Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jumping On The Bandwagon

Okay, so gmail is back in business. I enjoyed my time away, let me tell you. And my weekend was relaxing, spent entirely in my pj's. True that.

Today I want to discuss something maybe a little on the controversial side, which is something I typically ignore. I'm no good at confrontation and will do almost anything to avoid it.

But I've been thinking about a few things lately (I should really stop thinking so much), and this is one of them. The Bandwagon Items (yes, capital B and I). You know what they are. Anything that all of a sudden everyone out there seems to be talking about. It could be something good. Something worthwhile; a cause or a book or helping someone who needs it. Sometimes it's something simple like a blog item on a certain day of the week, or a topic everyone seems to be gushing about. A blogfest. (Hey, don't look at me. I don't do blogfests...that was a blogging experiment.) A TV show. Whatever, whatever.

Today, I'm merely wondering what you guys think of such BI's. Do we all need to jump on? What are some reasons you don't? What are some reasons you do? And if you don't, do you ever feel left out somehow? Discuss.


Anonymous said...

I usually try to avoid jumping on the Bandwagon (I'll capitalize it too). But I have to admit that on occasion I've joined in--usually at the tail end of it, which means people are sick of hearing about it. I've really got to decide sooner to get on or stay off.

Bast said...

Mostly, I join in just because I'm curious. One thing that annoys me though is people who don't join in just because whatever it is is so popular. Like with a book -- the person may be interested in it, but because it's so popular, they don't read it. That annoys me and I can't understand it.

Miss T said...

If it's a topic I feel strongly about I am MORE than ready to jump onto the Bandwagon and loudly give my two cents' worth. Otherwise... I try and avoid it (mainly because I don't want people looking at my blog/facebook status/whatever and thinking "THAT topic again? Can't she talk about something original?"!)

Stephanie McGee said...

I am, going forward, attempting to avoid the bandwagon. Lately when I join, I don't enjoy it. So what's the point? If I'm going to do, read, watch something it'll be because I want to. Not because it's popular.

Natalie Aguirre said...

It depends what it is for me. I like your Thursday feature and would love to join in if I ever start a blog because I want to support other writers.

I think we should support each other-our books, a cause like banned books, or support worthy causes. Some of the auctions I probably won't support or look at much anymore because the bidding gets too high and unaffordable. Even if it's for a good cause, I can't afford a $1000 donation for a book critique. But something like WriteOnCon-a good cause asking for small donations-that I can help with.

I definitely don't join in on blog contests that ask us to create something like a video or short story, etc. I don't have time to write my own stuff.

Julia said...

For me it totally depends on the bandwagon. Banning books, forcing teachers out of jobs, censorship - bandwagons that need to be jumped on (IMHO) Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean I'll do a blog post - although I did on book banning - but, I might comment or pass along links and be part of a board discussion group. I'm not much of a joiner - so it's got to be a super-worthy cause for me.

Golden Eagle said...

For me, I try to think something along the lines of: "If I was going to do something fun, on my own and free of everyone else, would I want to do this?" If I still think it looks like a good idea, then I'll do it, even if it is a Bandwagon. Otherwise . . . I'll usually pass.

Andrea Coulter said...

I kind of just stand back and read other people's opinions on BIs. Maybe I'm a lurker at heart? :)

Laura Pauling said...

Totally depends on the bandwagon. I'll jump because I'm interested and want, not just because it's a bandwagon. In fact, in writing, we should probably be running away from the bandwagon. I might feel a twinge of missing out - and then I remember that has no direct on my writing and I'm not in middle school anymore! :)

Unknown said...

Sometimes I'm not sure if it is a Bandwagon or a Soapbox we're jumping on. Some things I've seen out there lately have to do with all of us needing thicker skins and those, I let be. Some wagons, like Julia said, need riding- like the book banning/censorship issues. It's hard not to have an opinion and sometimes, harder not to voice it. I agree with Julia~ it just depends on the wagon.

Anonymous said...

Depends on the topic. If it's a movie or music I might weigh in, but not much else. IT all just depends on what's on your heart--at least that's what I do with my blog. And I love writing, movies, music. . . so I love blogging about that stuff.


As for feeling left out....yeah, sometimes. I might have a more popular blog if I had more BI things on there, but then, if it's not from my heart....it wouldn't be my blog. See what I mean?

