Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Giveaway Week, Day Two of Awesome

Okay, so you entered the WriteOnCon event of awesome, right?

If not, click here to find out more. And you realize WOC is only a few short weeks away, yes? I'm sort of freaking out about it, especially since I wrote this entire week's blog posts on July 10 in an attempt to get ahead before my edits came.

And WriteOnCon is coming in just a few short weeks! Aaahhh!

But that is not why we're here today. Oh no. I have another sch-weet contest for you.

Yeah, that's right. I hereby declare this giveaway week here on my blog! June was a crazy-busy month, and I've been enjoying July. Staying up late. Writing for a couple of hours each day. Going to the pool to read.

And someone should benefit from that.


I will be doing some giveaways this week. Each one will only be for one day only, so be sure to check back every day--especially if you enter. If you don't claim your prize by the end of the week, I'll draw a new winner.

So today, I give you a signed ARC of FOREVER by Maggie Stiefvater!

FOREVER came out last week, and it is fabulous!

To enter:
1. Leave a comment here by 10 PM Mountain time. (1 entry) Yes, it's that easy.*
2. Blog about this contest TODAY. (I am not doing twitter or facebook or Google+ or anything else. A blog post. You will get 1 entry for the blog post.)

That's all. I'm not doing a Google form or anything. Winners will be drawn from the comments of this post, and if you blogged about it, say so(!) so I can count you for 2 entries, okay?

Okay. The winner will be announced tomorrow.

And since the title is FOREVER, I have a "forever" related question: If you had to re-read only one book FOREVER, which one would it be?

*All followers, old and new, will get an additional entry, but it is NOT required to follow my blog to win. Of course, I hope you do, because sometimes I say funny things, and give stuff away, and talk about books and bacon and any number of Adam Lambert hairstyles... So yeah.


Momo (Books Over Boys) said...

Ah! Hmm...one book to read FOREVER - definitely Twilight by Stephenie Meyer for me!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Miranda Hardy said...

That's a tough question. Probably Pride and Prejudice. Good luck with Writeincon this year. I'm an old follower, well not that old.

Connie Keller said...

Assuming you want fiction, I'd pick Persuasion by Jane Austen. BTW, I'm an old follower.

Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

Wen Baragrey said...

For me, it'd be The Time Traveler's Wife. I've already read it a half dozen times, at least, and another half dozen times as an audiobook. Can't get enough!

I'm an old follower too. Wish I could blog about it, but I just moved country (I didn't move THE country, just me from one country to another) and my mobile internet stick hates me and won't let me onto blogger. I would if I could, though!

Leigh Ann said...

I have to tell you - my heart stopped when I saw this giveaway. You are just the coolest.

Blogged about it here.

Thanks Elana!

Christina Lee said...

Are you kidding me?!?! I can't pick just ONE!!! Seriously, I don't KNOW! But I DO know I'm dying to read FOREVER! THX for the contest!

Matthew MacNish said...

I haven't entered the Reading Room contest, yet, but only because my revisions aren't done. They should be soon!

Grace said...

A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks

Sarah Nicolas said...

One book forever? You just broke my brain! Maybe Hitchiker's Guide?

Rose said...

Is it international? Hope it is.

Anyway, it's hard to choose one but I'd read Harry Potter. Only one? The third or the seventh, probably.

I'd love to win Foever!

Unknown said...

Look at the fun that has erupted. This I like.

Now I must go and check out this Write On Con business :) I cannot miss out this round!

Stina said...

Oh man, I can't pick just one book, or even just one author. I'm going to go with Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler. BUT there are so many others that fit this category too!!!!

I'd better get to work on finishing my novel for WriteOnCon. Can't wait for it to begin (the conference, not the book)!

Nata Cynthia Artistadonna said...

thank you Elana for a wonderful contest!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Definitely Twilight forever. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

mimz said...

Just one? Nooo, that's too difficult... Fine then, I'll say Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, cause it's my favourite. :D

Thanks for the giveaway.

Theresa Milstein said...

Dang it, I already put up a blog post before reading this. Mine is about Harry Potter and lists the winners of my giveaways. It's cluttered enough!

I'm going to share it on Facebook anyway. : )

Peggy Eddleman said...

Don't you just wish summer was twice as long? Reading by the pool... staying up late... writing time... LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

Any of the Harry Potters! Probably the 3rd since it's my favorite!

twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

John Sankovich said...

I would have to say, The Stand. Because if something ruined the word that made me have to only read one book, this one could be related to the situation at hand.

J said...

