Friday, May 28, 2010

Book Day Giveaway! Day Five

Before we go all crazy for the final day of the giveaway, be sure to check out my query for CONTROL ISSUES on Matt's blog.

Yes, someone's going to publish my book. I can barely contain the tremors, trust me. Since you guys have been around for a lot of my journey, I'm giving away some Super-cali-fragilistic-expial-i-docious stuff. And if that's not epic, I don't know what is.

My book is a young adult dystopian novel in the vein of The Giver and The Hunger Games. Therefore, my giveaways are young adult/middle grade dystopians.

Each day this week there will be two prize packages available. The rules to enter are super-simple.
1. Go to The League of Extraordinary Writers blog. (I'm a co-author.) Follow.
2. Leave a comment ON THIS POST.
3. NEW RULE: You must follow Christina Lee's blog, as she's giving away a major amount of amazing jewelry!

Winners will be chosen from the comments of this post. I will check to make sure the winner has followed the League blog AND Christina's blog.

What can you win? What can you win? WHAT CAN YOU WIN??

THE DEAD-TOSSED WAVES prize package:
1. A copy of The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan (hardcover)
2. Matching bookmark created by Elana
3. A box of peanut butter patties -- Girl Scout Cookies!
4. $5 gift card to Barnes & Noble
5. Handmade, personalized (non-scribbled upon, I promise) notebook for all your artistic needs (6 x 9 inches)
6. Copy of From the Query to the Call OR a query critique by Elana

7. A $35 gift certificate for a piece of jewelry from Christina Lee (click here for her jewelry site)

THE MAZE RUNNER prize package:
1. A signed copy of The Maze Runner by James Dashner
2. Matching bookmark created by Elana
3. A box of peanut butter patties -- Girl Scout Cookies!
4. $5 gift card to Barnes & Noble
5. Handmade, personalized notebook for all your writing needs (6 x 9 inches)
6. Copy of From the Query to the Call OR a 10-page critique by Elana
7. A $40 gift certificate for a piece of jewelry from Christina Lee

Again, all you have to do to win is 1) Follow The League of Extraordinary Writers and 2) Leave a comment on THIS POST. (Tell me which prize package you'd like most. If possible, I'll give it to you.) and 3) Follow Christina Lee's blog.

This giveaway will remain open for 24 hours! That's it. You snooze, you lose. Winners will be announced at 3:00 PM tomorrow. Phew! This concludes the Book Deal giveaway extravaganza!!

Thanks for celebrating with me! And next week is going to feel so lamesauce. Le sigh.


Elise Curtis said...

Aw the contest is over :D this was a great idea! I would love option 1, the waves, please! You rock Elana!

Hannah said...

oooh, I want to win something!!!

Janet Johnson said...

No way, I'm not first am I?

Awesome! So I choose package 2.

I follow the awesome Christina. :) So wonderful of her to donate jewelry!

Rachelle Christensen said...

I'd love to win Package #1 and I follow both of the blogs. :)

sRy_ said...

I'm your follower and also of League blog and Christina's blog.

fifth attempt. Both prizes are super. Have a nive weekend! :)

Chersti Nieveen said...

Okay, so I seriously must have the Dead-Tossed Waves. That is the best book ever, and I must have one to call my very own, and I shall call it my own squishy and it shall be mine. Forever.

Um... yeah. So package 1 please?

And I just have to say that BOTH of these books are great, and James is just awesome. But I still had to go with package 1, because it's just that awesome. Like you, Elana!

DK Whisman said...

I'm following them all! This is a great prize (as usual). I'd love to have the Maze Runner first, but certain would love the other one, too. :)

YA Book Queen said...

1. Follow LOEW
2. Comment (I'd looooove The Maze Runner prize pack! That book is so hard to find)
3. Follow Christina's blog :)

Congrats once again, Elana, and thank you for this giveaway :D

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

prize pack one! Following all!!!

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

Jamie Manning said...

Would love package #1...and again, thanks for the awesome week of contests!

Faith E. Hough said...

