Thursday, September 6, 2012


Okay, so here I am, on Bookanista Thursday! Stop the presses! (I've always wanted to say that.) Anyway, I'm here today with a longtime blogging buddy, Justine Dell. Her book, RECAPTURED DREAMS, is coming from Omnific Publishing on September 18.

First, a bit about RECAPTURED DREAMS: Ten years, the Atlantic Ocean, and several rungs in society have kept Xavier Cain from having Sophia Montel. Now twenty-seven, he’s spent his entire adult life building a fashion empire that could finally prove his worth to her family. When fate reunites him with Sophia at London’s premiere fashion show, one problem lodges in Xavier’s path: Sophia doesn’t remember him.

The only obstacle that has kept Sophia from Xavier is a horrific car crash that erased her memory at seventeen. She’s spent the last ten years fighting to reclaim a sliver of her past that her mother refuses to help her remember. When Sophia meets Xavier at the London show, however, all her fantasies come to life in one night of passion. Discovering he is the missing link, she is determined to find all the pieces to their love story and her memory.

Xavier wants forever. Sophia wants her memory. If they take this chance, they’ll have to start over. How far are they willing to go get what they want? And when the past catches up to them, can they handle the truths it has hidden?

Let's here what Justine has to say about her book and her writing!

The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less: Boys loves girl, loses girl, then spends 10 years looking for girl. Boy draws girl back with fashion. BUT…she doesn’t remember him. Drama ensues. (oooh, drama ensues. I've said that before about my books, but I think I say "choas".  LOL!)

Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Actually, no. I only started writing three years ago and even then it was only because I read a book that made me think: “Hey! If this person can pen a love story that’s uber popular, then I can surely write down the one that’s been floating around in my head for years.” That unleashed a crazy passion I didn’t even know I had. Writing for me is like a release. Then it became an obsession. Publishing wasn’t even an option. I just wanted to write. And write. And write. ☺

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication?
After writing a book…or two…or was it three?…I realized that’s what writers did. (Profound. Writers write.) I would have been perfectly happy writing my little fingers to the bone until I learned that writers, uh, seek publication. Insert another obsession.

Quick! You’ve been chosen to go on Survivor. What luxury item do you take?
Well, I would say my Kindle hands down if I had a way to charge it! But since that’s probably not an option, I would say a pen and HUGE notebook. Oh, that’s two things, isn’t it? (You could probably fool Probst.)

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate?

About Justine: Justine lives in the Midwest, happily catering to her family, which consists of a horse-obsessed teenage daughter and four crazy dogs. She’s never moved from her hometown, but hopes to grow old in a much warmer climate. 

She started writing three years ago after seeing a movie that set off a chain reaction she couldn’t have stopped if she’d wanted. It’s not a hobby for her; it’s an obsession. One she loves and one she loves to share.

Contact Justine by email:
Recaptured Dreams on Goodreads.
Recaptured Dreams on Facebook.
Friend her on Facebook
Check out her Blog.
Find her on Twitter.

As if that weren't enough, you can enter to win an e-copy of RECAPTURED DREAMS and a set of matching bookmarks simply by commenting on this blog post! You can also enter to win a copy of the book on Goodreads. And Justine has a par-tay going on over at her blog all month long! So saddle up!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

She didn't even think about publishing at first. Me neither!
Good stuff, Justine.

JE said...

Thanks so much for having me, Elana!

And now I suddenly want bacon. BACON!


vilmarys said...

Very exciting!! Congratulations Justine!!! Recaptured Dreams sounds really good. Thanks for the chance to win :)

Veray said...

This sounds like a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

Creepy Query Girl said...

sounds like such a fantastic read! Congrats Justine!

Angela Brown said...

That's a determined fellow right there. Sounds like a wonderful read. Wishing you all the best, Justine. Thanks for having her, Elana :-)

LTM said...

So excited! Can NOT wait to read this book. Yay, Justine!!! :o) <3

Carolyn V said...

Chocolate covered bacon...mmmmmm....

Congrats Justine! I can't wait to read it!

Kate Avery Ellison said...

This book sounds fascinating. Very unique. Can't wait to read it!

Brenna said...

I understand your enjoyment at saying "Stop the presses." Although I'll admit I have literally gotten to say that. At a newspaper. And have watched the presses shut down. Nothing really beats that.

Anywho, nice interview! I completely understand the obsession part of writing. I'll have to check out this book.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this book. It sounds really good.

Tamara Narayan said...

Congrats on making it to publication! Very cool book cover and synopsis.

Ali Cross said...

Justine is so cute! And it's kinda nice and refreshing to hear about an adult book. And it sounds great, too! Thanks Elana!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sounds like a great book Justine. So excited for you.

Don't enter me in the contest because I sadly have no time to read adult books right now.

JE said...

Thanks everyone for your kind words! It has been a crazy ride, but a great one!

I can't wait to giveaway the ebook and bookmarks later!! SQUEE!!!!


Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous cover.

Jemi Fraser said...

Sounds like a story I'd love! Thanks for the tip!! :)

LG O'Connor said...

Sounds like my kind of read! And I don't say that often :-)

Unknown said...

Cannot wait to read this one!! And more importantly for the rest of the world to see how talented you are!!!!

Emily R. King said...

Great Twitter pitch! I love me some romance drama. Congrats, Justine!

JE said...

Thank you! You guys have seriously left the nicest comments ;-)

Now time for the winners!!!

KATIE has won the free ebook!!


Tamara and Jemi have won the bookmarks.


And thanks again for having me Elana! ;-)


Christy said...

Justine you sound like such a fun person. I'd read your book just from listening to your interview!

Christy said...

Justine you sound like such a fun person. I'd read your book just from listening to your interview!

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Natali said...

Congratulations Justine! Here is my page
Church Vestments

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