Friday, December 3, 2010

Jacket Weather

Okay, I've been writing my blog posts the night before this week. I'm sure you've all noticed. *snarf*

I had something else planned for today, but decided to put up some POSSESSION stuff instead. I hope you'll forgive me.

First, if you haven't seen this video, go watch it RIGHT NOW. It's only like 50 seconds long, and features one of my favorite people on the planet--Ali Cross.

Are you back?

Okay, ready for some awesome??

I got my jacket in the mail! It's SPARKLY. And SHINY. And holy-mother-of-pearlized-cardstock, I SPARKLE LIKE A VAMPIRE. (Turns out it's very hard to get the sparkle to come up on the computer. But it is sparkly, trust me. And if you click on the picture, it'll get bigger. And then if you zoom in on the bigger picture, you can sort of see my vampiric skin if you tilt your head and squint. Go on...try it. And the reason it looks a bit purple, brown, black, whatever is because of the SPARKLE. Seriously. (I scanned this picture, so it's from the real live SPARKLE.))

That is all.

Okay, one more thing. prplbookworm won MATCHED! I've emailed her. :)

Hope you have a great weekend!


Jessica Bell said...

hahaha! Very cool. Congrats, Elana! I'm sure you'll sparkle from here to eternity ;o)

Jill Hathaway said...

GORGEOUS! Can't wait!

Jill Hathaway said...

Also, I love your little Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads buttons on the side! Where did you find those?

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Judging from the flap, it's coming out in hardback first?

Natalie Aguirre said...

I love the picture and your flap. It really has your main character's voice. Can't wait to read it.

Cass said...

Funny video!

Hehe. I'm so intrigued. And the jacket flap is beautiful. I'm glad we're actually clued into what POSESSIONS is actually about. All I knew about it was "You are just a possession." or something like that. I can't see the sparkly vampire!! :( or :)?

Emily White said...

Awesome! I LOVE your bio. But seriously, who *doesn't* want cool superpowers?? :D

It's situations like this, though, that make me wish my kindle had the cool-colored-sparkly-cover feature so I could experience *all* the lovely things. I might just have to buy this in real-life book form when it comes out.

Leigh Caron said...

Congrats on your new winter coat. DOY! My eyes! Are not yet open! I thought you wrote that you got your jacket in the "mall" and that it was all sparkly and now you sparkle like a vampire. So in my mind's eye I pictured you in a sparkly winter jacket. DOY! So now, for real, congrats on your really cool and sparkly "book jacket".

Christine Danek said...

Congrats. I also thought you meant a winter coat. You, standing in the snow, blazing like a diamond. Okay, I know I need some help in the morning. Brain doesn't function properly.
Can't wait to see it in real life.
How exciting!!
Have a great weekend.

Jayne said...

Fantastic! It looks lovely. And yes, you sparkle! But then again you always sparkle, m'dear! :)

Paul Greci said...

Congrats! Awesome Jacket!! Can't wait to read Possession :-)

Stina said...

This is why I'm buying the real deal instead of the downloaded on my Kobo version. That doesn't sparkle. Heck, it's not even in color. ;)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

It's beautiful and amazing! Just like you. So happy for you. Love it!

Michelle McLean said...

Okay, absolute sparkle AWESOMENESS!!!! Holy cow, how gorgeous is that going to look on the shelves!? Especially on MY shelf LOL I have a spot all picked out :D Congrats!!!!

Renae said...

What an amazing and beautiful cover! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to have this sprakling little gem on my bookshelf!

Nicole Settle said...

Seriously, love the cover. I'll have to buy this book simply for the sparkle.

Joanna St. James said...

oh thou great sparkler, may you live forever and continue to tantalize our eyes with the magnificence of your sparkle.

Unknown said...

YAY FOR SPARKLES! I already have a spot on it for my bookshelf :) Now if your release date would hurry up and get here so I can read it, that would be greeeeaaat :D

Anonymous said...

So pretty! Can't wait to see it IRL.

Christine Fonseca said...

So very happy for you my CP! HUGS!!!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

I love how your new blog look matches your bookcover and all of you sparkles!

Cherie Reich said...

Oh, wow! That's so awesome, Elana! Congrats!!

Unknown said...


Okay, I know sparkles don't change the words inside, but golly darn if they don't make me smile.

B.E. Sanderson said...

Awesome cover, Elana! I can picture the sparkle, even if the picture doesn't do it justice. =o)

Anonymous said...

OOOOH! That's so beautiful! Cannot. wait. to. read.
:) Kayla Olson

CL said...

Super cool! Looks awesome!

Kelly Lyman said...

Love it! At first I thought you were talking about getting a new coat because of the title of your post...I mean, a sparkly new jacket would be nice too, if you're in to that sort of stuff ;) Congrats and I can't wait to see it in real life!

Lydia Kang said...

I love a sparkly book jacket. I can't wait to see it in person! Have a great weekend Elana!

Melissa Gill said...

That is so very very cool. I can picture the sparkles in my head. Can't wait to see the real thing. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey.

