Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Inside Elana: Favorites

Jemi Fraser asked: I'd like to know 2 things...
1 - what was the book that really hooked you into being a reader as a kid? (I have no idea. I didn't think consciously of things like that as a child. I still don't, most of the time.)

2 - what is your favourite book to read aloud to kids? (Hmm...I don't teach reading, but my husband loves to read THE WISH LIST by Eoin Colfer.)

Sharon K. Mayhew asked: Twizzlers or M & M's? (M&Ms. Pretzel.)

Nicole L Rivera asked: What book did you read that made you most want to become a writer? (UGLIES by Scott Westerfeld.)

Jess of All Trades asked: What's your sign? (Sagittarius. My birthday was on Saturday.)

lynnrush asked: I like to wear one of my most favorite sweatshirts while I write. It's totally old and faded, but it's just something I love to wear while writing. Anyway, do you do anything like that? Like clothing, or maybe a special spot to write, or whatever. . . (The only thing I need is a pair of headphones. The louder the music, the better. But I won't lie; I like to lounge in pj's most of the time.)

lotusgirl asked: What's your favorite time of day and why? (Night, between say 9 - 11 PM. The house is quiet. I'm done "working" for the day. I can write/blog/watch TV, whatever I want. 9 - 11 PM holds FREEDOM.)

Colene Murphy asked: What is the best thing you ever brought to show and tell as a kid? ( idea. I remember being lame in elementary school, so I probably brought lame things.)

Susan R Mills asked: do you like your bacon burnt and crispy like I do? (Heck yes! Almost to the point of burnt.)

Shannon Messenger asked: Captain Jack Sparrow or Will Turner? (This says it all.)

(He'll always be Legolas to me.)

Lisa Gibson asked: Do you think bacon flavored jelly bellies would be good? (I don't think they have them do they?) Would you try them if they made them? Or even bacon flavored Twizzlers (okay that's kinda too weird)? (I'm not what you'd call experimental with her eating. But I'd probably try anything bacon flavored at least once.)

Okay, your turn. Favorites? Least favorites?


Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday!

Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us!

I have a question about your book- did you choose the cover, or did the art department choose it? How much input did you have in the final look?
(BTW- I think it is gorgeous!)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Fun questions and answers.

Golden Eagle said...

Your birthday was on Saturday? Happy Birthday, then! :)

I loved learning more about you!

Theresa Milstein said...

They must have bacon-flavored jelly beans in the Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, if they have grass and earwax.

When my children go to bed, I love that freedom. And they knew from a young age that after tuck-in, I was DONE. Only an emergency would do.

This Q&A has been fun.

Stina said...

Happy belated birthday, Elana. Yay, we're sign buddies! :D

Gail said...

Happy Birthday wishes, although late, still heart-felt.

May this year be the most creative ever!

Candyland said...

Eff. My phone died the day of your bday while I was in IN and I never told you HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I suck.
But I still love you. Times a billion.

S (Book Purring) said...

I'm a Sagittarius too! How exciting. Happy belated Birthday

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Fun Q & A. Love it. Did I miss your B-day? Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

He'll always be Legolas to me, too.

Kerri Cuev said...

FUN questions!!

Ghenet Myrthil said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

lotusgirl said...

:) Thanks for the answer to my Q. I love that time of day too. AND Bacon is the best. There's just something about that crunchy, salty goodness. I'm not sure if would be possible to capture that in a candy.

Jonathon Arntson said...

Do you like baconnaise?

Lindsay said...

Happy belated birthday. Virtual cake all round!

I love Pretzel M&M's. I tried them, thanks to your rave reviews, when I was in Vegas in July. We don't get them over here in the UK. This makes me very sad. :(

Emily White said...

Happy Birthday! *sends confetti and balloons your way*

Melissa Sarno said...

Happ belated birthday Elana! Speaking of experimental food and bacon, I recently made bacon ice cream and it was totally strange... Basically candied bacon in a homemade butter pecan. It is really strange to be eating delicious ice cream and then bite into a piece of bacon.

Leigh Caron said...

Will M&M Bacon? You are one crazy lady! Happy B'day.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Happy belated birthday!

YES to crispy bacon - and to trying bacon-flavored Jelly Bellies.

My favorite time of day is around 4am, just before the sun rises (in the summer) and just before people start waking up, when the birds wake up and start singing.

And my least favorite time of day is the morning; my brain isn't really awake until about 11am.

Matthew MacNish said...

Ahh Legolas. I was CONVINCED they were going to ruin that character in the films, and it was pretty important to me, because I am a PASSIONATE LOTR fan, and I have to say that except for a couple cheesy moments (skating down the stairs on his shield at Helm's Deep and sliding down the Oliphaunt's trunk at the Battle of Pelennor) I was amazed. I suppose it has more to do with WETA and the makeup than anything, but I thought Orlando did really well.

Aubrey said...

Oh dear Orlando Bloom! My other muse! From the first time I saw his glorious elf-ness he was forever "the hot elf" in my mind. Then he was just glorious in Pirates! Well chosen Elana!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Did you hear about that bacon-flavored cola? I actually thought about trying it. :)

Paul Greci said...

I like so many things it's hard to choose favorites. I do like to start my days early with some writing.

And lately, my favorite kinds of movies are ones taking place on the ocean or in submarines :-)

Nicole Zoltack said...

Great questions and answers! Happy belated birthday!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Oh, I totally agree with you about Will Turner, AND the Legolas preference! *sigh*

Elena Solodow said...

