Thursday, May 27, 2010

Book Deal Giveaway! Day Four


And my query letter for CONTROL ISSUES is being broken down on Matt's blog today. Go. Follow him. Read. Comment. Whatever.

Yes, someone's going to publish my book. I can barely contain the tremors, trust me. Since you guys have been around for a lot of my journey, I'm giving away some mind-blowing loot (oh, man. *hangs head in shame*).

My book is a young adult dystopian novel in the vein of The Giver and The Hunger Games. Therefore, my giveaways are young adult/middle grade dystopians.

Each day this week there will be two prize packages available. The rules to enter are super-simple.
1. Go to The League of Extraordinary Writers blog. (I'm a co-author.) Follow.
2. Leave a comment ON THIS POST.

Winners will be chosen from the comments of this post. I will check to make sure the winner has followed the League blog.

What can you win? What can you win? WHAT CAN YOU WIN??

GONE prize package:
1. A copy of Gone by Michael Grant (paperback)
2. Matching bookmark created by Elana
3. A box of peanut butter patties -- Girl Scout Cookies!
4. $5 gift card to Barnes & Noble
5. Handmade, personalized notebook (sans scribbling *embarrassed* You would not believe what my kids do to their notebooks! Don't they know they're like, sacred artifacts or something?) for all your writing scribbling needs (6 x 9 inches)
6. Copy of From the Query to the Call OR a query critique by Elana

ENDER'S GAME prize package:
1. A copy of Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (paperback)
2. Matching bookmark created by Elana
3. A box of peanut butter patties -- Girl Scout Cookies!
4. $5 gift card to Barnes & Noble
5. Handmade, personalized notebook for all your writing needs (6 x 9 inches)
6. Copy of From the Query to the Call OR a 10-page critique by Elana

Again, all you have to do to win is 1) Follow The League of Extraordinary Writers and 2) Leave a comment on THIS POST. (Tell me which prize package you'd like most. If possible, I'll give it to you.) and 3) Tell me my hair looks great. (Ha! We'll see who's reading carefully!)

This giveaway will remain open for 24 hours! That's it. You snooze, you lose. Because tomorrow, I have TWO more prize packages to give away! Winners will be announced at 1:00 PM tomorrow. And the new giveaway will go live at 2:00 PM.

Thanks for celebrating with me!


Krispy said...

Your hair ALWAYS looks great! OMG, I'm finally here before the huge deluge of comments.

Okay, another confession? I've never read Ender's Game either. I know, I know. What's wrong with me? But either package is fine!

Congrats again!!!

Susanne Winnacker said...

Your hair looks great! :D
And I love both prizes.

Jaydee Morgan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary E Campbell said...

This is so fun - I want to go for the package #1

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

WONDERFUL!!! I love both prizes!

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

Lindsay Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lindsay Smith said...

Grats again :D Count me in for Ender's Game! I read it years ago, but no longer have a copy. And TOTALLY dig the hair. :P

Lena1xoxo said...

Following both blogs.


I'd prefer Gone, but either one works for me! :)

Mary E Campbell said...

oh no - I almost missed it - your hair always looks awesome.

Christina Lee said...

These are GREAT! either package please!

Kirthi said...

I've been thinking about cutting my hair short like yours, except leave it a little longer, to get a shaggy look, you know?

Anyways! I'd love the Gone prize package (don't we all?)
Congrats again, I'm now going over all your helpful writing posts, they really ARE helpful :D

Anonymous said...

Put me up for the GONE Package! XD

Corinne O said...

Hooray! Your hair looks great, BTW.

I would like the Ender's Game package, but you can send me either one and it would be, what's the word I want. Not epic per se... but perhaps fan-freakin-tastic?

epinormous? ;) I might have to coin that one.

Shari Green said...

Your hair looks spectacular, Elana!

I'd love the GONE package.... Thx for the awesome giveaways.

JEM said...

Very cool, AND I haven't read either one of these yet!

Although, I'm dying to know: where did you get the shoulder bags?

JEM said...

Darn, I got ratted out. Your hair looks friggin amazeballs. Truly.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'd love the Gone package. Thanks.

Jaydee Morgan said...

I'm loving this week - these are great! I think Gone sounds fantastic :)

Cripes...maybe I can't read but your hair always looks fabulous!

Travis said...

