Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Okay, you guys. Today, I'm launching a blog book tour with epic prizes for Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers. I was lucky enough to read an ARC of this book, and I pretty much only have one thing to say: I've never met a bad boy this bad and liked him so much.

I really enjoyed this book, with it's quick pacing and fresh spin on demons. Even if you don't think you'll like demons, you'll like this. And hey, it's got an angel too if that's more your type. *bats eyelashes*

Lisa's crafted herself a real winner here. And to celebrate her book birthday (oh my heck -- a book birthday!) next Tuesday, September 14, she's giving away two prize packages, one for Heaven and one for Hell. And dude, each package includes a signed copy of PERSONAL DEMONS (excellent), an iPod shuffle loaded with PD's playlist (that's right -- A SHUFFLE), some swag (one can never have too much swag), and a few other Heaven/Hell-related items (ooh, surprises! Fancy).

All you have to do is visit each stop on the tour, collecting the two words in the post that are clearly marked (like the two marked in pink in my post). Lisa will have the entry form on her blog on the book-birthday, where you'll have to take the gathered words and arrange them into a sentence to enter.

Not only that, as if that isn't enough, but someone who comments here on my blog today wins the below PERSONAL DEMONS prize package! You would like to win that, right? Right. So leave a comment here, collect the words, and visit every blog on the tour to enter the grand prize drawing.

Here's the rest of the schedule, so make sure you visit these blogs throughout the tour.

Thursday: Carrie Harris
Friday: Myra McEntire
Saturday: Lisa and Laura Roecker
Sunday: Beth Revis
Monday: Andrea Cremer
Tuesday: the fabu author of Personal Demons herself, Lisa Desrochers

And now, seriously, which would you choose? Demon or angel? Heaven or Hell? Are you sure about that? Maybe you should buy and read Personal Demons first... *wink*


Natalie Aguirre said...

Since you say the book's so good, I'd love to win. Thanks for the contest.

Also here's another blog related question. How many book review blogs do you read? How often? Which ones do you pick & why? Okay, more than one question.

Jessica Bell said...

You would just like to give the prize to me now, right? ;o)

Theresa Milstein said...

A word hunt? Sign me up. I wanna win!

Kristi said...

Love this contest...sign me up!

Stina said...

Oh, now I really want to read the book, even though I have 14 new books which I still have to read. And I haven't even starting querying. Who knows how many I'll end up buying to beat the rejection blues. OR instead of obsessively checking my inbox, maybe I'll try catching up on my reading. :D

Can't wait to read the book!

Unknown said...

This is such a super cute idea! I love the fun idea of hunting for the words and making a sentence! Excellent contest, looking forward to following the trail!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Sounds great!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh. This sounds interesting. I'm adding it to my TBR list right now. SWEET! I LOVE demons and angels. Not sure which I like more...but I'm leaning toward angels.


Have a great day!

Bidisha said...

Heaven or Hell, huh?
What if I choose Earth :P

Miranda Hardy said...

Great contest! Can't wait to read the book.

Renae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Renae said...

Great contest! This book looks amazing!

Christine Fonseca said...

Awesome!!! Happy Book birthday. 9/14 will be here before you know it!

Kelly Bryson said...

I love the title. It sounds fun. I've read some bad boys, but never fallen for one. I'll have to check this out. Thanks!

Kelly Bryson said...

I love the title. It sounds fun. I've read some bad boys, but never fallen for one. I'll have to check this out. Thanks!

Erica Mitchell said...

How fun a word hunt! Um, being an uber fan of the show Supernatural I'm all about angels and demons and the book sounds amazing and shuffle + swat= very worth playing for.
Thanks for the links!

Erica Mitchell said...

lol..not swat i meant swag.

Claire Dawn said...

Lisa's awesome and I can't wait for PERSONAL DEMONS. Just gave away two copies myself.

I'd like to say I'd go for heaven, because I'm too old for demons. But Luc is just too dang hot!!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. I would have to say I would choose an angel and heaven.

Michelle McLean said...

Oooo what a fun tour! And the book sounds awesome - I always love a good bad boy ;)

Kerri Cuev said...

I was just checking this one out yesterday since my family spreads the love with gift cards for books for my b-day! :)

Crystal Cook said...

This book sounds FABULOUS! Who doesn't love a bad boy?

Elzahh said... this international?


DL Curran said...

Love the word search/sentence scramble... I'm already looking forward to winning! ;) (working that positive energy and all!)

Anonymous said...

Yay- what a fun contest. I'm in!

Tamika: said...

I'd like to think I would choose Heaven:) Sounds like a book I would enjoy reading.

Sara B. Larson said...

I saw Carol's review of this and ever since I've been dying to read it! Thanks for the review/contest!

Angela said...

