Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WriteOnCon Amazing Amazingness

First, have you ever realized how hard it is to title a blog post? Mine are getting lamer and lamer.

But what we have going on today ISN'T lame (thankfully). Announcing...

A WriteOnCon Live Event AND an Epic Giveaway of Epic Epicness! (That's right!)

When: Monday, September 27. 7:00 PM EDT.
Where: WriteOnCon site.
What: A live chat with industry professionals!
Who: Literary agents Jessica Sinsheimer and Roseanne Wells

As if that weren't enough, we WOC organizers are having giveaways to lure you in get you excited about this event and to motivate you to spread the word! (Shannon, LiLa, Jamie, Casey, Jen)

And if that's still not enough, be sure to check out the WriteOnCon site today and tomorrow--every stinkin' HOUR--for some amazing prizes from some Elevensies authors, including yours truly! We're talking pre-orders, ARC's, and critiques. That action is happening over on the WOC site, so go go go!!

Right here, on this blog, I've got some amazing young adult titles, signed by their equally amazing authors.

LOSING FAITH by Denise Jaden.

BREAK by Hannah Moskowitz.

There are many, many ways to get extra entries for this contest.

Mandatory thing:
1. Fill out the form by Sunday, September 26 at midnight.

Optional things:
1. +1 for commenting on this post
2. +2 for tweeting about this contest
3. +2 for posting or linking this contest on your blog/website/facebook
4. +1 for each of my co-organizer’s blogs or websites that you follow (Shannon, LiLa, Casey, Jamie, Jen)
5. +10 for donating to the WriteOnCon website (over on the right side, down under the follow widget)

Now…listen. WriteOnCon is something we designed to be totally and completely free for everyone, so we hate taking money from anyone. But, unfortunately, the only way we can avoid another Error 403 disaster is to have way better web hosting, and sadly, that doesn’t come for free—no matter how much we bat our eyelashes.

So sadly we have to pay to keep WriteOnCon 2011 EPIC. But we want to make a few things clear:

-You DO NOT have to donate to enter (or win) any of these contests
-You DO NOT have to donate to participate in the live events
-You DO NOT have to donate to attend our next conference
-IF you decide to donate, we’re only recommending something small, like $5.00

So it’s completely up to you if you want to donate. If you can—THANK YOU, and we wanted to reward you with extra contest entries. If you can’t—no worries. Absolutely none!




Stealing from Candyland...Elana out.

Oh, wait! What do you have in your life that is amazingly amazing? Or epically epic??


Lisa Thumma said...

Entering now. Thank you so much for hosting this contest!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Awesome contest. Thanks.

An amazing thing for me is that using your awesome 30 day editing technique I was able to cut a needed 8000 words from my manuscript. I might not finish it in quite a month but I'm pretty happy. Thanks for sharing the tip.

Laura Pauling said...

Ooh, great books! Thanks!

Miranda Hardy said...

Wow! You really know how to make a reader smile! Thanks!

Rachael Harrie said...

Awesome prize! Loving your Epic giveaways... :)

Jonathon Arntson said...

Break is absolutely on my list, so winning that would be muy excellente.

Looking forward to the events.

Renae said...

You girls are just going crazy with the awesome! It's like Christmas around the blogosphere today!

Christine Fonseca said...

you guys rawk as always!

Stina said...

LOL Losing Faith arrived in my mailbox yesterday. :D

I can't wait for more WriteOnCon. After watching the vlog on making a character collage, I just knew I had to try it out (was never interested in doing it before). The results were amazing. It's like having the character in the room with you. I can't wait for more brilliant WriteOnCon advice. :D

Slamdunk said...

I had to laugh about your title observation. Sometimes they take me longer than a post to create.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Great contest! And yes, with contests on WriteOnCon and on each of your blogs, this is both amazing and epic.

I caught my son telling a story to himself the other day, following the picture book rules of structure, story arc, repetition of key words and phrases, repetition of scene structure, "the rule of three", and using different voices for each character. It was textbook. My son is three. Pretty darn amazing.

Anonymous said...

Great contest! I'm entering right now.

Lindsay Smith said...

I've been sadly unable to participate in WriteOnCon, but I hope the con will continue, and these contests are great! Thanks!

Heather Kelly said...

Thanks again, Elana and all for continuing to knock our socks off. I'm so glad that I can give back in some way for all that you guys have done for all of us. Thanks for letting us donate and help out in a small way!

Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, awesome! I do have some awesome news myself, but I have a hold out a little longer before officially announcing :)

storyqueen said...

