Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ask Elana?

Yeah, this isn't going to be about me. I don't want to sit and talk about myself that much. I can practically hear the sighs of relief.

No, this is something else. Something I'm wondering about. I usually run my whacked-out ideas through the Roecker factory, just to make sure I'm not insane. Uh, yeah, I didn't do that. I didn't consult my right hand, Christine. I didn't email Bethany or Suzette, and they usually tell me when I'm barking up the wrong tree.

This is all raw Elana, people. Yikes.

But someone emailed me the other day and asked me a question. And she said something about how I should have an "Ask Elana" feature on my blog. My first thought was, "Are you high?" then I realized that I get a lot of questions from a lot of you. And why not post the answers here on the blog? It's obviously information people want/need to know, right?

So that's my question. Do you have questions you want answered? Anything from "What do you do when an agent asks for your other material?" to "Should I include this element in my query?" to "What happens after an agent offers representation?"

I'm fairly sure I could answer those kinds of questions. If you want to know about say, other stuff, maybe you could Wiki it...

So yes or no? I suppose I'll just throw it out there and let the questions that come in speak for themselves. And just so you know, I'd do it anonymously. I'd simply post the question and my answer to it, not your name or anything like that.

So I suppose you can email my your *gulp* questions. elanajohnson(at)gmail(dot)com.

Whataya want from me??

(*swoon* Adam Lambert) *wink*


Anne Gallagher said...

GREAT idea!!! Thanks for this. You rock.

Abby Stevens said...

Yes! Definitely yes! :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Hell YES'AH!! I think this is a fabulous idea. Questions at present...too many to type. Get back to you.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Oh YES! Can't wait. It'll be great!
(Is this all positive enough for
you? lol)
Giggles and Guns

Matthew MacNish said...

Adam Lambert does have amazing hair, but is his head really as big as it looks?

This is a great idea Elana, but most of yours are so that's not much of a surprise. I'm sure this will work out well, it will be interesting to see which questions you select.

MAGolla said...

Great idea--and it has an added perk of not having to search your brain pan for blog material!

Win-win sitch!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Great idea Elana.

Tina Laurel Lee said...

Yeah, I like it. I have loads of questions for you! You better get ready. :)

Jonathon Arntson said...

Be afraid, E, be very afraid.

Great idea though!

Karen Lange said...

I think that this is a good idea. I'm sure that I have questions I haven't even thought of yet.

Anonymous said...

I like it. I'm sure you'll get a huge response! :)

Anonymous said...

I like it. I'm sure you'll get a huge response! :)

Kay said...

great idea! could also prevent you from having to repeat yourself over-and-over-and-over (if only a little) hehe but also answer for those that wouldn't even think to ask... again, great idea!

Unknown said...

I'm sure you'll get a lot of questions on this one! Everyone wants to pick your brain because your super awesome. I only have one question:

Were you born awesome or did you find a field of awesomeness and roll around in it?

You know me, always curious!

Vicki Rocho said...

I think it's a brilliant idea. go for it.

My question (ha, see how I jump right in, budging in line like that?)
I took a writing class recently but the things we were taught are in opposition to things I've read online...but the teacher was published and I'm not so I'm second guessing myself.

(All that for this little itty bitty question, talk about false build up)

In your manuscript how do you handle things that will be in italics in the final version? Do you do an underscore like _this_ or actually italicize
Which is right? Perhaps it's a nonissue with electronic files nowadays?

Jaydee Morgan said...

I like this idea - I'm definitely in the "yes, do it" category!

Candyland said...

Um are you not my conscience? My pretend guide? So I vote YES:)

Crystal Cook said...

I am so gonna ask you a question. This is a FANTASTIC idea!

freakin freaker, you be a genius! ;)

Amy Jo said...

I think it's a great idea! I'd love to hear more of your expertise. Thanks for being will to do it!

JE said...

This will make your blog even cooler than it is! that even possible? It must be, cuz that's whatcha need to do!


Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

Wonderful idea...

when I read "Are you high?" I sadly lost the juice that tasted so good I laughed so hard. For some reason that sentence tickled me this morning... ;o)

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

Patti said...

You are a brave woman, opening yourself up like that, but I'm grateful just the same.

