Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Book Deal Giveaway! Day Three

Yes, someone's going to publish my book. I can barely contain the tremors, trust me. Since you guys have been around for a lot of my journey, I'm giving away some cray-zy amay-zing stuff (okay, that's worse than epic. Srsly, people! We need another word for epic).

My book is a young adult dystopian novel in the vein of The Giver and The Hunger Games. Therefore, my giveaways are young adult/middle grade dystopians.

Each day this week there will be two prize packages available. The rules to enter are super-simple.
1. Go to The League of Extraordinary Writers blog. (I'm a co-author.) Follow.
2. Leave a comment ON THIS POST.

Winners will be chosen from the comments of this post. I will check to make sure the winner has followed the League blog.

What can you win? What can you win? WHAT CAN YOU WIN??

THE GIVER prize package:
1. A copy of The Giver by Lois Lowry (paperback)
2. Matching bookmark created by Elana
3. A box of peanut butter patties -- Girl Scout Cookies!
4. $5 gift card to Barnes & Noble
5. Sweet shoulder bag - fits a trade paperback!
6. Copy of From the Query to the Call OR a query critique by Elana

UGLIES prize package:
1. A copy of Uglies by Scott Westerfeld (paperback)
2. Matching bookmark created by Elana
3. A box of peanut butter patties -- Girl Scout Cookies!
4. $5 gift card to Barnes & Noble
5. Handmade, personalized notebook for all your writing needs (6 x 9 inches)
6. Copy of From the Query to the Call OR a 10-page critique by Elana

Again, all you have to do to win is 1) Follow The League of Extraordinary Writers and 2) Leave a comment on THIS POST. (Tell me which prize package you'd like most. If possible, I'll give it to you.)

And I'm not expecting you to congratulate me over and over. I mean, I like it, but yeah. You can just tell me what you had for dinner or your favorite flavor of bubble gum or whatever. Or just a :) works. I swear I'm not groveling for congrats.

This giveaway will remain open for 24 hours! That's it. You snooze, you lose. Because tomorrow, I have TWO more prize packages to give away! Winners for Day 3 will be announced at 11:00 AM tomorrow. And the new giveaway will go live at Noon (all times MST).

Thanks for celebrating with me!


Jamie Manning said...

Definitely the Uglies prize...I'm so wanting that personalized notebook. And now it comes with Peanut Butter Patties! (the absolute best cookie in the Girl Scout arsenal!)

Kristine Asselin said...

Rats, Jamie beat me to being the first commenter...

But, yeah, I'll say congrats again! Yippee!

I'm open to any prizes, should I be the recipient. GS volunteer, here, so I love me my GS cookies. ;)

feywriter said...

Ooh, tough choice this time. My copy of the Giver is so beat up. But I would love to read Uglies, and also want that personalized notebook. So first choice (by a smidge): package 2. These giveaways are full of awesome!

Abby Stevens said...

The UGLIES pack! I'd with Jamie, I'd love a personalized notebook!

Jessica Bell said...

Uglies! What's with all these givaways! LOL (Yeah, I'd be that excited too :)

Candyland said...


Precious said...

I like both prize packs! Thanks! Have a nice day!

Sarah Ahiers said...

I've never read Uglies so sign me up for that prize pack please!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'd love the Uglies packet. Thanks for all the contests.

Crystal Cook said...

My favorite snack right now is Madagascar vanilla frozen yogurt from Red Mango.

Yummmmm. . . Random much?

Oh and I'm saying it not because I feel like I have to or because I think you want me to, but because I'm just so dang happy for you.


Erinn said...

Follower of League or extarodinary Writers Check.
Follower here. Check

I'm digging the bag with the Giver prize.

This year was the first year in 9 years I didn't teach the Giver, oh how I missed awkwardly glazing over the "stirrings" to a bunch of hormonal 8th graders.

~Jamie said...

ohhh UGLIES is one of the best books around!

And, I SO want that notebook... so THAT one! :)

Unknown said...

