Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hodge Podge of Goodness

Okay, I'm in outline hell, so I want everyone know that this post is stemming from that. So take off your judgement hats, okay? Okay.

First, one of my bloggy friends posted this about overpromotion yesterday. It was brilliant. So go read what Scott Tracey has to say. Consider what you're doing to make a name for yourself. Also, I blogged about something similar, though not nearly as punchy, back in January. Read this if you've forgotten or are new here.

As if that weren't enough, Tahereh Mafi pretty much blogged about the same thing. Even with the same words. It's just proof that we're like long-lost twins or something. Though I don't think she knows this... Anyway, go read her post too. It's good. (And maybe she'll design me a wicked cool badge or something, because now she knows we're long-lost sisters. Hey, a girl can hope.)

Rapid Topic Change: It's my son's birthday! Par-tay!

Rapid Topic Change with a Question: I got some photos taken. Are you in favor of telling me which one looks the nicest, say, sometime next week? Or is that in the arena of "Dude, we don't freaking care about you. Blog for us!" I'm okay with either, so yeah. Lemme know.

Name That Movie From This Quote: "And that's not even what they eat. That just falls off what they eat!!" and you can win a query critique from me. That's right. Just name the movie (in the comments).

Toldja today was random, but good. What's random-good in your life?


Miranda Hardy said...

"Bee Movie" Hope this is right.

Miranda Hardy said...

Also, I love pictures because I take them all the time, so I vote to see them.

Martina Boone said...

No clue on the movie, but happy birthday to your son all the same!!!

Emily White said...

Bee Movie! I love that movie! It is so cute! And post those cute pictures, and happy birthday to your son! :D

Mine's going to be celebrating his birthday on Monday.

Lisa Potts said...

Bee Movie? I confess I didn't see it, but my kids knew it right away. I would love to see the pics.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'd love to see the pictures. Have fun with your son.

VR Barkowski said...

* Yay! Sending a multitude of happy birthday wishes to your esteemed scion.
* Yes, photos, please!
* Def. Bee Movie.
* Random good: Offer accepted on new house. I can now write instead of troll real estate listings.

Erinn said...

Bee movie was the only kids movie I haven't seen.

Good random: I finished my edits and I'm super excited for Writeoncon. I've got 2 weeks until school starts back up and I've not nothing left on my to do list!

JE said...

Good luck with the outline! Happy b-day to your son! (There's been lots of birthdays this week--Leo's ROAR!!!)



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your son!!!

Love these Random Topic Changes! They made me smile.

I checked out that over promotion post. Wow. That was great.

Have a great day!!

Bast said...

the quote's from bee movie.

happy birthday to your son!

Jonathon Arntson said...

Yup, that's Bee Movie alright. Will you be made if I tell you that that was one of the worst movies I have ever seen? I like you though! :P

Scott said...

Dudette, seriously, put the pictures out there!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to the little guy, show your pics and thanks a gazillion for the links to overpromotion.

Random Goodness: I have creamer today (didn't yesterday morning), I wrote 927 words on a new wip yesterday and I edited thirteen pages of a completed ms.

Oh yeah, and the humidity is down for a change, so instead of writing in a sweat lodge, I'm only writing in an oven.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Apparently its the Bee Movie, but everyone beat me to it. Happy B-day to your son, and I'm right there with you in outline hell. I'm stumped, suffering. Ugg.

Unknown said...

Bee movie (but I'm just cheating from what others said. very dangerous). I vote YES for the pictures. Would love to see them.

Sarah N Fisk said...

Hehe. "That's so stingin stripey!" Bee Movie!

Oh and we'd love to take a look at your pictures!!

Izzy G. said...

I'd love to see your pictures!

And "Bee Movie", right?

Sarah Ahiers said...

Yay hodge podge! I'm totally right in that hodge podge posts need theme songs.

also, Bee Movie

Linda Kage said...

Thanks for the over-promotion link. But now I'm all freaked out...have I been doing this myself? Ugg.

Anonymous said...

Bee Movie--talking about human's crumbs!

I've unfollowed many folks for too much promotion. When it's all you talk about, it drives me insane!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Most important -- Happiest of birthdays to your son. (May you keep what sanity you have left.)

Never heard of Bee Movie but that was a gross quote that with breakfast. YUK!

Random good -- I finally figured out the direction of my writing.
Happy Wednesday!

C. N. Nevets said...

It's not "outline hell." It's outline "heaven." Change your outlook and you change your outcome.



Faith said...

Interesting post on overpromotion! I just posted about Jennifer Belle's random but super creative promotion in NYC (paying actresses to read her book & laugh on the subway) -- much more effective than what we're told to do, because she thought outside the box and stood out from the crowd (literally... it's crowded with overpromotion out there). I applaud her creativity!

Hope you survive the outline process :)

Patti said...

I'll go with the consensus and say Bee Movie. Thanks for the links, and I definitely vote for you to post pictures.

Random good in my life is I only have one and a half days left of work until holidays.

Unknown said...

"Bee Movie" but I guess I'm late. I too slept in today and plan on shuttling kids later. Ah well. It was worth a shot for that priceless query critique. (flattery works right?)

Random goodness? The single "Thinking of you" by Christian Kane from the show Leverage.

Kelly Polark said...

Bee Movie! (and I'm going to be honest and say I just read the answer in the comments :)

Enjoy the special day with your son, Elana!

Tamika: said...

