Monday, September 6, 2010

Blogging Trifecta Explosion!

Okay, so today is Day One of The Awesome Blogging Trifecta. Strap in. Jen, Alex, and I are attacking FOLLOWERS. Be sure to check out their posts/opinions too.

So. Most of us have that little widget with the tiny heads. We judge our worth, the worth of our blogs, on how many little heads we can get in the sidebar. We can't pinpoint why, but we're desperate for more tiny heads.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why? Are we all really just junior high kids with bigger bodies and more money?

Quick answer: YES.

Okay, so with that out of the way, let's examine how the popular kids do it.

1. "To have friends, you must first be a friend." This philosophy (which I'm sure your mother said to you as often as mine did to me) applies to blogging. If you want more followers, follow more blogs. 9 times out of 10, you'll get a follow-back.

2. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Yeah, we're taking a big of wisdom from Disney today. If you leave sincere comments, you'll most likely get the attention of the blog author. They're most likely go to your blog. They'll most likely follow you.

3. "The pen is mightier than the sword." Dude, if you want more people to follow you, give them what they want. Politicians tell the voters what they want to hear. Popular kids flatter the right people. So it is with bloggers. Give people good content, and they'll be yours forever. (And, uh, for the official record, the same is true in writing. Give readers a gripping story, and they'll read your books forever--and tell their friends.)

4. "If you build it, they will come." Let's face it. Blogging is WORK. If you think followers are just going to fall into your lap, you're wrong. If you think you're going to get a buttload of comments overnight, you're wrong.

It. Takes. Work.

*cue personal story*

It's February 1, 2010. I'm at Olive Garden, ordering desserts for myself and six or seven of my writing buddies. My treat. Why? Because I've just hit 500 followers on my blog.

Look over to the widget. Now back to me. To the widget. Back to me. I have over 1400 now. Just a short seven months later. That's a whole lotta followers in seven months. I felt like it took me half my life and liver to get 500. Why?

Because I worked my freaking tail off. And I didn't stop. All through the winter and spring, I worked. I left comment after comment. I followed blog after blog. I built it. They came. I'm still building it, day by day, post by post, email by email. I don't anticipate stopping.

Building a better blog is work.

*end personal story*

So there you have it. Each day this week, I'm going to leave you with my dirtiest, darkest secret for how I've built my blog into an online platform. I'd tell you not to tell anyone, but hey, I'm posting it on my blog! Tweet away!

Getting-More-Followers-Tip: POACH. That's right. Poach from other people. I have a lot of followers. Theoretically, they're all writers/readers/lovers of books in some way. You should be poaching from me. Click on my widget and let it open up. Then click on each little tiny head and see what links come up. If they have a blog, go to it. Follow it. Rinse. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Who do I poach from? (I have no shame, keep this in mind.) Nathan Bransford. Rachelle Gardner. Pretty much anyone who seems to have a lot of followers (Shannon Messenger, Lisa/Laura Roecker, QueryTracker, The Blood Red Pencil) or who has the same base of followers I want (Candace Ganger, Alex Cavanaugh, VR Barkowski, Talli Roland, just to name a few).

So there. Don't judge me too harshly.

And do you have anything to add? How have you gotten more followers?

**Of Special Note: You must only do what you can do. No more, no less. If you don't have time to open a billion blogs and follow them, don't. And don't waste a single second of your life feeling bad about it. You can only do what you can do. That's it. I'm merely sharing what I did, and what's worked for me. If you have the time and inclination, you might try it.


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Tez Miller said...

According to GoogleReader, you have 1398 subscribers, and I'm one of them :-)

Golden Eagle said...

I follow a lot of blogs and comment whenever I can. I've occasionally poached from blogs that have a lot of followers, and I've found that there are a lot of good links in those widgets. :)

Gabriela Pereira said...

Great post (as always)!

I have a question about the blog follow-back theory. I understand the reciprocal thing working on twitter, but my question regarding blogs is this: once you follow them, how do you keep up with all of them? Do you read 1400 blogs every time there's new content?

Thanks for a fabulous post.

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Excellent tips from a blogging guru! ;D You probably would guess this from me, but I'm a strong advocate of being kind. Doesn't mean you can't disagree, but kindness is a must.

~ Wendy

Slamdunk said...

Great advice Elana. Your #4 shouts loudly at me. Like many, I certainly did not understand how much work blogging is--beyond the writing and researching posts part.