The bag in The Giver pack is so cute! So I'd pick that one. :)

And, congrats on the book deal!!

YA Book Queen said...

Congrats once again, Elana! :)

Follow LoEW & this blog

Shannon Messenger said...

Once again, I'm amazed at your awesomeness. You've put together some awesome prizes. It's hard to pick, but I guess if I win, I'd probably want the Uglies pack a *tiny* bit more than The Giver pack. I thing. I don't know. Gah--it's so hard to choose!

Yeah. I'm sticking with "Uglies"

*Runs away before I can change my mind*

Shallee said...

Here goes day 3! I'd be happy with either one. Thanks again, Elana.

Kelly said...

Congrats, again! I like either prize packs, but I want the Uglies one just a tad bit more. Thanks so much for sharing your moment with us! :)

Lindsay Smith said...

You are so totally awesome for letting us all celebrate with you! Count me in for the Uglies package!!

Lindsay said...

I'd love the Uglies pack. I like the awesomeness of the notebook way too much.

P.S. Congratulations to yesterday's winners. :)

Mia Hayson said...

The Uglies pleases.

Elana, you're so cool, thank you so much for this *hugs*

Janet Johnson said...

Package 1.

Seriously hope to be able to emulate you in this one day. :)

Ricki Schultz said...

So cool. THE GIVER, pretty please.

Congrats again, and thanks for these contests!

Unknown said...

Oooh...I want Uglies, pretty please!

MeganRebekah said...

I'm truly TORN. The Giver is one of my favorite books ever, but I already own it (paperback and audio version). And I've got Uglies on my kindle.

Can I just say I'd be beyond happy with either one?

Karlene Petitt said...

Elana Way to GO!!!! My friend Heather sent me to your blog... so happy she did. You rock! And... you're success is going to continue for a very long time!!!

Tere Kirkland said...

ooh, the Giver! Haven't read that in years!

Congrats, again, Elana! ;P I'm so happy for you!

Lisa_Gibson said...

I like the Uglies prize pack (which is anything but). :) It was a tough choice, because they are both pretty stellar.

Amie McCracken said...

Oh my gosh, I have to have The Giver prize pack. Please please pretty please!

Anonymous said...

OH Absolutely the Uglies package!! I've been in LOVE with that cover and I've been lusting after it for a while now!! <3 <3

Melody said...

Let's see...I had quiche for dinner, I like citrus-flavored chewing gum, and I liked both Uglies and The Giver.


kah said...

Is there a rule about winning more than once? Cuz I really want The Giver. And that adorable black and white shoulder bag. And more peanut butter patties.

Greed is such an ugly trait. *Sigh*


Kayeleen Hamblin said...

Elana, you are awesome for spreading so much love.

Sign me up for Uglies.

Matthew Delman said...

I already follow the League, so we're all set there. :)

JEM said...

I already have both of these books, but I want that sweet shoulder bag! So enter the contest I shall.

Abby Annis said...

Great prizes! I've always wanted to read The Giver. :)

Anonymous said...

You've got some pretty great prize packages, there! Woot!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Comment, comment, comment...redundant yet??? U DA' Best!

Amparo Ortiz said...

Hey, E! Sign me up for The Giver package!

Amy Jo said...

I'd seriously like to know where you're getting your Girl Scout cookies stash. Please hook me up with your connections! :)

I'd like the Uglies prize package. A student lost a large chunk of pages from my copy. I'm not sure how. Very strange indeed.

Robin M said...

Raising my hand for the Uglies Prize package.

dolorah said...

Since I'm quering agents again, I'd love the Giver package. What better way to celebrate your own Publishing success than helping another aspiring writer wow an agent! :)

I'm so happy to see a prize that is NOT chocolate.


Cheri Williams said...

This so much fun! Uglies, please!!

Kelly Polark said...

Uglies please. :)

And I just had a turkey and swiss sandwich for lunch.

Regina said...

Uglies!! *Jumps up and down* Yeah I am having a moment like that.