Her jewelry is so cool! (As are your prizes--they look equally amazing to me. ;)

Christine Fonseca said...

So awesome - this whol week has been awesome! Both pkgs are great!!!

Lindsay said...

Ooh I follow Christina's blog already.

I'd love The Maze Runner. Heard such good things about it.

Kelly Bryson said...

I'll believe you if you say Christina's blog is awesome. I'm in. And if you need to know, I like the Maze Runner package. Sad to end the contests. I've got that 'ooh, do I have mail?' feeling when I check the blogs now;)

Amy Jo said...

Great contest this week! I'd choose The Dead-Tossed Waves.

Patti said...

I can't believe I'm 13th, I've never been 13th. Great contest, I just followed both blogs.

Patti said...

Okay in the time it took me to write that, I dropped to 16th.

Onge said...

Thanks for the week of giveaways!! I'd love the maze runner pack! Thanks.

Shy said...

I'm IN! And I would like to test my luck on The Maze Runner Prize pack =)

I followed The League of Extraordinary Writer and Christina Lee's Blog.

Congrats to you and thank you for this giveaway!

Unknown said...

How about Dead Tossed Waves. I'm a fan of you both!

Lacey J Edwards said...

Very cool! I love the note book!
I've got a copy of DTW so I'm going with THE MAZE RUNNER! Christina's jewelry is beautiful!

Jonathon Arntson said...

Yum to both. I've won one Dashner giveaway this month, let's make it two. :)

T.J. said...

The Maze Runner. Definitely! My wife would like the jewelry too.

Natalie Murphy said...

I follow both amazing blogs!! And package 1 looks wonderful =)

Mary Aalgaard said...

I'd love to read The Maze Runner. You're amazing. Does this week feel like YOU'VE been a maze runner?

Anonymous said...

I follew the League!!
I would LOVE the dead-tossed waves!

JEM said...

Aw, it's like a week of fun coming to an end. I think I'd like...either one, of course, but I love the cover of The Dead-Tossed Waves, so I'll go with that one. Mucho congratulations, Elana!

Rebecca Wells said...

I think I'd prefer the first prize pack, but either would be awesome!

- Rebecca

Christa said...

I'd like to win both (lol), but if I was forced to pick, I'd go with Dead-Tossed Waves since I've read Forest of Hands & Teeth fairly recently. : )

Thanks for the awesome giveaways!
ambience.of.rain {at}

PS I follow everyone : ) your blog, The League & Christina's pretty jewelry blog.

Lena1xoxo said...

Yay, following all the blogs!

I would prefer The Dead-Tossed Waves pack, but either would make me happy :)


Kelly Polark said...

Thanks for all of these opportunities, Elana!
MAZE Runner here
Have a great weekend!!

Candyland said...

Maze Runnaaaaaaaa!

Melody said...

I've never read either of those but I can't wait to! :)

Anonymous said...

What an amazing week of celebration and excitement. Thank you Elana. I'd like to put my name in the hat for The Dead-Tossed Waves. I read The Forest of Hands and Teeth and loved it.

-Lisa B.

Dawn Embers said...

Wow. That's a great blog post about the query. I haven't gotten to that stage but I keep learning more as I get closer. You're query book may reach the top of my "must have" list soon.

Again, congrats and look forward to the other book publication in the near future.

Natalie said...

This was awesome Elana. It must have been a ton of work to put together all these contests. You are rad.

I follow all three blogs already and either package would be awesome.

Congratulations again!

Anonymous said...

Count me in for the Dead Tossed Waves package, Elana! Gosh, I seriously want to know how you managed to get so many awesome books!! <3 You rock, darlin'.

B.J. Anderson said...

Hehe, thanks again for the giveaways!! I would LOVE to win The Maze Runner package. I have also followed both blogs. Here's keeping my fingers crossed! :D

Kirthi said...

It's been a great week of celebration, you sure know how to party Elana!

I'd really really really really really really love to win the Dead Tossed Waves prize pack! I'm crossing my fingers 'cause today is the last giveaway day! Eeek!

