Friday, October 12, 2012

The Wisdom of Justin Bieber

No, really. Go with me on this for just a minute. So my seven-year-old daughter really likes Justin Bieber. I've bought her books about him from the book orders. Seriously. I've listened to two songs by him, and okay. They're songs.

Then I heard his new song, "As Long As You Love Me." I downloaded it, put it on the iPod, listened to it in the car. Etc. Etc.

I'm mindlessly listening one day, not really thinking about much, and I hear these words:

But the grass ain't always greener on the other side,
It's green where you water it
So I know we got issues baby true, true, true,
But I'd rather work on this with you

And oh my heck, you guys! It's so, so true--for publishing too.

I think we often think that we'll be happier if we're doing something else. If we can get an agent, or a different publisher, or a better book deal, or the marketing support, or whatever.

But it's just not true. The grass isn't greener somewhere else. It's greenest where we water it.



Leigh Caron said...

So true, true, true.

E. Arroyo said...

I like Justin. My son listens to his songs. We even watched his documentary-like movie. He's got talent and he still acts like a kid. It's great. =)

Stina said...

Yep, already figured that one on my own, thanks to blogging and talking to friends. There are days where I'm very content where I am.

Justin is playing in concert here tonight. Am I going? Nope. None of my kids like him. Not even my eight-year-old daughter. She used to like him, but not anymore. Not sure why the change of heart.

Miranda Hardy said...

Wise words. I've never listened to the lyrics. Interesting.

Have a great weekend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm happy with my green grass!
Not my real green grass though. I still want to replace my lawn with Astro Turf.

Natalie Aguirre said...

That's a really good thing to remember. And something we often forget.

Angela Brown said...

Song lyrics can surprise sometimes...for better or worse lol!! For better in this instance.

Those are wise words that can be applied to many facets in life. What it takes is the desire to water. That - is the make or break of it all.

Temre Beltz said...

This is a great post! And pretty sure my girls would be Justin Bieber fans too if they weren't just two and four :) I love your words, "It's greenest where we water it." So beautiful, and a great reminder that life is about what we pour into it and not what we don't have. It helps put the ball back in our court. Thank you!

Melissa Sarno said...

Well, Elana, I never thought I'd say this, but those are some wise words from the Biebster.

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Bieber it. to do some much needed watering:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks. :)

Sara B. Larson said...

Haha, that's awesome. I have to admit I like some of JB's music to workout to, and when I first heard that song I really like those lyrics, too. Rare to hear that instead of songs about getting it on with a chic at a dance club or something. ;)

Patti said...

Who knew he could be so wise. I totally agree with the that saying 'the grass isn't always greener', but it can also turn into a fear. I often don't do something because it might be worse on other side.

clarbojahn said...

I can't believe Justin said that! who knew?? And to have you repeat those wise words make me like him just a little. Oh well. Maybe I'm just seven years old in my heart watering the grass where I am.

Thanks for sharing. :)

Robin said...

I never thought I would have something to gain from Justin Bieber. Thank you for proving me wrong:)

And it is SO true as desert living me knows-grass is greener where you water it.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

I read this earlier this morning, and can't stop thinking about it. It's just a new way to look at things, and it's fabulous!

Alice said...

So funny. The exact same thing happened to me the other day while driving home in the car with my son when that song came on. I said, "Is this Justin Bieber?" and he said, "Yes," and when that line about the grass being greener where you water it came on I said, "Hey, that's pretty good. I like that. I'm gonna use that sometime." My son claims the line comes from a poem.

Shallee said...

Not much of a Bieber fan, but I have to agree with this! Thanks for the reminder to be happy where we're at and water that grass. :)

Tyrean Martinson said...

Very true. I didn't think much of Bieber until we watched Never Say Never . . .and I was impressed by his story and his musical talent. I can't say most of his lyrics are all that awesome, but some of them are pretty good . . .like the snippet you mentioned. We don't have Bieber fever in our house, but we think he's all right.
The grass is definitely greener where we water it.

Jaime Morrow said...

You're right, those are very wise words. Thanks, Elana and Biebs for this reminder! :)

Donna K. Weaver said...

I'm not a fan, but those are great words of wisdom.

Jennie Bennett said...

Awesome wisdom and great point! I'll have to look up that song now :)

Anonymous said...

Wisdom embedded in the midst of Bieber's "baby baby"? Who knew? Point well taken though. Water where we are.

Erin Shakespear said...

Totally agree. If you're not happy where you're at then you won't ever be happy. You'll always be looking farther in the future and saying, "Now, if only..."

And who wants a life of If Onlys? that you're getting inspiration from Beiber. :)

Kathryn Purdie said...

Wisdom often comes from the most unlikely people! I love this so much--especially how the grass is greener where we water it. That's actually pretty profound. I'm gonna turn on the garden hose today!

Ali Cross said...


Mart Ramirez said...

Absolutely TRUE. In every aspect of life.

Jemi Fraser said...

Who knew Beiber could be brilliant? :) Awesome!! Off to do some watering...

June G said...

The word of God--the bible, says to "be content in whatever state your in." I guess Bieber's "wisdom" echos some of that sensibility--inadvertently... I strive for that--regardless of whether I get published or not!

Cynthia Chapman Willis said...

Your post had me clapping. This is so true. So many of us are always striving for the next best thing. The publishing deal, the next and better book, better sales. . . But to be happy where you are is really what is best. The grass really is greenest where watered.

Gwen Gardner said...

That's brilliant, Elana, and so true. It's why we feed our minds and bodies. It's why we practice our craft. It's why we love our children - so that everything grows!

Brenna said...

I think wisdom can be had anywhere, as long as we're open to listening. :)

Heather said...

Against my will I must admit, he has a great point. ;)

Kelly Polark said...

The Biebs is so wise at his young age...

(My daughter owns Bieber books and posters too. I actually liked him a lot more after seeing the movie about him. He seems to be a hard worker and close with his family.)

See Elana's recent blog posts

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