Thursday, September 23, 2010

LOSING FAITH by Denise Jaden

Okay, so I've been reading more and more realistic fiction. I think I might try my hand at it one day. If I can ever figure it out.

At the same time, I find myself flying through these contemp books. I just finished LOSING FAITH by Denise Jaden, and it was a real page-turner. I just had to know what the secrets were. Let's break it down a little more.

Writing: Another present tense first-person narrative, but yet again I really enjoyed the writing. It's fast-paced and unnoticeable. Which means it's good.

Characters: Brie is a fabulous narrator. I found her real and believable, if not a little on the innocent side. Which isn't a bad thing. I just knew something in the book WAY earlier than Brie did, and I sort of wish she could've figured it out. Or at least wonder about it. But you know what? It totally worked in the story, and 

I enjoyed Brie. And I really enjoyed Tessa. Maybe it was her spiky hair, or her spunk and straightforward attitude, or the way she's a real friend to Brie when she needed to be. I don't know, but the secondary cast of characters was fabulous.

Plot/Pacing: There is the whole mysterious death thing that keeps you turning the pages. I read this book over a two-day period and never once wished I'd been given another clue at a crucial point. Denise does a great job of giving you what you need exactly when you need it.

Cover: Okay, I'm partial, since this is a Simon Pulse title, but it's gorgeous. I love how the butterflies come out of the flowers. And I may or may not have a thing for butterflies...

Extra: I'm giving away a signed copy of LOSING FAITH! Click here for details -- contest ends September 26. It's an amazing debut, so make sure you get your copy today!

Check out what the other Bookanistas are up to this week:
Christine Fonseca - is showering praise for her BOOKANISTA buds and their covers
Beth Revis recommends INCARCERON
Carolina Valdez Miller dives into DARK WATER
Lisa and Laura Roecker are gushing over some fab covers
Kirsten Hubbard praises PARANORMALCY

What have you read recently that you loved?

And you haven't forgotten about the Writing Compelling Characters Blogging Experiment have you? It's happening tomorrow, and I have a link here. The details are at the bottom of the post.


Natalie Aguirre said...

I've heard great things about this book. I'll have to check it out and read more realistic fiction.

Theresa Milstein said...

A butterfly on the cover always catches my interest. Know any other good butterfly covers?

Thanks for the review. I've heard good things about this book. I read realistic fiction from time to time, but I have no idea how to write it. It's gotta have a paranormal element to it.

Christina Lee said...

Oh good-- this is on my Kindle right now! ;--)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ready for tomorrow!

Christine Fonseca said...

That cover is gorgeous!

Bish Denham said...

Yeah, I like that cover too! And I'm ready for the morrow.

Renae said...

That cover is gorgeous! I'm adding it to my ever growing list!

Can't wait for tomorrow!

kah said...

I like the sounds of it--and the cover is pretty. :) I"m adding it to my very long list.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to tomorrow Elana :)

Meredith said...

Oooh, I'm intrigued now! Definitely picking this one up.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Looks good! Thanks for the review, and for the honest assessment of the MC. (And I agree that the cover is gorgeous.) Looking forward to reading it!

Susanne Winnacker said...

The cover is gorgeous. Maybe I should add it to my to-read list. :)

Stina said...

I'm reading right now. :D

Hannah said...

You're right! That's a great cover. Simon Pulse always does a great job.

I really want this book. Why do you have to make your reviews so intriguing?! Why?! Can't you see that my book list is long enough as it is?

I can't wait until tomorrow!! Squee!! It's going to be a long day of reading posts. Yes!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Oh man, that creates such tension in a reader when you know something the main character doesn't! Makes for really good reading. This sounds so good, Uh-lay-na!! I must reads it. That cover is stunning. Simon Pulse must have a crack marketing team. Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Is first person present tense the getting more and more popular or am I on glue? I'm not a fan of it, but I'm seeing it more often.

I'm reading the Morganville Vampire series....I like it a lot....wouldn't say I love it, but they're keeping me intrigued for the most part.

Anonymous said...

Is first person present tense the getting more and more popular or am I on glue? I'm not a fan of it, but I'm seeing it more often.

I'm reading the Morganville Vampire series....I like it a lot....wouldn't say I love it, but they're keeping me intrigued for the most part.

Claire Dawn said...

This is the next book that I have to read. It looks so awesome.

Thanks for stopping by my contest.

Colene Murphy said...

