Monday, February 14, 2011

Standing In The Rain

Okay, so I went to the Salt Lake City stop on the Breathless Tour. It was amazing. First, I was innocently tweeting in the elevator on the way down to the parking garage to drop off my jacket.

The doors opened, and this big group of people were standing there. I go, "I'm totally going to make you wait for me to get off," and stepped right through them. I'm pretty much still checking my phone to see if my tweet went through.

Someone goes, "Elana Johnson?"

And I look up and she goes, "I'm Beth Revis."

*cue the screaming and jumping up and down and hugging and other things I'm really glad no one with a video camera was around to capture*

So I met Beth in this dingy parking garage! It was, in a word, frawesome.

And Andrea Cremer was with her, and I hugged her too. And Kirsten Miller was there, but we didn't hug. And Brenna Yovanoff was there too, and again, no huggage. I think they were both mildly terrified because of all the above screaming and whatnot. They went up; I went to drop off my coat.

Amazing. The event was fabulous times ten. My favorite part was when someone asked if it was hard to get a book published. Beth laughed. Kirsten talked about living in New York and luck, Andrea said you have to get the right book to the right person at the right time, and Brenna said it has to be your best work every time.

But Ally Condie said my favorite thing (which apparently other people have said too. She's just the smartest person I know *wink*). She said that yes, you have to have luck and a good product, but you have to be standing out in the rain so that when the lightning strikes, you'll be there.

Lightning = luck, opportunity, whatever.

And I loved that, because it's so true. You really do have to be out there, getting soaking wet, before the lightning will strike.

What do you think? Are you out in the rain?

And here's some blurry pics I took with my phone.

Oh, and I'm under a strict deadline, and will only be blogging on M/W/F this week. xoxoxoxox until then.


Laura Pauling said...

I love surprise run-ins! That's great. What luck you ran into them like that. And I love the comment about standing in the rain. So true.

Emily White said...

How fun! I love surprises like that! And what a great quote. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nothing like screaming women to terrify everyone! Glad you had a good time.

Aleeza said...

isn't ally condie absolutely GORGEOUS? and andrea cremer, and beth! and pretty much everyone up there in the pics? love ally condie's inspiring answer! :)

Renae said...

That is a great quote and I love that story! Sounds like an amazing event, thanks for sharing.

Theresa Milstein said...

How cool! I'm practically jumping up and down with you. Why can't there be a big YA thing in Cambridge or Boston? I'm a tiny bit jealous too.

I like the standing out in the rain part too. It's getting harder and harder for me to make the time to write, but I won't give up. I'm still getting bits down, showing my work, and sending it out. And editing along the way. I've even started submitting short stories to get my name out there. Does any of this count as standing in the rain?

Matthew MacNish said...

This is too cool for words.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite christian rock songs is called Stand in the Rain.

Ally's right. You have to endure the storm

Anna Staniszewski said...

So great that you all got to meet! And I just LOVE that quote--will definitely be stealing it to pass along to my students. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't even imagine how you felt when Beth introduced herself to you!

Good luck with your deadline.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Which means you have to be willing to get fried now and then.
And there's an old ELO song called Standing in the Rain, too.

Liza said...

Would have been fun to see that elevator scene!

Roxy said...

Ally's comment is awesome. I'm so standing in the rain waiting for lightening. With my lightening rod! Glad you met those great ladies.

Magan said...

I hope there is a Youtube video somewhere of you and Beth's meetage. I also love the quote and just saw the blurb of your book on the top of your website and I squeed!

Anita Saxena said...

How cool, running into a group of authors in a parking garage of all places. Best of luck with your frwakine.

Anonymous said...

It's cool to think of two authors reacting to each other like that. Love your pink hair. I always wanted to do that.

Kerri Cuev said...

Oh what FUN!!! That quote is all kinds of amazing! Happy Valentine's everyone!

Ishta Mercurio said...

I LOVE that quote! And I need to get out in the rain more. Right now I'm kind of hovering in the doorway, occasionally sticking my hand out to see how wet it is out there. Not where I need to be. So thanks for the push!

Henya said...

I go out in the rain every so often, but nobody pays attention to me. So I stopped going out in the rain. I'm going to try snow next time.

Loved the entertaining piece. Love seeing people hug, scream, jump up and down and get excited, anll...

Chris Phillips said...

How fun is that? Good luck with the deadline.

Jonathon Arntson said...

I take this post to be an condoner for when we meet in person. And if it's not, don't say I didn't warn ya.

Summer Frey said...

Aw, that's so cool! And what an amazing quote!

Natalie Aguirre said...

That's so cool you got to meet Beth. Good luck with your deadline.

Christine Fonseca said...

Would have paid money to see your scream! Have fun and you'll make your deadline. No worries

Melissa Sarno said...

Wow! That sounds like a lot of fun. I still have yet to meet a blogging friend in person.
I think I'm in the rain right now. :-) Good luck with your deadline!

lotusgirl said...

That sounds FRAWSOME! I get to see Beth tomorrow. We're on a panel together in Charlotte. I also am going to try and make the Breathless tour stop in Raleigh to support her and meet the other authors. Finally something in my general neck of the woods.

Jessi said...