Artemis Grey said...

If there was an award for being oblivious, I'd win it. In fact, I usually miss even the good Bandwagons... Like the Hunger Games trilogy. It took me forever to read it because 'everyone' was reading it and gushing and even though I write YA, I just expected to read the books and be like WTF? because so many times once a Bandwagon is created, it rolls on even if it shouldn't.

Now, in the Hunger games case, it was a good Bandwagon and maybe I should have jumped on because I do write YA, but I'm more of a 'riding my own little burro like Sister Sarah' than a 'hop on the Bandwagon' kind of girl.

Stina said...

I've bought YA books because of the bandwagon thing. Some I'm glad I did. Others I wondered what the fuss was about.

I generally don't participate in the bandwagons--it just depends what it's about.

Emily White said...

I think it depends on what the Bandwagon Item is. If it's fun or personally important to me, I'll join in. But if it's something that everyone is talking about that doesn't really interest me, I'm not going to get on the bandwagon just for the sake of fitting into the group.

Christine Fonseca said...

I guess my answer - it depends on what the bandwagon is and how I feel about it. I try to stick to my beliefs about something first and foremost, then check things out. So yeah...it depends.

Matthew MacNish said...

Originally I promised myself I would never do blogfests, awards or contests on my blog. I wanted readers to come for the content, and nothing else. Recently I have started doing some blogfests, like the great experiment and a few others, because honestly, I did feel a bit left out.

I still don't do contests or awards though, mostly because I'm just not organized enough.

Kelly Bryson said...

I don't like to participate in those unless I feel I have something original to say. So I didn't jump in on book banning. Everyone said it already. If it feels too familiar, then the chances are I'm just rewording what somebody else said, and that feels dihonest. I'll link if that's the case and I feel strongly about something. Good topic.

Michelle McLean said...

Hmm it depends LOL I hate to admit it, but it usually depends on if it's convenient for me or not :) I started doing 10 Word Tuesdays on my blog every week because it's an easy way to do a fun yet informative post (I always pick a helpful writer quote though I don't think everyone does that...and I extended this to 30 Word Thursdays as well) :)

WIP Wednesdays...again, gives me something to post about if I can't think of anything on a Wednesday.

If it's an issue that I can quickly and easily show my support for (like putting the Speak Loudly badge on my Twitter pic) I do it. But if it's something that's going to take more than a minute of my time I generally let the wagon pass me by. Unless it's something I really really want to do (like helping to promote a friend's book or spreading the word about some other issue).

Soooo to sum up this huge rambling comment in two words (LOL) it depends :)

Yvonne Osborne said...

I rarely jump on bandwagons if you mean blogfests and linky things and things that entail "gushing" because I find it distracting, and I gave up cheerleading a long time ago. If you mean things like Banned Books Week....I'm all about that because I feel it is important and relevant.

Unknown said...

It depends on if it's something that interests me or I've got an opinion on, if I don't feel it's for me I don't jump on board.

Ishta Mercurio said...

If the Bandwagon Item is something I feel strongly about, (for example, the recent kerfuffle surrounding SPEAK), I'll jump on with both feet. (How's THAT for mixing my metaphors?) If it isn't, or if it's something I dislike or disagree with, I'll leave it or voice my contrary opinion as a counterpoint to the other ones out there.

As far as blogfests go, I do them because they're fun, and apart from my WIPs, I don't do random writing exercises. It keeps the writers' muscles working in my brain.

And when it comes to TV and music and movies and books, if something is hugely popular I'll give it a try, but if I don't like it I won't stick with it. It's important (IMO) to at least have a sense of what the public consciousness is tapping into, and there's no harm in watching an episode of a new TV show or reading a few pages of a book just to try it out. You might end up liking it, and if you don't, it's no loss.

I do sometimes feel left out of bandwagons - with TV shows, for example - but if I've watched a bit of it, then I can say, "you know, I checked that out, and it just wasn't my thing because x, y, and z didn't work for me." And then I'm not LEFT out - I'm OPTING out.

Jill Kemerer said...

Great topic! I don't read many phenomenon books due to the bandwagon hype. Why? I have no idea. All I know is when everyone's reading Harry Potter, Twilight, etc...I'm reaching for the dustiest book on the library shelf.