Finding a common link with readers (as you have with other writers) can certainly help to increase your follower totals.

Adam Heine said...

I fully agree with your points. That is definitely the way to get more followers. BUT (and this is my problem with the whole follower...thing), if I follow a thousand blogs to get followers for my own either (A) I get a thousand blogs in my Dashboard/Reader, making it that much harder to find content I really want to read or (B) I'm only fake following.

And if I'm fake following, chances are the Follow-Backers are too. I guess I can't complain, because some of them turn into readers, but still it feels wrong to say, "I'm following you" when you're not, really.

Adam Heine said...

Hm, and unlike gabi, I don't understand the follow-back thing on Twitter. To me, it's exactly the same problem. But I guess that's because I use Twitter differently than most people. Sometimes being OCD really sucks ;-)

Suzie F. said...

I'm new to blogging but gained some readers this weekend by attending two blog parties. It's a great way to meet new friends/writers who are looking for followers and who will follow you back. here are links for 2 going on this weekend.

Laura Pauling said...

I think you are selling yourself short. I think your 1400 followers is about way more than you following other blogs! It's about your presence, your content, the big contests, your style...I'm sure following other blogs helps, but that's not the main key.

Tabitha Bird said...

I follow as many as I can. And I follow anyone who follows me. I also try to get over to as many blogs as I can to comment. That gets harder then more blogs you follow, but I do my best. Congrats to you on the blog :)

Vicki Rocho said...

Good that you admitted to poaching!

Connie Keller said...

Great Post! Thanks!

Claire Dawn said...

I tagged you in a meme today.

I don't follow to be followed, because I actually read all the blogs I follow.

I do make an effort to wander around the blogosphere and comment on stuff. And I got my first writer followers through commenting on their blogs.

A couple others I picked up in the Writer's Digest community. And I picked up 27 last week due to a crazy giveaway.

My big worry with attracting new followers? Keeping them. Guess I just have to build it, like you say.

Unknown said...

YAY! Blogging Trifecta Day One! Already a success!!

Build it, they will come. Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm a follow addict, I love finding new people, learning what they're up to, what they have going on. Poaching is an excellent way to find new people! I'm a super fan!

Lindsay said...

Great advice, Elana.

I never thought of poaching before. This is part of why your blog is required reading...sneaky, but awesome, tips. lol.

Great first trifecta day :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

You've given some of this advice in the past, and I've followed it. It is tough to keep up with it everyday. I've started visiting blogging buds but trying to do it at least twice a week instead of everyday.

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

Thanks. This is a very helpful post.

I've gotta admit, in the past, I've found new blogs to follow by going to a blog I like, clicking on a random follower, and reading their posts. It works. Or I follow insightful comments to their sources. It's fun finding new brilliant people out there.

Stina said...

LOL. I've poached before. Before I knew it was cool to do. :)

I tend to follow someone if they leave a comment on my blog (mostly because a lot of my followers tend no to have blogs linked to their avatar). And I never expect anyone to follow me if I haven't commented on theirs.

Ted Cross said...

I don't think I can deal with as many blogs as you! I already have trouble going through the forty or so that I currently have on my roll.

Serena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Serena said...

Great Post!
I had a lot of help with my blog from Jen at unedited i loved her blog and sent her an e-mail who gave me fab advise. After following that advise she gave me a shout out which helped boost my followers from 3 to 17 in just 2 days and im forever greatful. I am also guilty of poaching, but i try to leave a comment saying who i found the blog through, and i always try when i have a new follower to comment and thank them and follow back.
I am very shamless, and should i leave a comment on a new blog i always invite them to take alook at my own blog.
I find reading other peoples comments on a page helpful to. you nver know who you might find, or what you might find out. Suzie F said that she had been to a few blogger parties thats a great idea! how does that work?
great post again!!

Serena said...

woopy think i posted that twice by mistake sorry :$ x

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

After reading yours, I hope my post offers something of value as well.
Gaining followers is like the snowball effect - it multiplies even faster.

Bish Denham said...

Great post Elana. I'm glad you added that little "disclaimer" at the end. I'm one of those people who can only read and follow so many blogs, else I would be in this chair at the computer 24 hours a day. Not only would my butt get sore, but so would my husband!

Christine Fonseca said...

So true...Love this post! Thanks again.

Magan said...