Oh my heck! I haven't heard anyone say that in years. It made me feel warm and fuzzy all over to read it.

Heaven or Hell? I don't know. How does one choose. It seems a bit all or nothing, but probably Hell would be more fun.

Lola Sharp said...

Um, I choose a hot demon and a sweet angel!

And, I'm in the middle of revisions, so I'm already in hell. ;) I choose HEAVEN. Unless they serve margaritas in hell...then maybe...


Ishta Mercurio said...

Too cool! I like this kind of blog tour. And the book looks GOOD.

Heaven or Hell... Hmmm. I don't know. Depends on who's there, I guess. ;-)

j said...

I had the opportunity to read Personal Demons as well, and Lisa has created the poster child of bad boys!

I would choose Hell, if I was granted an eternity of Hell with Luc by my side. If not, I would choose Heaven. My God, my catholic great granmother is rolling in her grave right now.


Southpaw said...

A word hunt, now that's fun. I say Heaven with a Demon. ;)

Meredith said...

Oooh, I have to choose between demons or angels? I guess I'll have to go with an angel, then. I'm always a sucker for a good guy :) Can't wait to read this book!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win a copy of Personal Demons. It's been fun to watch Lisa go from subbing her book to her deal and now the release!!

Patti said...

I think it might be time for the good boy to be the new bad boy. I wonder what kind of book that would be. Probably boring.


OHHHHHHHHH please enter me!
I have serious tank top love going on here!
I will most definitely join in on the fun.

Lifkdasux at aol dot com

Melissa Hurst said...

I've heard a lot of good things about this book! And we have to choose? I don't know if I can:)

Steena Holmes said...

This totally rocks ;)

How about a little devil with a sprinkle of angel on the side? Or ... what about a sweet little angel with a demon trait??? LOVE it. Me myself, I'm considered an angel with a tarnished halo ...

Unknown said...

Mmmm *rubs hands together* Another book for my To Be Read List! Sounds very intriguing.

I'm definitely in on the contest. Great idea!

Heaven or Hell...I think I would choose hell. Why? Because if I don't like it I can just be really, really good and then I will get sent to heaven, right? That way I can try both. That's me always hedging my bets! Ha!

Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

Oooh, makes me wanna go find out more.

I'll check out the tour.

Amanda said...

sounds awesome!

Maitha said...

Omg .. I would really love to win this giveaway .. Outs looks amazing .. Please enter me

Lisa Potts said...

Love this blog tour idea! Such great prize packages too.

Call me old-fashioned but everyone knows bad boys are more fun, right? Demon fo' sure.

Andrea I said...

It looks like a very interesting book. The word search is a different idea.

Tiana Smith said...

Oooh cool. You know, I haven't gotten into the whole angel/demon trend that seems to be going around, but it's probably just a matter of time...

Susan R. Mills said...

I suppose if I don't win, I'll just have to go buy it!

Janet Johnson said...

Totally awesome of you all! Hmmm . . . No matter how I think about it (having not read Personal Demons), I'll choose and angel and heaven. Demons just sound too scary. And I'm not about scary.

ali cross said...

I totally agree! Luc is wicked (awesome)!

Roxy said...

I want to read this book now! I'm intrigued by the whole angel versus demon thing. You are so generous, Elana. Thanks for the excellent contest.

Kat said...

This is awesomely cool, and so generous of you guys! And the book definitely sounds like a lot of fun.

Elana Johnson said...

I'll check on the internationality of this contest for y'all...

Elana Johnson said...

I'll check on the internationality of this contest for y'all...

Lindsay said...

Oh I love a sexy bad boy. Can't waut for Personal Demons release day. Sooo jealous you've got to read it already. At least I know it's awesome now though. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Heaven or Hell?? Ouch. Trick question alert! LOL. Maybe I will follow your suggestion and read it before answering! :-)

RaShelle Workman said...

This is fun! I think for $100 bucks you would hand over the prize, right? How about just because I'm devishly sweet? LOL =D

Riv Re said...

Awesome contest(s!). I'm sooooo sick of angels, so I'll go with demons. Heaven or Hell? Hm, that's a tough one. I think I'd choose Heaven, though. Yeah, I'm split that way.

Caitlin said...

Wonderful idea! It's fun hopping from blog to blog! Thanks for the contest!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Awesome contest! Great prizes. I'd definitely love to win.

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Demons might just be redeemable, so that's my choice. :D

Tere Kirkland said...

Fun contest!

And do I have to choose? Can't I just have an angel/demon sandwich?

Yummy! ;)

Unknown said...

This book is on my TBR list so I would love to win a copy. Yay free books!

Hayley said...

I managed to get a copy of Personal Demons this weekend...I can't wait to read it!! It looks amazing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Now that's a unique way to do a blog tour.

Carolyn V. said...

