Friday, June 29, 2012

Secrets, I Haz Them

Okay, so today is the Transcend (by Christine Fonseca) masquerade blogfest, and Christine's asked us to reveal a secret. You can sign up for the blogfest here

And she's going to be revealing her cover for TRANSCEND, which is coming out this fall. In fact, you can see the cover below!

She's also giving away an unbound galley of TRANSCEND with author notes, a signed hardcover, and swag. Be sure to enter in the Rafflecopter widget below.

But first, my secret. You know you want to know it... And today I'm revealing an irrational fear. Sure, I've confessed to a few before. Dogs--and all animals that have more legs than I do, as well as ducks and geese. 

Today's irrational fear is the fear of non-enclosed motorized vehicles. You know, jet skis, snowmobiles, four wheelers, motorized scooters, horses. Not a fan. 

In fact, they terrify me. It may or may not have something to do with the house I crashed into while driving a snowmobile as a teen. 

What can I say? I just like being enclosed in my modes of transportation. I'm cool with cars and trucks and stuff. 

So there you go! Not like, a juicy secret, but something you might not know about me.

And now, the cover of TRANSCEND!!

A little bit about TRANSCEND: All seventeen-year-old composer Ien Montgomery desires is an escape from his family's rigid expectations for his life; someone to inspire his music. When he meets a beautiful violin-prodigy, Kiera McDougal, his life music takes on new life. With her, he imagines a future outside of his parents’ control. That is, until a horrible accident tears them apart.

Sent to die in a sanatorium, Ien’s obsession for Kiera grows unbearable. Tortured by thoughts he can’t escape and the truth of his monstrous disfigurement, he flees, desperate to exact revenge on the people that ruined his life – his parents. But vengeance is empty. Betrayed by those closest to him, Ien discovers that the price for his happiness may be his sanity.

Enter to win below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure you get to the SURRENDER tour stops today too! It's the last day to enter to win! Today, I am revealing some super-scary things for me. What secrets do you have? Irrational fears? Spill...


Natalie Aguirre said...

Love Christine's cover.

And I'm like you. I don't like any of those things or motorcycles. You left that out. Ha!

Leigh Caron said...

The cover of Transcend is haunting.
So? You couldn't be tempted to ride one of those even if you were offered bacon?

Laura Pauling said...

Love the cover and the premise. Can't wait to read it!

Liesel K. Hill said...

Awesome cover! Book sounds great, too. I hate to be nit-picky, but I gotta point out, Elena that (technically) a horse is not a motor vehicle. Just sayin. :D Great post!

Christine Fonseca said...

I never knew that about you! I guess my planned motorcycle tour of america with you is out ;)! thanks for playing with the blogfest.

Angela Brown said...

Your secret-now-revealed fear of non-enclosed vehicles doesn't sound irrational given your experience. Crashing a snowmobile into a house can cause some trauma.

Love the cover of Transcend! Woot to Christine!!!

Jaime Morrow said...

My irrational fear→ getting into a car accident. This has made me the worst kind of backseat driver at times, and leaves me white-knuckling the door handle at other times. I've also been too chicken to get my license, despite actually knowing how to drive. What a crappy, crappy fear. O_o

Julie Dao said...

I'm with you, sister! Open vehicles freak me out. And now that I've been forced to plummet down a steep hill on a slip and slide, I keep dreaming about slides... so I guess a new one to add to my irrational fear list is slides.

Julie Daines said...

Sounds like a cool new remake of Phantom of the Opera. Interesting. The cover is beautiful.

Unknown said...

First let me join in on the general consensus to say: fantastic cover.

I guess my biggest irrational fear is losing consciousness, being completely unable to think, because that equates in my mind with death.

So basically the idea of going under terrifies me, laughing gas, etc. Anything that stops my ability to think.

Matthew MacNish said...

That's one killer cover!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on a motorcycle in years. I think the last time was when my dad took me on a day trip to Holland, MI. I think I might have been about 11 or 12. I don't think I'd get on a motorcycle now. I remember falling off both a snow mobile and a 3-wheeler as a kid. I even fell off a horse, but they aren't motorized, are they? I think I'll just stick with my occasional driving of the car.

I couldn't help but to keep staring at the cover. It's kind of haunting, isn't it? Although I have never been to see The Phantom of the Opera, that was the very first thing that came to mind when I saw the cover. That's a beautiful mask.

Stephanie McGee said...

Ha! I think the biggest secret you revealed here is that you consider horses to be motorized vehicles. LOL. As a horse-lover (and someone who lives on horse property) that just struck me as funny.

Stephanie McGee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heather said...

I have to admit, motorcycles make me really nervous too. I do my best to fight that fear for my hubby's sake though. He loves the darn things.

Heather said...

And YAY Christine!!! Sorry, I'm kind of an airhead today.

Mart Ramirez said...

Congrats to Christine!! She just shared this at one of my YA groups! So awesome.

And oh man. About the snowmobile crash---oh wow. Yeah, I think that would stay heavy on my mind too. Glad you were okay!

Elana Johnson said...

Dude, you guys. Horses are a mode of transportation. Okay, okay. I'll give you "motorized". Horses are not that, but you can still get from Point A to Point B on a horse--and they're not enclosed! It's like, freaky. LOL!

Kathryn Purdie said...

I keep imagining the expression on your face as you crashed into a house riding a snowmobile. *giggles fitfully*

Nichole Giles said...

Okay,wait. Just to clarify, you're okay with topless cars, right? Right?

And yay for cover reveals and Christine's new book. Love that gorgeous cover. Excitement!

DL Hammons said...

That cover is riveting...and your secret is interesting. What about a bike? A normal, everyday bike? Fear that as well?

Marcia Mickelson said...

I have the same irrational fear-dogs! And add cats to that. Someone asked me once what I thought the cat would do to me. Touch me!! I said. I don't even want the dog or cat to touch me. Yes, a little irrational, but I'm so glad to know it's not just me.

Great cover, btw.

Lauren said...

Spiders have lots of legs and snakes don't have any. Add those to the list!

Elana, I've given you the Open Horizons award.

Come to my blog for the details.

As far as blog hops--I don't mind participating but I don't care about the "swag." I guess I'm just weird.

Unknown said...

Put me down for the open vehicles. Not normal. Me hates them. I love my dog though. Cats, not so much. I think its the way they just dart into another room for no reason. Creeps me out.

Nicole said...

That cover is absolutely arresting! Love it.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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