So are you saying that I get to wear some short khaki shorts, a Tommy Bahama shirt, and trudge through blogs to find followers? Sweet I'm so half way there!

Jeff Beesler said...

I've finally realized the full extent of how blogging is hard work this past month. When I first rewarded the commentators in my first ever contest with blog posts, it really opened my eyes up to how much work it takes to accommodate everyone.

Now I'm blogging five days a week, Monday through Friday. It's an interesting challenge, but it's important to me, and probably to a lot of others as well, to give back to the writing community. I wouldn't trade this for anything.

Theresa Milstein said...

Everything you say is correct.

When we write a post, especially writers who want to make a living at writing, we want people to read what we have to say. Without followers, we're writing but there's no audience. For those of us who don't have a book for sale, that's already frustrating. At least we can have blog readers, right?

It is a lot of work to have a blog people actually read. When someone says they want to start a blog, I tell them the reality that s/he has to be willing to commit time and effort.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Great advice. I especially appreciate that you can only do what you can do advice. Because not all of us can work, write, etc. and follow a million blogs.

But maybe you can do another post on how to maximize your time following blogs. Like to follow more, do you just read certain ones MWF & others T & TH? I've thought of that.

Even though I don't have a blog yet, I find I'm making friends by following blogs regularly and commenting.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

And the 'nice' part matters more than most people realize.

Candyland said...

I think this should be called the *quatrofecta* so Candyland can be cool like you three, too! Seriously, I learned FROM YOU, E! You're the kindest, most warm-hearted person and you have followers because you're honest and real. Jen is the same way and I can't believe I'm not yet following Alex (going to change that).

You set the bar for bloggers.
*loves you*

Michelle McLean said...

lol yep, love (and do) all of the above :)

And while it is true that it is impossible to keep up (at least on a daily basis) with all the blogs I follow, I don't consider it pointless or fake - because when I become a follower on someone's blog, it's my way of saying "I love your blog" and showing my support.

I'd love if all my followers actually read me every day, but it's unrealistic to think they do. But the fact that they are following me lets me know they like my blog and it makes the work I put into it worth it...even if that follower never comes back to my blog again.

Kerri Cuev said...

Down and dirty tricks. Is this blog post rated X? LOL!

I think it depends on what you want your blog to do for you.

I blog more for connections and I enjoy reading and commenting on others blogs. For me it means more to have a nice comment waiting for me than have many followers. When I get that comment, it makes me happy and want to blog more :)

I agree that blogging is hard work. I realized fast that blogging every day was to much for me. Kudos to you! Although I don't post blogs often I do visit my buddies to say hello daily!

Thanks for my daily dose of Elena!Hey aren't you suppose to be not working today??? That's some dedication lol!

Jemi Fraser said...

You always make me smile Elana. I love your honesty! I don't know how you keep it up with work and family. It's a lot of work. I love blogging - just wish there was more time! :)

Karen Lange said...

Great advice. I've seen it work for my blog, (as, like you said at the end, I can devote the time to do it). In the meantime, you build great relationships and learn a lot!
Happy Labor Day,

Angela Ackerman said...

You are the bestest, Elana. :)

Anonymous said...

As a relatively new blogger I’d like to thank you for your invaluable tips. I love your note at the end. I really do as much as humanely possible but no more. Maybe I lose out in some way, but I do like to keep some time for myself and my family.

For those with too many blogs to follow, I’ve found that organizing them into folders is really useful, especially if you do it by frequency of posting.

Tess said...

You don't give yourself enough credit, Elana. Part of what you say here is true but the other part is that you are fun to be around..that is not so easy to replicate. :)

Anonymous said...

The follow other blogs followers idea was what I used most to get new followers. But more importantly, I found infomative blogs! I'm juggling life, including a full-time job and kids..and all that stuff like all of us. So, although followers are important, I also want to make sure I can give adequate time to the talented writers/bloggers I follow. You've mastered that! Amazing!

Elana Johnson said...

Okay, dude, you guys. I suppose you want me to air all my dirty laundry??

There is no way on this planet I read 1400 blogs. NO WAY. I don't even try. There is no way I get that many people coming to mine. (I have statcounter and could tell you, but I don't want to. :P) Let's just say that my daily hit rate is a lot less than 1400.

So Gabi, what do I read? I try to get to the people who comment on mine. If I have 70 comments, that's already an insane amount of reading/commenting. Like, right now, I have 38, and my house is dirty. I won't blog until later. I do the best I can (and there will be more on this tomorrow).

