Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's an 800th Post Party!

Dude, so there are some exciting things afoot in the POSSESSION world. Also, this is my 800th post. EIGHT HUNDRED POSTS. I don't know whether I should be proud of this or hide in embarrassment that I've posted eight-freaking-hundred times. Jury's still out.

1. POSSESSION Book Battle! Crushing on Zenn or Jag? Are you a Goodie or a Baddie? Who will win in the POSSESSION saga? YOU get to decide--play the POSSESSION Book Battle on Facebook.

I'm so excited about this. I can't even tell you how often I go check the results, and it's only been live for 2 days! I am just that lame. I would love you forever (as if I don't already) if you'd go play just so I can have my daily hourly minutely fix of checking the poll results.

Good thing I get Facebook on my phone, so I can access this at work.

2. POSSESSION playlist on iTunes! Admit it, you want to know what songs inspire authors. I know I do. Music is a huge part of my writing life, and I have different playlists for each of my novels--and separate playlists I listen to while editing those novels.

You can check out the POSSESSION playlist, and maybe see if some of the songs inspire you in your writing!

3. POSSESSION Fall Tour! That's right, friends! I am leaving Utah! I hope the world is ready for this. Heck, I hope I'm ready for this. I do have about a trillion events right here in Utah, so if you're around, please see if you can come! (Or tell your teenagers, their teachers, librarians, etc.)

My fall schedule as of last night. (There are still a few things in the works.)
Utah RWA Meeting
Pitching to Agents & Editors
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Murrary Library, 10 AM
Click here for more information

Utah Valley University Book Academy
Blogging Basics
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Utah Valley University

Book Signing with authors Becca Fitzpatrick, Moira Young, and Michelle Hodkin
Tuesday, October 11
Provo City Library
550 North University Avenue
Provo, Utah 84601
7:00 PM

Book Signing/Panel with authors Tyler Whitesides and Amber Argyle
Saturday, October 15
Logan Library
255 North Main
Logan, UT 84321
2:00 PM

Book Signing with authors Kirsten Hubbard, Jessi Kirby, and John Corey Whaley
Wednesday, October 19
Mysterious Galaxy
7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Suite #302
San Diego, CA 92111
7:00 PM

Book Signing with authors Kirsten Hubbard, Jessi Kirby, and John Corey Whaley
Thursday, October 20
Oceanside Barnes & Noble
2615 Vista Way
Oceanside, CA 92054
6:00 - 8:00 PM

Teaching Through Literature Discussions
Thursday, November 10
Alpine School District, Professional Development Center
575 N. 100 E.
American Fork, UT
4:00 - 6:30 PM

Provo Teen Book Festival with authors Ally Condie, Robison Wells, and Kristen Landon
Saturday, November 12
Provo City Library
550 North University Avenue
Provo, Utah 84601
12:00 - 5:00 PM

I think I'm most excited about meeting Becca Fitzpatrick and Michelle Hodkin and Moira Young. Or maybe the trip to California. Or maybe the Teen Book Festival--they're decorating like the world from POSSESSION!

Okay, maybe I'm just easily excitable.

I know POSSESSION is my book, and I'm the most excited about these things. Thanks for visiting today! I have some super-exciting things coming up in celebration of my 800th post--and they involve POSSESSION-inspired art. I'm hoping to put all the details together for a giveaway next week... Stay tuned!

Do you listen to music while writing? Do you attend author events? Am I pathetic for having so many blog posts? Wait. Don't answer that last one...


Stina said...

Wow, congrats on the 800 posts and the wicked line up you've got planned, Elana.

Do I listen to music while writing? No. It's too much of a distraction. I had to fill in school forms last night for my kids. I was making mistakes because the news was on (I have ADHD), so listened to my iPod instead. EXCEPT then I had a need to sing along with the songs. Yep, my husband wasn't too impressed with my singing of the Lazy Song while HE was trying to listen to the news. And it took me even longer to fill in the forms. ;)

I've attended the author event for one of my friends. We don't get too many I want to see here. :P

Natalie Aguirre said...

Wow! You have so many exciting things going on. So excited for you. Though wish one of your author events was near Ann Arbor so I could attend.

Laura Pauling said...

Congrats! and enjoy your tour and signings! Awesome. No 800 posts is not lame. I don't attend many author events usually b/c the closest ones are 2 hours away but I do when I can.

Jess said...

Oh my gosh I got excited for you while reading this post! That's so cool! And yes I do listen to music while I write! Some people don't (I just convinced my mom to do it though and it seems to work for her!).
The songs I listen to are all kinda depressing but it's the same playlist over and over again, I seriously can't write without it!

Rachael Harrie said...