Awesome! Enter me for the Gone package please. :)

Congrats on the book deal, AND your hair looks insanely awesome. :)


MeganRebekah said...

Congrats to the previous winners!

I'm going to go with the GONE package this time, as (I think) I have a copy of Enders Game already.

Dreamer said...

I want Ender's Game! That is one of my favorite books and I don't usually read SciFi.

Crystal Cook said...

You are rockin that hair do sista :) Fan-freakin-tastic!

I LOVE Gone, I would totally love to win that.

JE said...

They all sound so good! about #2?

Now about that hair...I like it. Don't ever grow it out!


Unknown said...

Ender's Game - please, please, please!

Sarah Ahiers said...

This time i'm going with the "Gone" prize package since i've gone through more than one copy of ender's game.


Jamie Manning said...

Wow...both great prizes (just like all week)! Both would be great but if I had to choose I'd say the Gone package.

Candyland said...

Your contests are insane:)
Gone, please.

Rebecca T. said...

OOh! So exciting!

I'm up for EITHER of these prizes! They both RockSocks!


T.J. said...

I'm so Gone for the Gone package. Wow, I think that was the dumbest thing I've said today. Not ever, I've said a lot dumber things, duh! Anyway, this is what happens when you get two crowns with some nitrous oxide.....Happy Thursday!

Natalie said...

Your hair is incredible. I wish I could cut mine short and not look like a boy. :)

I can't even choose between these two. Either one would be fantastic.

Esperanto said...

I've read EG but don't have it, so either is great with me. Though I guess I'll pick GONE if I have to pick. By the way, did anyone ever tell you your hair looks great? Because it really, really does.

Mia Hayson said...

*claps hands* Ender's Game package pleases.

ALSO congrats to the winners so far, this is wonderful :)

Mia Hayson said...
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Mia Hayson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sherrie Petersen said...

Of course your hair looks great!
I already have Ender's Game so I'd love to be entered for Gone. Thanks Elana!

Clementine said...

Elana, I couldn't be happier for you! You deserve it, girl. You've worked so hard!!!! I would love either package as both are totally wonderful!!! And of course your hair is gorgeous - that's a no-brainer! Have a fabulous Memorial Day celebrating!

CrystalGB said...

I would prefer Gone but would be happy to receive either.
Your hair looks great. :)

Summer Frey said...

The hair is the, as always.
Ender's Game is one of my all-time favorite books, but I don't actually have a copy...

Robin M said...

Darlin, your hair looks great! Raising my hand for The Gone Package. Thanks.

Daron D. Fraley said...

Gone package, please. And yes, your hair is fabulous. :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Gone, gone, up and away!! Gone works. Great contest, E.

John Sankovich said...

I would love to get a chance to read Ender's Game. And I wish my hair could look as great as yours does. :)

B.J. Anderson said...

Hehe, of course your hair looks great!! And I would love to win the Ender's Game package. Thanks for the contest! :D

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats on the book deal!!

And, your hair looks great! I actually think your hair is really cool. :)

And, the contests are awesome. Both prizes are fantastic, but I think I prefer Ender's Game.

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks fabulously awesome. Seriously. :D

I'd love to be entered for the GONE prize pack!

Sarah N Fisk said...

Your hair looks ... fantastic ;-)

Great prizes! I would prefer the Ender's Game package, but only by a hair :-)

RaShelle Workman said...

Hi Elana - Congrats again. Can't wait to get to know you better. And I'll pick Ender's Game, even though green is my fav color. Hot pink is my oldest daughter's and her b-day's coming up soon. =D *crosses fingers and closes eyes really tight* hee hee

Anonymous said...

My first choice is for the Gone prize pack, but I'd be happy with the Ender's Game pack too.

-Lisa B. (Follower name Lisa M. Basso)

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Love your hair! Gone, please. This is so much fun.

Lisa Aldin said...

Oh, gosh. Enter me! This is so much fun. What a great way to celebrate.

I would take either package. Not picky!

Jenn Adams said...

Elana, your hair isn't just great. It's epic. It's, like, legendary. It's mind-blowing. (Does any of this increase my chances of winning? Not that that's why I'm saying it 'cuz you know I <3 your hair. I'm just asking) I haven't read Gone yet either. (I know, shame again!) So please enter me in your BOSS contest!

Kay said...

Of course, your hair looks great! Doesn't it always?