Adam, you are so right that it's just fake following. In my head, that's okay. It really is. When my editor looks at my blog, she still sees 1411. It's a numbers game. Lame as that may be, and lame as we may feel about it, that's the game. We all jump through hoops at work to make ourselves look good/get good evaluations, no?

Sometimes I feel bad about the fake following, and sometimes I don't. (I'll spill more about this tomorrow too.)

And thank you to everyone who thinks *I'm* the reason you come here! I'm blogging about this very thing this week too! I *heart* you all.

Tom M Franklin said...

I don't think it will hurt to chime in with another "great post" comment. After all, it's true.

I'm curious: how much time per day/week do you devote to building your blog and followers list? I'm following a slew of blogs and find that it takes a good 15-30 minutes per day (and longer on Fridays with the Best of the Week roundups) just to read the blogs, much less comment on all of those I find interesting. With time being a precious commodity, I'm interested to learn how you balance blogging and WIP writing/editing.

One thing you didn't mention was "Give Away Books"! Everyone loves a contest and the chance of winning free books, right?

[Insert smooth segue here] I'm giving away a copy of Alicia Bessette's Simply from Scratch over at my blog. I also have an interview with her about the book as part of the entry:

My rules for entering are simple: Follow my blog (building readership & stroking my ego a bit) and Comment on the entry to let me know you're interested. Simple, eh?

(Technically, this isn't really poaching your blog. Hopefully it doesn't fall under "rudely subverting it" either. How about "Offering Another Point with Pertinent Example"?)

-- Tom

Gail said...

In my youth, I dreamed of becoming a writer...

You have some very good points.

I began my blog two years ago and only have one hundred seventy followers so I guess I may not be writing the material that drags them in.

Lola Sharp said...

It may be true that is how you get them...but you keep them because you are delightful, E. We love your honesty and humor.

I'd like to add one caveat to having a lot of followers...
prepare to feel GUILT.

The more followers/friends you have (and follow), the more difficult it is to get around to visit everyone..which makes me feel guilty. I try hard to get around to all the lovely people...everyone has such delightful blogs, unique, special. And I love them all. Every single one.

My google reader gets read daily...but I can only pop in and leave a comment on so many/day. I wish I had more hours in the day, but I don't...and I'm neglecting so many parts of my life as it is.

I try super hard to read every post by every single follower. It's impossible.

So , especially to the newer bloggers, please be patient with those that have a lot of followers.

I only have in the mid 400's, and it is SO hard to get around to visit everyone. I love every single blog I follow. Hence, the guilt. *sigh*


Robin M said...

All great advice. A vast majority of my followers don't even comment. I'd say probably 10% do. So if I followed more people and gained more followers, then a hecka lotta more people would up the ratio of comments. Not that I'm blogging for comments. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my daily reads. The more I follow, the more stressed I get.

Summer Ross said...

I have poached a time or two. :)

lotusgirl said...

Great advice. This is the way I've worked. After my summer off, it's time to get back to work. I've also done contests on my blog to help. You have to be a follower to win. I've got one up right now for my first post of the fall.

Nicole Zoltack said...

I'm trying to gain more followers. I'm currently running a contest for 100 followers and now I'm almost at 150. I'm doing my best to blog several times a week even though I'm sleep deprived with a one month old and a not yet two year old. I'm having fun following more blogs than ever before and I try to leave comments. It seems to be working.

Anonymous said...

Being new to the blogging world, I still get that tickle of excitement when I log in and see a new follower. I immediately check them out, and like you said Elana, 9 times out of 10, follow back. Blogging is therapeutic, wicked fun and a great way to meet people. I can only hope to emulate you one day, oh Jedi Master of blogging, so any wisdom you impart to us, is welcome!

P.S. I just poached 8 of your followers. ;)

Jennie Englund said...

You have SO SO many followers! You must be an incredible person!

And I LOVE your new picture. A.Dorable!!!

Steena Holmes said...

I read 'give them what they want' and I immediately thought CONTESTS!!! LOL

Elana, fake followers or not, we follow you because we've grown to love all your quirky posts, your 'realness' in a blogging world where it's easy to wear a mask.

I'm raising my cuppa hot chocolate to you girl!

Janet Johnson said...

