Thursday, October 21, 2010

TORMENT by Lauren Kate

So I got my hands on the second book in the FALLEN trilogy. I enjoyed the first one quite a bit, and was hoping for more of the same in TORMENT.

And I got it. I've heard that some people don't like Luce, but I actually really do. Were there some parts that I was going "No! Don't do that!"? Yes. But I think that's a good thing. We don't want our characters to always do exactly what they should. Or what we want them to. Or what we expect them to.

(Long parenthetical: the MC is a young adult. Often what they do makes no sense to adults. I always try to remember back to my high school days (horror!). Remember how stupid we were? How we didn't do things that made sense either? How every little thing could've triggered the apocalypse? Yeah. It's a YA book. I'd be upset if the teenager acted like an adult. Parenthetical out.)

That's what makes them interesting. So I like Luce, even in all her messiness.

But let's face it, the reason this book is as hot as it is is because of Daniel. The fallen angel. The breathtaking wings. The unfailing love. Yeah, we all need a little Daniel in our lives.

If I had to sum this book up in on sentence, I would say that it's got the fantasticness of an angelic plotline (like HUSH, HUSH) combined with a recyclical romance (ala THE ETERNAL ONES) that keeps you turning pages. Yes, I made up some of those words. Sometimes you just need to make up your own vocab.

And the cover. Dude. Even my husband liked it, and that's saying something huge given his extreme distaste for covers with people on them. (Dodged a bullet there with my own cover. Thankfully.)

Check out what the other Bookanistas are up to this week!
Christine Fonseca Moons Over MATCHED
Shannon Messenger Fangirls THE FAMILIARS
Shelli Johannes-Wells Marvels over Middle Grade
Kirsten Hubbard Woos Us with WITHER
Myra McEntire Beholds the British Special Edition of the TWILIGHT SAGA
Carolina Valdez Miller Is Moved By MARBURY LENS
Megan Miranda Swoons Over STOLEN

What's on your reading shelf? Do the MC's act their age? How do you feel about that?

Oh! I'm drawing another winner for Denise Jaden's LOSING FAITH! Click here to enter--if you've already commented on that post (THAT POST) you're already entered. And you want this book. It is fabulous.


Melissa said...

The cover for this book is absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to start on this series, I missed the first book but plan to rectify that so I can read this one.

I love your tendency to make up your own vocab.... I do it all the time in real life... I also make up odd pronunciation of words because I feel like I should be able to.

I never understand when people freak out over YA characters doing stupid things.... I mean, come on... when I think of everything I did as a teen? I want to smack myself! And that was only a few years ago...

Natalie Aguirre said...

You're right. Sometimes we forget that teenagers don't act like adults. Heck, adults don't all the time either. I'll have to check this out. I read the first one.

Renae said...

The cover for this book is gorgeous! And you are so right, part of the reason I love writing YA is the fact that teens don't act rationally, that's what makes them so fascinating! I loved this story, now of course I need the next book in the series. Great review!

Susanne Winnacker said...

I haven't read FALLEN and TORMENT yet, but I love the covers.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rather not remember how stupid I acted as a teen. Rather not remember how stupid I acted last year for that matter!

Shain Brown said...

I love the cover and the book was mediocre, that was until the end. I felt the ending to be a let down.

I don't want to spoil it for anyone else, nor do I want to cause someone to not read it. So, everyone should judge for themselves. This is only my opinion, nothing else. I did love Luce and her personality.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I think this is so important to remember. Young adults simply do not act the way adults want them to all the time.

I had that complaint from one person about my book.

But that aside, the first one just didn't do it for me. I don't know why.

Christine Fonseca said...

Love the parenthetical reminder...just saying!

Christina Lee said...

She definitely has two beautiful covers going for her. Haven't read them yet--but thinking aobut it!

Claire Dawn said...

I saw TORMENT in Tokyo two weeks ago, but I didn't want to buy it because I didn't have FALLEN. Then next weekend in Sendai, I saw FALLEN. Snatched it up. Haven't read it yet. (Only been 4 days) But looking forward to it.

Hannah said...

I've read a couple of ya books where the characters act like adults and it just turned me off entirely. That being said, I do happen to know some responsible teens...who occasionally do the stupid things. There definitely is a balance to writing ya and I applaud those who do it eloquently.

Emily White said...