CrystalGB said...

I would love to have either prize.
Congrats on getting published. :)

Krispy said...

The people who comment on your blog are fast! It's only been like a few minutes since 10am hit!

Either package would be great! I've never read The Giver, and I've been curious about the Uglies. Yay!!!

Esperanto said...

I'll go for UGLIES since I've already read THE GIVER - but seriously, I'll happily take either. I WANT THAT TEN PAGE CRIT, OH MY GOD, HOW I WANT IT.
Congratulations!! (Just kidding) (But I do mean it)

erica m. chapman said...

Ooo good stuff. LOL, let's see I love the new 5 gum Elixer. I had some wonderful chinese at Chinn Chinn. It was sooo good.

You rock, Elana!

Kay said...

Ooohhh, Prize Pack 2, please. Congratulations again (no, you can't hear it too much) and thank you for the generous gifts! I'm inspired to pick up my WIP again.


Angie said...

Well, I'm congratulating you again, so there! Congrats! I also really, really want one of these prize packages. I have to go with The Giver. Lois Lowry is one of my all time favorites!

Darlyn said...

If I win, I want the Uglies package!

Unknown said...

how about an old word for 'epic'? Groovy perchance?

Michelle McLean said...

Hmm I already have a copy of the awesome Uglies, so I'll go for The Giver package today! :D

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Ooh! Gimme the Giver!! LOL. This is such fun, Elana. Thanks for sharing :D

Natalie said...

I went out to dinner last night and had some really yummy sun dried tomato pasta and a humongous piece of cheesecake (because I'm pregnant and it's okay to eat like a pig on a Tuesday night :).

Seriously though, you are awesome.

I love the Giver. It's one of my favorite books ever and for some odd reason I don't own a copy, so it would be cool to win one.

Unknown said...

Me! Me! Me! :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

Definitely Uglies! :)

Lisa Aldin said...

Oh, gosh. I just re-read The Giver so I'd like The Uglies prize because it's new!

Congrats, Elana. Seriously. I am so happy for you. I mean, I'm totally jealous too, but in a good way. If that's possible.

Congrats over and over again.

Theresa Milstein said...

I have both books, so I'm just going to watch this time.

Spav said...

I would love to win the Uglies prize pack!

Krystalyn Drown said...

Ah, first choice is prize number 1, but either one is good. Thanks for the contests. =)

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

oh!! What a contest!!!

Okay... um favorite snack o' the moment: Dried Mango slices...

Prize selection: Uglies (Gasp! I have not yet read this um the notebook = LOVE!!)

Congrats: You deserve them a million times over ;o)

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

Anonymous said...

The Uglies prize pack is perfect! Congrats on the publishing too!.

I'm a follower of The League of Extraordinary Writers (Lisa M. Basso)

Lydia Kang said...

These contests are great. Like buying a lottery ticket every day but it's FREE.

Corinne O said...

Uglies for me... thanks Elana, what fun this is!! :)



Unknown said...

Sign me up for The Giver!

sRy_ said...

I like both prize packs! Thanks! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Uglies for me too! What a great way to celebrate. Congrats again. :)

Jaydee Morgan said...

The Uglies sounds great!

I'd tell you my favorite flavor of gum except that I don't chew gum ;)

Elana Johnson said...

I'm glad you guys like the notebooks, because I'm out of bags, and I was seriously freaking over what to put in tomorrow's prize packages. Maybe just another notebook? How lame would that be? Not too lame?

And Amy Jo, I bought these Girl Scout cookies when they were being sold in March! You have NO IDEA HOW FREAKING HARD I've had to work not to chow them down!

Sacrifice, people. I have sacrificed for this giveaway! So glad you're all here with me.

*happy sigh*

Christine Fonseca said...

They are both great...WOO HOO!

L. D. Nash said...

Definitely the Giver prize pack. And congrats, I'm so happy for you! You are an inspiration for us all.

* said...