This is so much fun. I've been checking throughout the day every day this week. My theory is that if I keep entering, someday I'll win. Not only that, but I get to get my dystopian fix every day! Loved the music from earlier this week.

Please sign me up for Prize Pack 2. It's wonderful!

feywriter said...

I would love to win the Gone prize package. What I don't want gone is your hair! It looks great. ;-) Seriously. It wouldn't work for me, but I would love to have that hair option for my Sims.

About Me said...

The Gone package, yeah! Great contest.

Unknown said...

Ooh! The Gone package would be great! What a fun week you've hosted. Thanks, Elana!

God's gal said...

How awesome!

I'm following the Extraordinary Authors (via @VamPoet - twitter)

I'm so sorry but I can't choose, both prizes are fantastic! And I've never gotten to read either book, sadly. Your choice! I like that Ender's Game notebook though :-p

And your hair is resplendid, breath-taking, awe-inspiring, and just plain gorgeous :)


God's gal said...

How awesome!

I'm following the Extraordinary Authors (via @VamPoet - twitter)

I'm so sorry but I can't choose, both prizes are fantastic! And I've never gotten to read either book, sadly. Your choice! I like that Ender's Game notebook though :-p

And your hair is resplendid, breath-taking, awe-inspiring, and just plain gorgeous :)


Erinn said...

I just read Enders Game, and I haven't read Gone. So the GONE package would be awesome. I'm a follower of this blog and the League blog.


Lisa_Gibson said...

This is so awesome! I can hardly wait to be reading your book. Yay!
I like the Enders Game prize pack.

Did you ever read, "This Perfect Day" by Ira Levin? I have a post about it's re-release on my blog. Cya around.

Melissa said...

I think your hair looks fabulous! And I would love the Gone package since I've already read Ender's Game. (But I'd take either one, of course.)


bookaholic said...

I follow The League Of Extraordinary Writers
I would love the Gone pack!!
And ofcourse your hair looks great!! You are simply gorgeous! :)

Lydia Kang said...

So, can you like do this indefinitely? Please?

Lydia Kang said...

Umm, did I forget to say your hair looks super awesomesaucy?

Nichole Giles said...

Okay, I am seriously impressed with your ability to keep up with all of this. It's kind of nuts, but way fun. You continually amaze me, woman!

PS. If I were to win (unlikely) I'd choose Gone, cuz I haven't read it yet. But all the other stuff, so way fun.

Zoe C. Courtman said...

DEFinitely Ender's Game! Man, this contest's a lotta fun :D I'm gathering votes for the
Ultimate Interview Contest over on mine - did you vote? Huh? Didja?? :D

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I loved GONE! It's a great series!

Heather said...

This is a tough one! I'd love either, but I have a slight preference toward The Ender's Game pack! And your hair really does look great, I'm not just saying that because I want to win! I love that cut, I think it's so cute and perfect for your face. (That might have been borderline sucking up, but I really mean it!)

Ricki Schultz said...

Like one of my favorite *NSYNC songs, GONE, please. :) (That will either secure my obvious win or get me blacklisted forever!)

... and your hair looks faboo, BTW. (I've noticed, like me, you use this word, only you spell it "fabu." Your way makes a lot more sense, but I've been using it my way for far too long to give way to logic at this point!)

Thanks for all these contests. :)

donnas said...

I would love to be entered for Gone.

And how could your hair look anything but great!


Anonymous said...

Your hair might look great but I have some funky kind of residue coming through my shower spout so mine looks horrible. I'd like the Gone package! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Your hair might look great but I have some funky kind of residue coming through my shower spout so mine looks horrible. I'd like the Gone package! Thanks!

Faith said...

Your hair looks so great, it should have its own blog! Um... so anyway...

Another hearty congratulations on the book deal!

And... the Gone pack looks lovely. Well, so does the other one, but I have a copy of Ender's Game waiting to be read (I swear my husband asks me every week, "have you read it yet?"... I'm holding off just to spite him at this point, HAH!).

Mim said...

Congrats again! What a great contest idea!

Unknown said...

Ooh, this game is fun... I think I would like Ender's game.

Abby Stevens said...

I'm going to go with the ENDER'S GAME prize pack!

Janet Johnson said...

Elana, your hair looks great! How do you get it to stick up just so?

As always, great prizes. :) I think I'll take what's behind door # . . . 2!! ;)

Abby Stevens said...