Oh man. I can't chose between the two. If only they would merge into one. *sigh*

Alaina Evans said...

Ready to play. Excited to read!

Kristina said...

This looks so much fun~ I love word hunts <3 (not that I've ever done one before, lol).

And you're right -- I -should- read Personal Demons first, because my answer would have been angel and heaven ;)


Luna said...

Adding this one to my list! Oh, Elana, your blog looks fantastic. Great changes!

Taffy said...

I've seen this book around the web lately and have wondered about it. Thanks for the review and contest!

Melissa said...

This book looks fantastic! Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!

I'll read the book first before I make my choice!

Gail said...

It's mine! It's mine, I say!

I enjoy your blog, I am not just here for the prize

BK Mattingly said...

This sounds AMAzing! I can't wait to read it!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Oh man oh man! Super tour for a super book. Great swag, Elana! Love the shirt :D

Dani said...

I have read a lot about this book and it sounds awesome!
Thanks fot the giveaway! :D
hum... Is it international? Nevermind!
You'r blog is amazing! ^^


Caitrin said...

This is fun! I'd love to win, the book sounds good!

For me it's all about the bad guys, give me Hell!

throuthehaze said...

Such a fun contest! I can't wait to read Personal Demons :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Misha said...

Great Contest. I would love to enter if this is International. Thank you


Jemi Fraser said...

Holy wow!! What an amazing prize pack! :)

I think I'll read the book before I answer!

Jeff King said...

Sorry wish i had the time...

Best of luck.

squinto said...

This is such a creative idea. :D I love it already! I need something to combat the back-to-school blues.

As to your question... hmm. I'm sorely tempted to say Hell right away, just 'cause everyone's been raving about this supposedly wicked Luc character. Maybe I need to read the book to find out? *bats eyelashes*

Jackee said...

So. Very. Cool. Thanks for the heads up, I'm definitely going to check it out. :o)

Have a great night, Elana!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Date the demon, marry the angel. (=
Just interviewed author, Erin Kellison on my blog... her book has a delicious "bad boy" too.

kai (amaterasu) said...

I'd love to win a copy if I can. And holy... wow my eyes went O_O when I saw the prize! I so want to join the hunt!

Let's see... for the question, I'll hold on to my answer until after I read the book. ^^

Samantha Vérant said...

Clever contest! And I already visit three of the blogs. I'd love to win this book, especially if it's written in English. Which is a joke because I'm a recent transplant to France. On a serious note, the book sounds awesome. Ange ou demon? Can't I choose both?

Giada M. said...

I have had this book on my wishlist for what it seems a lifetime! I can't wait to read it. Angels or demons? Let me read the book first. ;D

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

this book looks awesome!

and such a great contest! I'm stealing ideas.

Stephanie Lorée said...

I really want to read this, so here's hoping! And definitely angel + heaven, bad boys aren't my thing. I like nice guys.

~Jamie said...


Do you know how much I love bad boys? It's kind of ridiculous, really. :)

Can't. Wait. To. Read.

Nichole Giles said...

Okay, I'm seriously intrigued. I want to read that now. It might be time for a little book swap here soon.

My TBR pile is huge and fantastic right now.

Val said...

I love these types of contests.

Can't wait to see who wins some of this stuff. Personal Demons sounds awesome. Adding it to my TBR!!!

Val said...

Forgot to leave my email
truthbetold004 at gmail dot com

Kelsey said...

Thanks for the contest!

As for the question I would have to go with the Demon. It sounds like Lisa makes her bad boys extra awesome :)


Julia said...

Please sign me up if you can, if I'm not too late!

I would also like the Heaven one, please!


I can't wait to read it!

Katie said...

Great contest. I can't wait to read Personal Demons. And if I had to choose I think I would pick Demon. I love a bad boy. =]

Larissa said...

LOL - fun!

AFA angel or depends on who kisses better. ;)

Uh, I do get to kiss them first, right?

Unknown said...


Thanks :D
Ashley's Bookshelf

A Canadian Girl said...

Thanks for the contest :)

Jessy said...

Thanks for participating in the blog. I'm looking forward to reading this one

Sherry said...

I can't wait to read this so I can fall for Luc like everyone else! Thanks for participating! :)

Cassidy said...

A word hunt. What fun!! I guess I'll have to wait and read the book before I make the big Heaven/Hell decision!

Lynsey Newton said...

TEAM LUC ALL THE WAY!!! Although falling for a demon is scary but sexy as hell!!


Marathon said...

Gah! I'm starting this tour contest so late!

Okay. I do happen to have a blog related question. If you get an overload of a books to review, how do you manage your time and read them all?

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said...

I'm so dying to get my hands on this books! This prize package is awesome!!!


Natalie said...