Oh man, I'm having a REALLY hard time NOT buying books lately and then you bring up this one that was on my wishlist anyway. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to be a very, very, VERY poor girl, but at least I'll be well read. :D

Linda Kage said...

I have Torment in my possession and it's in my TBR list. Can't wait to read it!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'd buy this book based on the cover alone!

Elana Johnson said...

Shainer, I find that second books--middle books in a trilogy--don't have the best endings. I think I was expecting to end in a similar way to how it did, so I wasn't disappointed. Does that make sense?

Stina said...

I thought the first book was good, but I really liked this one. Luce turned out to be a much stronger character this time around based on her questioning of the situation between her and Daniel.

Looking forward to the final book!

Michelle McLean said...

this is one of those books I'd buy for the cover alone. Simply gorgeous! And of course, the story between the cover cinches the deal :D

Lola Sharp said...

I've had the ARC for Torment for a long time now (THANKS Sara!) and:

1) Yes, the cover *IS* GORGEOUS. Truly.
2) I didn't love the first book, but 14 y.o. daughter did.She loved it.
3) I didn't love this one either. Daughter thought it was okay.

(I did like Hush, Hush and am eager to read the second one of that (Patch!).)

But that's just little old me.

Janet Johnson said...

I haven't even read Fallen. One to add to the pile. On my shelf? Reading some older Jessica Day George books and really enjoying them!

Meredith said...

Oh, Daniel...swoon. I loved this one! And yes, that cover is just ridiculously beautiful.

Slamdunk said...

I have been reading several non-fiction works and the main characters certainly do not act their age.

Matthew MacNish said...

What a cover! Thanks for another great review Elana.

Carolyn V. said...

I think it says something when a guy likes it. I'll have to get it. I haven't even read the first one yet.

Carolyn V. said...

Opps, didn't finish my thoughts.
So I can read both right after each other. Woo hoo! =)

Liz said...

I just finished this and I have to say I really liked it. Awesome cliffhanger ending, but not enough questions answered :( Just give me some answers--I already got that enough with LOST!!

Patti said...

I haven't read Fallen yet. I bought it a while ago and some how one of my nieces grabbed it off my bookshelf and I haven't seen it since. Time to go find it.

Chris Phillips said...

I try to block out all of my high school aged stupidity from memory. Then I go to the mall or a movie theater and it all comes flooding back.

Kelly Polark said...

That sounds like a very cool book.
I can't wait til I have more time to read for fun and get back to my manuscript!!

Tina Lynn said...

If they didn't make really stupid choices, there wouldn't be much plot :D

Bast said...

I'm actually between books right now and trying to decide what to start next. The problem is I have too many I want to read. I still haven't read Fallen, but I may rectify that and start it next. I also love the covers on both Fallen and Torment.

Theresa Milstein said...

Teens do make a lot of mistakes. If it makes sense for the character, we just have to go with it. I have to admit, I haven't read either of these books. I have Fallen on my wishlist, but haven't gotten around to getting it yet. After Hush, Hush, I wanted a break from angels.

Nichole Giles said...

Oh my gosh, I'm in love with that cover. It's gorgeous. Seriously awesome. And now I want to read the book.

On my shelf: just finished The Limit by Kristin Landon, next up, The Scorch Trials by J-Dash.

And thank you for pointing out that YA characters should act like teens and not adults. Great point. =)

Oh, on another note entirely, I thought of a gangsta name for you. E-Jay. That's my vote.

Anonymous said...

Love the cover! I don't mind YA characters acting like teens, as long as they aren't acting like the teens I wanted to slap when I was a teen myself. You know, like moping for almost an entire book about how horrible life is and how you can't go on without a certain boy. (Any resemblance to the plot and characters of NEW MOON is entirely coincidental.)

J.R. Johansson said...

That really is an awesome cover, and for the record, I'm with your husband usually. I'm curious about this book now. I haven't read it, but I think I probably need to.

Katie said...

Lauren Kate has some of my favorite covers. They're SO beautiful. I've never read one of her books, though. Sound like good reads.

Anonymous said...

This is totally on my TBR list. I can't wait to get to it. Her covers are amazing, like KM said.


As far as what's on my reading shelf...I'm on pause for a bit reading a couple MS for a couple writer friends who need critiques. And I'm loving them. There are some GREAT stories out there, for sure!

