We are a group of writers in various stages of the publishing process, and we've decided to band together and review books. We--as fellow writers--will only post positive reviews, because The Bookanistas are all about spreading the love!
Starting today, we will post every Thursday covering various topics: upcoming ARCs, books we love, special diamonds in the rough, classics, and even cover reviews. And I mean, look at that cute badge. Isn't it the most amazing thing ever? (Special props to Shelli!)
So join me, along with Christina Fonseca, Jamie Harrington, Michelle Hodkin, Kirsten Hubbard, Shelli Johannes-Wells, Myra McEntire, Shannon Messenger, Bethany Wiggins and Suzette Saxton, Beth Revis, Lisa and Laura Roecker, Sarah Frances Hardy and Katie Anderson, Scott Tracey, and Carolina Miller, as we look at books in a whole new way -- as the best accessory!
Up today as the newest fashion accessory you shouldn't be caught dead without is THE HEALING SPELL by Kimberley Griffiths Little.
Why this book is the new black, and you should run out and buy it right this second: The main character, Livie. I simply loved her. She's stuck in the middle of two sisters (you know, that dreaded middle child) and has such a unique, headstrong personality that you can't help but love and root for her.
Secondary characters that are just as awesome as Livie: her father. I could *hear* him in the dialog, and simply loved his devotion to his family, to Livie (despite her flaws) and the way he called her Sugar Bee.

One more thing that makes THE HEALING SPELL a 5-star read: the setting. I could smell, hear, breathe in the bayou from the page. And that takes a darn fine writer, my friends. I felt there, in a way I long to feel with every book I read.
If you haven't entered my giveaway for a signed copy of this book, click here. I'm going to Kimberley's signing tonight, and can't wait to get you your signed copy! If you don't win (announcement tomorrow), get on over to your favorite retail locale and pick up THE HEALING SPELL. You won't be sorry.
If you would like me (and possibly The Bookanista team) to review your book or ARC, feel free to contact me (elanajohnson(at)gmail(dot)com) and we may add it to our list.
Other books up for review today:
Katie and Sarah Frances - ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS
Lisa and Laura Roecker - STRANDED
Christine Fonesca - NIGHTSHADE CITY
Shannon Messenger - LINGER
Shelli Johannes-Wells - DARK GODDESS
Scott Tracey - OTHER
Kirsten Hubbard - THE DUFF
Beth Revis - PEGASUS
Carolina Valdez Miller - MATCHED
Jamie Harrington - ARCHVILLIAN
Bethany Wiggins and Suzette Saxton - NIGHTSHADE CITY
You guys and your amazing ideas! Great work Elana.
Great review. I can't wait to read this book. I'm glad you're sticking with positive reviews. THANK YOU! If I don't like a book, I don't put it on Goodreads.
This is way cool. Love the title. So appropriate. Looking forward to reading!!
I'll check out the other reviews.
Great review, Thanks!
This book looks great!
And good luck with the Bookanistas!
Wow! I love this idea!!!! I'll definitely follow you in all the fun! I've heared awesome things about this book!!!
LOVE THE BADGE... It's so sleek and sexy and fancy and... just kidding I'll stop.
Woot, congrats on the new blog! Sounds awesome. :-)
We LOVED this book! It's such a great middle grade book. Librarians and teachers must be thrilled!
another great idea! Bookanistas all the way!
Fabtastic review, Elana! This one sounds excellent!
Sounds like a great idea! The badge is cute too:)
Awesome!! I hope I win a copy of that, it sounds great!
Ooh! More books to add to my TBR pile. Yeah!
Love this! Can't wait to read it..Can Not WAIT!
Awesome! Love that you are doing reviews :)
This book has had me since you posted about it last week. I even told my non-writer friends about it, which is rare. I am excited for it to come out.
So much fun, Elana! Thanks for including us :) And we LOVED this book too!
Bookmarking this one! This is a fantastic idea. The bottom line is that we love reading (clearly,) and having insight into what other writers are reading is awesome. Thanks Elana and all the gals contributing to this great endeavor!
I'm so excited for this. I love the idea of only posting positive reviews. I think there's so much evil criticism out there... it seems like there is no other place where experimentation is so cruelly punished that in writing and art. Kudos to this group!
How do you have time for all these blogs? Amazing--I'm off to check them out!
Dude, I am the middle child!! I've been wanting to read this one since I saw it on Lisa and Laura's blog. Gorgeous cover, isn't it?
That's a lot to take on!
What genres?
I can't wait to read her book! She is awesome and I'm so excited for her! =D
Fabulous badge, and I love the positive Bookanistas spin! I do book reviews once a month on my blog and hate it when I have to discuss a book I don't like. The idea of discouraging anyone from reading breaks my heart. We're all different, and my worst read may be someone else's favorite book ever.
Love this idea Elana!
The Healing Spell sounds like such a terrific book! :)
Way to promote reading!
What a great idea. I'm going out to buy The Healing Spell right now. I'm one of those that can't wait to see if I won something. Besides, I like supporting the book industry.
Once I finish my book, I'll definitely add it to your list.
Great idea and wonderful review. I'm adding this one to the list!
Elana, this is SO cool =) I love the bookanistas already <3
I actually hadn't heard of The Healing Spell, and now I will be SURE to check it out!
You are just 9 shades of awesome, yanno that? :)
spreading the love - one book at a time!
Yep--you put my review to shame, just like I knew you would. Have an awesome time at the signing! Soooo jealous! :)
Nice idea. Like the short reviews.
That’s such a wonderful idea. And I like the “never a negative review”.
Excellent! More books to look over and buy!
This will be great! Terrific review. Btw, did you know Nightshade City is listed twice in your list of upcoming books to be reviewed. Just an FYI dear. :)
This is such a great idea. Best wishes to the Bookanistas!
So glad you're only doing positive reviews!
A negative review is a waste of time, unless it's about a book selling off the shelves that we feel pressured to buy.
I think this is a great idea! So what happens if you read a book and hate it? Do you all read it and whoever likes it does the review or just pass on it?
I like that it will only be positive!
This is a great idea (as usual!). My TBR list is going to topple over though.
Great review! I love that you guys are only posting positive reviews...
Positive reviews, eh?
Not every single book in the world is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Personally, I would love to see those overly positive reviews balanced out with some that aren't quite so positive.
Especially in a genre (YA is what I'm guessing all of these gushing reviews are about) that I'm on the fence to begin with.
Bookanistas are awesome. Thanks for this new, cool review source. I just have one question . . . When are you going to sleep, Elana?
It sounds like such a great book. Thanks for the recommendation and for spearheading Bookanistas!
The Bookanistas sound great and I can't wait to check out the review. As a mother of 3 daughters I think I'd enjoy reading this book!
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