I follow the League of Extraordinary Writers and Christina Lee's blog "Write Brained"

Thanks so much for all this awesomeness! I'll be racing to the stores once your book gets published! :D

Krispy said...

Congrats again and thanks for throwing this epic celebration! Both of these packages are awesomesauce!

Happy Memorial Day weekend! :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

I choose package 2. I really would love to win! I'm dying for some girl scout cookies. Might just have to find a way to get some if I don't win....

S.A. Larsenッ said...

The Dead-Tossed Waves would be for me. Sounds like my summer with a neighborhood of kids in my pool. (JK)

Enjoy your weekend, Elana.

Cherie Reich said...

I'd like to with THE DEAD-TOSSED WAVES prize package, especially since I have book one in the series.

Congrats again! And, your query looked awesome on Matt's blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm following both blogs, and would love to win THE MAZE RUNNER.


Unknown said...

Once again both are great but I'd have to go with prize pack one.


Abby Annis said...

Either one would be awesome, but if I had to pick, I'd go with The Maze Runner package. Great contest! :)

Tere Kirkland said...

Awesome! I'd love a free copy of the Dead Tossed Waves. ;)

Very cool!

MBW aka Olleymae said...

These prizes are toooooo cool! Thanks for an awesome contest!!

Can't wait to see your book on the shelves. The query was awesome @ Matt's blog :)

Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

You keep outdoing yourself with awesome prize packs. Although I'd be mucho happy with either, I'll choose DEAD TOSSED WAVES.

Happy long weekend!

baileythebookworm said...

Done and done :) I'd like the first prize package, if I'm lucky enough to win :) fingers crossed!


Kerri Cuev said...

Ohhh The Dead Tossed Waves, yea, yea!

Happy weekend everyone!

Ruth Donnelly said...

I'm following all three fabulous blogs, and I'd love to win either prize, but my first choice is the Maze Runner package.

Sherrie Petersen said...

What an amazing week! But I have a hard time believing next week will be lamesauce :)

Jenna Wallace said...

Followed. Followed. Followed.

And both packages are great, so I'm easy (wait, that didn't come out right).

Have a great weekend. Roll on summer!

Jennie Bailey said...

The Dead Tossed Waves, please! Still coveting that journal as well. Excited about Christina Lee's jewelry too! I love love love that key necklace (I have a thing for keys)!

Congratulations again, Elana! Thanks for sharing with us - your journey, your advice and now these fun contests!

??? said...

Followed, followed, and... comment! :D I'd be happy with either package. <33

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

Pick me! Pick me! Maze Runner for sure! I'm following the League already and just now followed Write Brained.

R&Я said...

i wish i could have won that stuff!!!!!!!

follow me! at:

Kristen said...

Following the League and now Write Brained!

I would prefer Maze Runner, but would also take Dead-Tossed Waves.. I'm flexible.

Adam Heine said...

Count me in. I'd choose Maze Runner first, but would gladly read Carrie's book as well.

Unknown said...

Please enter me for Dead Tossed Waves, heard great things about taht book!

Of course I'm a follower of both Follow The League of Extraordinary Writers and Christina Lee's blog.

Thank you!

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Amanda said...

Totally want to read "The Maze Runner" so I'm going to have to go with that one.

Unknown said...

I'd love the Maze Runner package and I'm following all the blogs! :)

A. J. Spindle said...

I sooo want the Maze Runner package! This is an epic giveaway!

I followed both blogs ;)

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

I follow times three. Thanks again for such a great contest--either is great but Maze if possible.

Unknown said...

She's got beautiful jewelry!

Sooo...I'm not understanding the need to constantly put up two books where it is literally impossible to choose one over the other. *snort* ;)

I would have to go for the first one...I think. I'm going to click publish now because I can already sense my mind changing.

Corinne O said...

I can't decide... I am going to go for the Dead-Tossed Waves when I win this one. See how I am putting my desire out to the Universe by thinking it is already mine? See? What an awesome week of goodness you've put on Elana... have an excellent weekend :)

Anonymous said...