I'm not proud of this snobbery. Maybe there's a support group for readers like me?? :) Glad you had a nice weekend off!

Bish Denham said...

Aside from your wonderful "experiment" the only Bandwagon I've jumped on is Blog Action Day which is coming up here on the 15th and will be like a GINORMOUS blogfest were thousands and thousands (maybe millions?) of people around the world will all be blogging on the same topic. That topic is WATER. And since I'm passionate (can you tell?) about the state of our oceans and the plastic polluting them I am and will be participating.

I wish everyone would.

Lindsay said...

I try to jump on if it's something I care about, or find interesting. Sometimes I like the idea of a blogfest etc, but don't have the time to devote to it.
I'd like to think of myself as a river flowing on my own stream, but sometimes I trickle into others. lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a bandwagoner per se. I generally watch a fad for a while and if I like, I jump on...but it's usually well after the curve has peaked. (Ex. I JUST came to like The Office this summer. Yeah.)

Theresa Milstein said...

I often avoid bandwagons (I haven't seen Titanic or Avatar). But I participate sometimes. I did write a green post for Earth Day (They promised to plant a tree) and have done a few blogfests (Always keepming my entries under 500 words).

And I jumped on the bandwagon for Mockingjay, only to be a little/a lot disappointed with the ending.

I try to choose what I'll do carefully because the blogs that jump on any and all bandwagons do get tedious.

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

Like other commenters, my Bandwagon status has to do with how strongly I feel about the Item.

And sometimes, for the not so serious Items, if I'm in a silly mood I'll hop on for a short ride every now and then :)

Allison said...

To be honest, your blogging *experiment* was the first I'd ever done because most blogfests DO seem like bandwagons. It's stupid but I'll admit it - I usually hate bandwagon things because EVERYONE loves them and I just want to be contrary and stubborn and NOT like them!

Summer Frey said...

It's my general policy to avoid bandwagons. What I generally find more important than the going hot item will never be splashed across the internet.

I've been reading banned books all my life. I'm not going to stop any time soon, and frankly, I think its unfair to cause such an uproar over one book that's challenged and yet ignore some of the others whose message is different, but just as important to someone else.

I have very little patience for repetition, so I don't do much in blogfests and such.

Basically, I'm an all-around curmudgeon. :)

Shain Brown said...

I can't help it, I'm definitely a lurker. It sounds bad when you say it out loud doesn't it?

Leigh Caron said...

If the spirit moves me, then I'll groove with thee. Yes, I'll get it on.

Regina said...

Depends on the subject matter, my position and how much time I have to dedicate. I will follow along with things but not always have the time to fully invest my time into it.

But there are things that I proudly support and am willing to voice about.

Southpaw said...

Okay, it depends. When everyone is posting the same thing, I don’t jump on. It’s been said. Most of us travel in the same circles so we’ve all read about it A LOT. For me the by the 10th post it becomes less effective. A post in the side bar linking to another post would work (just thought of that).

Melody said...

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Most of the time the main factors are whether or not I already have posts scheduled, and if it interests me at all.

What worries me about Bandwagons, especially cause-related ones, is that everyone jumps on them and automatically takes the same side. I watched all the book-banning posts and realized there were really two voices to be represented and only one story was being told. It felt like everyone was just taking the viewpoint of the last blog post they had read and not saying anything new. (Ah! Dystopian possibilities!)

I don't have any problem with Bandwagonning. Sometimes I join, sometimes I don't. But I dislike how they lend themselves to presenting only one side of an argument, when there is an argument. :)

j.leigh.bailey said...

Reasons I will jump in:
1. I truly believe in the cause being gushed about (i.e. Banned Books Week)
2. To gain exposure for my blog/writing/whatever (yeah, totally self-interest driven--your *Blogging Experiment* garnered me 30 new followers!).
3. Peer pressure...NaNoWriMo here I come!

Reasons I won't jump in:
1. I don't care about the subject
2. I don't know about the subject (That whole query slam thing? Don't know enough to care about it right now. And I'm not at a point where it could affect me anyway.)

Kerri Cuev said...

Depends. If it's a book I REALLY loved, then yup I want to share. If it's a topic I feel strongly about and inspires me, sure. Blogfests, once in a great great while just to have some fun. Experiments, well who could pass on that lol!

