Friday, September 3, 2010

Dig Deep

So it's Labor Day weekend. It seems like everyone in publishing is off the grid. I sent in my outlines and my sample pages. I had to dig deep to get those suckers done.

I am projectless. I'm going to have to dig deep for something to work on.

I sent off my author photos. I got the auto responder that my editor is gone until the 7th. I had to dig deep to finally push the send button on those babies, let me tell you. It'd almost be better if my face wasn't on the book. #dangIalreadysentit

And so I am languishing. Reading. Making *gasp* dinner!

But I have big plans for this weekend. That's right, my pretties. I asked, you answered. And now I'm going to have to dig deep to find the answers. I know, I know, enough riddles!

Remember Monday, when I asked you to tell me what your blogging woes were? Well, I found myself talking OUT LOUD to the computer. "Yeah, good question, you just need to..." and then I'd stop.

I realized I could do an entire new series on blogging. (Which BTW, I've done many posts on blogging, which you can check out here. And Alex Cavanaugh just did some great ones too (a three-part series, linked in the bottom of this post). And Jody Hedlund's done some...ahem. Anyway.) So instead of you all just listening to me blather on (again), I recruited new blood.

*rubs hands together*

Jen and Alex will be joining me next week for a week-long series on blogging. That's right -- a TRIFECTA BLOGGING EVENT! Get excited!! I think it's going to be uber-awesome to see their opinions on blogging and try to mesh them with my own. And, feathered friends, we have a little experiment we want you all to participate in... so watch for that for sure!

There's only one problem: I've got to dig deep to find what I want to say. I know it's buried there. But I don't want to repeat what I've already said, and I don't want anyone to go away from the week feeling worse than they did before.

I'll find the words. I'll unearth them. I always do.

Which leads me to today's question: What do you have to dig deep to find?


Liza said...


Christina Lee said...

Sounds awesome! So what author picture did you choose--the one you are using for your profile (WOOT!)?
Okay so I will have to dig deep too next week with my newest WIP b/c I am sending off my revisions today!!
I'll take the loong weekend to re-group and then I have to get moving on it or I will languish!

Keep moving forward,right?

Matthew MacNish said...

Well first of all I like your new layout. It may not be that new ... but I was out of town. Second I love Alex and Jen. You couldn't have picked a better Trifecta to talk about blogging in general, I'm looking forward to it!

I have to dig deep sometimes to find the motivation to keep going. Not necessarily just with writing, but with work, life and everything. It usually works out though.

Thanks Elana!

Today's guest blogger is Emilia Plater!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Confidence - first and foremost and never deep enough. Having said that, I'm taking the long weekend to finally dive into the revisions on my last WIP.

I really need to push past this point and take it to the next level. Hopefully by October I can start querying. Scared? Hell yeah! The thing is I want this more, than I fear it. (Hugs)Indigo

Golden Eagle said...

I'm looking forward to the Trifecta! It sounds like a great event. :)

Stina said...

Um, well, let me dig deep to find the answer to that question. ;)

K. M. Walton said...

With my revisions sent in on two of my books I have had the darn'dest time feeling productive. Unfortunately I've allowed Twitter to suck the hours away...because I have nothing writerly to work on. I feel a bit lost.

I do have three new novel ideas simmering on the back burner but the thought of starting another one sort of overwhelms me. One day soon I'll dive in.

So, the long and short of it is...I'm digging deep for a new focus (task) a writer.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I love your new pic! Beautiful. And digging sometimes entails a little observation. Just look around. Enjoy your weekend.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sounds like a great week. Can't wait. Just wish my vacation week wouldn't be over. Because it's back to work and school for my daughter. Yikes.

I'm digging but struggling to fix my query. It's so frustrating because I write letters all the time and quickly at work. But I know I can do it, right?

Terri Tiffany said...

The will to finish editing my book:)

Laura Pauling said...

Great new picture and font and clean layout. Lesson number one, right? And even if the blogging advice is repeated with different words, it's okay. Blog posts are like emails that slip away within days, sometimes to be forgotten! So bring on the posts about blogging!