So you like Will Turner or Jack Sparrow better? I don't think you answered that one.

Sara B. Larson said...

Ah Will... (Orlando)... Legolas...

And ew, bacon flavored jelly beans? I bet you could find them in Bertie Bott's every flavor beans, though. If you really wanted to try them.

Anonymous said...

LOL, yes, he *will* always be Legolas!

Go bacon!! :D

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! I'm a Sagittarius too.

Jennie Englund said...

You would just be so much fun to go out and have pie with!!!

Meredith said...

Oh, Orlando Bloom. I had the biggest crush on him senior year of high school. So big that the entire school seemed to know about it, which was awkward...but he was so dreamy! :)

Shannon Messenger said...

See, I KNEW I loved you for a reason. Orlando FTW! And yes I agree...he IS Legolas. *sighs* :)

Susan R. Mills said...

Love your answers. But, I'd have to go with Jack Sparrow. I'm a Johnny Depp kind of girl! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday for Saturday and love the piccies!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday for Saturday and love the piccies!

Lisa Potts said...

From one Sag to another, happy belated birthday. Hope your wish came true (unless it involves Orlando Bloom feeding you almost burnt bacon dressed as Legolas, in which case your hubs probably would have been upset).

Donea Lee said...

Happy belated bday!! :) Hope you did something fun ~

Ok - favorite color: blue
favorite tv show: BtVS

least favorite veggie: brussel sprouts *ewwww*
least favorite holiday candy: orange sticks...again *ewwwww*

Shari said...

Soooo fun getting to know you a little better. And while I have no complaints about Mr. Bloom, I have to say Johnny Depp would be my choice. Maybe that's because Orlando is young enough to be my, um, younger, er, nephew.

Elena Jarvis Jube said...

Love going work in my pajamas. One of the best perks of a writing career.

Happy birthday from me, too. One day maybe we'll even meet. :)

Lisa_Gibson said...

Love my pj's too. I checked and they DON'T have bacon flavored jelly bellies. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Jill Kemerer said...

9-11pm is the magic time at my house too. I'm very selfish about having time for myself!

Angela Ackerman said...

I'm a Sag, too (dec 21st). Happy belated birthday!

I feel the same way about Orlando/Legolas. *melts* And we both have strong feelings for bacon. Face it, we're obviously twins seperated at birth.

Angela @ the Bookshelf Muse

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cool - rock on while writing!

Angela said...

Happy Birthday! And, I love these questions. Legolas rocks!

RaShelle Workman said...

Elana - I'm so with you on the Orlando Bloom front. Yumo!!!Bacon flacoved twizzlers??? LOL.

And I love Pretzel M&M's. No one else in my fam likes them like I do, sooooo I can't buy them or I'd eat the ENTIRE BAG MYSELF. Eeep.

ps: read Uglies. It rocked. Thanks for the heads up. =D

Krispy said...

Happy belated birthday!

Dude, Orlando Bloom looks so young in that Legolas screencap!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

I love salty and sweet together, but could not get into the pretzel M&M's. Not enough chocolate maybe. Or maybe it's that I prefer white chocolate with pretzels. Not sure. But I was sad that I didn't like them. Also, they hurt my teeth. I prefer the peanut butter ones.

Orlando bloom is hot.

Colene Murphy said...

See. Now. Orland Bloom is always hot hot sexy hot IN CHARACTER. In real life, I don't too much dig him...But his characters are always so dang FINE!

Jemi Fraser said...

Legolas is always a good choice!! I think the books that hooked me most as a kid were Anne of GG and The Hobbit. Very different books but I reread them both so many times!

Rebecca Gomez said...

Fun Q and A!

Jack Sparrow is possibly my favorite movie character ever. But, Hugh Jackman is my favorite actor to watch, no matter what role he's in (gotta love him as Wolverine, though).

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

My favorites is definitely Lord of the Rings extended version (but not for Legolas). Dragonlance is one of my favorite series the only books that I have ever read more than once. Favorite game is probably Guild Wars or Baulders Gate series. Favorite board Game is probably Acquire. Least favorite thing to do is rewrites of anything story essays papers you name it I hate to rewrite.

Anonymous said...

I adore the Uglies series! Also, pretzel M&M's. They taste almost exactly like the crispy M&M's that were discontinued a while back, but I try not to contemplate the why of it.

Liza said...

Happy birthday! The chef actually left the bacon in too long at work the other day and I thought of you! It was too dark for him to use...but I was allowed to pick at it as much as I wanted. Now, if it had only been drizzled in chocolate...

Anonymous said...

PJ lounging is the best. Why haven't they given a nobel prize to the man who invented PJs. Everyone loves them. Kind of crazy NOT to have given it to him.

Janet Johnson said...

Hmmm . . . bacon flavored jelly beans? Yeah, I draw the line there.

And I had to scroll back up just to look at those pictures one more time. ;)

Heather said...

UGLIES was such a great book, I can see why it inspired you! And oh yes, Will all the way, or shall we say Legolas? Yes, I think we shall!

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

Totally off topic (although I have to admit to being a rabid Westerfeld fangirl as well): I LOVE YOUR BLOG. Seriously, I just remembered a post you did a while ago, and easily found it (because you're awesomely organized) and now I've found all kinds of other cool things to go read. So go you! :)

boros1124 said...

You've read the Lord of the Rings? Or one of Tolkien's books? I think the one who inspire, to read at least one of them.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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