I'd be thrilled to win either package! Congrats again, Elana!

Lana Krumwiede said...

I'm throwing my hat in the ring for The Maze Runner.


NaTahsha Ford said...

Me! ME! The Maze runner please.

Shari Green said...

Such awesome giveaways, Elana. :)

Another tough call here, but I'm leaning toward The Maze Runner.

Lydia Kang said...

I'm already a follower of Christina's blog, yay! Count me in!

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

okay, let's try this again. =) Oh please please please pick me!

Abby Stevens said...

Lamesauce. Love it. I'd looooooove the Dead-Tossed Waves prize pack (and Christina's jewelry is gorgeous!).


Peggy said...

Dang! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Dead Tossed Waves, please! :)

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

I would love to win The Maze Runner! AND THE COOKIES!!!

Unknown said...

Ooh, I think I'll pick Dead tossed waves.

Brittany said...

Enter me please! I have The Maze Runner already (which was awesome), so I'd pick the Dead-Tossed Waves.

Mary E Campbell said...

What an awesome week and again you are fabulous. I'm already a follower of Christina's blog and she is way awesome to contribute to the packages.
I would like package #1.
Congratulations on all your success Elana - you've worked hard and you deserve it.

donnas said...

I would love the Dead Tossed Waves package.

I follow both blogs too.

Thanks for the chance!

Taffy said...

You are making this really hard to choose!
Please don't make me choose.

CL said...

Hey, thanks for running this cool contest. I'd love The Maze Runner. And now to Christina's blog!

Larissa said...

I'd like The Dead-Tossed Waves package! :) yay!

Stina said...

Yay, I was already following those two blogs.

'Dead Toss Waves' package please.

I'm almost typed 'Dead Toss Girls'. Hmmm. There's an idea for a book. :)

ally said...

You left the best for last :D! Count me in!

Kay said...

Oh my, I've been wanting to read The Maze Runner since I saw it in the hands of one of my students. Of course, I've also been drooling over Dead Tossed Waves. Either would be great. AND I'm being sucked even further into the blogoshere. I'm going to have to give up teaching just so I can read, write, and blog. Oh, Summer's coming.

Hardygirl said...

Yaaaa!! I hope I'm not too late!!

Congrats a zillion times Elana. I'm over-the-moon thrilled for you!


Laura S. said...

So awesome, Elana!!!

I like The Maze Runner Prize Package most!

Thanks for having such great contests!

Crystal Cook said...

I would love to win the Maze Runner. I have been wanting to read it forever!


Casey McCormick said...

I'm already a follower of Christina's blog. Dead-Tossed Waves please!!!

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

Choosing MAZE RUNNER package... and have to run because now I'm going to read your CI query!!

Thanks for doing this giveaway. It's made for a really exciting week. (Even though I haven't won anything, it's still super fun to check.) ;)

Lisa Aldin said...

Yes, please! Either one!

Mel Chesley said...

Done and Done. Either will be fine! This has been a fun week with you, Elana. I'm super happy for you!

Esperanto said...

Either. Or both! Ha. Okay, one will be just fine.

JE said...


I would like them all! ;-) Any, really.

It's been a wonderful week, I'm so happy for you, Elana.


PS...I already follow those blogs :-)


Renae said...

Dead Tossed Waves..I need to read that series.

What a great week! You deserve this! Congrats again!


Jocelyn said...

following all the blogs now. Love your blog, and I'd love the Maze Runner pack!

Thanks for this great week of give-aways.

Anonymous said...

Either pack! I'll take either. *crossing fingers*

Nichole Giles said...

Seriously, Christina Lee is awesome for donating jewelry. If you're going to give away something other than books, well, that's it for me.

*rubbing lucky coin/rabbits foot/ mismatched socks*

I have purchased a total of like, six copies of the Maze Runner--long story. And I do actually own a copy of that one. But...I don't have The Dead Tossed Waves yet. So. Yeah.

Krystalyn Drown said...

The Maze Runner, please. =)

Angie said...