And I'd have to dig deep to face my fears in my actual storytelling - pushing the envelope and trying to make it believable.

Christine Danek said...

Great photo and can't wait till next week.
I have to dig for my confidence. I'm a 'glass is half empty kind of gal' so it's not easy.
I also have to find the strength to finish my revisions and make a stinkin' decision on my first chapter.
Have a great weekend!

Theresa Milstein said...

I haven't found you repeating yourself on you blog, so I'm sure you'll find a unique way to write your posts.

I have to do dig deep to query. Though this gets easier over time. It was like sending out a boomerang each time. I only want to get smacked with my only query so many times, you know?

Have a great 3-day weekend!

Kelly Lyman said...

Confidence and determination. Sometimes I get there, usually I don' least with the confidence part. I think I"ll be diggin' for that the rest of my life.

Leigh Caron said...

You look MAHvelous, darling! I'll definetly be checking out the Trifecta. I so need help on my blog. Thanks for doing this.

Christine Fonseca said...

Confidence! But then you know that...since you talk me off that ledge regularly!

Unknown said...

Blog love, woohoo! I love blog love! I'm ready for next week!!!

And by ready, I mean excited... don't worry I'm not showing you up yet... I have nothing written, in fact I thought I had the perfect things to say yesterday, and it seems I've lost them all.

I think I might have eaten one too many chocolate chip cookies. Lost my focus... don't worry. I'll have it back in time.

Bish Denham said...

I don't know that you need to be too concerned about repeating yourself because some of us (ahem me) may not have read what Your Awesomeness had to say on the subject. Besides I'm lazy and don't want to go back to read previous posts so I'm looking forward to the Trifecta.

What do I have to dig for? Like most everyone, confidence. Logically I know I can write, but that squeeky termitey voice still chews away at me that I don't know what the heck I'm doing so why bother? Also I have to dig REAL deep to do revisions.

Claire Dawn said...

Is that new hair I spy? Or am I imagining stuff?

Michelle McLean said...

Everything, ha! :D Blogging Trifecta sounds awesome! :D

Jemi Fraser said...

Can't wait - you, Alex & Jen are 3 of my favourite bloggy friends!! :)

I have to dig deep for confidence. Always.

Paul Greci said...

Nice photo and blog lay out, Elana!

I find I have to dig deep everywhere. What I mean is that when I dig deep it seems like I often discover that I need to keep going deeper, does that make sense? It sort of like you can't dig deep enough (infinite possibilities) but however deep you are digging at any given moment is okay. And realizing you need or want to dig deeper is already a form of digging.

Jess said...

This morning I literally had to dig deep to find the source of a disturbing smell wafting from the laundry basket. The culprit? Forgotten toddler clothes at the bottom of the pile with rotting spaghetti/pea nightmare molding away.

Meredith said...

I can't wait for the trifecta! Such an awesome idea. I had to dig deep to find the courage to make a doctor's appointment. It's just a routine check-up, but I do NOT like going to the doctor!

Kerri Cuev said...

Oh sounds good! I'm sure you will dig deep and enlighten us, no pressure or anything lol!

Kelly Polark said...

I've had a writing lull. I wanted the last few weeks about school to be about the kids so I stopped writing and they've now been in school a week and I've only written one day. I'm starting my new writing schedule-Today!

Deni Krueger said...

Time. With the hubby gone and back in school working as a sub, I'm really pushing to find the time and energy to write.

Misha Gerrick said...

Can't wait to see the trifecta in action!

I'm going to have to dig deep to get some studying done during my spring break... Maybe I'll just reward myself by writing.

Have a great weekend everyone!

erica m. chapman said...

That sounds like a great series! I have to dig deep for a lot of things. Motivation is the main one, however, as of late, I've been highly motivated ;o) It won't last, but for now, I'm using it for all it's worth.

Have a wonderful weekend ;o)

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Awesome! Can't wait to get some fresh new blogging advice :D Question: I remember you posting about your novel outline - where was the best resource you found on writing the kind of outline that agents request?

Talli Roland said...

Jen and Alex - fantastic! What great examples (as well as you, of course, but that goes without saying!). Can't wait to see what you have to say.