Bottom line is it has to inspire me like blogging about Glee. Gosh, I HAVE to talk about that! (Britney day! Can you believe that? Crazy!)

I refuse to blog on the negative BI.

Think that about sums it up :)

Carolyn V. said...

I jump in if I feel really strongly about the topic, but if I have mixed emotions, I try to stay neutral.

kah said...

It all depends on how enticing the bandwagon is. Some wagons I'd rather they just run me over and leave me behind. ;)

Valerie Ipson said...

Agreed: it depends on the bandwagon and the music they're playing.

PET PEEVE ALERT! It bothers me when certain people I know won't read a book just because it's hugely popular. Reading a book is a personal thing, it's not a bandwagon even if millions of people are reading it. You are sitting at home, alone, reading--not with a crowd of people. It makes no sense. Read the dang book because it's a good one. Who cares how many others have read it. I tell one of these certain people, "I hope my book is so popular that YOU won't read it."

Megan said...

While I usually try to avoid jumping on the bandwagon, I do make an effort to follow the bandwagon. The thing about bandwagons is that they are big things in any field, whether we like it or not. If you aren't at least aware of them, it looks like you aren't seriously following developments and trends in your field. I think this is especially important for writers.

Krista said...

Thought-provoking post. I've always been one to stand back and observe, make my own assessments, and then either act on the Bandwagon Item, or let it roll on without me, none the worse. There were 4 Harry Potters, 3 Twilights, and 2 Hunger Games when I began reading those series. Even so, I tried to close myself from the "buzz" they were generating and make my own judgments. Sometimes, that's really difficult. But I prefer it that way. I want to "join" things and follow something and cheer something on because I love it, because it speaks to me. Not because everyone else is doing it.

VR Barkowski said...

Interesting question. Having spent much of my life in Berkeley, California, the BANDWAGON Capital of the World (BCW™), I believe firmly in the power of the BANDWAGON. I don't jump on every BANDWAGON, but when something deserves attention - like Banned Books Week or WriteOnCon - I'm there. As for blogfests, I participate because I enjoy them and because I want to encourage other struggling writers. I don't consider blogfests jumping on the BANDWAGON, I consider them an opportunity to support my friends.

That said, I'm about to launch my first ever contest. No complicated rules or extra points for tweeting, etc. It's simply a way for me to say thank you (without strings) to those who have been so supportive of me over the past year. I don't consider saying thank you a BANDWAGON, either.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Okay, so, speaking of bandwagons, I've given you a blog award. Ironic, I know. You don't have to accept it; you don't even have to like it; but I want you to know I think your blog is amazing, and I'd be less of a writer without it.


Shannon O'Donnell said...

I still haven't read any of the Twilight books or seen the movies. It took me until book 4 to read the first Harry Potter. I've never seen Glee or American Idol or CSI. I guess I'm not a major BI kind of gal.

David P. King said...

If I ever jump on the bandwagon it's because I stumbled on something and happened to like it, but did not know beforehand that it's popular. Popular doesn't always mean it's worth investing your time and money. High School taught me that lesson. However, it's good to jump on whatever genre you're writing, but pick up the books with dust on them as well as the ones you can't find.

Colene Murphy said...

First off, I love that you said "true that". Just made my morning.

Secondly, I'm not sure about bandwagon stuff. I mean, I do/watch/read/write/say/wear what I like. If it is or isn't doesn't matter to me. So I have no good input there except that I think people should make up their own minds on what they want/like to do.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Depends on the item. Geeky stuff (computer, technology, science fiction, etc.) I usually catch at the beginning of a trend. Blogfests - if it's simple and I don't have to write a new story, I'll participate.

Unknown said...

My personality is to get riled up in the beginning but then calm down when I looked at how much time it would take to get involved.

Nicole Zoltack said...

I usually ignore the bandwagon and do my own thing. But it depends on the bandwagon itself, for the most part.

Nichole Giles said...

Like you, I don't like to talk about controversial stuff on my blog. I just don't.

While I'll happily participate in the occasional well organized experiment, I'm not big on blog fests or bandwagons. Why? Because I don't often take the time to read those posts unless they're one of the rare and exciting experimental activities, which generally discuss writing, publishing, or books.