Ha! LOVE that story, and that lightning quote. Sounds like you had a fab time. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

SO. MUCH. FUN! Wow. I wish we could get more author tours to Montana. And I love Ally's answer--perfect!! :-)

Good luck with your deadline.

Shari said...

It was the most fun, EVER. And part of the fun for me was getting to talk to you! LOVE, love, love Ally's comment. It is one I will not forget.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

It was great to see you, Elana! Glad you had a great time. :)

Luna said...

Love this story! So exciting! Good luck with your deadline...:)

LTM said...

supercool! Sounds like a fantastic experience. And I like the "standing in the rain" advice. Happy V'day~ :o)

Patti said...

Now I'll be hoping for lightening to strike. What a great experience.

Amanda Bonilla said...

Awesome! I would screamed too. There probably would have been some awkward hugging involved as well. ;)

Lisa_Gibson said...

That is so awesome! I totally had to miss the Breathless Tour here because I had other stuff going on. Bummer! Glad to hear you had a rockin' time though.
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Angela said...

Good luck with your deadline. How awesome to bump into a great group of writers.

Susan R. Mills said...

So exciting! And yes, I love the "lightening" comment. So true.

Jodi Henry said...

SOunds like a great time.

Out in the rain?

Not yet, still trying to fulfill the 'best work every time' part. Then it's galoshes and puddles for me.

Have a great V-Day.


Stasia said...

I'm practically screaming just reading your post. What an evening of AWESOME!!! Love Ally Condie's comment. Good luck with the writing deadline.

Melissa said...

That is so EPIC! I love it! Oh my! I'll be standing out in the rain until lightening strikes for me!

Colene Murphy said...

Oh awesome! So jealous right now!! Thanks for passing along the wonderful, encouraging words.

Tracey Neithercott said...

It's just like high school: All the cool kids hang out in the parking lot.

Donea Lee said...

How fun for you! I really love Ally's comment - not sure I'm out in the rain just yet...still kind of lurking under the eaves with my rain slicker and umbrella... Best of luck with your deadline ~ :)

Kelly Polark said...

Your post made me smile! How fun to run into your blog friends!
Great quote by Ally, too!
Good luck with your deadlines, Elana!

Abby Minard said...

Aw, so cool! Love that you all got to be together in one room- I would have loved to be there. I really hope I'll be standing out in the rain!

kathrynjankowski said...

What a fun encounter! Good luck with your deadlines.

Sara B. Larson said...

So sad I couldn't go. Oh well, what can you do? Thanks for passing along their wisdom. I think I've been standing in the rain for so long I'm in danger of drowning or something, but I'm still standing here. A glutton for punishment until that dang lighning finds me! ;)

Krispy said...

That's a great quote, and aww, I love your meeting story. So awesome and cute! :)

Kristine Asselin said...

Such a cool story! And a great quote. ::goes to stand out in the rain::

Anonymous said...

Love the lightning quote! I'm soaked, btw.... I'm so happy for you!!

Liesl Shurtliff said...

I loved the panel. Beth Revis was a particular favorite, I adored her! I can't wait to read Across the Universe and all the other books I haven't read yet.

I am not out in the rain, but I am getting close to stepping out and I am terrified. Panic attacks every five minutes, I tell you. How do you survive?!!! AHHHHHHH!

Jennie Englund said...


Jemi Fraser said...

That is so very, very, very cool! :) I wish I lived closer!

lisa and laura said...

I love this post so hard. Putting my rain coat on immediately.

Southpaw said...

That’s simply hysterical.

June G said...

Nice pics! Thanks Elana.

Nichole Giles said...

I hope I'm standing in the rain. But just in case, maybe I'll be driving with my top down during this week. It's supposed to be stormy.

Had a great time on Saturday!

ali cross said...

FUNNNNN!!!! And that is the best piece of advice, ever.

And thank you for being my stand-in for me at the signing Elana! Loves!

Heather said...

You totally made me tear up with that lightning comment that Ally made! That is exactly what it takes and describes how it feels to a T. Thanks for sharing the pics with us, I love them!

Unknown said...

I am trying to be as drenched as possible. I hope to get hit by lightening - an agent. And hit by more lightning that singes my hair off - publisher. Hehe! Gees, I wish I would have known you were there. I attended the SLC visit of the tour too! Thanks for reminding me of what Ally Condie said about getting published.

Lydia Kang said...

Hope you make your deadline! It's so cool you met all those awesome authors!

Elana Johnson said...

Thanks, everyone. Don the slickers!

Hannah said...

Oh! So much fun!!

I'm sure you'll make that deadline in no time. You seem like the type of person who shines bright under pressure.

Anonymous said...

So freaking AWESOME! I love what Ally said about the rain. =] I'm putting that up in my office!

Way to go on the deadline! You'll rock, Elana!

Mary Lindsey / Marissa Clarke said...

Awww! How cool is that? VERY. What an amazing bunch of authors. Good luck with your deadline, Elana.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Those are NICE pics from just a phone! :)

Stephsco said...

How fun to run into a blogger you haven't met!

I feel like I'm out in the rain as much as someone who can be who hasn't finished writing their first attempt at a novel. Reading blogs like this is so encouraging to keep on writing.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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