Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Confidence for the Upcoming Year

I recently co-authored an article with some writerly friends. One of the points was confidence. My blog chain gang also blogged about confidence. Here's my earlier post, and it's one of my faves. Anything with Seinfeld is bound to be good. The whole chain is uplifting, so if you're looking for some self-confidence this new year, read the chain links and the article. It's a good mantra for life, too, not just writing.

Here's an excellent post by agent Nathan Bransford on confidence (he had me at intestinal fortitude. I mean, if you can use that in a sentence, you are the king or queen of the day in Elana-land. Seriously.) Even though it's almost two years old, every word is as true today as it was then.

Nathan = awesomeness. I love word math just as much as the next geek person.


mundo farma said...

 .Gostei .muito .de. ler .teu .artigo .conteúdo .de .valor. parabéns .

harry john said...

Great insights on building confidence for the new year! A positive mindset and good health go hand in hand. Addressing Vitamin D Deficiency Dubai can boost energy levels and overall well-being.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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