Sweetness! I'd love to win the Giver prize. One of the best books written. Ever.

Sherrie Petersen said...

I can't decide! Oh man, they're both awesome and that notebook is seriously making me lean toward the Uglies...but I think I'll go for the Giver. Your generosity amazes me!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Follower of the League...
Here to comment...

Will I be disqualified if I say I'd love to win either prize package. I don't have my own copy of either of these books and would love to...If I have to choose, your ten page critique puts the Uglies over the top...

:)Thanks, Elana!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

The fun just keeps coming! I like them both - but I lean toward The Uglies. :-)

And girl, we can't congratulate you ENOUGH!! :-)

Tracy said...

I've been out of the loop for the past two weeks, so I'm behind the 8-ball if your about-to-be-publishedness has already been addressed. It's the first time I'm hearing about it, so it's the first time I have the chance to say CONGRADULATIONS!!!

B.J. Anderson said...

Uglies package please! You are so awesome for doing these giveaways. So much fun!! :D

Kirthi said...

I already read The Giver so the Uglies prize pack would be awesome to have.

Though I've said this twice, CONGRATS! That's three times now. :D

Elise Curtis said...

Go Elana! School is out and i'm feeling lucky! (Congrats!) Uglies please!

Elise Curtis said...

Go Elana! School is out and i'm feeling lucky! (Congrats!) Uglies please!

About Me said...

The Giver, ooohhh (I have big shiny eyes right now)

T.J. said...

I'd say the Giver, but I believe that my wife has it. But I've heard so much about the Uglies, I'd gladly take it. But then again, I'd like the query critique with the Giver over the 10-page critique with the Uglies. But then again, I can buy your ebook and still have won the 10-page critique. So, after much self-deliberation, I'm going with the Uglies.

Jessica N. said...

Uglies prize pack for sure! Woot!

*crosses fingers, toes, and eyes*

Heather W said...

I would have to go with the Uglies. Although that was a very tough call to make :)

Taffy said...

Girl Scout PB cookies are the best!
I'd like the Uglies package

Speech Delay Mamma said...

Congrats!! Thats amazing.
And I'd like the Giver package :D

Michelle H. said...

I'm not sure what I'll fix for dinner, but it will probably give me gas.

My favorite bubblegum flavor is Juicy Fruit, if that can be considered a flavor.

I'd like the Uglies package.

Congrats! Oops! I know I've congratulated you twice before but that just slipped in there again :-)

Stephanie Thornton said...

I'm going for The Uglies.

And last night I had penne ala vodka for dinner. Tasty!

But no chewing gum- not sure why, but I'm not a gum person.

Jill Kemerer said...

Woo-hoo!! Congrats!! The prizes look awesome--did someone say Girl Scout Cookies??

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Please count me in! I have been a follower.

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Oh! And I follow the other site as well =)

bookaholic said...

Yay for you! And thank you so much for being so generous!
Please enter me for Uglies.
I also follow The League :)

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

I'd love the "Uglies" package!

Shelley Sly said...

Oh, I would love "The Giver" one! This is such a generous contest, love it!

Rachelle Christensen said...

Cool! I'd like The Giver package. Fun, fun!

JournoMich said...

So we're NOT supposed to congratulate you? Then this is me NOT congratulating you. Pretend I am NOT saying congratulations for your big accomplishment. I am NOT saying what a big deal it is to get published and recognized and seen for all that hard work you put in...NO congratulations from me!

But I would be interested in that Uglies prize... :P


Dawn Embers said...

Wow. You have some amazing prize packages. That is so awesome and a fun way to celebrate the publishing of your book.

Fun stuff and many congratulations!

Miranda Hardy said...

I would enjoy either of the packages! Congrats again! Very happy for you.

Dolly said...

Uglies it is :-) The notebook is so intriguing. Handmade by you??

Hannah said...

I don't care what I win as long as I win!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Sorry...laying off the caffeine.

Anonymous said...

Uglies definely!!!!!

Unknown said...