Oops, oh yeah... and your hair looks grrrrrrreat (apparently I'm related to Tony the Tiger).

Melissa Hurst said...

Elana, your hair is awesome!

Again, you have some wonderful prizes today! I'd LOVE to have the Ender's Game prize pack:)

Myrna Foster said...

I'd love the second one best. Thanks, Elana!

Unknown said...

OOOOH I want the Gone Package :)

(I never got to finish it before I had to bring it back to the library)

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

You had me at peanut butter ;) I'm already a follower of the LOEW. Yay!

Great prizes, Elana!

Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

You have awesome taste in giveaway selections! Sign me up for GONE please.

Rebecca Wells said...

Comment comment! I'd prefer the Gone package. And your hair is superfantabulous-looking. :)

- Rebecca

Kerri Cuev said...

Ender's Game looks good ;)

By the way, you have great hair!

bclement412 said...

Your hair looks lovely! haha

I prefer the Gone prize package, but I'd be happy with both

Congrats on the book deal!

Jonathon Arntson said...

Both prizes are fabu, but not taboo!

Lindsay said...

Your hair looks fab.:)

I'd love either prize, but I have to go with Ender's Game.

Peggy said...

Awesome! Either package is fabulous to me!

Jenna Wallace said...

"It is better to look good than to feel good!"

But you've got both going on -- Lucky you!

Ender's Game is one of the best books EVER so sign me up!

Stephanie Thornton said...

I'm going for Ender's Game on this one. Yahoo!

Kathryn Hupp-Harris said...

Congrats Elana! I'm happy for you. :-)

Tere Kirkland said...

Gone sounds awesome!

Congrats again!

LutherLiz said...

Love the hair! It looks great!

I'd be happy with either as I love Ender's Game but haven't read Gone.

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

Both awesome choices! I'd vote for Gone. And your hair looks maaaavelous, darlink!

Jennie Bailey said...

Your hair looks great! Awesome even! GONE please!

Elana, I think you should get published again. I'm loving the prize packages!! Also, because I love your stories. But I like that we are reaping the benefits. These are fun even when you don't win - all the mounting anticipation!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE the Gone pack!!

Anonymous said...

I'd love the Gone package. This is such a hobbit way to celebrate (giving away gifts). I'm bummed I missed the other days. And Congratulations again!

Mel Chesley said...

Your hair looks great. :D And I'm already a follower of the other blog and here's my comment. XD Choice 2 if possible. I missed a couple days...sighs.

Unknown said...

You hair looks GREAT! :-)

Please enter me too, I would be happy with either package.

Thank you!

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Susan Fields said...

Beautiful, gorgeous hair. What shampoo do you use? :)

The Ender's Game package would be my first choice. This is such an amazing week of giveaways - thanks so much! And super-congratulations, too!

Kelly Polark said...

Your hair is cooler than Justin Bieber's hair. :)
The Ender's Game if I am the chosen one.

Melody said...

Me, reading:
"Oh, oh, oh, oh!!!! Gone, I loved Gone! SO SO GOOD! And hey - what's a notebook *without* scribbling. :)"

"OH, OH, OH, Ender's Game!!!! I need to read that and I've never gotten around to it!!"

Pick me, pick me! :)
Nah, pick whoever you want. It's your special week.

But these are my favorite prize packs so far...

GunDiva said...

Finally, I've had time to sit and read your blog!

Congrats on getting published.

I did go over and click follow at Extraordinary Writers, so pick me!

GunDiva said...

Oh, jeez, I forgot the hair! Of course it looks fabulous - always does. At least you do something with it - mine stays in a ponytail :)

Write Chick said...

The hair? Amazing of course. :-) I would pick the Enders Game package, but I'm not picky. This has been a fun week of contests. How much school do you have left? We got out TODAY! And I'm loving it!

Catherine Denton said...

Awesome! I would choose the Gone package. And the 10-page critique.

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

I'm following both! I love your hair, it's great! =) and I would take either prize package. Thanks for doing this!

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Great contest! I'd love package number one--I'm still trying to get that Query to the Call book ;)

Sara B. Larson said...

I covet your hair!! It always looks amazing. :D

I want Enders game if possible, but either is great!

dolorah said...

Cool prizes. I've got Ender's Game, so I'd prefer Gone. Love to have your book for free also.