I'm a big fan of the cover too. It's the reason I looked into this book.

Reading Radiance right now, which is pretty cute so far.

Matthew MacNish said...

I've got a guest tomorrow, so I'm going to have to be late as usual. Love that cover. Sounds like a good read.

larainydays said...

I just finished Room: A Novel by Emma Donoghue. My eyes are still burning but my mind is satiated. What a page turner!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Paranormalcy! Oh, it was so good - I loved it! :-)

Creepy Query Girl said...

thanks for this review. I'm loving the bookinista thursdays and I just joined the blogging experiment- what an awesome idea!

Lisa_Gibson said...

I'm reading this right now and am loving it so far.
**Did you know that POSSESSION is on La Femme's blog as a tantalizing future YA release?! Yay! :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Nicole Zoltack said...

Love the cover, will have to check out the book. Sounds like one I would enjoy. I'm in the middle of The Hunger Games and I love it!

Carolyn V. said...

SWEET! Awesome book review Elana! It sounds like a book I could really go for. I love a good book that keeps me hooked and when I hear it was hard to put's going on my tbr pile! Thanks!

Elana Johnson said...

Lisa -- SHUT UP!!! I must go check it out, stat. Is it wrong that my heart is beating really hard right now?? *thump, thump*

Tamika: said...

You've piqued my interest! Thanks for the review:)

Krispy said...

Not that long ago, I blasted through the entire Hunger Games trilogy and I loved it. Everything after sort of pales in comparison, which isn't to say those reads were not good - just not as GRIPPING or EXCITING. I really liked MOST of Sapphique, but the last third sort of...let's just say it got a little weird.

Butterflies sort of freak me out in real life, but I like the one on YOUR cover. :)

ali cross said...

Sweet! Thanks for the review E!

Paul Greci said...

Thanks, Elana! Losing Faith sounds like a winner to me. I'm putting it on my TBR list.

Anonymous said...

I love a book that doesn't give me too few or too many clues. I'll definitely check it out. =]

Susan R. Mills said...

I love that cover too. Thanks for the review. I will add it to my list.

Golden Eagle said...

Some people say they don't like the cover (there was a re-cover contest somewhere) but I have to say I like it a lot! :) The book sounds like an interesting read, too.

I'm so excited about tomorrow! I've got my post ready and am raring and ready to go.

Kirsten Hubbard said...

intrigued by this one. it's part of the contemps challenge, so doubly a must-read!

Heather said...

I loved this novel! So much in fact that I'm featuring Denise as the debut author for October on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good read.

DL Curran said...

Great book review - I've been wanting to read this one too. I'm slowly making my way down my TBR list. :)

Uhm - you already know you're awesome, but you don't necessarily know I think you're awesome... so I left you little award on my blog. Hope you're okay with that :)

Jennie Englund said...

I won this great book from Caroline Starr Rose! Can't wait to read it (am plugging through the end of another first).

And I read about you on Debbie's blog. Every word is true!

Velvet Over Steel said...

I stumbled upon your blog today & I know it was No accident. I love your bio and have already learned so very much from what I've read so far.

I started blogging 10 months ago for many reasons. Over the past few months I have been extremely busy working full time and being everything/all support, for my Son with Aspergers. I am getting back into the real DEEP writing now that it is fall and winter is coming. So glad I found your blog today and will be learning so much from you and your sight! Following and will be back often! Thank you for sharing all your wisdom and knowledge with us!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read this.

I recently read and loved The Duff.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read this book. This has been on my list of books to read. It sounds like a really good book. Please enter me in contest.

Michelle McLean said...

oooo definitely loving the cover, can't wait to read the book! :)

Lola Sharp said...

LOVE the cover, and the premise. Count me in! *crosses fingers*

mariska said...

my second attempt to win this book :) count me in .

uniquas at ymail dot com

Nichole Giles said...

I don't know if I posted a comment on this before, but I'm guessing not since it's dated for when I was out of town. So...Yay! I get to enter.

And BTW, that cover is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a great read. Now putting it on my TBR list.

Lori W. said...

I've been hearing about this book everywhere. Please enter me! Thanks.

Penelope Sanchez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Penelope Sanchez said...

I thought LOSING FAITH would be difficult to get into because of the subject matter, but I was pleasantly surprised. Jaden's ability to create life-like characters and the touch of mystery she added to the plot kept me reading straight through to the end. I've added this book to my re-read pile and look forward to opening the covers again soon.

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