Yes. I do what you do. Especially the poaching. I've definitely poached a few of yours over the past few months. :)

And I love your postnote about no guilt. You can do what you can do. Words to live by!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

What Elana says, people do. You are the reigning queen of blogland! :-)

Arlee Bird said...

Yes to what you said here because you're right. I too have been saying this for several months now. Interestingly, my post today has to do with the work of blogging, so in a sense my post is a companion piece to yours. I agree that each blogger should do what they can or what they feel like doing and expect a like return from their efforts. If you want a lot of active followers you either gotta work or become an agent.

Tossing It Out

Shelley Sly said...

Well said! You of all people definitely know how to manage a blog, and I think we all appreciate your advice! I'm a huge believer in following back and commenting back and try to do it best I can. Real life does get in the way, though. Props to you for having a better grasp on time management than I ever will! ;)

ali cross said...

Thanks for your honesty E. I already do most of what you suggested, though the poaching is new to me. The only one I've poached from is, um, you. ;)

Southpaw said...

Now I want a widget that make the tiny heads dance. That would be so fun.

Jessica Bell said...

Wow. February? Really? Impressive! I'm not working it as hard as you because I simply don't have the time. I absolutely love blogging, and if I could do it all the time I would. I work ten hour days, so it's pretty hard to fit in my personl writing and blogs as well. But I manage somehow, and I'm quite proud of what I've achieved. I started March 10, and I now have 293 followers. That's more than I had ever imagined! and I feel so guilty for getting to read them all the time, but I simply can't! I wish I could ... :o) Congrats Elana, you've done a really amazing job, and don't evah stop ;o) You're a blogger I don't think I could do without!

RaShelle Workman said...

Wow, I follow a lot of blogs and take more than 2-3 hours each day. Great tips. Thanks Elana. =D

Erin MacPherson said...

Hi Elana-- I love this!! I'm new to the blogging world and trying to build an online presense and this post is pretty much the BEST thing I've read about it. Thank you!! And, I think it's great that you've poached from Rachelle and Nathan and all those AWESOME agent/writing bloggers. Thanks for this post (again!).

Erin MacPherson said...

Hi Elana-- I love this!! I'm new to the blogging world and trying to build an online presense and this post is pretty much the BEST thing I've read about it. Thank you!! And, I think it's great that you've poached from Rachelle and Nathan and all those AWESOME agent/writing bloggers. Thanks for this post (again!).

Tessa Quin said...

Good tip ^.^

I checked out your book on querying. The inside looks amazing! I'm going to buy it after I finish my Creative Writing course at the end of the semester. By then, I should have finished rewriting my manuscript. I'm not buying it until then because I already have a query crit from you since WritOnCon (thanks for the crit + the conference that changed my writing life! What a revelation!). I'd like to work with those tips before getting a new crit from you (fantastic purchase bonus).

Unknown said...

As you well know, I am a wee babe in the blogosphere. In my past life I was in marketing and PR. I totally see the value of networking. I don't see it as fake if the idea is to share ideas and network. That doesn't mean you have to hang on every word. Don't you love the new stats option on blogspot. Looking forward to tomorrows post!

Tessa Quin said...

Forgot to say that I'm tagging you in the blog I'm writing right now. I've tagged you before, I think.

I've skimmed over the comments above, and realized that someone should create a Blog Follower Randomizer 4000, where your followers will automatically be linked to. Then you put in say, the number ten, and it'll pull up ten random blogs (that are new since yesterday) from your follower list. That way, you can read 10 or more/less blogs every day and comment, and you don't have to sludge through all of them to find ones to leave a reply to.

Lisa Potts said...

Tessa, I like that idea!

Elana, I applaud your choice of the blue shirt in you latest beautiful photo.(Has nothing to do with it being the one I picked).

A Canadian Girl said...

Thanks for the tips Elana :)

Larissa said...

I gained most of my followers when I had contests. I purposely didn't require one to be a follower in order to enter the contest, but gave extra points for followers, and a lot of people followed.

To be honest, I keep expecting most of them to un-follow me. LOL. I feel like a crappy blogger most of the time...

Misha Gerrick said...

Thanks a lot for this series! I'm sure it will be very useful and enlightening.

I've been following blogs, but it feels like it's taken a while for people to follow me back to my blog, but I think I'm starting to see results.

I've finally hit ten! *does little dance* I'm patiently working my way up. I must point out that it's oddly satisfying to blog to a nice round number, not that I mind if more people want to unround it for me ;-P

Misha Gerrick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol Kilgore said...