The epic awesomeness (or the awesome epicness) just goes on and on!



Jaydee Morgan said...

Great contest - you guys are all awesome for all the hard work you've put into this :)

Summer Ross said...

This is awesome, sounds like a great way to do things. Epic in my world? my poem gets published tomorrow (wednesday!) and I'm doing two blogfests! Have a lovely day!

Heather said...

A. Titling blog posts is absolutely impossible. I always change mine 12 times because I can never find that good mix of witty, information-giving, and attention-grabbing. Also I'm wordy.

B. Woot! WriteOnCon rocks my FACE off.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is great! You guys are really doing great things with this. Amazing.

And to answer your question "What do you have in your life that is amazingly amazing? Or epically epic??"

I have my sweet hubby in my life. Celebrated 14 years together last month, so that's all kinds of amazing in my eyes. Woot!!!!

Kelly Polark said...

You WRiteOnCon ladies are pretty freaking amazing!

Anonymous said...

You just keep blowing my mind, Elana! Thanks for all you're doing for the YA community!

Heather said...

Also, I said in my entry that I didn't donate. But then the awesomeness of Write On Con totally pulled at my heartstrings and I totally did.

Theresa Milstein said...

This is a great contest. I blogged about it before I read your post. The conference was so amazing, I'm happy to give back. : )

erica m. chapman said...

You guys are so cool!! Thank you so much ;o)

Sarah said...

You guys are so cool! Keep the contests coming...I've got to win something sometime, right? :)

Kemendraugh said...

Amazingly amazing for me right now is my brand new adopted baby brother. He's so smiley, and easy to love :)

Great giveaway! Thanks so much~!

Anonymous said...

I'll hop on this ASAP! You WriteOnConers are awesome! You know that?

Shannon O'Donnell said...

This blogging community is amazingly amazing AND epically epic! :-)

Lola Sharp said...

You know what is epic epicness and amazingly amazingness?

You WOC chickadees! *fist pump*

I know (KNOW!) how difficult it is to keep up with life, family, chores, errands, jobs, writing, editing, blogging, commenting...and to add this kind of time consuming extra work into your lives is EPIC (insanity?) kindness and generosity.

As for my life...it is ALL amazing. I'm blessed.

Love and Hugs,

Jessy said...

I can't wait for 2011 to get here. There are so many great books coming out.

Claire Dawn said...

You guys are awesome! And I really want ot read LOSING FAITH!

Joseph Miller said...

Awesome contests! You gals are great!

Best Wishes,

Michelle Merrill said...

I'm feeling lucky! The WOC organizers define epicness :)

Luna said...

Yay! Well, I finished revising chapter one and then moved on to chapter two.

Kerri Cuev said...

Epic, Epic, Epic WoW!!! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Star Wars has nothing on your "epicness."

Nicole Zoltack said...

You guys are awesome. Seriously awesome.

VR Barkowski said...

WriteOnCon, the gift that keeps on giving. :) EPIC, indeed!

I just bought a new house and signed with an agent. If life gets much more epic, I won't be able to handle it!

Susan R. Mills said...

Great! Thanks so much.

Mysteriousrose said...

awesome books thank you:-)

Misha said...

Right now, my friends seem amazingly amazing to me.

I have filled the form but please enter me only if this is International. Thank you

Melissa said...

This is a great contest. Thanks!

Lisa_Gibson said...

Woo hoo, awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

PJ Hoover said...

Oh, very cool, Elana! This makes my day!

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

OK, my spastic fingers were fail on filling out the form the first time...trying again! Erg.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I want to read Losing Faith! I tweeted.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The Live Chat sounds cool!

Lisa Potts said...

My kids are the most amazingly amazing, epically epic things in my life. Thanks for the giveaway!

Hannah said...

Thank you so much! I'm excited that WriteOnCon is still alive and kicking even after the actual conference.

Laura Christine said...

I have filled out a form, but I'm from Canada and I'm unsure if this is international or not. If it isn't, then just don't bother with my entry.

Niki Schoenfeldt said...

Thanks for all your hard work!

Patti said...

You guys are truly authors who give back. I hope if I ever get to the published stage I follow your example.

Like LauraChristine I'm from Canada, your neighbors to the north.

Marsha Sigman said...

Sometimes I think of a great title and then I am so off the topic in my post I have to change it.

My awesomeness is the few hours in the dead of night that I have to write...oh yeah and my family and all that.lol

Karen Lange said...

Sounds great! Thanks:)

Elizabeth Briggs said...

Both of these books look great. Thanks for continuing WriteOnCon!