See ya later.


Kathleen Knight said...

Great hair! Count me in. Love Ender's Game, already own it. I'm going with Gone. Thanks!

Heather W said...

Either pack would be fantastic!
Thanks =]

Alden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

Once again, I am entering for the sole purpose of getting those cookies. But a copy of Ender's Game wouldn't hurt either. And I am so excited to read your book.

Alden said...

Since I already have Ender's Game, the second one would be great. I am feeling lucky lately

(oh - and I have never seen your hair look better)

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Already following both blogs.

Your hair looks great-nice and full!

I'd like the Ender's Game package, please. I've read it before, but I don't have a copy.

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

Your hair looks the greatest.

Enter me for the GONE package. I've never read that!

(LOVING the giveaway-a-day. Loving it!!)

Onge said...

Your hair looks great!!
I'd love to win the gone prize pack. Thanks!

Shannon Messenger said...

Ooo Ooo--this time it's easy. Ender's Game! Ender's Game! :)

Unknown said...

Your hair looks great Elana. Both prize packages look great.

Theresa Milstein said...

Mmmm... peanut butter cookies. Put me down for either package!

NaTahsha Ford said...

following both! Either package would be awesome!

James Lewis said...

I know men represent a small fraction of your followers but come on, hook a brotha up. :)

Your hair rules

Enders Game would be fantastic

Nicole Zoltack said...

Enders Game although I would be thrilled with the other package too. I've been craving peanut butter cookies since you started this. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the Gone prize pack!

Unknown said...

Oh dear - this is a hard one. I think the Gone package. *nodnod*

Faith E. Hough said...

Hi, I've been a follower of The League for about a week already. :)
And either prize package works for me.
Wow, the Giver/Hunger Games?? You must have had a killer of a query letter...

Faith E. Hough said...

Hi, I've been a follower of The League for about a week already. :)
And either prize package works for me.
Wow, the Giver/Hunger Games?? You must have had a killer of a query letter...

Jemi Fraser said...

I already own a couple of copies of Enders Game, so I'd love Gone - but I'd be happy with either :)

Kelly H-Y said...

Oh my goodness ... I've been away from the blog for a week or so and missed giving you a proper CONGRATS!!!!!! I am thrilled for you ... what wonderful news!!! YAY!!!!!

Tana said...

I'm just sooooo happy for you! You deserve all of the greatness that is coming your way!!! XOXOXOX

??? said...

Ender's Game prize pack?! DO WANT.

Your hair looks amazing, you're full of awesome and I'm so happy about you selling your first book. Best of luck in the months and years to come!

Bookish in a Box said...

I follow The League of Extraordinary Writers, and I'd love the Gone package. Congrats!

Kristine Asselin said...

OMG OMG OMG - Ender's Game is one of my all time favorites, and not enough people know about it!

Love it. Congrats again! Can't wait to read your book!

Brenda St John Brown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brenda St John Brown said...

I forgot comment about your hair in original post. Looks great. Have hair issues of my own in trying to grow out short hair. Either package would be lovely. GS cookies, actually, would be amazing. Thanks for doing this!

Amanda said...

Winning the Ender's Game package would make me jump for joy. I know then I would still only feel a portion of the excitement you felt when you found out you were going to be published!

Unknown said...

1.) Still following the League.

2.) Want to win #2.

3.) Shyeah, your hair is hot. :)

Kimber said...

I'd love the Gone package. Thanks.

Miranda Hardy said...

I would also love the Gone package! Absolutely wonderful.

Christa said...

Following both blogs. : )
I'd love Gone, but either is wonderful.
Thank you for the giveaways!
ambience.of.rain {at}

YA Book Queen said...

1. Follow TLOEW
2. Either prize would rock :)
3. Your hair looks great!! :P

lisa and laura said...

YOU ARE AMAZING! And we love you, E. So proud of your HUGE successes. It's been fun to watch you kick butt and take names. XOXO

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Ender's Game!

Kristen said...

I'm following! Man, I could go for either.. but I will choose... GONE!

Kelly Bryson said...

Great hair, Elana! And Gone. This is really fun. You should have give-aways every day;)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Holy cow! 145 comments! Just think how many it will be when your book comes out. :) I'd like to put my hat in the ring for the Gone group. :) Thanks, Elana!

Mary Aalgaard said...