Ooh, I definitely like the Uglies package... ;)

Mary Aalgaard said...

I've read The Giver a couple times...really liked it...had my students read it when I was an English teacher. I'd love to read The Uglies. Congrats, again. You deserve it, plus all the comments.

Stephanie Humphreys said...

Congratulations! Glad I got a chance to meet you when I was in Utah. I'd definitely pick the Uglies prize pack if I were to win.

Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

Well I've already read Uglies (one of my all-time YA favs) but somehow still haven't read THE GIVER, so I'm choosing the GIVER package.

LutherLiz said...

Ooo, Uglies. And I follow both.

(Also congrats!)

Pam Harris said...

Congrats on your deal! I'm interested in The Giver package--my cousin recommended it. :)

Aubrey said...

I'm a follower! Oh these two packages look amazing! I have never read The Giver, and want to read Uglies very very much! Thanks for the giveaways!

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...


And, by the way... I love this Trident gum -- it's something tropical. Aw, man. What IS that gum called?!

It's in the orange package. ;)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

UGLIES please.

Liza said...

Getting your book published is worth multiple congrats. So consider this another. Oh, and dinner? Leftovers. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win UGLIES!

James Lewis said...

I haven't read either one, but the giver sounds interesting.

Congrats on the book Deal!

Unknown said...

Wow! Amazing packages today too! Please enter me for the Giver package.

Thank you! :-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Caroline Starr Rose said...

These packs are amazing! UGLIES, please. ;)

Mandy said...

still more awesome stuff to give away!! It's insane!

I'd like The Giver prize pack, please!

Thanks Elana!

Unknown said...

They are both amazing but seeing as I already know how fabulous the giver is I'll go with the UGLIES to be different :) Well not different from everyone else since I see them wanting the same thing!!! Hehe!

NaTahsha Ford said...

I just finished my first manuscript last night! Holla!!! I'm on cloud nine right now and totally indulging in Ice Cream to celebrate!
I'm in for the Giver package.

Onge said...

Such cool contests!! Thanks. I'd love the giver prize package.

Tara McClendon said...

Chiming in late, but wowza! Congratulations on the awsomesauce news.

Sharli said...

Since I already have the Giver I'm in for the Uglies package!
Thank you for the giveaway ;)

entrelibros_blog at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have not and would love to read either! :)

Rebecca Wells said...

Uglies! Uglies! (Yeah, but I'd love the other as well...) But Uglies! :)

- Rebecca

Jennie Bailey said...

I had cinnamon toast for dinner because I was feeling a bit under the weather. :-)

I would love the UGLIES package. I'm still coveting the handmade, personalized notebook for all my writing needs. Sweet!

Thanks for another shot.

And I can't stop congratulating you because it's such GREAT news!!

Alyssa Kirk said...

Put me down for Uglies! Thanks and good luck to all!

Congrats Elana!

Elizabeth Briggs said...

So many great prizes! I would be ok with either one. Thanks!

Jennifer Walkup said...

I'm entering again! Woot thanks for doing these contests.:)

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Uglies! ;)

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

I am entering this contest just for the peanut butter patties. But a copy of The Giver would be great too... But not as good as the cookies.

Jo said...

I've never read The Uglies so I'd love to win package number 2 :)

Amanda Borenstadt said...

Oh wow! But I won't win anything. How about you just send some good publishing luck my way?

Kristen said...

Wowzers! Great prize packs! I would love The Giver one, but wouldn't mind Uglies.

Thanks and congrats again!

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Jemi Fraser said...

Love these 2 books! Either would be right up my alley.. or classroom.. or whatever :)

Kimber said...

I'd love the Uglies package. Thanks for all the contests.

Cindy R. Wilson said...

I had a cheese pizza lean pocket for dinner. Not too bad.

I'd love the Uglies package. I've read Scott Westerfield before and found myself pretty impressed. Thanks!

Llehn said...

I don't mind either prize packs :D

I follow LOEW.

misskallie2000 said...