Heather said...

I think there are some BI's we must all jump on, like #speakloudly, because together we stand and divided we fall. But then there are those I don't jump on. I don't often do blogfests, not because i don't want to but because I have the week's blogs posts planned out ahead of time. But when there's a worthy cause, I'm there.

Shannon Messenger said...

I'm usually not a bandwagon person, mostly because the people on the bandwagon are usually saying and doing everything I would in a much more convincing and articulate way. Plus...I loathe controversy, and generally, when people are on a bandwagon, there's a soap box involved, and a whole lot of people against the bandwagon...and I kinda have enough stress and drama in my life as is.

Then again, when something is important enough, I'm definitely there. So I guess it's a balance.

Marsha Sigman said...

I don't always but sometimes I can't resist. I like to remain impartial...like Switzerland, only warmer.lol

But how can you not join in when it's about banning books or helping someone raise money to adopt a child or something like that? Then I totally cave.

Susan R. Mills said...

Totally depends on what the BI is all about. Some are worthy of jumping on; others not so much.

Shallee said...

I'm with Susan, above. I'll usually try out Bandwagon Items, to see if it's something that's for me. I felt that way about joining Twitter, actually. Once I jumped on the Bandwagon, I discovered it's useful and great! I tried out blogfests too, but that's one bandwagon that's not for me.

Lisa Potts said...

Lots of great comments today!

Most of the time I find someone else has already spoken about the "topic of the moment" so eloquently, that I shy away. I will jump in if I feel I have something relevant to say on the subject.

lotusgirl said...

When it's about the subjects of my blog I rarely ever jump on a bandwagon. I blog about what I have in my schedule. If it's something to help someone, I might make an exception. I'm just not really a bandwagon kind of girl.

Tina Lynn said...

I have to feel real strongly about it. I don't just adopt other people's passion. I prefer to stick with my own.

Krispy said...

I'll check out whatever everyone's discussing, but if it doesn't interest me particularly, I don't join in. And yeah, sometimes when something is super popular and I'm not into it, I feel a little like I'm missing something, but on the other hand, why waste my time on something I don't particularly like?

Hannah said...

I've never been a bandwagon jumper. I've always danced to the beat of my own drum in pretty much every aspect of my life. I like it this way.

If I do something that everyone else is doing, it's because I genuinely want to. But more likely, the more people are doing/watching/reading something, I go the other way. I'm a rebel like that. ;)

Saloma Miller Furlong said...

Good question: My biggest BI is whether I dare say I don't like the Harry Potter series. I read the first book, part of the second, and the rest just don't interest me. In most circles I feel like it's sacrilege to admit this... but there, I just did. I think someday we will look back and wonder why Harry Potter was such a fad...

Oh, oh, better stop there.

Janet Johnson said...

Very interesting, reading all the comments. Actually, bandwagons remind me a lot of high school. Some people choose to be different (not jump on), some choose to be the same (jump with 2 feet), and some are oblivious (Bandwagon? What bandwagon?).

I guess we all do what works for us. I've jumped on once or twice, and enjoyed it. If I'm groaning at the thought, I stay away.

Elana Johnson said...

Excellent thoughts, my lovelies! Thanks so much for weighing in.

I think it's interesting to read what you think is an important cause/thing/bandwagon to jump onto. Have you ever thought that just because YOU think it's important doesn't mean that everyone does? I think this is where I'm sitting right now.

It's a lot to think about...

Liza said...

Oh gosh. For the most part I think I'm so far off the band wagon it ran over me.

Jonathon Arntson said...

I think BI's are a lot like guilty pleasures. Both are typically introduced with, "Hey guys, I typically avoid these kinds of things, but this one is cool, so..."

I am not a bandwagon person. Or am I? I am to some extent, everyone is. It's more a fact of life than a concern.

I just joined my first blogfest and I did it for two reasons. It's a horror blogfest for Halloween, which will be a challenge for me, but I am interested in challenges right now. The other reason is because I adore the creator (Mia Hayson) and so I said. I really like working with her.

Also, love the new profile pic!!

Lisa Gail Green said...

I'll jump in if I feel strongly about something. But if it's just gimmicky I can say "eh" and leave it alone. I don't mind seeing other people's take on certain subjects though. It's interesting.