Lydia Kang said...

Great idea! That's a yes from me.

Theresa Milstein said...

Since some of your posts seem to come out of answers from your questions to us, so it would make sense to do that. I know I've e-mailed you a couple of times with questions, so feel free to use any of those. Obviously, I think it's a great idea.

Rena Jones said...

I think it's a great idea! And, from the looks of your followers list, you're going to be BUSY! :)

Kelly Polark said...

You should have one version of Ask Elana about writing and another version with nonwriting questions (I like to get to know my blogger buds! :)

Unknown said...

I would just like to say that if "Ask Elana" goes terribly, terribly wrong, I will disavow all knowledge of ever suggesting it was a good idea.



Angela McCallister said...

Of course it's a genius idea. Nothing to be nervous about. We don't bite (very hard). Can't wait to spam you ;)

Lisa_Gibson said...

Totally great idea! I'll look forward to checking it out.

Steena Holmes said...

as long as you eat chocolate WHILE answering the questions, it can't go wrong girly. Cause if it does - just blame it on the sugar high ;)

Leigh Caron said...

Thanks for the offer.I am working it out, I won't let you down, need a second to breath, I'll keep coming around.

Susan R. Mills said...

Great idea. If I think of a question, I'll let you know.

C. Michael Fontes said...

Yes! Q and A is ALWAYS a great thing!
And BTW, I awarded you on my blog at ... thanks and congrats!

Slamdunk said...

Fun and education--I think the idea is a winner.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Love it!! Funducation or edutainment, either way, it's a great idea :D

Shannon Messenger said...

I believe that sound I just heard was your inbox exploding. :) Great idea though Elana. If I had even a fraction of the knowledge you have I'd totally copy you, but those of us who've been flying by the seat of our pants probably shouldn't give advice. Prepare to get lots of questions from me instead. (*ominous music plays*)

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Definitely a yes! Can't wait to see the questions that come in. Thanks!

Angie said...

It's a good idea. I'm thinking up my questions for you right now!

Stephanie McGee said...

I'd be interested to get your take on things. I have no questions that spring immediately to mind, but maybe one will come to me.

Unknown said...


Krista said...

Yay! Yes! Let's see... questions... questions... I know I had a pile of them here somewhere...

cleemckenzie said...

Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. I have questions on my list. Let me find that list and I'll be back.

Talli Roland said...

I think it's a great idea. You have such a clear and forthright way of explaining things!

AngelStar said...

my question is - does mercury in retrograde really affect communication adversely? the last few weeks were sssssoooo messed up! and now mercury went back to normal and so have people...

Hannah said...

One of my favorite authors does Ask Me Thursdays, it always works really well and I get some insider author informations. Great idea!!

Now to come up with a good question...

Unknown said...

Ooh, great idea.

Christina Lee said...

Aw, I didn't know you thought of me as your right hand. Oops, that's Christine with an E, not an A. *wink*
GREAT idea, Elana. Lord knows I've asked you enough questions.

Anonymous said...

Totally, I would love to ask and receive answers from someone "in the know." Do it!

Clementine said...

I think it's a great idea!

Janet Johnson said...

Sounds like a fun idea. :)

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Elana raw is the best way to enjoy her! ;-)

Carolyn V. said...

AHHH! Now I have think of a super awesome question!

Julie Musil said...

Um YES this is a great idea!

Yamile said...

Oh yeah! Even if I can't think of any questions right now, I'd love to read your answers.

Unknown said...

Yes, please do Elana! All of us unpublished writers look to you to lead us in the right direction (pressure!).

Can't wait!

Jessica Nelson said...

Great idea! Do it. ;-)

RaShelle Workman said...

Yep. Yep. Yep. =D

Jemi Fraser said...

I think it's a great idea. You're very 'real', very knowledgable, very in tune with the business aspect of writing and lots of fun to listen to. Go for it :)

Suzette Saxton said...

Can I ask my question here? Do you realize how wicked-awesome your hair is? If I had straight hair that is totally how I would do it! ;)

Little Ms J said...

I like it. I like it a lot.

LynnRush said...


kanishk said...

GREAT idea!!! Thanks for this. You rock.
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