Decisions, decisions, but I'm going with the Uglies also.
Thanks for this great giveaway.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Jonathon Arntson said...

I shouldn't even be entering, since I have multiple copies of both books...but I'm in it for the tagalongs and your fly stationary.

mariska said...

i'm so want to read Uglies, so UGLIES prize package will be my choice :)

A Follower The League of Extraordinary Writers.

My dinner ? Chicken honey and Rice :D

Tabitha Bird said...

I just wanted to say congrats!!!! That is sooo cool and you deserve it. I hope everything is daisies from this point on :)

Katie said...

I definitely vote UGLIES. Love that book! (I'm a follower.)

Kasie West said...

I want that Uglies prize pack badly. I've read the books but don't own them, oddly enough. And is there a limit to how many times I can say congrats? :)

Mandy said...

Both were amazing books, but I would love to win The Uglies prize pack (:

Susan Fields said...

I'd love to win either, but I'll go with the Uglies pack. Thanks for such an amazing week of giveaways!

ali cross said...

E! The League of Extraordinary Writers Blog is GORGEOUS!!!

I am doing the *happy dance* for you all day long every day this week!

And prizes too? Can this week GET any better? I love both packages! You ROCKETH!!! ♥

Gail said...

Love the peanut butter cookies! Would love The Giver pack, but truely, I'd be thrilled with either one!

Faith Pray said...

I'm stoked for you! Glad to see that talent is getting to the right veins. I've never read "The Giver" or "The Uglies" so both sound good. But the notebook, now. Always need notebooks. Congratulations again. Well deserved.

Faith Pray said...

I'm stoked for you! Glad to see that talent is getting to the right veins. I've never read "The Giver" or "The Uglies" so both sound good. But the notebook, now. Always need notebooks. Congratulations again. Well deserved.

Nichole Giles said...

You know what? I don't necessarily care about the prize, although, who turns down free books? But your contest deal is rather rockin, if I must say.

And you know, including Girl Scout cookies? Yeah, best idea ever.

EVA SB said...

I would either love either prize package.

I follow both blogs.

thanks for great giveaways

Unknown said...

Congrats again!


Anonymous said...

I've just experienced a major fail. Somehow, I though I had followed The League of Extraordinary Writers (because I remember visiting it when it was first created) -- and realized, upon visiting now, that somehow I HADN'T.

And yet I've claimed I've followed it in the past two giveaways.

I'm so sorry for that!

Am now, of course, a follower. :)

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

THE GIVER prize package:
follower of TLoEW

Brodie said...

Are you deliberately making both the daily packages so full of awesome that our heads nearly explode from trying to decide on one? If so, you're doing a darn good job! I can't decide - I'm happy with either! ;)


Faith said...

Whoo, coming in under the wire! Congrats on the book deal :)

Prize pack #1 sounds good to me... can you believe I've never read 'The Giver'? ...for shame...

Amanda Gaume said...

:) If I win, surprise me... :)
(This is so much fun!)

Alison Eckel said...

Good times! Good times! Either would be great.

Madeleine said...

Ooh, I can't chose! Either would be a-okay with me!

(I follow already.)

Eric said...

Congrats Congrats Congrats. Nah, I can't get tired of saying it.

Please include me in today's drawing (assuming I'm not too late yet).

Is your face tired from grinning yet? :)

Kelly Bryson said...

*whispers* I haven't read The Uglies yet.*end whisper* But I love The Giver and had to give my copy back to my mom. Didn't she know I had squatter's rights to it? Either would be awesome, just pick me! *waves hand in the air wildly*

Jenn Adams said...

Not that I have much chance against 163 other lovers of prize packages, but enter me in your fun contest please! I can't believe I've been missing out on this all week. :-P I haven't read The Giver yet. (I know, shame on me!) so I'd prefer that one, although either would be sweet!

Jenn Adams said...

Oh, man. See, I already missed this one. On to Day 4! ;o)

See Elana's recent blog posts

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