Right now I'm digging deep not to run to the cupboard and hoover shortbread biscuits. It's an effort, I tell you.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Since it's Friday, I'm digging deep just to find the energy to make it until the evening!
And honored to be a part of next week with you and Jen.

Ishta Mercurio said...

A Blogging Trifecta - I can't WAIT! Ican'twaitIcan'twaitIcan'twait!!!!!

And I have to dig deep to find patience sometimes, and the discipline to see something through (in the sense of actually mailing the durn queries, already).

Did I say that I can't wait for your upcoming week on all things blogging? I am so excited for that. Thank you for putting it together!

Erica Mitchell said...

What and awesome and perfect trifecta! Exciting :D
Your ? = Patience and Understanding. This month is crammed and all full up on having to dig deep.
Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Unknown said...

I love the new profile pic, Elana. (Even though you look a little like my husband's ex-wife, which isn't so bad...she's an attractive lady and we get along great).

I have to dig deep for confidence, especially when I submit work for contests and I don't win. I find myself comparing my writing to others, which I shouldn't do, because writing is sometimes subjective to those who judge it.

Looking forward to next week.

Arlee Bird said...

Looking forward to the blogging series next week. As you may recall, I frequently (well, almost always) blog about blog science and theory on Mondays. I have been having great fun lately expounding upon Alex's recent Blogging Idiosycracies posts. It's a topic that I always find interesting and it always seems to get a good response from readers.

Tossing It Out

Ann Best said...

Since I just "found" you at KarenG's BBQ, I haven't seen your other templates. This one is beautiful; you picture is great. This post is very interesting, and I will be back. I see you're in Utah; I was born and raised in Salt Lake, and have lived in Utah off and on over my very long life; but Virginia is my favorite state, which is where my disabled daughter and I now live.

I'm happy to meet you. I'm now a follower, and hope you can find a moment in your busy schedule to drop by and see me too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so with Liza. I have to dig deep for confidence. Hell, I've made it to China by now and still haven't found it. Maybe it's a round trip thing?

I can't wait for the blogging series. Very awesomesauce, Elana J. Very awesomesauce, indeed.

Anonymous said...

p.s. Don't you love how I totally rip off your killer sayings? Yeah, because I'm rude like that. ;)

Kelly Bryson said...

Hey Elana- thanks for leaving a comment on the blog;)

Projectless? You? I have a hard time believing that. You seem to have more projects than anybody I know and you pull it off beautifully.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Willpower. I am a master procrastinator when it comes to my writing. Sometimes, I really have to dig deep to find the willpower to sit down and edit. :-)

Stephanie McGee said...

Can't wait. But I won't be around for the experiment. I'll be able to read the posts though.

Digging deep=me trying to find something to blog about

Digging deep=finding my characters (sometimes)

Digging deep=finding my motivation (some days)

Valerie Ipson said...

Yay, I can't wait for more juicy blog tidbits!!! I love that we get to share in all your bright ideas!

And thank you thank you for the link to Alex Sokoloff's blog series about Story Structure earlier in the week. I spent the better part of the day reading each of her posts on the subject and then the next day outlined my (nearly finished) novel all in sticky notes. It totally helped me see what I am missing. For some reason her information clicked even though I have heard this all before. :D

Lisa_Gibson said...

Some days - patience. Most days - energy. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Krista said...

Courage to talk to people (in realsies, not online). I'm so lame.

I am so excited about your blog week!
You rock!

Shannon Messenger said...

Um, I always have to dig deep to fin patience. It's not one of my virtues.

Oh, and I usually have to dig deep to find blog post topics. Hey--if you have some magical formula for how to figure out what to blog about, please--DO SHARE> Cause yeah, I feel like I spend half my day thinking: omg-what-am-I-going-to-blog-about???????

Have a great weekend!

Janet Johnson said...

I'm with Shannon . . . I totally have to dig deep to find my topics.

Tere Kirkland said...

LOL, this was all just an excuse to use the word Trifecta in a blog post. I know you...


I've been basically burying myself in a new project while I await Dreamy McAgent's response to my third revised submission. Fingers Crossed!

