Monday, August 9, 2010

The Many Faces of Elana

Okay, not really. But whatever. I need your opinion. Here's some of my favorite photos from my recent shoot (yes, I cut and colored my hair just hours before showing up in the studio), and I want to know which one you like best.

Disclaimer: Yes, I have yellow teeth. My photog is totally going to whiten those babies up. And make sure my neck-skin doesn't look so freaking white. Etc, etc. I just wanna know which one you like best.

Shameless Plug: If you live anywhere near Logan, Utah (meaning a short plane ride away) you should have Brigitte Ballard take your picture. She is teh awesome.

Okay, okay. Pics.






#7 (which is just a close up of #6)

Just for fun, because I like to laugh:

So which one??? And I can make any one of them black and white, or whatever. I just need to know which. one.


Corinne said...

My favorites are #1, #5, and #7. :D

Miranda Hardy said...

I like #2 and #4, but I like it in black and white.

Unknown said...

You're gorgeous in all of them :D, but I definitely think the ones in the blue shirt are more striking. I'm liking #7 a lot. Yes, I vote for #7. Final answer. :D

Anne Gallagher said...

#4. I don't care if it's b/w or color. I like the way your face sits in 4.

Wen Baragrey said...

I like all of them! #5 #6 and #7 are my favorites though :) I love that hair cut. I am so tempted to go out and get exactly that cut.

Jodi Meadows said...

I like 4 quite a lot. I also like the blue better than the orange.

I don't think you need to change it to black and white, but I'm a big fan of black and white because it evens out skin tone naturally. And some of us (me) need that. Heh.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I like 1, 5 & 7 best. Honestly, I love the picture you're using now too.

Tez Miller said...


Jade said...

#1 & #4

Amie McCracken said...

I like #2 and #6. I'm all for more candid shots.

Sharde(Shar-day) said...

I have to go with the "just for fun" one in black and white.

Christina Lee said...

Elana--you so didn't ahve to have all of those disclaimers, you silly girl you!

#4 is my favorite, the way you're positioned and the way the light plays off of you--the blue brings out your eyes!

Suze said...

I love the last one - I think it's perfect - and totally you (or how you seem to be on this very blog) :)

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Well of course the laughing one is my fav. but #4 otherwise.
~ Wendy

Kristine Asselin said...

What a great problem to have! All your photos are beautiful--no bad choices. I do like #7 best I think, too. I like the ones where you're looking at the camera and smiling. :)

Kelly Lyman said...

I like them all, but I vote for #4 or #7- good luck with making a decision!!

Anonymous said...

I like #4 and #5. Good luck!

Kristal Shaff said...

I like the blue on you a lot better than the orange. And I like the close up better, so any of the blue shirt close-up shots

Mary E Campbell said...

I like #4 and #7 - they all look great though Elena - good luck choosing.

Anonymous said...

I like #5 in black and white. It shows confidence - but in a friendly way. :-)

Candyland said...

Wooo sexy!!! I like #7. Also, you laughing, because it's beautiful.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I'm leaning to #7 but Just Laughing is so you!
But 7 though I really like the one you use now.
Giggles and Guns

Matthew MacNish said...

First of all you look lovely in each of them, and your hair is awesome!

I like 2, 3 and 5, but this is all so subjective! Argh. Plus I like orange.

Mim said...

I like four and five.

J.B. Chicoine said...

I like #2 best--it has a more 'authorial' feel and I think the overall composition works best...

Stina said...

I like #2 (though it reminds me of my 8 yo who is ALWAYS PLAYING WITH HIS EARS!!!), #3 (in black and white) and #7. Definitely #7. :D

Anonymous said...


Slamdunk said...

I like #5 as well.

Izzy G. said...

You look great in these, especially in the blue shirt! My favorite is #4, in color.

Annie Laurie Cechini said...

#4-you look happy and relaxed in that one and the blue is a great color on you. :)

Lisa Potts said...