Have a great day!

Shannon Messenger said...

Couldn't agree more about the characters not always being perfect thing. Especially when it's a book with kids or teens as the MC. They make mistakes. That's what makes it real.

And yes, both Fallen and Torment have gorgeous covers--and I don't like covers with people on them either.

Awesome review!

BK Mattingly said...

I love the covers to Fallen and Torment. Thanks for the review. I've been meaning to pick them up :)

Golden Eagle said...

I haven't read Fallen, but it sounds like an interesting series! I'll have to check it out.

Krispy said...

I'm looking forward to this one because I do want to know what happens. I generally liked Luce; she's one of the least annoying YA female romantic lead and MC I've encountered of late.

On my reading shelf: Blameless, Personal Demons, and I just finished The Lost Hero. :)

Heather Moore said...

I've seen this book all over. So I guess I need to read it!

Sara B. Larson said...

I've been excited to read this one, I will have to get it soon. :)

ali cross said...

Okay, first? That's the most freakin' gorgeous cover I've seen in a long, long time. Holy wow.

Second your long parenthetical was just about the best YA advice/insight I've read. Maybe EVER.

So, so true and now I'm thinking I'll need to be extra careful to take my "grown up" hat off when I'm writing for YA. Because maybe I sometimes do expect my characters to behave a certain way without taking into account the general craziness that is puberty and teenagehood.

Thanks E!

Megan Miranda said...

Oh, this is on my list! Personally, I'm a huge fan of characters doing the wrong things and not saying what they really mean...feels more authentic!

Anonymous said...

I haven't read either of these yet. I'll have to check them out.

My current shelf has:
Book of 1000 days--Shannon Hale
Golden Spiral -- Lisa Mangum

I know, I'm behind on the times but I'm an eclectic reader. I'm all over the many genres!

Unknown said...

I'm torn on the maturity issue. On the one hand, I really don't want overly adult. That's one of the issues I had with Twilight - when the teenager sounds like more of a parent than BOTH of her parents, it's tiresome.

But on the other hand, I don't want to read a Too Stupid To Live teenage character. Some of the choices in YA deemed "authentic" make me cringe, and I really think they would have made teen Me cringe, too.

What I really love is seeing internal conflicts in teens - where they're torn between immature desires and mature responsibilities.

Lydia Kang said...

Her covers are always breathtaking. I haven't read the first yet, but thanks for the review, it gives me more to add to my TBR list!

Jemi Fraser said...

These are both on my wishlist - and part of the reason is those gorgeous covers!! :)

Melanie Hooyenga said...

Ooh, this looks yummy. I've officially dove into YA now that I'm prepping to write my YA for nano. I DEVOURED Perfect Chemistry this week and CANNOT stop thinking about it. I might have to read through a little more before I crack open the next one.

I'm so excited to be reading all YA!!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

I think the Fallen books have some of the best YA covers I've ever seen!! Marketing genius, I tell ya. What teen girl would take a look at one of those and NOT want it?

Plus the books are so fun to read :)

Lori W. said...

I think I'm going to have to read this series just to discover what you mean by "recyclical romance." :) Hmm. Yes, that is very cool cover.

Liesl Shurtliff said...

I'm curious...I enjoyed HUSH, HUSH, but was a little annoyed that it seemed to follow the Twilight scenario to a T. (I call it "Twilight with wings.") Does FALLEN go down that road or does it do its own thing?

You know what I notice in a lot of YA lately? Teens acting like adults and taking care of their irresponsible parents. Kind of funny. Immaturity doesn't bug me, though, except maybe it makes me wince when it's something I did as a teen.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Man, that is such a good point! I've seen so many reviews that show irritation with an mc acting irrational or dramatic or doing something stupid, ignoring the fact that the mc was a teen. Even if the mc is an adult, they can act this way, too. It's all part of making a good story--often MC's do things we wouldn't do ourselves.

I love your made up words. I think you've pinpointed exactly what makes this series so popular. Well said! Super review!

And why doesn't your husband like covers with people?

Lisa_Gibson said...

I can't wait to read this. Oh and the cover is ah-may-zing.
Great review.

Ishta Mercurio said...

I've been wanting to read this for a long time; now I want to read it even more.

Great review!

amberargyle said...

I love her cover! It's all dark and sexy. I can only hope mine turns out as awesome.

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