Monday, December 28, 2009

Red Tag Contest

Okay, so I was tagged by the fabulous Danyelle.

But I hate long posts. I hate reading them, and I hate writing them. And that tag thingy has like 26 questions! So, just because I'm the queen around here, I'm breaking it up into four posts.

And taking it a step further. That's right, we're talking contest.

I'm going to give you all the answers. Or at least I have in past posts. And on Friday, I'm going to ask a few choice questions. Like one of those Facebook quizzes: "How well do you know Elana Johnson?"

Check this page on my website for cheats. And you might want to skim some of my latest Facebook statuses. (Is statuses a word? Or is it statusi? Hmm...)

And let's start the taggage!

1)What's the last thing you wrote? What's the first thing you wrote that you still have?

The last thing I wrote is the beginning of a new novel. 1500 words in, and I’m not feeling like hitting delete. A small miracle.

The first thing I wrote is a book I still have on my hard drive. I started rewriting it from blank pages in September, but had to stop to revise.

2) Write poetry?

Absolutely not.

3)Angsty poetry?


4)Favorite genre of writing?

YA of all kinds, but absolute fave is dystopian.

5)Most annoying character you've ever created?

Annoying character? I love all my characters! But probably Thane. He’s more in the category of Evil with a capital E, though. Not necessarily annoying. But he does annoy…


6) Best plot you've ever created?

Well, the one for CONTROL ISSUES is pretty cool, I think… I mean, what’s better than breaking through a brainwashing barrier and telling the Thinkers to get stuffed?

7) Coolest plot twist you've ever created?

Well, if I told you I’d have to kill you. *wink, wink*

Okay, I hope you're taking notes! Friday will be the day with all the questions.

And oh! The prize? Besides complete bragging rights and the title of Elana Johnson Know-It-All (Do you think Russell would pay ten grand for that title??), you could earn yourself a $25 gift certificate to

How? Well, you gotta answer the questions right on Friday. But every comment will earn you another entry. If you wanna follow the blog or tweet or blog about it or friend me on Facebook, we'll just call those added bonuses. I'm nowhere bright enough to keep track of those kind of entries. Hey... that could be a question...



Tamika: said...

Elana, you are so fun! Great getting to know you better, I love your imagination.

Jemi Fraser said...

Lots of fun, Elana! I'm looking forward to it :)

Unknown said...

I've been away from blogger for so long, and it's fantastic to be reading yours again. You're always so creative and fun! :)

Also, the verification word is 'fartie' I kid you not. :P

Scott said...

Aren't you supposed to be on vacation? What's with this making your followers think thing? Oh, and now I have to check back here on Friday and hope I don't fail the quiz. Great, test anxiety! : )


B.J. Anderson said...

OoOOoo! Exciting! And that's an awesome prize. Woo hoo!

Windy said...

Love you taking your own approach on the tagging!

Excited to play!

Katie Ganshert said...

$25 to Amazon? Swa-eet! I'll start studying all things Elena Johnson. :)

Unknown said...

lol! You crack me up. I can't wait to see what hilarity will ensue.

Bethany Wiggins said...

I love short posts, too. So lazy! That is, though, why I always read your blog.

Anonymous said...

Ooh. Control Issues sounds fun. =]

I admit, I hoped you'd get this meme because I really wanted to know the answers about you. =]

Clementine said...

Now why on earth didn't I think of that? It took me two hours to post that darn thing last night, lol! Notice I didn't tag anyone else! Whew!

Kathryn Hupp-Harris said...

Statuses? No,, stati, uh...

This sounds like fun.

V. S said...

Great answers :)

Anonymous said...

I'd quite like the title, Elana Johnson Know-it-all, on my blog. Just saying... :)

Look forward to hearing more about you in the next post.

Happy holidays :)

Corey Schwartz said...

Ha, ha. I know you're like me! It has nothing to do with brightness and everything to do with laziness :)

lisa and laura said...

Ooh fun contest!

Pamela said...

Fun contest. =)

XiXi said...

AH MAN I was totally going to enter this contest (because I know you SO WELL, I'm basically your sista from another mista), but I'll be out of the country on Friday and in a commie country where blogger is BLOCKED.

Ay me.

How sad. This is a cool tag though.

Christine Fonseca said...

Hmmm....How well do I know you? This ought to be fun!

Tere Kirkland said...

LOL, this could get interesting...

Thanks for a fun contest, Elana!

See Elana's recent blog posts

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