Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2009: A Good Year

Dear 2009,

You've been good to me. I laughed. I cried. I whined. I chatted. I critiqued. I wrote. I jumped off the ledge a lot. And every moment was worth it.

I wrote three books, one completely by hand. Another on the computer. One in ebook format. And I finished a fourth novel, one that was born in 2008, but that you helped me "grow up."

I queried. Oh, how I queried. And I cried. And laughed. And squeed. And whined. And chatted. And jumped. And every moment was worth it.

Because I signed.

I revised. Oh, how I revised. The last quarter of this year has seen my MS grow and grow and grow until I can't even believe it's the same book I queried.

I blogged. Dude, I can blog. Not only for QueryTracker, but here too. Every day. Five days a week. Very few breaks. I read blogs. Commented on blogs. Followed blogs. Thank you, 2009 for an amazing year of new bloggy friends--321 of them, all from this year. In fact, I had to create a new list just for them. It grows daily. I smile. And read.

Next year is sure to be just as awesome. I look forward to conferences, submissions, reading amazing books, meeting online friends and leaving reviews.

Yes, 2009, you read that right. I know I haven't left a single review this year for any of the books you blessed me with. Even though I said I would. Even though I thought about it. But next year is my year. I'm going to leave reviews for every book I read on Amazon or Goodreads.

It's one thing I can do that I'm not doing now. (And really, 2010, with everything else you hold, one more thing is probably all I can handle.)

Thanks, 2009, for the excellentness you were.




Unknown said...

I'm a little exhausted just reading your post. :)

But, seriously, that is a GREAT year!

Unknown said...

I'm still stuck on the 4 books written in one year thing - wow! Congrats on a wonderful 2009 and hope your 2010 is even better :)

Liza said...

Well said! Indeed you had a wonderful year. Best wishes!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Sounds like a great year! I'm happy for you!

Have a great Christmas, ElanaJ!

Christine Fonseca said...

Definitely a great year! I can't wait to see what 2010 holds in store for you. You are an amazing gift to humanity Elana...thank you!

Casey Something said...

What a year, Elana! What a year. I'm so happy to have followed along with you on your blog, and SO happy that you signed and made 2009 that much better, more fulfilling.

See you in 2010! (You know, if I don't *see* you before then).

jdsanc said...

What a year you've had! It's so good to see all the work and all the worry paying off. To making 2010 even better!

Happy holidays!

Corey Schwartz said...

How did you do all that??? I need efficiency lessons from you!

Cheers to 2010, Elana!

Tere Kirkland said...

It's been quite a year! Don't you love it when all your hard work pays off? We'll all be keeping our fingers crossed for you.

Here's to 2010!

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats on such an exciting and busy year :) I know 2010 will be stronger and better! Happy holidays!

Unknown said...

Yea for 2009! It was a good year. I am so happy you accomplished so much!

Unknown said...

2009 Rocked!!! Congrats on all your accomplishments and I'm excited I could become one of your bloggy friends :)

I hope you have a lovely Holiday!

Anonymous said...

2009 was a good year. I'm so happy for you, Elana. What a good year of life, lived. May 2010 bring you twice the amoung of squeeing. =]

Katie Salidas said...

You have been busy! Yes, 2009 has been a productive year. Here is hoping for an even better 2010.

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

Congrats on your banner year. I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for the incomprable Elana!

Tamika: said...

You rocked this year! Four books! Good for you Elana, an inspiration to us all.

Merry Christmas!

V. S said...

Seriously, you did rock this year! Congrats! I hope next year goes even better for you!

Happy holidays!

Hilabeans said...

You're the awesomest. Loved it!

Looking forward to seeing / reading about your successes in 2010. :)


Natalie said...

I'm glad 2009 was such a great year for you. Here's to an awesome 2010!

Corinne said...

2009 was awful for a lot of people I'm know, so I'm glad to hear it went extra well for you!

And like everyone else, I'm completely envious of your productivity ;)

lisa and laura said...

It really was a damn good year, right? I mean 2009 was the year we met you!!!! AMAZING. We are so lucky to know you, Elana. Thank you for everything you've done for us.

Unknown said...

Ah..and I knew you when...I am so pleased to have witnessed your journey, Miss E. We've whined together and rejoiced together and I couldn't rest until I knew you got your due. And you did. And all is right with the universe. (mostly). This time next year you are going to be blogging about your three book deal. And thanks for inspiring me to become a and Mary and Suzette, my favorite blog goddesses and good friends.

Robin M said...

Sounds like a great year. I did the opposite - writing lots of books reviews and not writing so much. 2010 will be my year of writing deliberately. Look forward to seeing those book reviews and what you think about the books you read. Merry Christmas!

Bethany Wiggins said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes. What a year. What a freaking amazing year!

L. T. Host said...

I'm glad '09 was such a great year for you :) It certainly wasn't that bad for me either.

Unknown said...

Yay for 2009...and yay for an even better 2010!

XiXi said...

Sounds like you had a great year. The best part about the end is you get to start all over with a new beginning! Hope 2010 holds just as much awesomeness for you.

Melissa Hurst said...

What an amazing year you had! Best of luck in 2010:)

Anonymous said...

You are a breath of fresh air. Bubbly, feisty and aspiring.

All the best to you and yours :)

Merry Christmas.

Aaron Polson said...

Cheers, Elana. Your energy makes my head spin (and not in a creepy, Exorcist way). What a year.

Jamie Grey said...

Wow, you're amazing - 4 books in a year, plus querying! I'm in awe :)

I'm so excited that 2009 was so wonderful for you and 2010 looks to be even better! Have a wonderful holiday!

Katie Anderson said...

What a wonderful year and wonderful post and oh how we've grown - in friendships, in agents :-) and in developing our books.

Here's to an incredible 2010!!!!!


Anonymous said...

See, your talent and your hard work did pay off.
Glad for you!


Robyn Campbell said...

Elana, *she saunters in, head hung low*

Beth and I met today and she told me about your NEW, SUPER, COOL AGENT. I'm way behind. Apologies and CONGRATS. 2009 was good to ya baby. :0)

Catherine Denton said...

I'm sorry, I didn't make it past "I wrote three books". WHAT??? Wow.

Well, being one of your new 300+ followers, 2009 was good to bring me your blog. I thoroughly enjoy it.

Andrew Rosenberg said...

I left you a little something on my blog. :)

Clementine said...

And I'm really thankful for your ebook! Thanks Elana, and have a fabulous New Year!

Heather Zundel said...

Congratulations all around! You continue to amaze me.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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