Wow, congrats on 800 posts, that's awesome!!! Your tour and book battle sound so exciting, I can tell you were on a super-high just writing this post full of coolness :D



Gina Ciocca said...

*Sigh* Connecticut never gets any love for book signings!

Congrats on the 800 posts... that is incredible!

storyqueen said...

Dude! You are coming to MY Barnes and Noble!!!

See you then!


Wendy Paine Miller said...

I'll echo Gina on the CT comment. ;)

And yeah 800!

Love that playlist idea.
~ Wendy

Alice said...

That's exciting news about going on tour. I've got some of the dates on my calendar and hope to make some of them.

Kelly Polark said...

Holy Crap! 800 posts! Congrats! And keep 'em comin, girlie!
And how fun to go on a book tour!! ( I just wish you were coming to the Midwest to Chicago area :)
Off to check the playlist. I'll pet your book while I listen.

Jessica Nelson said...

I'm so excited for you!!!! Wow, look at that line up. If you ever hit Florida, let the blog world know. :-)
And congrats on 800 posts. You're a blogging VETERAN!!

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

So exciting, to be on tour! Wish you were coming to Chicago, but maybe next time! :)

And you're a blogging maven. Off to FB now...

Kristin Lenz said...

Congrats and have a great tour! I love attending author events and if you ever come to metro-Detroit, I will bring a small crowd. :)

B.E. Sanderson said...

Poll taken. Have fun. =o)

Yup, I listen to different playlists for different books. Right now, I'm re-writing a speculative fiction piece and listening to my Angry Girl Music mix on Pandora. When I get back to working on my urban fantasy, it'll be the station based off Bush and Radiohead.

I might think about attending an event if you came EAST. Geez, go to California but don't come to Colorado. =op (Not seriously. I don't get to the city too much and you wouldn't come out to the eastern plains.)

Anonymous said...

Happy blog post anniversary! That's awesome. I love listening to music while I write and read. Skillet, Decyfer Down, P!nk, Red. Gotta love them!! :)

And yes. I've attended a couple book signings. I really like them. Getting a chance to meet the author is always fun. :)

And if you're pathetic for 800 then I'm super pathetic because I celebrated 1000 a couple weeks ago. We'll be pathetic together, then, k?

Janet Johnson said...

Congrats on 800! And how fun about all the visits. Wish I were close to any of them so I could go. No doubt they'll be awesome. :D

Jessie Humphries said...

I dont know which part of this post I am supposed to be most excited about...there is just too much coolness in your life! Right on Elana!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I think it is beyond awesome that you have a TOUR SCHEDULE!! And never fear, I will totally show up on FB to fight for my Jag!! :-)

Matthew MacNish said...

Wow Elana, you're like a Titan of Industry. I heart you so hard.

Congrats on 800! I'm nearly half way there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Elana! 800 posts? WOW!! Looks like you have some great book signings lined up. Wish I lived in Utah so I could stop in and meet you. I don't listen to music when I write because it's way too much of a distraction for me.

Carolyn V said...

800? Sweet!!! And look at all the places you're going! That just rocks.

blank said...

Congratulations 800 posts its fantastic. And im going to pop along to facebook right now to try out your book battle.

Emily said...

What? Not Northern California? Come to the Bay Area! Please.

And yes, I have a theme song for each character...when I get stuck, I listen to music.

Stacy Henrie said...

What cool stuff you've got going on, Elana! And congrats on 800 posts.

Sometimes I listen to music while writing and sometimes I don't - sort of depends on my mood. For this book, it's got to be instrumental stuff or silence. :)

Abby Fowers said...

OOOH! I am giddy with excitement! I know I can make some of these Utah events and how fun it would be to meet you in person and get a book signed! SCORE! I am half way through POSSESSION and loving it. I will probably finish tonight - then I'll go play FB! YAY!

Patti said...

Congrats on the 800th post and can I just say that I wish I lived in Utah, have a great time at all your events.

Stephanie McGee said...

Yes, yes, and no.

I know you said not to answer the last one, but I did anyway.

I'll be putting all these events (well, the local ones) into my calendar!

Catherine Stine said...

Sounds like a really fun tour!
Playlist, sure, I have 'em for each project, waiting in the wings for when the film agent comes knocking!

Peggy Eddleman said...

You are going to have so much fun hanging out at a signing with that great array of authors! I am SO happy for you!

No to the music, unless I'm trying to tune out chatting. YES to awesomely fun author events. And totally NO for having that many blog posts. That's commendable! Seriously impressive.

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Congratulations, Elana. The amazing thing is how useful and fun your posts have been.
Have a fantastic fall road trip!

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Congrats! What an exciting fall line-up you have! You're going to be a busy, busy girl:) And, BTW you are not lame. I would be just as pumped as you and rightfully so - you deserve to be.