What makes your hair look great is that it looks like a fan is blowing behind you fluffing up that back a super model.

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

Ooh, Ender's Game. You have good taste. That's a fantastic book. Admittedly, I wouldn't have shelved it near The Giver in my mind, but both are good.

I've never read the Gone books, but thanks to your mention, I'm going to check them out.

Your hair, as per usual, looks lovely. :)

Dan Olsen said...

I wish that I had hair that looked as good as yours. Well, I wish I had hair...

Either package would be great.

Rachelle Christensen said...

I would love to win either package! Thanks for the chance. :)

C. Michelle Jefferies said...

I'm so excited for you! I love Enders Game. It's one of those books that changes your world when you read it. BTW, I love the flowers you wear in your hair. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news.
I would be happy to win either package. I am officially a follower of The League of Extraordinary Writers.


P.S. Holy Comments.

Llehn said...

I'll be happy with either prize :D

mariska said...

wow...sign me in for GONE prize package

- A Follower The League of Extraordinary Writers a

- I will tell you that your hair looks great.

uniquas at ymail dot com

Bethany Wiggins said...

Whoa. You are amazing, E. What do I have to do to get a custom-made EJohns bookmark? I don't think it fair to enter your contest!

Congrats again. I am so freaking happy for you.

Aubrey said...

Again more books I have yet to read and really want to! Thanks for this again, I am so excited for your book!

Amanda Miller said...

Gone baby gone! Soo happy for you!

Dolly said...

Ooh two notebooks, I guess they were so popular ;)

I would like to go for Isaac this time since I already have a copy of Ender's Game. LOVE IT!!

Elana, thanks for the contests. It's so fab.

Christina Farley said...

Yeah again for your book deal!!!!! So exciting!

I vote for GONE!

And girl, your hair is very chic.

* said...

Was thinking of cutting my hair like yours. It is THAT cool.

PS: Ender's Game. Ender's Game. Ender's Game.

Precious said...

Once again, Congratulations! :)

I'd love to win the Gone prize package. Thank you!

Brodie said...

Oooh I'd be happy with either - although I REALLY want to read Gone!


Matthew MacNish said...

I love the Orson Scott Card option, old school!

And your hair always looks great, a bit like my daughter's favorite Naruto character: Sasuke

Thanks so much for sharing your query with me and my blog, you're the very best!

Today's guest blogger is THE Elana Johnson!

Ruthy said...

Congratulations on some great looking hair! Oh yeah, that book deal too.

I'd love to win either prize. Thanks for the chance!


Jayne said...

Elana - I am so late to your party as have been away staring at rocks (Stonehenge - see what I do for fun!) but CONGRATULATIONS on your book deal!

I'd love to enter this as well (and by the way, did I tell you your hair looks fabulous? ;) - I am a follower of The League of Extraordinary Writers blog, and I would love LOVE either package, although am drawn slightly more to Gone - not sure why, the colours maybe!

Christine Danek said...

Congrats on your awesome guest blog hosted by Matthew Rush.
I left you something on my blog (yesterday's post). I know you are one busy lady so don't feel obligated to comment.
Thanks for From The Query to the Call. It is very informative.
Thanks and have a great weekend!

Jennie Englund said...

Still SO SO excited for you! Congrats again (and again)!

GIVER is such a great book -- CONTROL ISSUES sounds fantastic; can't wait to get my hands (and eyes) on it!

Stina said...

Your hair looks FABULOUS darling!

Summer 2011 can't come soon enough for me. I can't wait to meet Jag (oh, and Vi, too).

I'm going to say the GONE package.

Have a great weekend!

Shallee said...

Awesome! I'd love the Gone package. :)

sRy_ said...

I love both prizes. Maybe better Ender's Game.
Nice weekend! :)

Casey McCormick said...

LOVE! Ender's game!

T.J. Carson said...

I read your query breakdown on Matthew rush's blog! Really great advice and analysis! I linked Matt's post to my sidebar on my blog!!! You go Elana!!!!!!!!

Alyssa Kirk said...

Great post on Matt's blog!

I'll put my name in for Gone. Thanks!

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

wonderful post on Matt's blog!

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

misskallie2000 said...
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misskallie2000 said...

I am leaning toward Gone. Yes, final answer is Gone.. Was hard to decide.

I follow League

I like your hair. I have been keeping mine short and straight and I do mean straight (no perm).

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

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