Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Okay, so continuing down our characterization lane, today I want to talk a little bit about gratitude.

I want to thank everyone who participated in the Never Surrender blogfest. I'll admit I was afraid no one would sign up. I may have even bribed a few of my friends to do it so there would at least be a couple of people participating.

I never thought I'd see over 90 of you participating and sharing such amazing personal stories. It fills my heart with gratitude.

I want to thank everyone who has purchased my books. I heard a statistic a few weeks ago though I have no idea if it's true or not. It was this: There were 212,000 books published last year. (Again, I don't know if that's accurate or true or not, though I believe the large number.)

212,000 options. Why choose mine? That's the question that's been going through my head for some weeks now. I am grateful for anyone who has purchased SURRENDER, or selected it from the library, or told a friend about it.

I think often there is not enough gratitude in the world. I often think I am not adding any. Hopefully today, we can all remember the little things we should be grateful for.

And be sure to check out all my Never Surrender moment regarding publishing on Stasia's blog today:


S.P. Bowers said...

It was an awesome blogfest! Great way to get to know people and an inspirational subject.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ninety participants is far from no one!
So many books, so little time, and people choose to read ours - that is really amazing when you think about it.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Loved your vlog. Thanks for inspiring us today to remember to be grateful--there's so much in life to be grateful for--and to never surrender our dreams. So glad you had a great turnout for the blogfest.

Leigh Caron said...

You are always an inspiration to me. I am grateful for you.

David P. King said...

You're an awesome writer, and for the most part, people like reading good books, I think. Support will come in droves with a winning combination like that.

And thanks for signing my copy! :)

Barbara Watson said...

Thank YOU for organizing the blogfest. Writing my entry and reading many of the others reminded me of much that I needed to remember.

Angela Brown said...

Great blogfest. I enjoyed participating...no bribes needed :-)

As for why your book was chosen over the hundreds of thousands out there? You wrote a great story. Then you reached out and readers can be very loyal to an author. Two great things done right: story and satisfaction to loyal readers.

Matthew MacNish said...

Wait. There were bribes? Was it bacon? I want one.

Also, 212 thousand? And I can't even get one published? Man I suck.

I'm kidding. I'm just misunderstood.

Missed Periods said...

I have been reading about your book all over the blogosphere! Everyone loves your books! I am looking forward to reading them.

G Blechman said...

Well, with so many books out there, it certainly wasn't luck that lead so many people to read yours. Maybe at first it was, because they stumbled upon it without looking for it, but really it's because you're a talented author and Possession was amazing, and us readers just love it and enjoy spreading the word. So thank YOU for giving us something so fantastic to read.

~Gina Blechman

Mart Ramirez said...

That is so awesome! And you're right. So many need to grasp the concept of gratitude.

Thanks for the inspiration.

Leigh Covington said...

You're amazing Elana! And you're right! Never enough gratitude! I love seeing this post! It makes me remember to show more gratitude! Also--- your books are amazing! I'm reading Surrender right now and LOVING IT!

Cathy Keaton said...

I enjoyed your blogfest, Elana! I find it hard to believe you didn't think anyone would sign up. By the time I did, I figured I'd be ignored because there were SO many participants. I almost thought I'd just skip it because of that, but I still wanted to express myself, even if no one read my post. It was beneficial either way.

Thanks for hosting it!

DL Hammons said...

It was an awesome blogfest!! I visited every contributor and read each story, and came away inspired.

Thank you for hosting it!

Jemi Fraser said...

90 is huge! I've had a few thoughts of hosting blogfests, but that fear has kept me from doing it so far. One of these days I'll give it a shot! :)

Anonymous said...

Great blogfest! Cool vlog.

Leslie S. Rose said...

I'm still hopping around the blogfest. Such soulful stories.

Nicole said...

Thanks to you for getting your wonderful stories out there!

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