Okay, I'll admit it. I'm out of things to be thankful for. I couldn't even keep it up for seven days. In my defense, I did post a list of ten things I was thankful for
here. But still. I should have more than sixteen things. Some of them weren't even that good. Sheesh. What is wrong with me? Maybe I have some major brain blockage.
Maybe you should tell me what to be thankful for...then I can blog about that tomorrow. So...anyone got anything good I'm missing out on?
If not, I can make another list...

A couple writerly buddies have made some lists I've enjoyed reading. Check out
Abi's top ten here and
Cole's double list here.
Ha! Elana, you're too funny. Thanks for the link! :)
and have a happy turkey day!
I know you said something about being thankful for the price of gas, but I'd have to say I'm grateful we can even get gas, at any price. I went to a gas station the other day and could only squeeze $.07 worth out of the pump. They were out of business and the tanks had run dry. I had a horrible moment of realization that this thing I take for granted might actually not be there every day.
That experience set off a chain reaction of things to be grateful for - if I don't have gas, how could I drive to Wal-Mart to buy food? What if I had to sell my car and had no way to get around anyway? What if Wal-Mart didn't have any food? What if . . . See what I mean?
And, could I say enough about indoor plumbing? I think not.
Basically, I could just boil it down to this - everything I have that the !Kung people don't have, I'm grateful for. LOL. Hope that sparks some ideas for tomorrow. :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
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