Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One Week Out

I find this to be a strange place to exist. I don't know why. The signings are over. The excitement starts to wane a bit. Maybe it's the realization that I just have to go back to being normal, reading by the pool, and/or driving my kids around to their things.

I have to get back to work on writing the next novel. Launch week is so much fun, because all of that can sort of slide to the background, but this week? This week it's back to business.

I appreciate all of you who have purchased SURRENDER. I know there are literally millions of options for where to spend your money. Hundreds of thousands of books, and many movies, and endless possibilities for dinner. 

I'm grateful for the enthusiasm for the series, and the support on some of the more personal posts from last week. It is truly awesome to be part of this community.

Today's SURRENDER blog tour stops include:

  • Danyelle Leafty -- Gunner Jameson reveals what's most important to him
  • PJ Hoover -- Top 10 reasons to write a companion novel + giveaways!
  • Matthew MacNish -- blogs about a time he didn't surrender


Leigh Caron said...

This is one of those anticlimactic times...so rest, rejoice, and recharge...you will climax again. Er, that doesn't sound nice, but you know what I mean. Congrats on all you've done.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm so hoping you had a good release week and that it convinced your publisher that there should be a book 3. Loved watching all you're doing to promote your book.

Jemi Fraser said...

It's been a great week! As it should be - it's a great book! :)

Christina Lee said...

*squishy hugs*

Now back to Gunner (*yowza*).

<3 <3 <3

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

I hope your week has been as wonderful as YOU, Elana! Congratulations again, my dear. xo

Liesel K. Hill said...

The week-after is inevitable I suppose, but you made it through the chaos of launch week which is probably a blessing in itself! Give yourself a pat on the back and move forward! You're an inspiration to us all! :D

Matthew MacNish said...

It must be crazy. Fun and stress wrapped up into one nice little package!

Christine Fonseca said...

You deserve all the best. Surrender is a fab read!

Barbara Watson said...

What a week!

But the gritty, real-ness of real life is great too. I love that about kids, dogs, and housework. They ground us in reality.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Just read your post over at PJ's. I think you've cured my writer's block.

Angela Brown said...

A moment to sit and write.
Quiet time to continue plugging Surrender while relaxing at the same time.

Just. Wow. Enjoy it.

Patti said...

It's so hard to come down after you've had a great time. I'm sure it will continue in little spurts here and there.

Deana said...

Just wanted to stop by Elana and tell you that Surrender is so awesome!
Sorry the party is dying down for you, but your writing is living on:)

Carol Kilgore said...

The time after the party is always a downer. Cleaning up. Straightening things. Getting back to your regular routine. But everyone else is already talking, saying what fun it was and they can't wait until you throw the next one!

MTeacress said...

I've been making the rounds in the bloggerhood, and you are everywhere! That's awesome. Congratulations, and way to go. :)

DL Hammons said...

How bad is it when your envious of the anti-climax? You are not returning to normal...you are now a multi-published author. There's no undoing that! :)

Leslie said...

I hope the week went well for you and was a positive experience. I enjoyed visiting with you at Costco and I really appreciate you taking the time to chat for a little while.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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