Awesome! I love word hunts! I'm starting out late, but I'm off to check out the other tour stops now!

Chloe said...

Can't wait to read PD!! Awesome prize packs :D


Good Choice Reading said...

WOW this is tough question...

I love me some bad boys LOL so I would say Hell right now lol!! I am always up for adventure!

Thank you for the great giveaway!

Dee @ Good Choice Reading

Kristina said...

Awesome prize packs :)


Kristina said...

Awesome prize packs :)


Anonymous said...

Great contest! I really want to read this book!

Jessica said...

Oh wow! This is such an awesome giveaway and I can't wait to read this book!
Demon or Angel huh? Hmmm...well, I'm Team Damon on Vampire Diaries if that tells ya anything ;) bad boy all the way!


Name: Aine said...

Awesome giveaway! And I can't wait to read this.

Ellz said...

I have been hearing great things about this book. Cant wait to read it!

Van Pham said...

Awesome giveaway!!!


Angela @ Reading Angels said...
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Angela @ Reading Angels said...
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Angela @ Reading Angels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela @ Reading Angels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela @ Reading Angels said...

Blog Tour/Word Hunt = SO FUN!
dukesangel002 AT yahoo DOT com

Sharli said...

I've been waiting for this book a long time :D
As for your question, I don't think I could choose... I have a soft spot for bad guys :P

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to get my hands on this one! I'm excited to see how Frannie handles her choice - for me, I need a blend of both (maybe a Gabe with a wild side?).

Llehn said...


Overlook Building said...

This is a cool contest! Thanks for hosting it!

Nancy said...

Contests! Angels and Demons OH MY!!!

Great contest and thank you for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

This is so awesome!!
If it is international, I am totally up for it!!
Snif, living in Greece makes me miss out on a lot of things! :(

Heeeh! XDDD

Angela McCallister said...

I'm excited to read this book. I've been visiting Lisa's site for a while to catch the book trailers as they came out. I like how she did a separate one for each of the main characters.

Lauren said...

Oooo contest, count me in!

Team Luc or Team Gabe ?

I'm leaning towards hotter than hell luc but... Gabe's just heavenly sweet... Who would you pick?

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Cool contest, and a word scavenger hunt.

Look forward to reading whether I win or not!

Kai Agito said...

This is actually one of the books I'm really excited to read! I've read the sample and I'm dying to read the whole book!

Let's see... for the question... Team Luc? Haha, I love bad boys!

YA Book Queen said...

This is such fun!

Hm...I think I'd have to read first to know which team. But for now I'll say I'm totally with the angel ;)

Rain Maiden said...

I would go with bad boy demon, but can I stay on earth? Love new authors!

Unknown said...

I love all this swag giveaways by everyone..

Nadinax said...

Really cool contest! Can't wait to read this book :)

Hannah S. said...

PERSONAL DEMONS is coming out in just a short two days!

Love, Hannah

Lauren M said...

How exciting! The swag looks awesome! I've already snagged my copy of Personal Demons (did Borders release it early?), and I'm super stoked to start reading!

- Lauren
pichipitch (at) gmail (dot) com

Emma Kate "Coops" @ Whats Cracking Coops said...

Hahahaha, awesome post! Cant wait for this book :)

Mysteriousrose said...

I can not wait for this book.
I would choose demon ofcause;-)


SiNn said...

sorry i misse dthis greatblog tho now will have to follow sinc ei enjoy ur posts ty

Val said...

Looks like an interesting read. Can't wait. Valerie

~ Joy ~ said...

Awesome contest! I was lucky enough to receive and ARC. I love it! Lisa's written an amazing book!

Anne R. said...

This is really awesome! Please enter me if it's international! :3

isabookwhore at gmail dot com

Emilie said...

The scavenger hunt for the sentence is so much fun and this sounds like a really awesome book!

Emilie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tabitha Michelle said...

Sounds like a great book! :D

Unknown said...

:D So Exited!!!!!!!!

Marta said...

Team Gabe 4 life!!!!

Malbebe said...

Congrats on being the tour's first stop! I've always wanted to do a tour for an author. I'm glad you like Personal Demons, and I cannot wait to read it myself.

THe Howell Family said...

I haven't read this yet! I can't wait!

whitewolfreads said...

I'm so exited for personal demons! This should be awesome!

Chersti Nieveen said...

Oh drat, I missed your contest! That's what I get for falling behind, Elana. Oh well -- I still think you're the cat's meow!!

ps. the book looks so good! Can't wait to read it :-)

Unknown said...

I've been waiting for the release of Personal Demons, ever since February (that's when I discovered Lisa's blog), and I'm so happy it's finally here! :-D

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I've been waiting for the release of Personal Demons, ever since February (that's when I discovered Lisa's blog), and I'm so happy it's finally here! :-D

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

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