Unknown said...

Doggone it. You're a vampire in disguise. I always knew there was something fishy about PG water. It's where my brother lives and his sons have very LARGE canine teeth.

Carolyn V. said...

It sparkles? That is so cool Elana!

Jodi Henry said...

If you've posted the writing from the jacket before, I must have missed it. The book sounds wonderful.

And I love the MC's name. "Vi" my toddlers pediatricians nurse is named Vi and I used it in my Nano book for a minor character.

I love the jacket and the cover. Thye're great. Can't wait to see it sparkle when I buy it. (and not on for my kindle either)


Magan said...

I want you to imagine this... I work for a very large company and I'm sitting alone in my cube, blowing up the picture of your book jacket, tilted my head to the side and squinting while I rub my baby belly. It's attractive isn't it? But I saw the sparkles!!!!!

VR Barkowski said...

Since you already sparkle, all I can say is your publishers are darned lucky! GORGEOUS book jacket. :)

Sara B. Larson said...

It's beautiful!! I can't wait to read it. Also, you live in CENTRAL UT? Do I not know where you live?

Matthew MacNish said...

The thing is - you really do sparkle, figuratively, of course.

That looks amazing. And yes, Ali rocks.

Jennie Englund said...

Yay! It's here! It's real! It sparkles! All good, good things!

Gabriela Pereira said...

Oh my goodness, this book looks so awesome! I can't wait to read.

Also, LOVE the new look of your blog. I'd been reading your posts through Google reader and I just clicked through today and saw that it's all new and sparkly! Looks fabulous!

Nichole Giles said...

Gorgeous. I can kind of see the sparkle. But now I'm going to have to see it IP. YAY for jacket covers! So. Exciting.

Tere Kirkland said...


I love your bio, too. ;)

Lisa_Gibson said...

Oooo, sparkles!! Totally wicked cool. I can't wait to get my very own copy. Yay!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Yay! Wonderfully sparkly!

Guinevere said...

Love it! Very cool. And congrats to prplbookworm! Matched looks like a very fun read.

Caroline Starr Rose said...

So exciting, Elana!

Southpaw said...

It looks wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Congrats girl! :o)

Elana Johnson said...

Thank you all! Man, I am so behind on blogging and things this week, but I'm reading your comments and tweets and as many blogs as I can.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! LOVE. IT.

ali cross said...

Girl, that is one freakin' awesome cover! HAPPY!!!

Golden Eagle said...

It's a beautiful cover!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Wicked Cool! I would be framing that baby. (Hugs)Indigo

Carol Riggs said...

Major shivers! Congrats. I love your cover--I mean, a butterfly trapped inside a crystal/ice cube. How symbolic and iconic is THAT? Coolies.

Marsha Sigman said...

It is beautiful...and sparkly.

Kristen Knight said...

LOVE the cover! It's going to POP on a shelf. Can't wait to see it as a best seller. : )

Arlee Bird said...

Very exciting! Good for you.

Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cover is nice!
Sorry about the sparkles.

Shannon Messenger said...

AHHH--I LOVE it. It's so pretty. And is it wrong that I kinda love that you sparkle like a vampire. Now we know why you seem to never sleep!

Donea Lee said...

The cover was awesome before, but now it sparkles? BONUS!! :)

Lindsay said...

So pretty. Sparkles FTW!

Melissa Sarno said...

Sweet! Congratulations on the cover! It didn't sparkle on my computer but that's very cool you have vampire skin. I also like it that your biography specifically states that you have one husband. Good to know you're not a polygamist. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Congrats on the cover - I love it!

Krispy said...

NICE! I love fancy book jackets! :D

Saw Ali's vid and loved it! So cute.

Olivia Carter said...

Oh my! IN LOVE. Seriously, you lucky! That thing is just GORGEOUS!

Little Ms J said...

So wonderful! I'm so happy for you, lady!

Abby Minard said...

SO cool! How exciting! Yay, for jacket love!

Karen Lange said...

Sparkly is good! :) Congrats!

Ishta Mercurio said...

AWESOME COVER! It's beautiful, and yes, I can tell that you are sparkly. WOW! I can't wait until it comes out!

Jemi Fraser said...

Why am I not surprised that you sparkle???? Hmmm.... :)

Love Ali's video too!

WritingNut said...

Ooh.. congratulations Elana! I love it, it's so pretty!

Amie Kaufman said...

It's a real cover, with a real life barcode! That's what makes it real, you know. Shiny! (I mean, uh, sparkly!)

Misha Gerrick said...

Love the jacket!

Also, love the new look. I haven't been around her for some time...

But I'll be around much more often now...

:-) See ya.

Shelley Sly said...

The jacket is beautiful! Can't wait to get a copy of the book! :D

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

It's beautiful, Elana! I'm so excited for you!!!! Enjoy the ride...

Janet Johnson said...

What a cool cover! And I enjoyed the blurbs, too. Congratulations!

See Elana's recent blog posts

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