJoan said...

You all made the sun rise again in my writing life (I almost forgot what the sun looked like).

I'll never be able to thank you enough for killing yourselves to bring us this conference (well, not literally killing, but you all went above and beyond)!

I learned more than I can ever hope to absorb in the three conference days so I'm glad I'll still be able to access it (and thanks for that too).

I bow to your greatness . . . and look forward to having you guys kill yourselves for the greater good of the writing community in the future (next year or whenever).

Tara McClendon said...

I've been to a few writing conference, and by far WriteOnCon is the best one of them all. Not only was it epic, it was a true glimpse of the generosity and passion in the YA industry. Thanks for your time, and enjoy your sleep.

Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

Wow, just wow!

And, of course, THANKS!


Corinne O said...

thank you elana!! thank you thank you thank you and thank you!

get some sleep.

WritingNut said...

WriteOnCon was absolutely amazing!!! Thank you so much to ALL of you for your hard work and dedication!

Jai Joshi said...

I'm glad you had such a good time. Everyone's been talking about how it was such a great experience.


Julie Musil said...

Elana, I don't even know if you guys realize how much of a difference you've made. I truly cannot express how thankful I am for all your hard work. Writeoncon was awesome, thanks so much.

Heather said...

Thank you for being part of an amazing conference!
I found out at the end of it that I will be searching for a new agent. Yes, on Friday the 13th. But you know what, that's always been my lucky day so I'm taking this as a good thing. Now I'm going to go back over all those agent's posts and glean all the info I can before I start submitting!

Heather said...

Thank you for being part of an amazing conference!
I found out at the end of it that I will be searching for a new agent. Yes, on Friday the 13th. But you know what, that's always been my lucky day so I'm taking this as a good thing. Now I'm going to go back over all those agent's posts and glean all the info I can before I start submitting!

See Elana's recent blog posts

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