Melody said...

That video rocks!
Yay, more WriteOnCon!!! Maybe I won't totally miss it like I did the annual...I'm still sad about that. :(

ali cross said...

I'm here! I did all my things and filled out the form thingie!

Carolyn V. said...

Every hour? Sweet!

Julianna Steffens said...

Great giveaway. I hope they raising what they need.

Unknown said...

Yay for WriteOnCon!

Unknown said...

OMG, this is getting so crazy! I can't believe all the contests. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Well, this is amazing amazingness of an epic magnitude...! You guys ROCK!

Cheryl Angst said...

First you put together the BEST writing conference in the UNIVERSE and now you do this?!?!?! Is there a limit to your awesomeness?

WriteOnCon FTW!

Anonymous said...

Love the buzz you guys are creating!
My church is epic in my life ... large and loud!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Epically epic? WriteOnCon, of course.

Sherrie Petersen said...

I did some epic driving today, shuttling everyone around all day, so I missed out on the awesomeness at WriteOnCon, but I'm glad this contest is still open!

Anonymous said...

What is amazingly amazing? The ability to finish a manuscript and say to myself, "Wow, I've done it." The opportunity to make friends (even if they're only in your head and on your manuscript pages). The chance to create your own worlds.
And... seeing as I didn't win anything from blogfest... here's hoping I'll be lucky this time!
Put it on Paper

Lynsey Newton said...

Entering now, thank you for the amazing contest :)

PK HREZO said...

YAY! So glad to have monthly meetings! I'm entering your contest now!

Christina Lee said...

Great news! Entered and off to donate!

Margo Kelly said...

Do you have more hours in your day than I do? Because... I am amazed by all that you accomplish! THANKS!!

Anonymous said...

This is amazingly epic! :D

Annette Lyon said...

Because I'm anal and like planning--

Is it 9pm EDT or 7pm? (The video says one, your post the other.)

Don't wanna miss out!

Riv Re said...

Yay! More WOC!
*shakes finger* shame on you! Stealing from our awesome Cansyland like that?! (:P)

Jessi E. said...

I think Write On Con sounds amazing! It's horrible I missed it this year.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Christy said...

Thanks for all the work you are doing to bring writers together!

Jocelyn Rish said...

I continue to be amazed by what you fabulous ladies are doing for the writing community. And I know it makes y'all feel icky to ask for donations, but I am glad to be able to contribute in some small way.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I'd probably had to say my kids and the hubs. Entering now!

Fi-chan said...

thank you! and just in case, my tweet is here http://twitter.com/FionaChan/status/24756065031

Janet Johnson said...

You guys are great for all you're doing with that! Thanks you. :)

Books Dudes Will Read said...

Since it is Friday now as I'm reading & commenting, here's my Fab 5: 1) Writeon [when I get more $, I'll donate, but for now, "Lovin's all I got"; 2)Giveaways of awesomeness; 3)Elena's cover, for which I can find no adequate superlative; 4) Portland's Wordstock, which is in less than a month; 5) LIFE! (family, work, writing- I'm a lucky girl)

normaj said...

This is sooo absolutely awesome! Oh yeah...my spine is tingling.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Awesome. How cool is it to have an opportunity to be able to read such great books. Thanks to all of you artist who are donating their time and talent for us!

Nata Cynthia Artistadonna said...

awesome giveaway! I am entering :-)

hendy said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway, I hope I win these great books.
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com

Katharine said...

So awesome! If I'm not to late- I'm entering!

Michelle Santiago said...

awesome books! i really wanna read losing faith.

Aik said...

Thanks for this awesome contest!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Bish Denham said...

Well, I may as well go ahead and put my name in the hat too!

Kay said...

I'll do almost anything for a free book. Don't worry most of my books go to my classroom library. Here's the link to the post on my blog: http://kaymcgriff.edublogs.org/2010/09/23/free-stuff/

Rachel Harris said...

Thank you for all you do for YA. Love your blog, love your reviews, can't wait for your book!

Andrea Mack said...

You're awesome - always have lots of interesting things to say and great contests!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. Tore923@aol.com

Taffy said...

Eipcness is that I got to hang out with you this past weekend!
I'm a follower of all you ladies.
I donated.

Valerie Ipson said...

Losing Faith looks like a great book.

Jasmine1485 said...

Thanks for this awesome giveaway and prize, off to enter now :) Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Love this contest and all the love for Writeoncon!

Malbebe said...

You ladies are AWESOME, AMAZING, and cool for doing these contets. Losing Faith looks like a great book.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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