Thanks for the awesome contest!

If I could only read one book FOREVER, it would be L.M. Montgomery's The Blue Castle. :)

Ishta Mercurio said...

Ooh, toughie. One book? I suck at these "choose only one" things...

Probably SHIVER, actually. The poetry is amazing. Or 1984, because it is such an amazing book. ENDER'S GAME...?

I can't pick JUST ONE!

And thanks for the giveaway. I have a signed hardcover, but an ARC would be the awesomesauce on the cake.

BBC said...

Oh boy, and I thought the pick three on a deserted island was a tough one....

I'd have to say OUTLANDER by Diana Gabaldon. Don't think I could ever get too much Jamie Fraser.

And... I blogged about the contest!


Llehn said...

Maybe Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver :D


Sarah Allen said...

One book forever...? Hmmm, I think I am torn between Jane Eyre and Persuasion. Good question :) And come on, fate, pick me!!

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

Mart Ramirez said...

Good question!

Hmm so many good books. Maybe Jessica Brody's Karma Club. It is one of my faves and it always makes me smile.

martzbookz (@) sbcglobal (.) net

aurora M. said...

100 Degrees in Michigan and Forever now out in bookstores. I say 2 hot things today! count me in...I would LOVE to win a signed copy!

If I had to re-read only one book FOREVER what would it be?
hard question.......*Jeopardy clock playing in background*
OK ...... What is The complete works of Shakespeare?

Enjoy your day ♥

Jessy said...

I'd have to say the Harry Potter series and if I caould only choose one of those, it would be The Deathly Hallows.

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Melanie Stanford said...

Ooh, I love Maggie Stiefvater. I'll mention the contest on the blog post I'm about to write too.

If I could just choose one book, it would be Harry Potter. I know that's seven books, but I'm all about breaking the rules.

Fi-chan said...

Only one?! Not even series? I want the whole series of Harry Potter :( Confessions of a Shopaholic I guess, need a humourous book to pick me up whenever I feel sad. If non-fiction is included as well, then I'd prefer 1000 Awesome Things :D

and I hope this is international! and of course I'm a follower!


feeyonachan at gmail dot com

Jessie Humphries said...

Cool contest. I'd pick Harry Potter 1. It is the book that got me reading again in my adult years.

Krispy said...

Yay giveaway! Thank you!

The book I'd choose to read forever is Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn. The prose is gorgeous!

Riv Re said...

The complete Lord of the Rings series? :P Nah, I haven't read them yet at all.
It would be a tie between Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater and Nevermore by Kelly Creagh. I adore them both.

Oh Em Gee! ThankYouThankYouThankYou for this giveaway! I really want to read Forever already!

Totally a follower ;)

Thanks again!

Vivien said...

Under the Dome by Stephen King...a great book. Plus it's HUGE!!
old GFC follower

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Marsha Sigman said...

Harry Potter (cause it's awesome) or The Stand by Stephen King (cause it's awesome and long enough to have forgotten stuff by the time you reach the end, this also applies to Under the Dome).

I like that my parenthetical statements are longer than my regular ones. This pleases me.

Unknown said...

So many contests! I entered the Reading Room contest yesterday. *shakes*

If I could read one book forever it'd be... gosh. I can't pick just one!

Carrie said...

War and Peace because it would probably take me forever to read it....

Bethany Crandell said...

I've got like 47 pages left in LINGER. I'm pretty sure I'll go postal if I don't get a Sam and Grace fix soon. You don't want that on your hands, do you?!

No time to blog today--I guess I'm a one point gal ;)

Lisa_Gibson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa_Gibson said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! I'm not sure what book I would want to read forever. Sheesh, it should be a long one though. I love The Sky Is Everywhere or I could pick Gone with the Wind just because it's long. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Taffy said...

FUN giveaway!
(Next time you go to the pool holler! I promise I read/write at the pool. No talking.)
I'd read Jane Eyre.

Emily V. said...

My book that I would read FOREVER would be Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier and/or its companion novel Cybele's Secret. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jeff King said...

Awesome giveaway... from a awesome person!!

If it could be a series: I would choose the wheel of time, since it is a hefty read and something that would take awhile to get bored of.

Anonymous said...

If I could keep one book to read forever, I'd choose Mists of Avalon. Seriously. Still one of my favorite novels.

calliekingston (at) gmail (dot) com

Christine Fonseca said...

One book...um....forever...um...POSSESSION ;)!

poisnivyred said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

My book would be Eragon.


Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Hummm- I think Gone With The Wind would be my FOREVER book.


alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

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