The blue is fantastic on you, so keep either #4 or #7 in color, JMO.

Michelle McLean said...

I love 6 and 7 - if I had to pick just one though, 6 :D

Anonymous said...

I like #1 and #4.

Unknown said...

I like 6 the best!

VR Barkowski said...

Another vote for 4 or 7. In those shots, it's as if you couldn't hold back your smile. Let us know which you choose! :)

Crystal Cook said...

I really like 2. I love candid shots best. But also the blue shirt one's look good, and number 5. Such purdy shots! you look beautiful!

Meredith said...

I love 4 and 7--you're leaning in like you and the viewer are friends, and you look very happy.

Steena Holmes said...

You Elana are beautiful!!!

I like 6. Make it black and white. Gorgeous!

Danielle said...

I like #4 best, and #7 which looks very similar to 4, good luck choosing!

Zoe C. Courtman said...

I'm partial to #5 - you look confident, relaxed - and I think you look GREAT in orange :D

HWPetty said...

#4 gets my vote!!


Can't wait to see it inside your book!

Golden Eagle said...

My favorites are 1# and 6#. :)

Krista said...

#7 and the laughing one. Great shots! Love your hair!

Christine Fonseca said...

#4 - no question. You look beautiful!

Rena Jones said...

They're all good, Elana. I really like #4 and #7. The black & white one is fun too. Good luck choosing!

Jemi Fraser said...

You take a nice picture - you've got a sparkle that shines through in them all. Lucky you!

My faves are 4 & 5, but I don't think you could go wrong with any of them.

Southpaw said...

#1 is my favorite but I also like #7. Your smile is fantastic in all of them.

Sarah N Fisk said...

I like #7 the most I think. Definitely prefer the blue over orange.

Rock on!

Summer Frey said...

I like number 4! And I dig the new haircut.

Jenna Wallace said...

I like #5 but in black and white. But they are all fab! What fun!

Marsha Sigman said...

I like number one and two.

I hope our opinions help! I think everyone has a different fav!lol

kah said...

Okay, so as much as I love B&W photos, that coralish color looks great on you. So I vote for 3 or 5.

They are all great though! :)

Stephanie McGee said...

5 or 8. That's my vote.

Elana Johnson said...

First, you guys are awesome. You sure know how to make me feel good about myself.

Thanks! It seems blue is more popular than orange and 4 and 7 are the leaders right now...

Nicole Zoltack said...

I like 5 best. Hard to pick though, you look great in all of them!

Kerri Cuev said...

#1 and 4 have my vote! The blue shirt makes you pop right off the page, love it! They all came out GREAT! Keep on smiling!

BTW your hair is totally Fabulous!
Good luck choosing and let us know ;)

Kerri Cuev said...

#1 and 4 have my vote! The blue shirt makes you pop right off the page, love it! They all came out GREAT! Keep on smiling!

BTW your hair is totally Fabulous!
Good luck choosing and let us know ;)

Kerri Cuev said...

#1 and 4 have my vote! The blue shirt makes you pop right off the page, love it! They all came out GREAT! Keep on smiling!

BTW your hair is totally Fabulous!
Good luck choosing and let us know ;)

Kerri Cuev said...

OMG! sorry for the reapeats. My internet wouldn't comment and I just kept hitting comment being impatient. I am not tring to vote more than once really, lol.

Deb Salisbury, Magic Seeker and Mantua-Maker said...

I like #5 best. :)

Angela said...

Great pics. My fav is #4!

Anonymous said...

#4 - you look so friendly and approachable!

Sarah E Olson said...

I like the orangey-coral color. It gives you a little more warmth. #3.

Bish Denham said...

I like #2 hands down. But then I like the literary, mysterious, humorous quality of black and white. There seem to be a few of us who voted for it too.

storyqueen said...

7! You are lucky to have so many great ones to choose from. Wow.

And I like black and white myself.

(Too funy. I just did this last week myself.)