But the new project is going great now that I'm getting back into it. Except that my hero keeps making decisions without me and screwing up my perfectly outlined plot.

It's a good thing he's cute. ;)

Krispy said...

I love your blogging posts! Looking forward to it. I have to dig deep for confidence and to be more outgoing!

Happy Labor Day weekend!

Anonymous said...

My car keys. :)

Carolyn V. said...

Can't wait for the trifecta!!! It will be so awesome. Have a great weekend!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

The strength to keep going even as I deal with my mom's situation.

Anonymous said...

The blogging series sounds great! I have to dig deep to face my To-Do list.

Angela McCallister said...

You enlisted some great new blood! You've already been so helpful, and here you go again.

I sometimes have to dig for my emotions, my sense of self. I often feel like I'm on the outside of myself, observing instead of living in my own skin. I'm working on this, though, because it shows in my writing a lot.

Unknown said...

I have to dig deep to find the bottom of my laundry basket--I'm still digging. :)

Can't wait for your blog week posts!

Tamika: said...

I can't wait for the series:)

I'm digging for so much I don't even know what I'm searching for! Ack!

Unknown said...

Digging deep is where I find balance. Without it I am easily distracted from what is most important. Urgent things start to take over and before I know it I am lost in somebody's to do list, not mine.

Looking forward to your trifecta bloggeretta instructoretta! Ha!

Taffy said...

I like digging deep in the bowl after I make brownies.
Oops! Wrong digging.
I have to dig deep after a critique on my MS.

Your new pic is cute!

A Canadian Girl said...

Yay, more posts about blogging!

I have to dig deep to find motivation to do schoolwork since I'm a total procrastinator.

R. B. LeMoyne said...

I have to dig deep to focus on one task at a time. As in, I'll sit down to write my novel, then realize I have a great idea for my blog that I need to write down. Oh, and the short story ideas that spawn from thinking about my novel steal my focus away, too. So many things to do... how can I focus on just one?!

Jackee said...

Yay for the Trifecta! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

I have to dig deep to find Presence. I'm always trying to move on to the next thing I should/want to be doing rather than just enjoying the moment. Enjoying the journey (especially the publishing journey).

I hope your weekend plans are going wonderfully!

Jeff King said...

I have to gig deep to find time to write... and when I do, I need to fight my way through another revision.


Jan Markley said...

Looking forward to the blog posts on blogging - always looking to learn more. Your photos look great btw.

Jody Hedlund said...

Hi Elana! Will look forward to hearing about your blogging event! It's always great to get fresh perspective on it!

Heather said...

Your picture has to be on the book! I'm glad you hit send! Looks like you've moved some 'furniture' around on the blog. I like the new look! As for finding motivation this week, I had to dig deep to write new words. I finally finished a massive revision and it's always tough for me to get into the creating mode after a big editing project. But I'm doing it!

Splenderosa said...

Wouldn't miss your trifecta! Great idea. Well, at least now I know that almost everyone needs more confidence, an issue of mine. Also security. At my age I realize I know what I do in my area of the world is tip-top, but the struggle for me has always been to be the best. I'm trying to write a hilarious over-the-top (like me) piece & truly need some advice from someone who is not my girlfriend. You know? Thanks for this, Elana. Marsha

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

With risking sounding like a copycat...I'd have to say confidence is something I usually lack. I had a conidence boost this week...I have to succeed with a current pb, not just for me, but for my newest critique buddy who is ten and has the biggest heart in the world...

Clementine said...

Oh Elana, I've been off the grid all summer and I'm just beginning to find my groove again. Your new picture is GORGEOUS my friend! I'm very anxious to read about your blogging series, as we have many new bloggers at W2I. I need to do a post on some basics but I don't know where to start. When I began this three years ago, I learned by trial and error! Matter of fact, I'm STILL learning by trial & error. Have a lovely weekend, and I look forward to reading next week!

RaShelle Workman said...

Hi Elana - I'm excited for this coming week. I have to dig deep for BALANCE.

Hannah said...

I usually have to dig deep for motivation and self control. Haha! Hows that for discipline?

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