Lisa_Gibson said...

Seriously, I always seem to be the last to jump on the bandwagon. Any bandwagon. I don't know if it's because I'm busy or resistant to herd mentality, or what exactly my deal is.
Lately though, I have tried to be honest with myself about how much I can commit time wise, etc. Okay, I'm just rambling now. You've gotten my point, I'm sure.
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Talli Roland said...

I reckon Quinn would find me annoying because sometimes I find popular things off-putting because they're so popular! It's silly, I know, but too much hype turns me off!

Amanda said...

I generally avoid bandwagoning. But it makes sense on the business side. Like if you need to do it to get ahead in life\job. but i dont to it for my personal life.

Mandy said...

I think it pretty much depends on which bandwagon it is, really. Sometimes, it might be worth jumping on... on others, it's far best to just step aside, and watch it go by. It's a very personal thing, though :)

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

Personally, I jump on it -- momentary pause for dance interlude -- if I feel like I have something to say on that topic. If I don't care about the topic or have much of an opinion, I'll be quiet.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

every time I decide to spend the day in my pjs I get an unexpected visit :P

As for BIs. I sometimes hop on because it's an issue I want to talk about or I have something different to say. Sometimes I ignore them because they aren't a topic I'm interested or passionate about or if I jumped on it would only fan the flames some more and I'd rather not. And sometimes I do jump in without realising the topic has become a BI because I can be dense like that ;)

Unknown said...

I didn't join the bandwagon on Banned Book posts that were all over the blog over the past few weeks because even though it does indeed affect me I was able to show my support in other ways, such as snagging a book or some other ways.

I did feel left out, but sometimes I think we have things so overrated that the bandwagon items aren't as fun.

Just my thoughts!! PS I emailed you on a Flat Stanley idea... just let me know if you got it! I know gmail is probably a nightmare at the moment!

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings. If you have something good going on, stick with what got you there. But if there is a flavor of the month everyone is talking about, it doesn't hurt to blog about it, then go back to your meat and potatoes.

Stephen Tremp

Julie Hedlund said...

Very interesting question, and something I've been thinking about more now that I'm a more "mature" blogger (as in time blogging - not in attitude -lol).

Typically, I don't like gimmicky things or things that feel too forced. For that reason, I usually shy away from Bandwagon stuff. I always stop to think about whether the BI is something I can add meaningful commentary to and whether it would serve the people who read my blog in any way. If the answer is yes, then I participate.

If the sole reason for jumping on seems to be to promote myself or my blog (not that there's anything wrong with those things), I typically steer clear (although full disclosure - I did recently sign on to Rachel Harrie's crusade for newer blogger/writers).

I guess I want followers of my blog to come organically - they find me, like what I write or what I do and decide to follow of their own accord.

That said, I would never brush all BIs with the same brushstroke. Even if a topic is talked to death, every person has a unique take (as your blogging experiment demonstrated).

BTW, my blog post on banned books week was titled, "Jumping on the Banned Wagon." :-)

Jemi Fraser said...

For me it depends on the bandwagon and the reasons behind it. I'm not a fan of mob mentality, and tend to avoid it whenever possible. I hate doing things 'cause everyone else is doing it'. But sometimes it feels too important too ignore. Afterwards I often wonder if I should have jumped on because it makes me feel like a hanger-on. And I hate that!

Anonymous said...

I'm not for jumping on a bandwagon just because, you know, that's what people do with bandwagons. However, if a person is genuinely impassioned by a topic, I want to hear what they have to bring to the discussion.

Slamdunk said...

Spending a weekend in pjs is the best.

I don't see a problem if a blogger wants to use a bandwagon item--I think it works best if he/she can take a topic and add insights to it. Simply regurgitating a topic is likely not the best approach for anyone.

Jennifer Walkup said...

I typically don't since I'm usually late to the party and everyone is sick of hearing about it. I did jump on the bandwagon a few weeks ago though, and posted about Speak. But, that seemed to more directly impact something I wanted to discuss on the blog anyway. Good post though. Food for thought.

Anonymous said...

I'm not much for the bandwagon because I like to be unfettered. Now and then, I like to, especially as it concerns books and good authors. But otherwise, I just don't like to be tied down, much.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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