Anna Staniszewski said...

I love how everyone is giving you conflicting advice! My vote is for either #3 or #5 because I just love you in that color, but really they're all great. :-)

Sara B. Larson said...

Wow, lots of different votes! That's good, it means you can't go wrong. ;) I personally think I like 4 the best, but they're all great!

erica m. chapman said...

Awesome pics, Elana! I love #4 and #7 and I seriously love the one where you're laughing. You could use that one ;o)

Danyelle L. said...

I really like #7, but you know which one I love? Number eight. :D

Lisa_Gibson said...

Okay, I'm totally caught between 3 or 7. I just can't seem to choose between them. They are awesome pics. Yay!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

YA Book Queen said...

Love #7!

Alyssa Kirk said...

I'm a fan of the blue for my first picks would be 4 or 7. If I would pick one in the coral, it would be 3. So many opinions - is this really helping or making you more confused! Good luck!

Teens Read and Write

Luna said...

Fabulous pics! It looks like you had fun. My favorites are 6 & 7. Love the blue shirt and you look very relaxed and natural in these shots.

Anonymous said...

#5 is so what I see for the back of your cover! I freakin' love it! It makes you look bright and professional--which you totally are! =D

But #1 is super cute too, crap now your making me all confused which one is my all time favorite!

JEM said...

Oh, I like #4 and #7! And the color of that shirt is gorgeous! Beautimous!

Caleb said...

#1- the blue looks good, keep it color...

Henya said...

#1 FOR SURE. The best.

Summer Ross said...

maybe its just me and I'm a fan of black and white but I enjoyed #2 the best

Abby Stevens said...

3 & 5 really seem to show off your personality.

XiXi said...

3 is my favorite. :)

j.leigh.bailey said...

I really like #5, but #7 is a very close second!

Unknown said...

#5 for me--I love your casual, laid back look here, most natural.

John Sankovich said...

I like 3 and 4 the most, as they seem the most professional writer looking. I don't know if that matters, but thats my vote.

John Sankovich said...

I like 3 and 4 the most, as they seem the most professional writer looking. I don't know if that matters, but thats my vote.

Unknown said...

You've got a great smile, so it's a tough call. I'd say #3.

Patricia A. Timms-McGehee said...

I like #7 and the just for fun because it really shows your personality. (And your Facebook/blog pic is great too.)

Don said...

I vote #5.

Anonymous said...

I like #2 the best because it looks least posed. Of the more obviously posed shots, I like #6. But I don't think any of the photos do you wrong, either. :)

Unknown said...

I like 3, 6, and 7. But really you look good in all of them even #8. I live right next to Logan in Preston, Idaho. We have to go there to buy anything worth living for, food, clothes, ect.

Taffy said...

I can see why you need help because they are ALL cute of you!
I do like 3,4,7.

Taffy said...

I can see why you need help because they are ALL cute of you!
I do like 3,4,7.

Regina said...

I like #3 and #5. I love your hair too.

Stasia said...

Lookin' good there! I guess I favor #2 and #6. Just did the writer photo thing myself and couldn't quite choose so wound up going with one "smiling and friendly" and one "serious writerly"!

Bethany Wiggins said...

4 and 7 look the same and they are my faves. But of the two, seven. It's also a good number.

Elizabeth Briggs said...

I like #3 and #5!

Unknown said...

Def #4 or #7--they're very similar and blue is definitely your color. You look gorgeous! :)

Anonymous said...

I like #3, #5, & #8. =] You look frawsome, Elana.

Anonymous said...

I like 2, 5, and the last one, but I also like the idea of having you do a photo with a more natural background, like somewhere outside or in a library.

Olivia Carter said...

I like 1 and 7. You just look more relaxed and natural in them. Nicely done!

Angie said...

You're so cute. I like 1, 3, 5 and 7.

Heather said...

I like them all but my fav is #4. The coral color looks great against your skin!