Now I'm curious to see the Bee Movie:)

Happy birthday to your son~ yipee!

Kerri Cuev said...

*sings a birthday song for your son*
I LOVE cake! Hope it's chocolate.

Dude, lets see some Elana pictures!

Movie, hmmm. How about "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" for the heck of it. Darn it I have food on the brain. I should go eat breakfast..err..lunch.

Marsha Sigman said...

Definitely from the Bee Movie!
Happy B-say to your son!
And I would totally be up for looking at your pics.

I take really hideous pictures myself so I love to judge

Nicole Zoltack said...

Bee movie.

Thanks for the links!

Summer Ross said...

random good- I just celebrated my daughters birthday a few days ago :)

Lindsey Richardson said...

Wow, I would have never guessed the Bee Movie!
I think you should put up the pics if you want to; this is, after all, your blog;P
Happy bday to your son!

And my random good so far today? I got another review on my book and I may be able to write a new chapter today. (I feel like such a nerd being happy about that, lol)
Happy writing,

Elana Johnson said...

Thanks to all! I'm shocked at those of you who haven't seen The Bee Movie. It's seriously awesome. Jon, I simply cannot believe you didn't like it. What's not to like about Jerry Seinfeld??

Thanks for the birthday wishes! My son will be thrilled. Maybe.

Jemi Fraser said...

I didn't have a clue what the movie was - I'll have to check the Bee Movie out :)

I'd love to see the photos & help you choose!

Margo Berendsen said...

Ah, thanks for shouting out Scott Tracey's post. More new authors NEED TO READ THIS! You, Elana, on the other hand, could fill us just a little more on YOUR book. Tempt us.

Bee Movie is definitely on my list to see now does that count for the contest or I am disqualified for admitting I haven't seen it yet and just happened to peek at the above comments?

Meradeth Houston said...

Haha, I had to google it, but Bee Movie has been on my Netflix list for ages. I <3 Seinfeld.

Do post pics--sounds like fun!

Sherrie Petersen said...

Definitely post the photos!

Angela McCallister said...

Happy birthday to your son! Hope it turns out fabulous for all of you.

Definitely yes, we'd love to see the pics and help you choose the bestest.

I totally feel your outlining pain. I'm a pantser, but with my latest I'm giving outlining a try. I do best with a simple skeleton. I know my point A and point Z. Then I bullet list everything that needs to happen to get from A to Z, and then I put the bullets in the order I want. I make notes sometimes. I incorporate my bullets as I fly by the seat of my pants. Four to six weeks later, voila, the draft is done.

Oh, yeah. As everyone beat me to it, the quote is from Bee Movie which I've seen bits and pieces of but haven't watched all through yet.

Theresa Milstein said...

"Bee Movie"!

I'd be happy to vote.

I'm on my way to the first link.

Lisa_Gibson said...

I see a bunch o' people beat me to it. It was Barry B. Benson in The Bee Movie. I, personally would love to help with picking your pics. ;) Okay, it's not as weird as I made it sound. Yay, Happy Birthday to your son! woo hoo!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Lisa_Gibson said...

I see a bunch o' people beat me to it. It was Barry B. Benson in The Bee Movie. I, personally would love to help with picking your pics. ;) Okay, it's not as weird as I made it sound. Yay, Happy Birthday to your son! woo hoo!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Henya said...

Happy Birthday to your son. And manny more happy ones.

Krispy said...

Happy b-day to your son!!! I vote to see the photos. Bring 'em out!

I have never seen Bee Movie so I'm just going to let everyone else confirm that quote.

Don said...

Thanks for the links to overpromotion posts. That was helpful. Hopefully I'll be able to hit the right balance.

Loved Bee Movie!

Angie said...

Happy birthday to your cute son! I'd love to see your pictures. Thanks for the links. Those are great posts.

Jai Joshi said...

Happy Birthday to your son!


ali cross said...

My random good today was getting to talk to (like on the PHONE!) to Suzy Hayze. She's awesome! (thanks E!)

Happy Birthday to the dude.

And I would love to vote on your pics. It would make me feel powerful and I like that. :)

Tahereh said...

OMG thanks so much for the linkage!!


you are an absolute doll and a gem in our writing community.

thanks for all you do :D

Paul Greci said...

Post the photos:-)

Happy birthday to your son!!!

And, I've never seen the Bee Movie, but I will be now. Thanks!

Belle Wong said...

Happy birthday to your son!

And I'd love to see the pictures :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Bring on the pictures, girl - we're here for you! Happy birthday to your son! :-)

Liza said...

Pictures? Yes. And happy birthday wishes to your son.

Scott Tracey said...

Thanks for linking to my post, Elana. You rcok!

And happy birthday to your son!

Lydia Kang said...

We like pictures! So post away.
And I hope your outlining is going well!

Elana Johnson said...

Ali -- cool! How'd it go? How come I have no email? You know I get grumpy when I don't get emails from you. Humph.

Scott, it was your post, man. Kudos to you.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. And all right. The photos will come out.

Taffy said...

AH! I thought it was from "Over The Hedge"!

Unknown said...

I read Scott's post earlier today, not sure how I got there. Got me to you again though, so that's good.

Happy BD to your son. No idea about the movie quote unless I cheat and read what everyone else is saying *cough Bee Movie cough* but I won't.

Unknown said...

I saw the one pic on FB (it was gorgeous), but would love to see more. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, pictures. Purty please?

See Elana's recent blog posts

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