Oh yes. Lots. Of. Work. I've done everything you've done, but not on as large a scale. Time. I keep adjusting what I have time for. It's so good you included that. If I had a book coming out soon, I'd be much more gung-ho. But I'm still junior high :)

Renae said...

As usual great post Elana! And I love the fact that you mentioned to only do what you can. I feel so guilty when I can't visit everyone's blogs!

Renae said...

As usual great post Elana! And I love the fact that you mentioned to only do what you can. I feel so guilty when I can't visit everyone's blogs!

Renae said...

As usual great post Elana! And I love the fact that you mentioned to only do what you can. I feel so guilty when I can't visit everyone's blogs!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Hahaha, great post. Way back in my early days I got a lot of great tips from you. I remember your advice to follow heaps of people and be generous with following. It helped a lot :)

W.I.P. It: A Writer's Journey

Buffy Andrews said...

Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I felt so badly because instead of gaining followers I was losing followers and I didn't know what to think. I don't think I offended anyone. I certainly didn't mean to if I did. Guess my blog isn't always right for some people. Anyway, have a super week, Buffy

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this blog series, and the great advice! I have to admit, there have been times when I might have googled something along the lines of "how to get more traffic to my blog . . . PLEASE", banging my keyboard in frustration. Getting tips from people who have been there are succeeded is golden.

Liza said...

Thank you for the "Only do what you can do" at the end. It gave me comfort. Good for you an all your effort. I work harder at writing then following, but am so appreciative of the followers who really "follow" and try to do the same in return. I don't know how you do as much as you do, but I give you LOTS of kudos!

Terry Stonecrop said...

Haha, Lots of good stuff! Your blog is great:)

I've been thinking a lot lately about this. And also why we feel a need for followers. I have two posts scheduled on this. But one is tongue and cheek.

I'm not sure there is a lot of value to followers, professionally, before publication, but I'm interested to hear other opinions.

Fun post with lots to think about, probably a good link for my more serious post on the subject.

Thank you!

Carolyn V. said...

Wow Elana! Great info. Thanks for all the awesome stuff. =D

Rachael Harrie said...

Elana, that's such fantastic advice about blogging. Can't wait to read more. It's so true isn't it, you get out what you put in. As a relatively new blogger who would love to build up my followers, I'm definitely paying attention to your little tips. And now I know all about Follower Poaching, watch out!!! :)

Also, I'll pay Tessa's idea about the randomized follower generator-thingy. That would be a fantastic tool to have...

Ishta Mercurio said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. And this is only day one!

Number 3 is a big one for me - I never know if I'm giving people what they want.

As for "fake following", I see what you're saying. It's a business, and numbers matter. On the other hand, I heard an agent (Mark McVeigh? Maybe something Steven Malk wrote in his Q&A?) say that a huge number of followers means nothing if no-one is commenting. And you have lots of people commenting every day, so you're doing a lot right here. I don't think you have as high a percentage of fake followers as most of us.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Oh, and I poach too; but I never thought of it as "poaching". Just as seeing what other people were up to. "Poaching" makes it sound worse than it is, I think. But, yeah, I do it.

Becky said...

Brilliant advice, thank you. I'm looking forward to hearing more.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Elana. Entertaining and informative. Those are the reasons I visit your blog, dude!!

N. R. Williams said...

I will often click on one or two who have posted a comment. Today, grandchildren are coming and I haven't much time. After that, it is edit city, where my epic fantasy awaits the next round of revision before it's off to my editor.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

Knowing yourself and what you can do is KEY! I've been catching up on blogging today, and ran across a stat: 90% of blogs are abandoned. Kinda sad and lonely sounding. But mostly I think people need to decide what level they can blog at, and be cool with it. :)

KA said...

Great tips. It's good to see your efforts paying off, isn't it? I oughta try it sometime...

G. B. Miller said...

I've gotten followers by 1) refusing to bend and 2) having good content.

I'm happy where I'm at (50 followers) and if I get more, fine. If I maintain the status quo, that's fine too.

I am what I am, and after two years, I'm fine not going after every blog under the sun.

People should follow a blog because they 1) like the content and 2) like the blogger.

Kate Karyus Quinn said...

Wow, I need some writing buddies who treat me to Olive Garden desserts. Mmm... now I am having some serious lemon cake cravings.

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