Heather said...

Congrats on 800 posts, that's awesome! I love listening to music as I write and I create playlists for each novel. Your fall lineup looks so exciting! I can't wait to hear about it all!

Jenny S. Morris said...

I can't get the FB book battle to work for me. Oh well, I'll try later.

It is SO cool that you are going on tour. I'm bummed that you aren't coming anywhere near Portland. Maybe I should move to Utah, that's where all the cool writing people seem to be.

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness, I love every song on your playlist! I love having soundtracks for books. :) Congrats on the tour!

Taffy said...

Awesome tours! How fun the library is decorating like Possession world. I'm so excited for you and your success. You are going to be one tired shug when you get done!
Going over to FB battle now...

Mina Burrows said...

Great info in this post. As always. :) I did the FB battle - very cool. 800 posts is WOW - that's a ton. It must be exciting doing the tour. Have fun and take a ton of pixs!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Busy girl, Elana. When do you have time to write anymore? And school's on again. Holy cow!


*Heads over to check out this FB game*

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations on all of that stuff! My book as a game... little space fighters shooting one another...

Mart Ramirez said...

Wow! So awesome, Elana!! Look at all the co-book signings you will be attending. So cool. nad 880 posts? VERY awesome!
Keep up the good work girl!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Elana,

It's GREAT that you're so busy with book signing events. I wish you'd come to Chicago...

Yes, I definitely listen to music when I right. All types. Mainly I flip on the stereo to an 80's,90's, and present station. I like a mix.

800 posts are awesome. So many words of advice, wisdom, silliness, and inspiration. Thanks for looking out for us.

Angie said...

What an exciting time! I hope you enjoy your tour. I am much more excited to register for the Book Academy knowing you will be there. I was debating whether to go at all, but I feel like I should, just to network if nothing else.

Melissa Sarno said...

There is nothing wrong with 800 blog posts. Here's to 800 more! The only thing wrong with all of this is that none of these events take place in NY. Lame. ;)

Emily R. King said...

Thanks for sharing your playlist! And Melissa is right: 800 posts is a freaking huge accomplishment. Good for you!
Oh, one more thing. Have fun on your tour! I'm sure it will be a wonderful journey.

Angela Brown said...

Your fall tour sounds fun and eventful.

Sometimes I listen to music while other times, the silence can be a calming un-sound of its own.

I haven't had the pleasure of attending an author event in a while. I'm trying to get over the fact that you'll be in San Diego at Mysterious Galaxies (I used to work like down the street from that bookstore).

And your 800 blog posts show your dedication, something far, far, far...okay, you get the point...away from pathetic :-)

Lindsay said...

Congrats on the 800 posts milestone! And there's no way you are pathetic!

I do listen to music as I write. I always make a playlist for each WIP and play it on a loop! LOL.

WritingNut said...

Congratulations Elana!!! 800 posts is all kinds of awesome! I'm so excited for you and all the exciting events coming up! :)

You know... I'm one of those people that needs complete silence to write, or maybe the sound of falling rain.

ali cross said...

Hurray for all things POSSESSION!!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for 800 posts! I think that's downright amazing, and flat out inspiring! My muse likes to eat music. And now he can eat Possession music. (Yes, he says he's very excited.) Have fun on all your author events! :)

Hannah said...

Wow, sounds crazy and fun! Good luck! Keep your head.

Jemi Fraser said...

800 Hip Hip Hoorays! Just think of how many people (including me!) you've helped with those posts - a whole heck of a lot more than 800 I'd bet!!

Congrats on all the super exciting events coming up - so much fun!

June G said...

Congrats on your prolific blogging. I wish you all the best on your author activities. I wish you were heading North or to the southeast. I'd love to see you. Maybe someday....Have fun! But you don't need me to say that. I know you will :-)

Leigh Ann said...


Thank you thank you thank you!
And congrats on 800 posts. :)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

800! Elana, you rock!

Amy Beals said...

I'm so very excited for you! I loved your book! I had my mom read it and she asked if there was another one! I haven't been listening to music while I write but I'm thinking about doing that. I love music and it can definitely generate the feelings you need to write specific scenes. Great job! And have fun touring!

steve said...

800 posts!it's really great achievement and it's unbelievable..Well congrats and best of luck..Register Domain

Ishta Mercurio said...


Okay: music while writing = no, but I do use it to get in the mood sometimes, and I do have playlists for that.

HELLS YEAH I go to author events! I'd love to say that it's to support authors, which IS true, but mainly I hoard signed books. :-D

And I'm sad that your tour doesn't include Southern Ontario in general, and the GTA specifically. Boo. Next time? Pretty please? Maybehopefullyplease?

See Elana's recent blog posts

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