Unknown said...

I like number 6 the best, leaning over the chair. It looks more natural and less posed to me. I also like the ones of you in the orange shirt and the black and white ones the best.

I like the idea of posting pics, though! I may steal this...I keep poring over mine, trying to decide...

Lydia Kang said...

I like #7! Somehow the peach color seems too cheerful for a dystopian writer!

Krispy said...

#4 or #7 are my favorites. I love your hair color and your shirt!

Mary Lindsey / Marissa Clarke said...

I like #2 the best. #1 is my runner up. :)

Anonymous said...

#1 is my vote

CMOM Productions said...

#7 Great photos!

Margo Berendsen said...

#7 but it's a close call. They are all very nice!

Shelley Sly said...

You photograph well! I like #7 and #1.

Michelle Walkenhorst said...

#2 I love black and white.
#4 I like how you're situated, and your cheeks are seem more peachy, which gives you such a happy glow.

Mel Chesley said...

I pick #6. Because you look relaxed and laid back. You seem to be more comfortable with yourself and having your picture taken in that pose than the others. Don't get me wrong, I like the others a lot, but #6 works for me and that color blue works well for you!

Kimberly Franklin said...

Such cute pictures! It looks like you have a hard choice to make, and I'm not sure all of our opinions matter since just about everyone has been picked above in the comments. LOL.

But, in case you wanted to know, I love #4. Good luck picking! It's going to be hard!!

Sherrie Petersen said...

Well, the last one is my favorite because that's how I always picture you, laughing! But out of the others, #5 is my fave.

Melissa Hurst said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa Hurst said...

I love the picture of you laughing! But since it's not numbered, my next fav is #7. I love how the blue looks on you:)

Alleged Author said...

Love, love, love you in the color blue!

Erin MacPherson said...

#2 if your book is serious or profound, #7 if it's funny.

Steph Su said...

Oh, I like #7!

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

I love #7 the best. Definitely. You're SO cute!

Katie said...

Def 7. So good!

E. Arroyo said...

I like number 2 but I like black and white stills.

Vicki Rocho said...

I love that color of blue on you! (It's okay to go B&W, just sayin' I like that color) I think I like #7 best.

Thanks for sharing! You look maaaahvelous!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

4!! I love #4!! You're gorgeous in all of them though =)

Weronika Janczuk said...

As a teen + reader, I was drawn most to #7.

Charity Bradford said...

I like 1,4, and 7. :D

jess said...

ok, the older we get, the more we look alike. creeeepy. i vote for all of them except for #6. haha! and i love sepia or b&w photos! i think they are uber flattering! neck skin. yellow teeth. bwahahahahaaaaa. can't stop laughing. you're gorgeous just the way you are. xoxo

Renae said...

They're all gorgeous, but if I had to choose just one, I'd say #7.

Alli Sinclair said...

They're all great but I would say #1 and #5 appealed to me the most.

Valerie Ipson said...

#7 is my pick.

Kayanna Kirby said...

# 5 is my favorite

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Where's the 'tude though? (;

Melissa said...

2, 4 and the just for fun one ( I think its wonderful!)

Jennie Englund said...

Sassy, sexy hair! I LOVE it!!!

Sheesh, I hope I see you in person someday.


DL Hammons said...

#2! Final answer. :)

Unknown said...

#2 definitely.

Tara McClendon said...

They are all beautiful photos, but I like number 4.

Angie Smibert said...

The laughing one! Or #2 or 7. All of them are good actually.

Unknown said...

4 and 5 are my faves. You're beautiful!

Unknown said...

They're all great, but I'm going to vote #6. :)

Emily said...

I'm a little late to the vote, but my fave is #7.

Anonymous said...

numero 7

You look good in all of them, but I think you appear most relaxed, yet professional in this one.

Riv Re said...

6 totally. Or 7. The position is good.
No, wait. #8 is the best. (jk)

See Elana's recent blog posts

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