Okay, I went to follow Christina's blog. Great jewelry. I'd love the Dead Tossed Waves package. (And have I mentioned how great you are?)

Llehn said...

I'd love to play for Dead Tossed Waves please :D

bookaholic said...

I follow The League.
I also follow Christina's blog. She is so talented! Beautiful jewelery!
May I please have the Dead Tossed Waves pack?

Miranda Hardy said...

Package #1 would be awesome!

Jemi Fraser said...

Wow - you have selected so many books from my wishlist this week - both of these are on it too :)

Thanks for the opportunities this week - it's been fun!

Heather W said...

Awesome contest..again!

I would love option 2 please =]

Mariah said...

Great Contests!

Definitely the Maze Runner one!

Shannon Messenger said...

Gah--this one's really hard. I can't guess The Maze Runner.

Seriously how do you put these awesome packages together?

Anonymous said...

The Dead Tossed waves please! I follow both blogs!

Persephone said...

I follow both blogs! Yay! This an awesome way to celebrate. I would love Dead-Tossed Waves!

Stephanie Thornton said...

I follow both blogs now! I just finished The Maze Runner so I'm going to go for Dead Tossed Waves.

Happy weekend!

Wendy Swore said...

Oh great and mighty awesome Elana,

I follow both and would be thrilled to have the Maze Runner. Dashner Rocks.

Angela McCallister said...

Yes! I made it home just in time to get in on another contest. I'm open to either pack (yep, coin-flippin' time again).

Thanks for the contest, Elana!

M-lee said...

I would love to have that first package, although the second is tempting.

Thanks and congratulations.

Myrna Foster said...

I'd love to read The Maze Runner. Thanks, Elana!

Precious said...

I follow both blogs! And I'd love to win any of the two prize packages! :)

Precious said...

I follow both blogs! And I'd love to win any of the two prize packages! :)

Andrea Mack said...

Elana, your contest was awesome! I'm a follower of both blogs, so sign me up for a chance to win. I've never read The Maze Runner.

Thanks for hosting a great contest!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'd love the Dead-Tossed Wave package. Thanks Elana. And congrats again. We're all so happy for you.

Ruthy said...

I am so hoping to win a critique!
Good Luck, everyone.
Thanks for the contest!!

Sarah Ahiers said...

prize pack #2 for me please!

Lindsay Smith said...

Count me in for The Maze Runner! Grats and thanks for the link to the awesome blog :)

angie said...

Congrats!! I am a follower of both blogs. I would love either prize. They are both great:)

Kelly said...

I would love prize #2! Thanks so much and I am following both blogs! :)

Zoe C. Courtman said...

OMG - I SO want THE DEAD-TOSSED WAVES!!! I'm a follower of both blogs and commented on both too! Thanks for hosting such a cool contest!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh awesome contest ! Thank you ! I found out about this through someone's RT. But yes, I'm a follower on both blogs. I'm Alison and I have a cool moon/sky icon thing that says 'LostinBelieving' (my signature).

And I don't care which one I win (If I'm lucky enough to win!) I shouldn't be greedy since you're so generous to give these away! Thankies !

And congratz on having your book gettin published. I'm an aspiring author, so that is my dream for the future !

Heather Kelly said...

I'm not sure if this giveaway is still open (time changes are challenging for me), but I would love to win the Maze Runner package. And peanut butter patties--can I get a woo-hoo? Congrats again, Elana! I hope you are getting bursts of energy from all the well wishing around the blogosphere! I'm basking in your success, myself--it's thrilling--GO YOU!

Unknown said...

Oh I would love to win the Dead Tossed Waves. Congrats on your book. Thanks for this week of awesome giveaways.

LutherLiz said...

The Maze runner package please! Or really either would be awesome. :) I follow in all the necessary places.

Martina Boone said...

You have the most awesome ideas and contests! And congratulations on your book!!!!

Both of these prizes are fantastic.

Martina & Marissa

Madeleine said...

I would love, love, LOVE THE MAZE RUNNER PACKAGE! Great giveaways!

See Elana's recent blog posts

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